After a number of years of wonderful blogging, this blog has effectively become dormant -except for occasional updates regarding my book, MAXDOG.I have left this blog as a legacy to my dog and a place of sanctuary where we can reflect upon his life. Take your time, peruse the pages spanning Max's 18 months in cyberspace. Feel refreshed and uplifted because his story is an amazing one of..."LIVING LIFE TO THE MAX!"
My activities have now moved on to my new blog entitled "LIVING LIFE TO THE MAX".Please join me there where you can read about my family and canine companions. I also invite you to visitMAXDOG's FANPAGEon FACEBOOK. You can follow the specific links by clicking below:
If you would like to follow me on a deeper, spiritual level, then I invite you to visit my more personal blog:
Hi Max We loved your post. You made the point so well. These humans are too busy rushing round shops like mad things - they miss all the gifts right beneath their noses! Oh well, they can't help it - they are only human! love and kisses Martha & Bailey xxx
Hey Maxdog! I thought I would add one more comment... Since we have had all sorts of internet issues I have not had an update on your tumor... I dug through the old posts and was quite relieved (we thought a lot about you here in Sam's house!) to here that it wasn't serious. We wish you many more happy and healthy years in South Africa. Our thoughts are always with you!
The smile with the giving is the best part of the gift. Max, you look so pleased and happy, just waiting for the smile right back to you that says, "Thank you, Max. I love it. It's perfect."
Thank you Max. We love it. This post is perfect. Jake and Fergi xxoo
Hi max Where are you looking for I see you snif ..snif.. snif.. Have fun with sniffing ;-) My Mommy loves also shopping yeahhhhh......... I am not I prefer a nap zzzzzz.... ((HUGS)) Kareltje =^.^=
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... What message did you get Max??? We're soooooo curious!!!!! We love sniffing like you and sometimes we received messages from our friends whom live in the grass too!!!!! And look soooooooooooo gorgeous!!! WE LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!! HAve a wonderful day!!!!! Tons of love and licks and special kisses to your mommy!!!! MUAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
The flower? The dirt? What was it Max? So fun to see you world when many of the rest of ours is covered in a cold, icy blanket!! Sorry we haven't been by much, so busy with our showing. Mom says we're done after this weekend though, so we'll se ya more soon!!
The flower? The dirt? What was it Max? So fun to see you world when many of the rest of ours is covered in a cold, icy blanket!! Sorry we haven't been by much, so busy with our showing. Mom says we're done after this weekend though, so we'll se ya more soon!!
The flower? The dirt? What was it Max? So fun to see you world when many of the rest of ours is covered in a cold, icy blanket!! Sorry we haven't been by much, so busy with our showing. Mom says we're done after this weekend though, so we'll se ya more soon!!
The flower? The dirt? What was it Max? So fun to see you world when many of the rest of ours is covered in a cold, icy blanket!! Sorry we haven't been by much, so busy with our showing. Mom says we're done after this weekend though, so we'll se ya more soon!!
Max You set a pawfect example fow us all..we don't need expensive gifts just the joy of evewyday things we love I'm going to go shop now too smoochie kisses,ASTA
Sometimes humans just don't understand these kinds of things! Of course, it spoke to you, but it didn't talk very loudly, so you had to get down close to hear it! OC
Oh... we just read Martha and Bailey's post and it was so beautiful... such a wonderful thing to think about and remember to look at the little things right under our noses! Your post DOES illustrate that beautifully! Linda
WHAT spoke Maxi.....the poo or the worm??????????
you look soooo good Max and chikisses to the gang too
well trained hooman you've got there huh Maxi - good job!
Lots of wonderful gifts all around us, right buddy?
Hi Max
We loved your post. You made the point so well. These humans are too busy rushing round shops like mad things - they miss all the gifts right beneath their noses!
Oh well, they can't help it - they are only human!
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
What are you sniffing at, Maxdog? Whatever it is, I'm sure it will make a wonderful gift!
Hey Maxdog! I thought I would add one more comment... Since we have had all sorts of internet issues I have not had an update on your tumor... I dug through the old posts and was quite relieved (we thought a lot about you here in Sam's house!) to here that it wasn't serious. We wish you many more happy and healthy years in South Africa. Our thoughts are always with you!
Thanks! I am off today to help a friend. I am done, but she has NOT started.
andrea (sitka's mom)
Hi Max, I am going right now as a matter of fact!!! I hope you have a great day too!
Yes! We always stop a while (or want to heheh) to smell those "lovely" scents right at our feet! Now THOSE are bootiful gifts!
Hugs xo
I love you start my day with a smile. Enjoy shopping :)
Woof! Woof! Sniffing is the GREATEST!!! Lots of Golden Sniffing, Woofs, Sugar
Enticing smells... must investigate!! xoxo
The smile with the giving is the best part of the gift. Max, you look so pleased and happy, just waiting for the smile right back to you that says, "Thank you, Max. I love it. It's perfect."
Thank you Max. We love it. This post is perfect.
Jake and Fergi xxoo
I tried that once...the dead squirrel that spoke to me apparently didn't speak too nicely to mom! BOL!
What message did you get Max?
Oh Max! You could be a model! Hugs Joey and Kealani
Hi max
Where are you looking for
I see you snif ..snif.. snif..
Have fun with sniffing ;-)
My Mommy loves also shopping
I am not I prefer a nap zzzzzz....
Kareltje =^.^=
I've been out shopping myself!
There are some furry lovely things under the bird feeder!
Paws make grrrreat skhoops!
WE're not quite sure what spoke to you, Max, but we love the close-up shots of you!
Oh my goodness Max, greenery and flowers!!! What a sight fur sore eyes!
Cloud, wearing his red hoodie in the frozen land of SiberIA
What message did you get Max???
We're soooooo curious!!!!!
We love sniffing like you and sometimes we received messages from our friends whom live in the grass too!!!!!
And look soooooooooooo gorgeous!!!
HAve a wonderful day!!!!!
Tons of love and licks and special kisses to your mommy!!!!
Max, Max, Max!
I think you got hold of some bad grass! teeheehee!
Loved those close-up photos of you Max!
Hope you found some good smells there.
love and woofs
hehe...what did you find there Max?
Happy shopping!
Holly & Zac
Max, I just want to know what it was that spoke to you! Whatever it was, you look very handsome doing your shopping!
Ha, Max, you made our Mom laugh right out loud!!! She said she needs to learn to shop like that too - sure seems a lot easier than her way.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
The flower? The dirt? What was it Max? So fun to see you world when many of the rest of ours is covered in a cold, icy blanket!! Sorry we haven't been by much, so busy with our showing. Mom says we're done after this weekend though, so we'll se ya more soon!!
Brutus the Frenchie
The flower? The dirt? What was it Max? So fun to see you world when many of the rest of ours is covered in a cold, icy blanket!! Sorry we haven't been by much, so busy with our showing. Mom says we're done after this weekend though, so we'll se ya more soon!!
Brutus the Frenchie
The flower? The dirt? What was it Max? So fun to see you world when many of the rest of ours is covered in a cold, icy blanket!! Sorry we haven't been by much, so busy with our showing. Mom says we're done after this weekend though, so we'll se ya more soon!!
Brutus the Frenchie
The flower? The dirt? What was it Max? So fun to see you world when many of the rest of ours is covered in a cold, icy blanket!! Sorry we haven't been by much, so busy with our showing. Mom says we're done after this weekend though, so we'll se ya more soon!!
Brutus the Frenchie
You set a pawfect example fow us all..we don't need expensive gifts just the joy of evewyday things we love
I'm going to go shop now too
smoochie kisses,ASTA
Whatcha find there Max?
Benny & Lily
Hi, Max!
I am sure you are going to give your mom a pawesome gift!
Kisses and hugs
Hey Max!
we were out tonight and we saw a handsome guy whole looked just like YOU!
check out my blog! the first post from ME!
So so so, what did it say Max?
Did it tell you what you'll be getting for Christmas?
Max, you are such a handsome fellow and so huggable looking.
Grass can speak?
wild dingo
Sometimes humans just don't understand these kinds of things! Of course, it spoke to you, but it didn't talk very loudly, so you had to get down close to hear it! OC
Oh... we just read Martha and Bailey's post and it was so beautiful... such a wonderful thing to think about and remember to look at the little things right under our noses! Your post DOES illustrate that beautifully! Linda
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