Our living, walking, breathing miracle...
lives on defiantly...
beyond the expectations of veterinary opinion...
He's comfortable...
He's sleepy...
He's happy...
He's pain free..
He's enjoying his evening walk...
He still looks good...
He's taken to eating again..
On this his...
I thank the heavens...
I thank the stars...
I thank God...
for answered prayers...
and for the grace of another day with my special companion!...
I always marvel at the spirit and strength that keeps them (and us) going! Max's journey has reminded me of a senior Golden that left us in September. Several vets said he would only be with us for a few months because of the health issues. He defied all expectations when he lived for 2 years. Each day he was with us was truly a gift. I never took any small moment for granted and I was always thankful for the "one more day" --Which is just as you and all of us are doing with Max.
Ooooo! There are lots of weird critters out at night. Do be careful and stick together.
Maxdog looks so good! what a fighter! it is the love from all over the world!
love you Maxdog!
That looks like a lovely evening! Of course Max is a miracle!
The power of love. Yours for Max. His for you. And all of us the world over with you and him.
Jake and Just Harry
Max is looking as resplendent as ever. That boy certainly is a fighter!
Max is looking good! He is so lucky to have you!
You pictures are beautiful!
Enjoy your day :)
Praising GOD with and I are definitely on a grace journey with our furry kids.
Blessings, andrea
Twilight can be so lovely...
I'm thankful too. And, I'll remember to be thankful for the grace of another day with my special companion. You do that well - reminding us all to be thankful.
Such handsome photos.
We're thinking of you.
Maxdog, you look more handsome than ever. So glad to hear you have been feeling well and loving life.
wags, wiggles & slobbers
I am so happy for you that he continues to enjoy ...
We're so impressed with Max Dog's toughness. So glad to hear he's enjoying his life to the fullest.
Shannon and the Gang
Hi Max Dog and Mom!!!
Max the lessons of Grace, Dignity, Humility and most of all LOVE you will last a lifetime....thank you and Happy 32 day of Grace.
Madi and Mom
Truly remarkable.. God does not need another angel just yet.. I am so glad Max is staying just where he is and is pain free and happy.. HUgs GJ xx
I am Most Thankful as well. Thankful for Max, and you, and your pictures, and this beautiful bloggie!
Wiggles & Wags,
I can not tell you just how blessed you are to have these days.
Hey all,
We are grateful for each additional day that y'all get to share together; they are all so precious. We hold you all so close in our thoughts, our hearts and our prayers. Max Dog is an inspiration to us all.
Another day (and night) of smiles fur all!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
I love you Maxdog all the way from Michigan, U.S.A.
Woof! Woof! Delightful and grateful to see you MAX. Will continue to send my Golden Healing Thoughts. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
We're thankful that Max is alive and well with you too. May you days be blessed with happiness and longevity MaxDog.
I have not been able to check in on my favorite blogs while I've been in AK, but I DO check in on Max as much as possible.
He looks wonderful! Your love and excellent care is the best medicine!
Hugs to all,
Keep getting-on Max, you look good! We're all cheering for you.
Oh- thanks for dropping by and cheering me up about that diet thing. You are very generous to do that, being as tired as you are.
He does look good. Such a love. We're a thankful with you for these days of grace from the Lord.
Hi Max!
Good to know that you are eating better today. Happy 32nd Day of Grace!
We are grateful to the Lord for each blessing He grants us and that includes having you with us.
We keep you in our prayers. Indeed, a touching post from you today, Maxdog Mom! Thankies!
-Fudgie, Princess & the Piappies
Beautiful photos of your gorgeous baby; so glad he is eating better...He is a brave warrior...Blessings.
That is great news that he is eating again! What a good thing to hear today! The pictures are beautiful too!
Sending purrs and prayers that he keeps up the eating for a long time!
There's nothing as soothing as a nice twilight walkie with your best friends in the cool of the day. I hope you have many more.
we're so furry happy to see you enjoying yourself you bewootiful pupper
we continue to pray for you love
pibble sugars and wee wags
the houston pittie pack
Max, great pics as always.
As always, we are so happy that you are with us and pain free.
You and your Crew are in our thoughts and in our prayers daily.
Hugs, & Kisses, Tessa
And Max is eating again! OMD I was so happy I actually started to laugh when I read that. :)
Cheers, Max!
We celebrate each day with you and Max. He looks wonderful, and that he is pain free and eating is such a blessing.
Cheers and hugs on 32,
Stella and Jo
We are so thrilled that Max is eating again Caryl, and that we can share and celebrate these days of grace with you.
Much love,
Cloud and his mom
PS. We loved yesterdays post, seeing your favorite Max photos laid out on the piano... and how very exciting about the BBC programs!!! Can't wait to hear what happens!
Wonderful pictures today! (And every day!)
Sooooooo glad that Max is eating again! That makes me feel so much better!
Still keeping you all in my prayers.
Loved the pics today. In the words of the song 'one day at a time' - our thoughts are still with you.
Looks like you all had a great evening Max! We are glad you are eating again!!! We continue to purr for you!
No need for words Max..
Benny & Lily
We're so glad to hear that you're eating, Max! Enjoy that twilight walkie!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Pleez keep suwpwising us
we keep sending ouw love and pwayews and enjoying youw gowgeousness and family and bootiful sowwoundings
smoochie kisses
We're soooo happy for you guys!!!!!
And we're thankful for all your day of grace!!!!
We pray for you everyday....
Life is soooooooooooooooo beautiful is a miracle...MAx is our and your miracle......
You're our special friends and we want all the best for you!!!!
Those photos are soooo beautiful...Max looking great and we love love love the last pic of you and your sweet and gentle girlfriend....
Your love is such a special miracle too!!!!!!
Furever friends!!!!!
Max looks wonderful and I'm so glad he is pain-free. God is GREAT!
Woofs and thankful slobbers,
Chester ;0=)
I've come over from Amy and the House of Cats. What a lovely handsome doggie!
And a beautiful miracle. Way to go Max!
Take care
I'm so glad you're well Max, keep going !
I'd love to be your friend.
Love, Bella.
AMEN!!! Max looks so much at peace. We just love seeing him with his pals. And that last photo just oozes love.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Awww, Max & Tammy are so sweet together! We are grateful every time we stop in to hear that he has enjoyed yet another day and hope there will be many more!
twilight walkies are most excellent!
i'm glad you're enjoying the foodables again, mr. max!!
*woofs and huggles*
the booker man
We are thanking heaven because heaven is just not ready to take him!!!! He looks magnificent and we are so happy his is living his best life!!!! Happy 32nd day!!!! There will be many more!!!! You are bringing such joy to our hearts Max!!! Hugs, Joey and Kealani
Dear Max,
It is so lovely to see you looking good and enjoying life.
Our prayers are always with you for pain free days and quality time with your family.
Riley and Star.
Such lovely twilight pictures, and yes, Max looks GREAT. Glad he's eating well again. :)
Purrs and prayers.
I am so happy to know Max had a pretty good day!
I am thankful for this, his 32nd Day of Grace!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
What a beautiful time you had!!! So nice to see you happy Max :)
Licks from me!!
Dear Max
I saw you talking to Tammy and Toffee.
Now I want to talk to you.
I am touched by these awsome moments you are sharing with all those who love you so much.
What are you saying Max?
Tell me again.
(i love you too)
And, we thank God that you have made the choice to share your miracle with all of us. Our world bears witness to so much pain and despair - we need stories like Max's to lift our spirits and to show us that tucked into small corners there are diamonds.
Another beautiful story told with the pictures of our Golden Max shining the light on his friends... He truly is an example of Letsatsi!
We, too, are praising God for the miracle of the blessings He is giving to Max and your family, and through you, to us! Barks and Butt Wiggles from all of us Corgis to you!
The Country Corgi Crew and their Mom
Hi Max and Maxmom, so glad to hear Max is eating again. Im so thankful that Max is in his 32nd day of Grace. Again such a wonderful Blog to read. I get so much enjoyment out of visiting your site. I also know you can't always get back to everyone.Please know we understand. But having said that..I was glad to see you had visit'd us guys. Oh yeah, I have 5 indoor cats, one stray cat that Im trying to humanize right now. Hes a cutie. Black and White with the cutest little face. And I also feed my neighbors Fat Cat Clarkie. I told his mom so she does not mind. He likes my food better. Im going to take more pictures of Clarkie for my site.
Im tickled that Max has a birthday tomorrow. Us Stamps kitties will be sure to come by and visit. We are so Thankful for this day and that Max will celebrate his 10th Birthday tomorrow. Max You Are The Best Dog in the whole world right now. We Love You and your siblings very much.
Paws & Whiskers
Jude,Poo,Babybella,Piper & Marley
My name is Maximus Spittimus and I am a cat. Your name is Max and you are not a cat. I am still a kitty so I no understand. As long as you won't eat me I likes you.
'comment made on behalf of Maximus Spittimus'
Four Dinners
Aide de Camp
I'm sorry I haven't visited in a while. Max looks as lovely as ever. It's wonderful to see him out and about with his furry pals! Please extend warm hugs and kisses to him (and keep a few for yourself; you can use a few, too, I'm sure!). :)
We don't get to visit yoo often, but we do send Max healing purrs every day. It is lovely to see him enjoying each day as it comes.
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