MAXDOG here...
As you might be aware, our humans are back from their short holiday to the seaside. I have decided to play TOUR GUIDE with Mom's photographs and am busy selecting the best pic's to put up as blogposts. If you haven't yet seen yesterday's post, please do's a little summary of their holiday. But here are some more pictures...

Our humans travelled by car for about 6 and a half hours, stopping at regular intervals to renew their energy. It is interesting to note that they travelled from an elevation of 15oom (in JOHANNESBURG) to sea-level. Over that distance, they through
3 provinces of
The Vaal river (pictured above) is the main border between the first two provinces.
The scenery is really beautiful along the journey. One travels through the flat landscape of the FREE STATE towards the numerous hills of KWAZULU NATAL...
RS.jpg)'s an incredibly picturesque mountain and heralds the forthcoming drop down the escarpment...
(pronounced...OOOM-SH-LUNG-GA ROCKS)
They stayed at..
(Pictured second from the left)
The hotels in the area are magnificent!...Tourists welcome!!!
The hotels in the area are magnificent!...Tourists welcome!!!
Notice the ships in the bay!?

- sculptered by the sea...

Mom says that she often thought of my doggie-buddies in cyber-space. She particularly rememberred my "rabbit and squirrel chaser" friends.

Mom says that she often thought of my doggie-buddies in cyber-space. She particularly rememberred my "rabbit and squirrel chaser" friends.
Yes...there were RABBITS in the sand!....(hehe!)
There are many creative people around! Look at this beautiful sand-sculpture...

Featuring the animals of AFRICA...
Mom missed us doggies and attended to her emotions by photographing all the other dogs frolicking on the beach.

(Oh how I wish I were there with them!!!)
This Schnauzer was really cute!...the owners would throw it's ball and it would run to it and roll on it....(strange dog!)...

All the dogs brought their balls to the beach, it seems!
She met a border collie who was extremely well behaved- It sat nicely (on instruction from its owners) for other photographs, but mom preferred the 'natural' photograph of the 'free' dog...

Hi there Max. Great to hear from you again. Sorry to hear that your humans had to cut their holiday short but obviously you are not complaining!! It must be wonderful to have them home. Tell mom that her pictures are beautiful. Lots of hugs and pats to you, Tammy and the sqirts!
Woof! WOW! What great photos. I LOVE the sand sculptures. LOL on the Rabbit i the sand. My family feels the same thing when they go on a holiday break (there's on coming up soon). It is hard to leave me behind. So it did not rain all the time. Your mom had a great time at the beach. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Hi Max & Mom
My Mommy is jalous she need also a short vacation!!!!!
So beautiful pictures from the sea
its so peaceful there :-)
And I think your doggies are soooo happy your Mom & Dad is back.
Thanks for all shots its BEAUTIFUL
in your country .....
Have a wonderful sunday
Kareltje =^.^=
Anya :)
Brilliant pictures and so nice to see where your beans went. The sand sculptures are brilliant, the people so talented. You look so happy to see your mum home and able to snuggle.. Hugs GJ xx
Mum says to tell you we are in Yorkshire. UK x
So the sun came out a little bit, huh.
The sand sculptures are most wonderful.
Max looks as happy as a dog could possibly be
Good Morning MaxDog,
The holiday beach pictures are lovely, sorry the sun didn't come out more for your humans. But I know you are thrilled they are back home.
That sand sculpture with all the animals of SA were just lovely.
AARF Kasha the Dainty Great Dane
You're a great tour guide. What a beautiful green mountain. It took my breath away. And, the rabbit made me chuckle. The sand sculptures were amazing. I can't imagine how long it took to make them, only to have them erode away. A fast lesson about the lack of permanence in our lives...
My fave photo is the last one. I have a photo of me and my dog just like that one. It makes me smile every time it pops up on my random slide-show screensaver! Lucky Max, and lucky you.
Wonderful vacation report! I LOVED the sandy sculptures and of course all the happy dogs on the beach. So nice to see a sunny and warm road too.... we have snow and ice now.... We think your mom is young and vibrant too!
(Thank you for your kind words about my mom) Today is her 78th birthday!! xoxoxo
GReat tourguiding again!
Tank woo fur sharing the pawesome pikhs and infurmation!
We are glad your mom is home too! Fur we get to see WOO again!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Thank you for sharing your parents journey with us. What a wonderful trip. Glad they are back home with you.
Blessings, andrea
I know you must have missed mom, but aren't you GLAD they're BACK!!! Hooray! (We caught up and left a msg on yesterday's post!) - so glad our S. African tour guide is back to show us such a bootiful place! Those sculptures are incredible! And the beach doggies are furry lucky - beaches are so much fun! But "funner" to have the mom home!
Hugs xo
Hi Max
We loved all your Mom's holiday photos - great choice you made in choosing them! Those sand sculptures are incredible - you can imagine how much the NSLM enjoyed looking at them. We've even printed a few out for him!
We got our post up late last night - Murray really loves that giraffe - thank you so much!
love and woofs
Clive and Murray
We just love those vacation pictures! What a beautiful place! Your mommy is pretty too! Love the cuddle picture Max! Hugs Joey and Kealani
Thank you fow that toow
It seems to me that evewyplace in youw homeland is gowgeous!!!
I'm glad youw mom had such a lovely twip ,but is now home snuggling wif you which is suwely the best of all!!
smoochie kisses
Hi, Max!
I loved your tour! All those pictures are beautiful and the sand figures are pawesome!
I know you are happy with your family at home now!
Kisses and hugs
Oh, wow! We loved seeing the pix from your mom's trip! Those rocks look sooooo cool - and wowzers, would I love to run on that beach!
Thanks for a great post, Max!
Play bows,
Wooos! beaWootiful pictures, especially of dogs on the beach, my favorite place to be! You are a wonderful tour guide Max! Glad woo are back and Mom is home!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
What an amazingly beautiful drive and vacation spot! Sorry about that weather. But, wonderful photos. Of course the snuggly one at the end warms our hearts!!!!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Thanks for the tour, Max! Looks like your mom had a wonderful trip! Gorgeous pictures! Glad she is home with you!
Hi Max!
We luv the sand sculptures, really beautiful! Thanks for taking us on that totally kool trip!
Hi Max, i'm sure you love having mom back and thanks so much for sharing the pictures of her holiday. My mom says the same thing when she goes away, that when she sees other pups it makes her sad. She always takes photos of random dogs on her holidays.
Hi Max
Your really really must insist that they take you next time!
Cheers, H.
hey Maxi, you loook so good and i hope your parents learnt their lesson and take you on holiday with them .........i bet whatever holiday they take WITHOUT you will be a short one bol.....
you are a goooood tour guide and i can learn soooo much from you....i'm rambling as i'm sooooo happy you're ok and TQ for the pics
pee ess: are you sure your mumster is me tonight and we can gossip ok? sometimes they tell you that they're fine so that you don't worry ha
hey Maxi, forgot to mention that you look so cuuuute with your stuffie in your mouth and it even looks bigger than moi.....oooouch
What awesome pictures of your mom's vacation, Max! They're just beautiful!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
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