MAXDOG here...

As you can see, I am well and happy. My scar is healing up really nicely. Thankfully I have a lot of skin, so we can think of it as a 'tummy tuck'. My fur is starting to grow and if I pose nicely (like this photo), you can't even notice - except for the 'drip' area on my left front paw. Mom and I are really thankful for my new lease on life!
Now that mom is back from her holiday, I'm going for my regular walks too - although she doesn't really like me to play zoomies yet.
Today is a relatively short post, but I do have a few more interesting photos for you to look at...
Some of you might know that SOUTH AFRICA is hosting the
next year. Our country is abuzz with preparations for the big event! Highways are being reconstructed, accommodation spruced up and stadiums are being finished off.
Here is a picture of the brand new stadium in DURBAN...
(This photo was taken on a rainy day - the stadium is the big white thingy in the distance - about 15 km away)
(This photo was taken on a rainy day - the stadium is the big white thingy in the distance - about 15 km away)

(SOUTH AFRICA will be playing MEXICO in the first round)
Check out the table cloth (in the background) on TABLE MOUNTAIN too!

No day is complete without an impressive sunset!!!...
I know it is hard, but listen to your mom. I have endured 3 knee surgeries and you do not want to re-injure yourself from zoomies. I know they are fun, but wait just a bit longer.
Woofs and Wags,
Glad to see that you are feeling better. You look great!!! Thanks for the pictures of the soccer event. We are all big soccer fans in my house!
Elizabeth & Luna
Hi max
I am so Happy to read that your fur is growing,
I think you have with Christmas a very beautiful fluffy fur :-)
Hugs Love
Kareltje =^.^=
So happy to hear you're feeling better.
Those are great pictures and one beautiful stadium; thanks so much for sharing!
Nellie & Calvert
Thanks for showing us those pictures! So glad you are healing Max! Hugs Joey and Kealani
Just don't get me started on that World Cup draw.... Can you believe it - England, jammy as ever, are in the easy-peasiest group imaginable?
Remember, I'm backing SA!
Cheers, H.
PS So glad your wound is healing nicely Max.
So very happy that you are getting better Max!
Hugs, Tessa
Most of all we are so happy your tummy tuck is coming along. How exciting the World Cup is going to be in your area. Now those soccer balls would be awfully fun to try and play with! BOL
Have a happy day,
Benny & Lily
Max we are so happy to see that you are doing so well!
The picture with the table mountians in the background is very cool - we don't see any clouds like that here (we don't have mountains though, so that is probably why).
Very glad to hear you're healing so nicely, Max. I hope you can do zoomies soon!
boy Oh Boy Max!
We suwe wish we could be thewe fow the Soccew champeenshipses..Mommi and Daddi love soccew and I pawsonally would love to see you!!!
I'm so glad that you'we healing so well. I think you look extwa handsome in that pic
smoochie kisses,ASTA
Very exciting to hear about so many things, but most of all, that you are healing up so beautifully! You are looking furry happy there! Thanks for the telling about the soccer match(es?) - sounds very important - I hope your team wins! They are going to a lot of trouble to spruce things up as you said - that's for sure! Beautiful stadium and I love the clouds atop Table Mountain!
Hugs xo
You are looking very handsome indeed!
As for the soccer matches, we're kind of dumb dumbs about the game -- but since everybody is so patient with us when we go on our baseball rants, we'll do the same for our soccer fans!!!
Wirey woofs,
Jake and Just Harry
Glad to see you looking so well.. Wow they are big footballs. Its looking good for the celebrations. HUgs GJ x
Hi Max
Its really lovely to see you looking so well and to hear how well you are healing.
The whole country here is still bemoaning the fact that we're not in the World Cup due to that 'hand ball'. You would think we could just get over ourselves and forget about it but even the draw the other day was another excuse to moan about it again in the media.
The new stadiums are looking superb and we're sure it will be a huge success for SA.
Looking forward to hearing lots more about it all from you over the coming months.
love and woofs
So Glad your doing well, Max!!! Love your little pup!!! And as usual, the pics are beautiful!!!
lotsa licks,
Hi Max,
You are looking great! Glad to see the recovery is coming along nicely.
Emma Rose
PS Thos soccer balls would drive Mister Higgins to the brink of insanity!
We´re so happy to hear you´re feeling better, Max!
Thanks for sharing those beautiful pictures!
I'm so glad you're feeling better!
I'm looking for a box so I can mail myself to you. For some reason, Blueberry seems very keen on helping me with this!
Dear Max,
We're very happy to know that you're feeling much better these days.
As always, your pictures are just marvelous. I especially love the sunset.
Take care,
~ Scarlet and the rest of the Animal Doctor's fury crew ( Moy, Trudis, Jappy, Woody, and Bambi)
Yeah!!! Max-Dog!!! Glad you are doing well, I know your Mom will make sure you don't get too rambunctious!! Hey, that ocean scene---wow--- the water looks rough but what a beautiful area! Yes, I am jealous, we have snow, it is below zero degrees,and our furnace is out! (Using a wall heater till the furnace is fixed.) If I had Max-Dog here, he could keep me warm.
Hi Max, it is so good to hear you are doing so well. Phantom's fur is slowly growing in too. He could have used some extra skin on his chest, they really had to stretch it to get it back together.
Looks like a great place for soccer. We are hoping for snow tonight. Want to come play with us?
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
You sound very happy, Maxdog! I'm glad to hear that you're healing well and enjoying your walks. The zoomies will be allowed soon enough!
That's very cool about the World Cup. Exciting! It's very cold here so I wish that I could come visit. I hope to someday!
You look GREAT, Max! And hmmm... is that your Max Junior?!?! :)
So glad you are back to your wonderful self.
The picture of you and Mini Max is precious!
Hugs and Rubs,
Hi, You look great! What is a drip line? Is it painful? I know nothing at all about medical things.
Your pictures are beautiful. I love the cloud line and the sunset. You sure do live in a beautiful part of the world!
Thank you for being our tour guide!
Impressive effort for the upcoming WSC and also loved your sunset! We are glad you are healing and it is good for your Mom too! xoxo
Hi, Max!
I am so happy to see you doing so well!
The World Cup is going to be pawesome!
Kisses and hugs
Woo are looking as handsome as evFUR!
The tournament should be lots of fun!
The US drew the UK - how khool is that?
Mom says tank woo fur the khool last pikh! It is always nice to see how others see the sky!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
hiya Maxi,
so good to see that you practically "normal" again and OMG, now your playful sarcasm will keeeeeeel me with giggles bol.....
helllooo, do you know how to calculate or not're 6hrs behind moi....currently it's 2.13pm tuesday and you're 8ish in the morning, same day friend bol.....
seriously, TQ for the beauteeeeeful pics and you don't know how happy moi is with you back to normal........ i need you around for a looooooooooooog time or who else would be moi's giggle bag????????
chikisses and thankful my friend is ok and your mumster/dadster is steeeeeeeeel sad????? kiss them for moi, thanks
ggeeeeeeeeez, moi is thankful you're fine and NOT thankful your parents are still sad.......sorry
Max, we are so furry happy that your surgery went well and that you are on the mend.
My goodness your momma takes some of the nicest and most interesting photos and without a doubt - your part of our planet has some of the most lovely sunsets.
Most curious cloud cover on tabletop mountain.
Nice to see you all better and smiling.
Aw Max, there's really nothing like an African sunset!! Glad to hear that you are better. I can def. relate to you wanted to get up there and doing all the things you haven't been able to do for a while! Sending you warm kisses from the NorthWest,
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