Good day to all my furry-friends across our beautiful world!
It's Day 66 today!
"The Boss" always says that he doesn't want to be a human!...
...but rather a dog in this household!
Okay Boss....I don't mind! You can join me with pleasure!
In fact...any of my buddies may join me....
Think about it....
I have wonderful leisurely daily walks...sometimes we run though!
...and samples of all kinds of human food! I have so many loving pats and strokes from my owners and I get to lie all stretched out on the TV room at night!...
It's blissful!!!
...and then I can simply stand up, walk to a chair with a human in it
...and have my ears rubbed...!...
Later I get to sleep in a soft bed in the corner of my human's bedroom ...
...with the most gorgeous gal' in the world!...
...who has the cutest face ever...!...
In the morning, MAXMOM invites me up onto the bed...
That stripey duvet is 'mine!' however!
She especially puts it on top of the bed before I climb on...just in case I have wet/dirty paws.
I get to chill out whilst she strokes my silky fur...
...and fall asleep for a while...
...when Mom gets up though, I become a bit uncomfortable with her absence...
...but then I get reassured again...she says I must just rest on her bed...!?!...
Yep! This bed is certainly comfortable!...
From this position, I can keep a watch out for her.
I'm not sure what she's up to, but I think I'll do as she says and...
catch up on some...
So the "Boss" is correct!
Life in this household is certainly a "Dog's Life"!
...okay..".a treasured Dog's life!"
...and 'Maxdog' Days are the best!!!
Wishing you all a Maxdog Day!
Since I'm catching up on a bit of sleep maybe you'd like to visit MAXMOM's own blog...?...

Hey Max,
I agree that the human bed is way more comfortable than the dog one.
Your life is great, treasure every moment of it! Rest, eat, walk, play, smile, be happy.
We love you Max!
Hi Max,
We can only imagine how comfty it feels to be roll rolling on the hooman bed. Only Mocha had the chance to find her way to the bedroom and climb up the bed to our Mama's (Mommy's Mom) surprise! One thing is sure, seeing Max happy every day of grace you share with us is pure bliss. Keep happy and hang in there, we are with you.
-Daddy Fudgie, Mommy Princess, Wai-Pai, Wai-MAX and the Piappies
Hi Max!
Happy Max Dog day to you!!
Tanuki Maxx
you are truly a lucky dog Maxdog!!! so loved and cherished.....hugs and kisses to you and the rest of your pack!!
The human bed is always the most comfortable, though our humans actually insist that we not all jump in it and wrestle in the morning before they get up. Can you imagine?
That's a good life! Nothing missing! ;)
Rufus and Indie
We wish we could all join you on that comfy-looking bed for a MAXDIG Day!
Woofs and Purrs.
Tommy and The Chans
Happy 66th day full of grace Max.
You are very deserving of your life of pleasure. When Madi's dad is paying our bills he tells Madi he is paying her house payment!
Madi and Mom
Oh Max Dog....this is Jake's mom...I just wanted to tell you how much I have grown to love. You have a great family and I continue to pray for both you and your family.
Have a GREAT day.
Oh yeah, Maxdog! The human BED is the best kinda bed there is, for sure! You sure do look comfy and cozy in it. We haves our own beds we sleep on, too. But being able to gets up on the big bed in the morning is likes heaven on earth!
Happy 66th day of grace, dear furend!
Wiggles & Wags,
MAX - Seems to me that you've got everyone suitably trained.
As Jerry Seinfeld said, "If aliens came down here to visit us, they would automatically conclude that dogs are the dominant species on this planet. They would observe us humans picking up their poop after them, and conclude that we must be their pets." Not to mention we've got our people trained to gather our food, provide us with shelter and toys—and all in exchange for a few kisses!
Your pal,
Woof! Woof! MAX ... Happy Happy Maxdog Day. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Darling Max, we just ♥ the kinds of days that you have except that you are furry sick. We wish we could take that part away! Our days are kinda like yours, full of love and fun. We wish all animals could feel as safe and you and all of our bloggy friends and us...sigh. What a wonderful world that would be.
Hey Max, Lady here....your day looks just like mine!! Lots of snoozing, belly rubs, bed invasions, walks and schnoofling. It's a great life ain't it?
And those silly bipeds think they have US trained....BOL !!
Miss Golden Lady of Shoreline
Queen of the Dogpark
I have a good friend who once said to me: "When I die, I want to return to this Earth as a dog in your family"!
I took that as the greatest compliment anyone could bestow.
Max - you are indeed lucky to have such a loving family who makes your days so very blissful. Your family gives you food, soft beds. but most of all love.
Have a great day.
How true it is, Mr. Max! We wish you another wonderful day!
Max, isn't going back to bed with your favorite person just the best? I love that!
Oh Max;
You look so comfy. Your Mom is right, get all the rest you can it will help you stay strong.
Not only that but you will be upholding one of the great Golden Retriever traditions......Snoozying
Hamish & Sophie
Even though we'd all rather be on Mom and/or Dad's bed, I love your ('s) and Tammy's set-up! What a cool deal! Yes it does sound like a Maxdog's life over there, but you are soooo special and wonderful that it's certainly well-deserved! (I go on Ma and Dad's bed in the morning too, but only then!) I know you will have a good day, dear Max. Kisses to your siblings too.
Big Hugs xoxoxoxoxoxo
Oh Max Dog woo do have a really really great life!
Rest up and stay strong my dear friend we gots lots more adventures and days to go!
Wubbing and thinking of woo always,
Mack and Mia
Happy Maxx Day!!
A Maxdog Day sounds wonderful to me!...Your photos are sweet and very glad to see you are having good, happy days...Blessings and love to you all always.
enjoy your maxdog day!!
you sure are right about the hooman's big bed. i think it's one of my favoritest places on earth. teehee.
happy day 66!!
the booker man
You're right Max, laying in bed is AWESOME!! I like to sleep there and make sure mom wakes up by licking her face. Seems to work better than that noisy alarm clock thing!
Where does King Toffee sleep?
We totally agree. It would be good to be any of our furry family here too.
Lots of love to you and yours Max!!
Yes, I would give anything to be one of my dogs! Sometimes when I was working and would wake up early to get ready, my little chi's liked to snooze away and I'd be so jealous of them that they got to stay home all day curled up in a warm bed.
My dogs are small so share my bed with me.
We so do have it made!
Thanks fur sharing your MaxDog Tuesday!
PeeEssWoo: Now bakhk to napping in MY chair!
Happy MaxDog Day to you!
We love laying in bed, it's so furry comfy! Wish we could sleep in the bed all night but mom and dad said they don't have enough room. Well, perhaps they should get a bigger bed!
Sam & June
Every minute of every day is a treasure to be had.Max moments are lovely.. Keep on giving us Max moments.. Hugs GJ xx
You has a nice life Max. We are very glad we gets to share with you!
Happy 66 my friend.
We are so happy that you have had and have a good life Max! ALL animals living with hoomans deserve a good life.
The best part of my day is sleeping with my Mom in her bed too!
Hugs and kisses, Tessa
I have to think that's the very best kind of day to have! If we could all see world like you do, it's be a better place :)
Brutus the Frenchie
Happy Maxday to you, too, sweet boy! Glad you got to spend some good time with your mom (not to mention sleeping in the people bed!). :)
Happy 66th Day! We love you!
I have to admit that having a Maxdog day sounds pretty darn good to me!
Sending over lots of purrs and prayers!!
Looks so comfy! You are living it up! Lots of licks my friend.
Hi, Max!
Yes! A Dog's life like ours is the best, right? We are lucky ones!
Glad you had a great day!
Kisses and hugs
Dear Max
Isn't it just grand to be loved so much?
I see the love in all your eyes-
and contentment.
That bed looks soooo comfy.
I like to sniggle in mommys bed too.
Happy 66 day of Grace
Nitey nite my friends
Dear Max
Isn't it just grand to be loved so much?
I see the love in all your eyes-
and contentment.
That bed looks soooo comfy.
I like to sniggle in mommys bed too.
Happy 66 day of Grace
Nitey nite my friends
Maxdog days are awesome. Efurrybuddy shud have one.
Happy Snoozing on Maxdog Day
I don't know what it is about those peoplebeds, but boy are they delectable to snooze on/in...
Hey Max,
WOW! Your TV set is just like ours; who'd a thunk it Wally?
The "Boss' is right. There is a single word that covers your life with The boss and Max Mom. The secret word is "L-O-V-E."
You have a GReat day in your GReat life. It is GReat to be truly LOVED.
Remember, we have you in our hearts and prayers and think of you often throughout our day because we also LOVE you.
Ahhh... spoiling feels so right, doesn't it? especially when they are THAT adorable!
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