MAXMOM here...
One of the wonderful things about living in this beautiful country of ours (besides the sunshine) is the contact we have with diverse cultures and the need to be open to learn about them.
Some of you will know that I grew up on a farm in rural South Africa during the 1960’s. Although I am an English speaking South African, I was fully fluent, by the age of 5years, in the Sotho dialect of the area we lived in. Sadly I have lost my bilingualism over the years, but those formative years gave me a keen interest in what it means to be “different”.
(or as I would prefer to think of it...what it means to be unique)
(MAXMOM and "SCAMPI": 1964)
I love the colourful cultures which we have here in South Africa. One thing that interests me immensely is our intangible heritage of Story-telling. It is a source of our history and teaches wonderful moral lessons and we have some amazing “story tellers” in this country.
So...why am I telling you this? And why is this blogpost entitled “Letsatsi”?
So...why am I telling you this? And why is this blogpost entitled “Letsatsi”?

Well "Letsatsi" means "Day" but I also remember it to mean "Sunshine" in the area where I grew up...
This past weekend was a beautiful and typical “Sunny South African!” time.
The dogs loved going outside and simply lazying in the sunshine and on the warm grass .

The theme of “SUNSHINE” (LETSATSI), “HOME” and ‘HERITAGE’ has refused to go away whilst I thought about this blog over the weekend.
As if to emphasize it, MAXDOG and TAMMYGIRL just soaked in and enjoyed every ray!
So today, I am addressing it in this blogpost.

Ironically and as if to add to this theme, we went to see the movie...
and guess what?
is the main character!!!
It is a local production, created by our own lion whisperer, Kevin Richardson.
I can imagine that many people who will watch this movie might find it slow and long-winded, but my opinion is that it is rich in our South African culture and heritage and deserves a second thought!
The cinematography is exquisite and the story-telling evokes rich memories of my own childhood. It is a story about a legend of the Shangaan community(one of our ethnic groups)and features a very special white lion, ironically called...
“LETSATSI” (“The Day”).
The movie is mainly for children (it’s a cultural folktale!) and also deals with the issue of “Identity”. It is different (unique!) to common Western genres of film, but I came home feeling enriched for having seen it.
The movie is mainly for children (it’s a cultural folktale!) and also deals with the issue of “Identity”. It is different (unique!) to common Western genres of film, but I came home feeling enriched for having seen it.
If you are interested in the diverse heritage, beauty and wildlife of South Africa, I would urge you to go and be enriched by watching this movie.
Go with an attitude of openness and willingness to learn about Africa and to be uplifted by this legend. Don’t be rushed when you watch it...allow youself to feel it and to take in its awesome visual images.
Just like my two Goldens do in our garden.
They too soak up the "Letsatsi"!...

Max has had a peaceful, restful weekend and soaked up a lot of sunshine!
He is very much off his food, but still taking in enough to not worry too much.
He's slowly deteriorating and very sleepy. Thankfully he is not in any pain. He perks up substantially for his short evening walk and it is those few moments that you would never consider him a "Sick" dog.
This is...
Max IS your Letatsi!
May all your days be blessed with him and may he live as long and as painless as he can.
what a beautiful post C, thankQ
Maxi, our Letsatsi, it's good to see you sunshine
That is a great post about 'Letsatsi'! It's such a cute word! I shall ask Mom to use that word whenever she sees me too...*grins* Keep on going strong, Max! =)
Another lovely post to start my day! I continue to marvel at Max's spirit that has become an inspiration to all of us!
Hi there, my name is Zoë and I just discovered your blog, it looks great and I loved reading and seeing your last post!!!
I'm a follower of your blog now, so if you would like to check out my blog sometime, that would be great. And if you like what you see, please become a follower.
Have a great week!!!
from Zoë.
Maxmom, you create wonderful posts - very interesting and touching!
Hope you can enjoy another 30 days of Grace!
Northern Greetings from
Beatrice and Gizdog
We love the way this post is filled with love for all that is around you, most especially Max and your country. We are saddened to see that Max is off his food and slowly deteriorating but, then again, gently sliding away surrounded by so much love and sunshine is in itself a blessing.
Beautiful photos, as always.
Soaking up the sun is the best. I almost needed sunglasses to look at those photos with the light reflecting off of Max.
what a kovely and informative post. Pleased to see Max is still with you and happy......
Gill in Canada
Sunshine and painfree days surrounded by your loving family - what more could one ask for.
The Rocky Creek Gang
Dear Max Dog and Mom.
What a lovely post. Thank you for all the information. Max you and Tammy have a lovely garden for lounging and sunbathing.
Max we send you our best wishes and hugs on this your 30th day of GRACE!!
Madi and Mom
Letsatsi it is!
I'm khurrently under my tree doing just that whilst I watch Butterskhotch doing some letsatsi'ing of her own!
Here's to week of sunshine and love!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
PeeEssWoo: Merdie is keeping an eye on Mom
Such a beautiful and thoughtful post - we could feel the sunshine and love.
We are very sad that Max is slowly getting weaker but as The Poupounette Gang said, he is surrounded by sunshine and such love.
With love from all of us
Murray's Mom and family
Max, dear, you soak up your sunshine and we will soak up ours. We will lift our faces to the sun and think of you - knowing that the sun that warms us - warms you and that our world isn't as big as it feels - especially when ♥hearts♥ are doing the traveling.
How interesting that one word could mean so many things, and that all of them are relevant to you! Sunshine is such a magical thing - I bet it did ALL of you good to soak up so much!
Brutus the Frenchie
Wooos! What a wonderful post! I will use your Letsatsi today too, and remember each and everyday!
To life, love and sunshine!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
We have a few African storytellers who visit my school and I love listening to them! It's an art form!
We're so glad that Max is still doing well!
I always learn so much reading your blogs! Have fun relaxing in the sun!
Woo Woooo
Shiloh, Shelby, and Their Mom
Oh we have learn something new from your blog today Max, Thanks fur sharing ! :)
Great post and so glad the sunshine is out for you. The sun does feel good when you just needs some rest, huh, Max?
Praising GOD for NO pain with Maxx (at your house) and Macy (at my house). Continuing to pray, andrea
That was a beautiful post!!Max you make me smile too :)
Licks from me!!
I like visualizing MaxDog as your very own White Lion. We soaked up the sunshine here, also, this weekend. It was our first glimpse of spring. I'll remember the notion of Letsatsi.
I'm glad that MaxDog is having a peaceful and sun-filled time with your family. We're thinking of you and MaxDog every day.
Max and Tammy are soaking themselves in the sun for sure. I love the picture of the two of them where Max has his faced turned up to the sun (my favorite pic of the day.)
I thought of you this weekend when we watched a movie called "Faith like potatoes.) It's about a farmer that lives in South Africa and well I shouldn't tell you the story. But we enjoyed it and I thought of you.
Give yourself and MAX a hug from his friends in the holler in Tennessee.
Story telling and sunshine. Max Mom excels at them both. Hugs to Max, your white lion. I know just what you mean.
So many thoughts for our Max, so many wishes for another day of Grace, so many prayers that he keeps pain-free and able to walk with you a little. So much love for your white lion!
Stella(and Jo)
Thank you for the beautiful post, Maxdog Mom! Max is indeed the Letsatsi that brings warmth to every furry friend and pawrent that he touches in the bloggie world. We are with you as we celebrate his 30th day of grace and we pray for more wonderful days to come.
-Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar & the Piappies
Very nice post, we always learn something here! Comforting to know that MAX had a peaceful and comfortable weekend! Soaking up the letsatsi seems like a great way to pass the time. Nothing makes me happier than watching a dog 'roaching' like tammy was. I love the happy noises they make while they are doing it :-)
Hugs to Max & Pack!
Glad to hear you guys had a good weekend...Great photo of MaxMom and Scampi, really sweet!...Wishing you all a week full of bright, lovely Letsatsis together!
Maxmom, my mom and me LUVS learning about your culture. I don't know if that movie will make it all the way to Collie-rado, but if it does, my mom will surely watch it.
I am Most Glad to see those beautiful pictures and was happy to hear that Maxdog got to soak up lots of "letsatsi."
Wiggles & Wags,
Glad to here Max is still doing well. The movie looks great, I wonder if it will show in the UK...
There certainly ARE wonderful stories about the rich cultural history in South Africa. We can't thank you enough for sharing. We'll try to find the movie! So glad to hear Max is still so "up" for his evening walk. And love seeing him soaking up the warm rays in the grass and from the sun/letsatsi too!
Hugest Hugs and Love xoxoxoxoxoxox,
Alright everybody, let's do a mental Letsatsi Max tour! On your marks, get set, enjoy :) What a lovely heart warming post again. Cheers to day 30, dear Max. And as many more as you want.
Hi Max, 30 precious days you have given to your loving mom and family and friends! We love you, Max.
Would you please send me your email addie to I'd like to show you something, love y'all.
I've never heard of that White Lion movie but it does sound like it might be interesting! I'll see if I can find it here.
Cute picture of you and Scampi!
I'm glad that Max enjoyed his weekend. My little chihuahuas got to enjoy some sunshine too! They went out several times and didn't want to come back in.
Wow, 30 days and counting!!! Quite impressive!
Hi Max,
I'm so glad you had a good weekend. Sope people might not realise, but many of us Golden Retrievers are not just food powered, but we're also solar powered. Resting in the warmth of the sun (combined with the love of our pack around us) helps us enjoy each day.
I'm off to find my own sunny spot now to soak up the Letsatsi, and while my eyes are closed I will dream of wonderful animals in far away lands like you and the lion in the film that your mom told us about.
Love Riley
I need to learn to spell... that should have said "some" not "sope"
We don't know anything about South African culture. The movie sounds interesting. We read the synopsis and watched the trailer.
Hope you all have a great day soaking up more sunshine. We have some here today.
Greetings friends!
Wonderful post. "Letsatsi!" and "grace". Words for us to remember this day.
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
I feel that I can honestly say...
"Max is our Letatsi too!"
Hugs to all, Tessa
Max, we love the little girl picture of your mom. And the White Lion movie sounds wonderful, mom says she will keep her eye out for it. The 'Letsatsi' (sunshine) means so much to us right now, coming out of the hardest winter in over 30 years...
We love you,
Cloud and his mom
PS. My word verification is "admire." How perfect!
We are glad that Max is doing ok still! We are still sending him lots of purrs and prayers - 30 days is wonderful!
I loved looking at Max and Tammy's picture enjoying the sun!
I am going to watch that movie now!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
mr. max,
mama and i are glad that you and miss tammy enjoyed your weekend in the letsatsi!
we especially like the very last picture of you snoozin' in the relaxation! :)
the booker man
Another beautiful post! We are so happy you have your Sunshine in your life. Max brings so much sunshine to so many around the world. Hugs to all of you.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
We're so happy to see Max doing well!!
We'll keep sending good positive vibes your way!!
You're our White Lion Max!
Try, try again... It ate my comment the last time! I just wondered if this was a brand new movie, or if it has been out awhile. I hadn't heard of it before. If it is older, it might be on Netflix and I could get it there.
I can definitely see that Max would be your "Letsatsi"... Mr. Golden Boy himself! As always, you, Max and your family are in our prayers! Linda and the CCC
the weather AND of course the pooches are BOTH absolutely gorgeous
we're jelly of the weahter hopefully soon it shall be that warm here
Ms. Caryl,
Bask in the sunshine with your Letatsi and cherishyour days together. We hold you all in our thoughts and prayers. We love you Max Dog. Enjoy the autumn of you life.
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