MAXMOM here...

As bloggers you will understand the unsteadiness which one feels when you are unable to get to the many blogs out there who you know are following you. So, please know that I'm thinking of you all, even though I might not be getting around to your blogs!
I have good news for my friends in the northern hemisphere...
Why is that good news for you? Well, it means that Winter is on its way here to South Africa and conversely the exciting season of Spring is just around your corner. This is when I wish I was a migrating follow the sun, the "Letsatsi", around the globe!

Anyway, cooler early morning temperatures mean that one is prone to stealing extra minutes under the covers. Max has taken to crawling in with me in the mornings, so I have an extra bonus - the opportunity to stroke his soft fur and pile up the memories!
Here in Johannesburg, South Africa, the changing season is also evident in some of the trees in the neighbourhood. Our parsley plant however is still fighting for territory in the plant pot on our patio...

..and the geraniums still have new, emerald green leaves...
...and the bees are still locating the last of the honeysucker blooms...

..and the geraniums still have new, emerald green leaves...

We are still being blessed with an awesome climate!
Oh, I nearly forgot...and TOFFEE IS STILL KING!!!
I desperately wanted to get 'hard copies' of these photos, so I simply selected them and went and had them printed....never thinking that there were about
A few weeks ago, when we heard of the gravity of Max's illness, I went on a spending splurge.
I threw caution to the wind, sat at my computer and shaped a folder of:
I desperately wanted to get 'hard copies' of these photos, so I simply selected them and went and had them printed....never thinking that there were about
300 photos!!!
(and those are only a 'few' selected)
When the assistant at the photoshop handed me the heavy envelope he had a knowing smile on his face...
...And while I spend my time creating blogposts - he sleeps on...
on this his...
31st DAY OF GRACE!!!
The next news might be premature, but oh well...
I wanted to tell my readers that we were approached last week by the BBC (UK) to record interview footage about this blog for their program about the "Power of the Internet" which is running this week on various BBC media. The two elements are entitled...
The BBC is featuring a variety of interesting blogs from around the world and were interested in Max's blog as well as it's South African origin. I am not sure at the moment if it is indeed going to be flighted, but it was nevertheless quite an honour to be approached and I am both delighted and humbled at the same time.
The BBC is featuring a variety of interesting blogs from around the world and were interested in Max's blog as well as it's South African origin. I am not sure at the moment if it is indeed going to be flighted, but it was nevertheless quite an honour to be approached and I am both delighted and humbled at the same time.
Even if our footage it is not flighted, it is nevertheless an interesting set of programs to look out for. Their "Blogworld" website is definitely worth a visit! If you would like to see what the programs are about, please click on the links above.
"If" our footage is used, I will most definitely inform you...
My intention during the recordings was to get the word out about the amazing "Power of the Internet" which we have personally experienced by being part of this amazing support-group of doggie and kitty bloggers. I sincerely hope that my message has been adequately conveyed.
Wishing you all a wonderful and happy day!
With love
With love
Maxdog Crazy is Good Crazy!
Hey Max, I reckon you should sleep on the bed ALL THE TIME! Cuddles are special!
PS Hail King Toffee!
Koda MD
I think there are many MaxDog crazy people all over the world!
I know I am one!
The postcard w/ Lance's autograph is in the mail!
Hi Maxdog and your mom!
I really hope your footage is used and everyone will see what a great goldie you are!
Spring in South Africa is beautiful, and so are you Max.
Your mom is so sweet to have printed 300pictures of you. In fact she is the sweetest mom in the world and I'm sure she loves you more than anything!
Live long and happy ok?
Love the sleepy pix Max. Toffee may be king, but you have the throne. This BBC feature is pretty cool. I use BBC as a news source, but have somehow miss this. Will look for your feature, because we just know it will be used.
What better post could there be on a Tuesday morning? A picture of a handsome sleeping Max and one of a very chipper looking Toffee.
We hope the BBC do indeed feature you because we know how outstanding an example Max is of global blog togetherness.
So you managed to keep it down to 300 photos? It must have been very hard!
A gentle cuddle for our friend Max from everyone at The Poupounette
Hey Ms. Caryl, Max, Tommy, Tammy and MR. TOFFEE,
Indeed an honor for consideration by the BBC but also theirs. Perhaps if footage is taken it would be available to you even if not aired. Spring is indeed making its' first appearance with temperatures poking into the 60 degree F range. However, we still have stretches of snow within the woods and in shaded areas to remind us of the harsh winter. We thank our GOD for the Grace that he has granted Max and the family. Your preparation for his journey is surely a trying effort of love. We think of you often throughout the day and relish having the opportunity to get such vivid glimpses into your South African world. We hold you all in our hearts and prayers. We love you Max Dog.
What is it they say about "letting sleeping dogs lie?" :-) Our youngest Golden Sheba always sneaks into bed with us in the early morning hours, and I think of it like a child not wanting to sleep in their room--Having them so close is indeed a good way to start any day! Enjoy your Tuesday.
Maxdog covering the piano! what a wonderful sight!!
i am Maxdog crazy too!
We think we have all become MaxDog Crazy too. We can't wait to read your post to see how he is doing and how the rest of your world is doing too. Max looks so remarkably beautiful and comfortable there on that fluffy comforter. Snooter smoochies to him from us. Good luck with the show, hope you do get flighted - but even if not, that is quite the honor.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Wow Maxmom, what exciting news! The internet is indeed an amazing place.
By the way have you considered putting all your lovely Max photos into a Blurb book? ( I'm not on commission, but I am a Blurb addict! It's very easy to use the software and the end result is bookstore quality. I made a Macy Dog book for husband at Christmas, not expensive, but he loved it!
Well of course there are over 300 photos. Max is such a great guy.
Hi Max,
We are just as Maxdog crazy here in Piappies World and we are sure that lots of our furry friends agree. We love seeing your photos on the piano!
We told you about the Max look-alike (named Prince) mommy met during a trade fair last week. She was so happy to see Prince during the egress of the trade fair that she had her photo taken with him and for a moment there she felt close to you, Max.
We are so thrilled about the show and we hope that all will go well with BBC. You, you pack and Maxdog Mom has been an inspiration to many of us.
Have a great day, Max and we constantly pray for you. Hope it's alright that we leave you daily greetings on your side bar.
-Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar & the Piappies
Congratulations on the tv show! We don't have TV ourselves, we watch DVD's if we want to see something, so hopefully I will be able to find a copy of it. More importantly, though, is that Max is still here! We hope you have a wonderful day together!
Wooos Max Dog! I love your cuddling in the bed photos, has Mom added them to her collection yet?? Only 300, I think woo need a few more! My Mom was looking into a feature that she saw that turned your blog into a photo book with postings and comments! That would be cool
Good luck with the BBC thingy!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
We're all a little Maxdog crazy!
Good luck with the interview!
Add us to the list of MAXDOG CRAZIES! I was reading your post yesterday at my office and wanted to say to you what an ADORABLE little dog Scampi was. You too! I looked and looked at that sweet little guy. It was almost like the future King Toffee!
The changing seasons at your household have many meanings, Caryl. Just know that we all love you and Max and Tammy and Tommy and the little King and hold you dear in our hearts and prayers.
xoxoxo from your loyal MAXDOG CRAZY fans in Anchorage, Alaska, Toby, Ginger, Jeter, Halle the Glamour Queen and Ina and Ron too
Good evening, Maxdog and Mom. We are up and getting ready to begin our day but wanted to wish you a pleasant ending to your lovely day.
The sun is shining in Michigan, temperature is going to be about 50 degrees F - still snow on the ground.
Scout and Freyja will be helping their momma run errands today which means that Scout will have the time of his life barkingbarkingbarking at everyone who passes by our car. Does he ever like to voice his opinion when out and about!
Holding all of you close to our hearts in prayer and comfort.
Mimi and the gang
Sending lots of love and prayers...sitka and family
I love the vision of you and MaxDog snuggling in the morning - it's a tradition that my dog and I also share. I have to admit that it keeps my in bed much longer but what a wonderful snuggly time. I'm glad that you and MaxDog are having that time together.
I hope that the BBC includes your blog. That would be very exciting!
And, please know I certainly understand if you'd prefer to stroke MaxDog rather than visit my blog. I think that all of your readers would understand.
What a good idea to print out some photos! We all place our trust in our computers, but if they crash then all the photos will be gone.
I made an album of Ellie photos for her inmate, but I should really make one for myself too :)
MAx......your mommy is crazy for you and we're crazy too!!!!!!!!!!
Our mommy have a folder where she's putting all your photos and she shows them to us everyday to remember how much important are life and friends!!!!!!
You look soooooooooooooooo sweet snuggling on your mommy's bed!!!!
So.....if your weather is changing we suppose spring is in the air here....Mmmmmmmmmmmmm....but it's very very very cold and now it's snowing again!!!!
Sigh sigh sigh.........we hope Spring weill come soon!!!!!!!!
WE LOVE YOU And your sweet mommy!!!!
Take care of you and don't worried about not leaving comment on our blog....
We know you think of us....and We'll keep you in our thoughts and hearts furever!!!!!!
HAve a wonderful week!!!!
Tons of love and kisses and licks
We are counting and feeling grateful for all of Max's Days of Grace, right along with you!
Good luck with the BBC footage, I hope it comes up and will be a good addition to Max's Memories.
Always with you,
Stella and Jo
Happy Tuesday MaxDog....we here in NC, USA are say hello and send you a big hug on your 31 Day of Grace.
You are sleeping so peacefully and are such a handsome boy. 300 pictures of you...what a treat for your family!
All Bloggers love you sweet boy and your family.
Madi and Mom
Wow, lots of pic!
That is one thing I have many of... My guide dog file has to have 1000+ pictures in it!
You are such a pretty boy Max, and sleep so soundly!
Toby's Raiser
Oh my!
How khool is that!
I always knew I liked the BBC!
Merdie and I send our furry best to all of woo!
All of our furiends have khaptured what we feel too SO just read all the khomments above and below this ;-)
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
I am Maxdog Crazy too, so 300 pictures does not seem excessive in any way; it makes for a very beautiful photo collage on your piano...Max looks so peaceful and glad to hear he is getting into bed with you for extra cuddles...The season is changing inside and outside of your home, a bittersweet time indeed, one you face with inspiring courage...Bless you all.
OMD....Max...if they interview you, could you just mention there is a certain attractive Lakeland in the US of A ALWAYS LOOKIN' FOR DATES!!! Can you imagine? I mean I'm already booked till 2014, (always have a space for you dear Max or that hot Toffee!!!) Oh my...that would be fabbers if they interview you!!!!!!!!!
As for Spring comin' here...OH WE ARE WAITING!!!
Still waaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy too much snow!!
Kisses, dear boy...we love you!!
Laciecakes XXOO
I like how you have the photos spread out like that. There is the constant theme of that sweet face of MAX. Isn't it funny how we used to take 24 photos at a time on film and remember the flash cubes? Wow, not that long ago.
We gladly give you our winter season to enjoy and look forward to some colors of spring.
love and hugs from the holler.
Mama says she TOTALLY understands how 300 pictures are probably just the tip of the iceburg Max, after all you are such a good lookin goldie!!
We are keeping you in our hearts too!
Woo, that green of the geranium leaves is a GREAT green!!!!!
I think we're all Max Dog Crazy! Nothing wrong with that. :)
I LOVE the picture of the geraniums. Such a beautiful green!
Shannon and the Gang
WOW Max, you sure look comfy in that fluffy bed!
I hope you gets to be on TV, it would almost like we could all be there. And we could say to our friends "Look there is Max! We love him too."
Rest well my friend!
I'm so happy that you get to share another day with your Max dog. What a handsome boy he is. He looks so peaceful and comfortable and getting to share extra snuggles with you is the best thing ever!
Rest easy dear friend.
Wags and Woofs,
Mack and Mia
Hi Max, our Toby loves to sleep in too. We are excited to watch the changing seasons with you in SA as our weather will warm soon and the trees will bud and blossom here in Alabama. Good luck, we hope your blog/footage is chosen! Scampi and MaxMom were so cute and we love the name Scampi. What breed was she? Mom says she looks a little like a rough coat JRT. About the 300 pictures - Wow! Just Wow! Mom has at least 3000, she should follow your Moms lead and get some hard copies too. That's the disadvatage of computers when it comes to saving memories. Take care, Love, The Gang @ Dog Blog for Five Dogs.
My oh my, those photos! Change of season is nice. The girls love the snow but I know they also love sitting in the grass and just enjoying the sun.
We know that each and every one of those 300 photos holds a very dear and special memory. Enjoy each one ... and continue making more.
We love you, Max and Caryl
Jake and Fergi and Family
What a way to start your day! You wake up feeling our love while caressing your love :) As for the exciting news...hope it goest through.
OMD Max! BBC, I sure hope that we get the show here in US on BBCA!!
Woo woo woo!!!
300 pics, huh? Is that all? No we are kidding, that sure is alot!!!
Always in our thoughts and prayers, Tessa
My little chihuahuas sleep with me. I love waking up next to them and cuddling them for a little bit before I get up for the day. I really appreciate it because I know I won't be able to do it forever.
I hope your blog/footage is chosen. Unfortunately I won't get to see it as I don't have BBCA.
I love that you printed out all those pictures of Max! I think I'm a little Max Crazy too! :)
You can never have too many pictures of the ones you love!
I'm glad to see you have the same fave activity as me...snuggling on the covers of the big bed. I love to push my rear in her face and put my long snooter on the Mr's sholder. Sigh. Then I shovey with my hind leggies to make her go way. If that doesn't work, I sometimes...ummm...toot? She'll head for the couch fer sure! Then I get the warm spot where she was. HAHAHAHA.
Hey firstly dont stress about not visiting everyone... Mum does that and I am sure everyone understands it cant always happen.. I cant wait to see if you get on the bbc.. How cool that will be.. Glad Max is still holding his own and still enjoying life.. That is the best news.. Love the idea of snuggling in bed.. Mum wants to say that she is the same with photo's.. The more the better to look at.. Hugs GJ xx
What a great idea for the BBC to feature Maxdog Blog. We so hope it happens.
Had to laugh at the pile of pictures. I have literally thousands of pictures of The Herd, many blurry or just bad pictures, but I can not bring myself to edit them (i.e., delete the bad ones). I so need to just get started on it so that I can savor the best ones, but I always get distracted laughing at the ones I have.
MaxDog Crazy is a good thing! I think we all are.
Congratulations on your interview. I hope you get aired. That would be just too cool!!!
PS. I have another stupid question...It doesn't snow in So. Africa does it? I thought it was ALWAYS warm...
Max, we so hope the BBC include your footage in their documentary.
Only 300 photos, we're surprised your Mom didn't print out even more!
Hope the day was good to you and our thoughts and prayers as always are with you.
lots of love
Clive and the NSLM
It's so good to see Max so peaceful. I will watch for those shows. I hope you make it on. I told my husband out of all of the Blogs I visit I like yours the best. I wish I had a way with words the way you do. Keep in mind I'm a cat lady too.
We Love You Max and Maxmom
Paws & Whiskers
Jude,Poo,Babybella,Piper & Marley
Ma ma mia! 300 photos of you! Gosh, you are more popular than Lady Gaga!
With all our love,
Happy 31st!! We love you Max!!! We support your blog ALL THE WAY!!!! Thats awesome!!!!! We would love to be there cuddling with you!!!!! Hugs, Joey and Kealani
Hi all! We are very glad that it is day 31! And 300 photos doesn't sound crazy to us at all! It sounds wonderful!! It must be so fun to go through them and remember everything about them. And it is so cool you could be featured on that show - we think they have to use your interview because this is the perfect blog for it!
Sending lots of purrs and prayers for lots more good days!!
He looks so precious and peaceful ;)
I hope they pick you!!
we always think of you, our friend Max. Nitey nite
Benny & Lily
We are ALL Max Dog Crazy! Sending love and prayers your way. :)
My sweet friends
I must tell you now that I have become addited to all of you
You have opened my heart and I feel it in the heart beat of the raindrops and sun that falls on my shoulders.
I am noticing the changing seasons here too- last night snow flakes fell, the day before there was a rainbow. The sky is full of cloud shows- and with each change, I think of my Max.
I think of the peace he is feeling.
I think of Toffee the King,
and Tammy- Max's love,
and YOU- I think of you- a special mama that I hold close.
And I think of your 300 photos.
My mommy would do that too.
Please just spend your time with your loves- there is no need to come comment- I already know that YOU love me
You must be MAD not to be MaxDog crazy! Luvly geraniums! and as for the pictures - priceless treasures!
Only 300 pictures of Max??
Choosing them sure was difficult!
That project sounds very interesting!
Let us know how it goes, ok?
Take care
Kisses and hugs
We try to take the time and read all the new blogs of people we are following each morning and evening. it's almost like reading the news, except way more exciting!!!
Woo Woooo
Shiloh, Shelby and their Mom
We've seen so many of the beautiful pics of Max that you've posted that I don't know how you could even begin to choose between them! I guess that we are Max crazy too, like half of the Dog Blogging World!
All the prayers and crossed paws are still holding you with love, and our short little corgi legs are right there among them as are my Mom's prayers! If anyone deserves to be honored by that show, it is you and the hope, and love that you have given back to us as we see Max continue to do so much better than anyone had imagined! Linda and the Country Corgi Crew
I won an Award today HURRAY! And here's the BIG part..... I have chosen to pass it along to you!
So come visit my today's post to get your Award and to see the rules. Have a GREAT DAY!
Woofs from Zoë.
And I'm coming back tomorrow to celebrate your b-day!!!!
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