Today is the milestone of our 300th post on Max's blog and I would like to dedicate this post to:
out there!!

In June 2008 my love for creating and writing got the better of me and I took the big step of starting a blog. It was a scary step because I was entering an unfamiliar cyber-world. As you might have realised, South Africans generally aren't bloggers! Our internet access too is limited and very expensive, so this hobby hasn't really caught on yet.
My original idea was to set up a blog to record some of my poetry and to create a cyber-space that was uplifting to my readers : something that would touch our human spirit. So I created the blog:
I diligently put up posts despite not receiving any comments for 5 months! I was obviously not doing the right thing, so I decided to visit a few other blogs (something I should have done in the very beginning!). In addition I did a bit of introspection and discovered that I needed to find something else to write about that both potential readers and myself would enjoy.
"What about setting up a dog-blog?", I thought
and so "THE ADVENTURES OF MAXDOG" was born and
I posted my first post on the 26th December 2008.
In the months ahead I started following some of your blogs and only 2months later did I get my very first comment on Max's blog. Just ONE comment!!! I was delighted!!!
And so my blogging life carried on with very little traffic. But I enjoyed visiting, reading about how other doggies lived and learning from the other blogs. It was one singular event that really launched this blog and I owe that special blogger a

I can't thank her enough for providing the foundational network of MAXDOG's blog.
I feel that it is therefore right and fitting to dedicate this post to the new bloggers and to highlight one particular blogger in this endeavour. (about that later!)
In the months ahead, I began to realise the absence of South African bloggers even more (and it still pains me!), so I decided to convert
who would occasionally introduce some interesting facets of our beautiful country...

In August 2009, I was further blessed by the efforts of
an icon in doggie-blogging.
It was through his efforts in launching
that I got many more followers.

Somehow the interest in my country seemed to increase, so I got the opportunity to show numerous aspects of my beautiful country - including the diversity of wild life we have to offer...

I began to have a lot of fun on the blog. My digital camer goes everywhere and is extremely useful because I am acutely aware of my absolute inability to photoshop.
I preferred to use my creativity in taking photos to make up for my incompetence.
Do you remember:

Also, I wanted to keep my original intention of blogging going i.e:
A place of upliftment, love and encouragement...

A place for friends:...
I really have made many, many friends through this amazing hobby called "Blogging!"
I have most importantly come to appreciate the immense support group that doggie-bloggers offer in times of need.
I will never forget waking up on Valentine's day this year to find that 42 bloggers had put up special posts, where they had invited Max to their world and included his picture in their blogs. It was a spine-tingling moment to realise just how many folk in this world really do care!!!
However, this blog has been mostly about sharing the lives of my very special companions
What a privilege it has been to share their journey with you.
So, with the theme today of
and also following STELLA's example, I would like to introduce you to a brand new blog:

This new blogger is from from New Zealand. She has really touched me by sending me many uplifting emails during Max's illness.
She makes beautiful suggestions - like my special book which Im writing about Max.
I have been trying to encourage her to start a blog, because she has so much to offer.
Like all of us, she is nervous and new to this community.
When she recently sent me a picture of her "Riley", I was struck by how much he looked like our Max. He is three years old now. Growing from the beautiful pup (on the R.H.S of the picture above) to an incredible handsome dog!
So PLEASE would you visit her - in honour of my 300th post?
...and PLEASE leave a comment for her too!

He is chugging along. He's not feeling so good today - having not eaten his breakfast and simply lying on the floor next to me. But he is comfortable so we'll just wait and see what the day brings.

Also, I wanted to keep my original intention of blogging going i.e:
A place of upliftment, love and encouragement...

A place for friends:...

I have most importantly come to appreciate the immense support group that doggie-bloggers offer in times of need.
I will never forget waking up on Valentine's day this year to find that 42 bloggers had put up special posts, where they had invited Max to their world and included his picture in their blogs. It was a spine-tingling moment to realise just how many folk in this world really do care!!!
However, this blog has been mostly about sharing the lives of my very special companions

So, with the theme today of
and also following STELLA's example, I would like to introduce you to a brand new blog:

This new blogger is from from New Zealand. She has really touched me by sending me many uplifting emails during Max's illness.
She makes beautiful suggestions - like my special book which Im writing about Max.
I have been trying to encourage her to start a blog, because she has so much to offer.
Like all of us, she is nervous and new to this community.
When she recently sent me a picture of her "Riley", I was struck by how much he looked like our Max. He is three years old now. Growing from the beautiful pup (on the R.H.S of the picture above) to an incredible handsome dog!
So PLEASE would you visit her - in honour of my 300th post?
...and PLEASE leave a comment for her too!

He is chugging along. He's not feeling so good today - having not eaten his breakfast and simply lying on the floor next to me. But he is comfortable so we'll just wait and see what the day brings.
Congratulastions on reaching 300. There is no greater pleasure than reading about your extended familys exploits every morning particularly is such an exciting year for the country.
Poor Max looks tired out in todays photos as I guess you must be after all the ups and downs of the last six months.How sweet of you to find the time to think of someone else despite being so busy - I'll log onto the new blog straight away. Please keep us posted on developments .
Yeah MAX! Congratulations on 300 posts! That's quite an accomplishment! We went over to Riley's blog and said hello. OMD! Is that not the cutest picture on the top of the blog?! It's Riley the Wonderdog! We love it. Thanks for taking the time to introduce us. This is all so very fun.
Luvs and Licks to Max and the crew.
WOW ! Congrats on your 300th Post !
That's a very nice flower on top ;)
CONGRATULATIONS to your 300th posts!!!
It has been a pleasure getting to know you and the gang and it's so like you to be thinking of someone other than yourself...thanks Caryl
May you have many many more and I'm thankful for Max being painfree and being around for us too.....bless you Maxi for allowing us this gift
lots of chikisses
Coco, Tiffy & lilian
now we go visiting.......
Congratulations on 300! An excellent milestone. We have really enjoyed getting to know you, your family and your country through the blog. A well written blog is always a pleasure.
We are headed off to Riley now.
P.S. - Always good to see you in the morning, Max.
Wow Max! That went by fast! I was so excited when you invited us to South Africa. It was one of my most best adventures ever (of course you do know that is an elephant in the photo and not my large and handsome self - hehehe).
Hang in there, my friend. Good days, bad days, but you just let your mom know how you feel and she will take good care of you. I am going to visit your new friend now.
such a lovely post! isn't it funny about the blog world? i carry my camera everywhere too and often think of my blogging friends during the day, and wondering what everyone has been up to!
hope Maxdog is feeling better....
congratulations on your 300th post. Max and you've come a long long way! in a short time we started taking all of you as one family which is God's favorite my prayers will ease your way through this tough tough time!
love and cuddles to Max my dear dog
each day i check your blog first to see has God been merciful to you by keeping Max near you today as well?
then I say .. Thank God
Hey Max - I know Riley! In fact, I wonder if he might have found your blog through mine? Coz we were in training class together and then Riley found my blog and was actually the doggie who encouraged me to try out Agility! I haven't heard from him in ages - I didn't realise he'd started his own blog! How cool! I must pop over to visit him. And how funny that his human suggested a book too - I also said that in a comment a couple of posts ago - it was that lovely post with all the photos, of life according to you - and I thought your human should turn that into a book as a great legacy/tribute to you!
Honey the Great Dane
Congratulations on reaching #300!!!! We haven't been with you for the whole ride but we have thoroughly enjoyed every minute of time we have spent reading your posts. We will definitely go say hello and welcome to Riley.
Sorry to hear that Max is a little off to day but we have our paws crossed that he will be feeling better as the day goes on.
Woos, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Congrats on #300. You have a beautiful blog and we're so glad we found each other and can call you friend. We're off to visit Riley.
The Rocky Creek Gang
Congrats on 300 posts! We've enjoyed your blog a great deal! Thanks for sharing a new one with us, too!
Bunny and her mom
Wow - congratulations! And I was all excited about 200, you totally rock Max & momma! It's definitely the friends you make through other bloggers that make the whole thing worthwhile! We love all the S African facts you posts, things we NEVER would have known plus it gives your blog a really unique twist!
Hope Max is feeling better. Wishes for big hug from momma and sloppy Frenchie kisses from me should help!
Brutus the Frenchie
pee ess - too bad about your mail system! Had to laugh at the idea of poor little Flat Brutus is some dark corner of your country!!
Hi Max and Mom....Happy 300th!!!
And might I add my (and I'm sure others also) world is better place because of your blog, your love of country and most of all your beloved furkids!!! God Bless you!
Please give Max a pat on the head from North Carolina, USA!!! We have you all in our hearts.
Madi and Mom
Hugs and prayers,
Andrea and Sitka
Thank you, Max and Caryl, for giving me a little credit for your astounding success as a blogger. Not sure I deserve it, but its nice to think I do. I remember that post because my Mom wanted to find dog bloggers from across the sea. Not only did we find you, but we found our dear Hamish at the same time! Such luck!
Sorry Max is not feeling the best today, maybe a quiet day will perk him up a little. We celebrate each day of Grace with Max and you!
Here is to the next 300 posts!
Stella and Jo
Can I do a little add-on? I just wanted to tell the bloggers that when I was new and hardly getting any comments, Khyra the Sibe, dedicated a whole day to me and my blog. She has zillions of readers so it just rolled along nicely from there! So any chance you get to give another dog a helping hand, I say, DO IT!
Stella, again
Wooos! Congrats on 300 posts!!!! Very well done too I must say. We went over and visited Riley, he has more comments than me already! I am sure he will be warmly welcomed into our blogging world!
Such a nice thing woo have done introducing us to your climate and culture!Thank woo for all woo do!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
This is an uplifting and generous post, like all of yours are. That's what I love about your blog - your attitude inspires me. I'm going to visit Riley as soon as I finish this comment.
It was interesting to hear how your blog evolved... I think that many of us started the same way, with no readers and no commenters, but eventually found this wonderful community.
I hope that MaxDog perks up today and that you can enjoy your day with him. The stuffies photo made me smile!
Happy 300th Max and family!!
Loved the poem. As I read it I was reminded of my sister's late dog, Rex, a gorgeous white shepherd, who crossed over in 2006. Rex wandered into her yard when he was about 2 years old. She did everything she could to locate his family, to no avail, so she kept him. He was the absolute love of her life and lived to be about 14. She will never get over his loss, she always said he was her best friend and great protector, even though he is gone, she still feels his protection over her. xoxo
Happy 300th post Max, Tammy, Toffee, Tammy and Caryl!!!
Your blog has been an inspiration to us. Your post today has shown how you in a way have come full circle in blogging. Your generosity to blogger friends, love for furry friends and the strong bond you have as a family are just a few reasons why we love your blog we cherish you friendship.
We have visited Riley and we are happy we found him through you.
We continue to pray for you.
-Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar & the Piappies
Congratulations on 300!
It is a great accomplishment, and I'm so glad Max was here to see it.
It is very sweet of you to take time to give Riley a shout-out, with all that is going on.
We continue to pray for you and for Max.
TK's mom
Khongrats on the awesome achievement!
Thanks fur sharing the history of the blog - it is khwite fun to think bakhk to our early days!
We've visited Riley and made THOSE noises too!
We appreciate all you've shared and taught - words aren't adekhwate to khonvey how much it means!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Congratulations on 300 posts!!...I went to your other blog, Perhaps in Time, and found it delightful and uplifting just like this one...I will visit Riley next...I hope Max feels better as the day wears on...Wishing the best for you all, always.
Congratulations on 300 posts! That's a wonderful achievement.
I don't leave a comment often, but your posts never fail to bring me Joy, and of course often sadness and tears too.
Universal blessings and peace to all.
Congratulations on your 300th post! And what a Most Beautiful way to do it - by pawing it forward. As a new blogging doggie myself, it is most inspiring to read how others started out. Thank you for your beautiful words. I am sending a million doggie kisses to Mr. Max!
Wiggles & Wags,
Oh Max - huge congrats on post #300!!! I read your mom's poem about you on her first blog and it is fantastic! (If there's a mudpile around, I make a beeline for it too, then lie down in it heheh!) - I'll bet it felt good, but I know the mama's POV too! What brave spirits you all are to start up a doggie blog in a place where there aren't many, if any. And do it so creatively. You have been such wonderful teachers on so many levels - from the physical to the spiritual and the transformative. Thank you so much, Max - we are headed right over to Riley's blog now. Rest comfortably, dear friend - we love you so much!
Big Hugs and Love xoxoxoxoxoxo
What a trip. Thank you for taking us step by step through the stages your blog went before becoming what it is today. Congratulations on your 300th post and many more! On my way to Riley's post now, for you, Max. Have a nice day furiend and don't forget to eat. That will make me happy.
Congratulations! 300 posts is a lot!
Mom and I have really enjoyed this blogging community. Its amazing to see everyone come together to support each and every one of these doggies and their families thru happy times, sad times, and rainbow bridge times.
Mom says its cuz we all share that bond of the unconditional love of an animal.
Hope you have one more good day, Max. Followed by another & another & another.
wags, wiggles & slobbers
Murphydog (& his Mom!)
Sweet MAX and Tammy and
Tooffee and Tommy,
Thank you fow blogging!!! and congwatulations on youw 300th!!!!!
We have leawned so much fwom you , seen so much booty and gwace and we thank you fow shawing youw ups and downs and letting us into youw life
I'm sending you soft , smoochie kisses and hope they stimoolate youw appetite..west my deew fwiend and know you awe loved
smoochie kisses
Congratulations on 300 posts! Your blog is one of our favorites to visit!
We're off to visit Riley.
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Congrats on your 300th posts! We are doing a celebration dance here for you all!
We will go over to visit Riley after here.
Maxdog, keep on chugging dear friend!
Sam & June
Wow! Congrats on #300!!! I went over to Riley's blog to welcome him. He is such a cutie! :)
Love your pictures! :) I loved seeing your blog from the beginning. My favorite picture is of Max in the middle of all those stuffies! :)
Congrats on 300 posts! And believe me your blog does everything you originally hoped for and more! We are so glad that we got to meet you all even if it is only through blogging! And believe me - it was many months before I got any posts at my blog too - I know how that is, so we will head right over to see Riley's blog!
We are sending Max some extra purrs and prayers today - since he isn't feeling well we thought we had better up them for now!
Big congratulations on reaching your 300th post. Every single one a gem.
I'm so glad too that you noted Stella and Jo's contribution. It was only through them that Hamish's blog started to acquire some readers. Stella has to be the sweetest dog around (OK I am biased!)
Oh Maxdog and Crew we here in Oregon wish you and your "CONGRATULATIONS on your 300th post!!!" Way to go! We are so proud of you all!
We have enjoyed each and every post, especially the Tours with animals, those are our favorites!
We would appreciate it if you would be willing to promise us at least 300 more posts!
Hugs and Kisses, Tessa and Blu
A 300th post is indeed a milestone! We're sorry it took us so long to find you and that you were commentless for a while!
We are keeping paws crossed that Max will be wanting his breakfast tomorrow.
The Poupounette Gang
PS: We will go and visit Riley!
Wow I’m barkless and my mum is speechless!!!!
She has just turned on our computer and found your post, and then looked at our very first blog and couldn’t believe that so many people had visited us and left comments.
Max – you really have changed so many people’s lives with your blog, with your wise insight and telling us all sorts of interesting things about South Africa while sharing your life with us all.
What your mum has done for my mum and me is so kind. Through emails, even though she has been so busy looking after you, she encouraged us to take a leap into blogging (that’s my “leap” in the header photo!) and start a blog, which is something we had never considered (even though we love reading doggie blogs), and although we have no idea where this journey will take us your mom has inspired us to give it a go and to seize the day and do it now!
We are honoured to be following in your paw prints as we learn to blog, and congratulate you both on reaching 300 posts.
Wishing you a good day, and thank you both so much,
Riley and Fran
Congrats on reaching 300 posts! I blogged for almost a year before anyone noticed my blog too. I'd told a friend about it but she told me she wouldn't read it regularly. I read other blogs but never commented. Once I started doing that, I got comments back! My blog didn't get any real notice though until I did a dog swap last year. That's when I started getting more followers and was so excited. Then I got awards and finally felt accepted in the blog world!
There's another blog I like to read where the originator is also from South Africa. Don't know why I don't follow her but I check in from time to time.
You live in a beautiful country!
I will most definitely visit your friend's blog and also leave a comment.
Thank you for the kind email you sent with all that advice! It was so appreciated! The first part about knowing who you are - I'm gonna have to do a lot of soul searching to figure that out. I feel like I don't know anymore.
I hope that Max feels better and that this is just a one day turn for the worse with him not eating and just wanting to lay on the floor beside you. I pray for him every night and worry about him.
Hey MAX, thanks for pointing us to Riley. What a cute, cutie! You continue to be a great tour guide.
We love you and your family buddy.
Congrats Max on your 300th post! Love all the pictures your mommy posted. Sorry your not feeling too hot today, just rest and feel better tomorrow :)
300, wow! I so enjoy your blog and am happy you decided to share Max and your beautiful country with the world :)
We're still frustrated by the sign in to facebook popup for comments, but we wanted to tell you what a lovely post this is. And we will go meet Riley.
Hope Max's day got better.
Max, we're coming to you late today - we hope the day got better for you!
Congrats to your Mom on your 300th post - a great achievement and it was lovely to read about how your blog started and has progressed!
We will drop in on Riley now.
Hope you sleep well tonight and tomorrow is a better day.
lots of love
Clive and the NSLM
My gosh, 300 posts! You certainly are a prolific blogger! Your caring and warmth are so apparent in all that you write, on this blog or the others.
Here's to the next 300 posts!
Darling Max, my heart is with you and holding you close in love.
grats, max, on your 300th post!!! mama and i are so glad we found your bloggie, and we love reading about your adventures and deep thoughts.
the booker man and his mama
Congratulations Max! How nice of you to help a new blogger get started:)
Awesome..congratulations Mr. Max
Benny & Lily
Our world became a better place when we found you for a friend.
We wish we had found you long ago.
But now as time has gone on- we feel like we have known you forever.
Congratulations on # 300
and our love to Max and you.
Congratulations on your 300th Post!
I've told you. We have lots of things in common. Blogging is not common here in Mexico and the internet service is expensive too!
I wish I could show pretty things from my place but it is not easy to do it!
I hope Max is having a good day!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
What a HUGE milestone for some wonderful bloggers! You have so many dogs and people that have grown in their hearts and souls because of your blog. You truly have reached your goals and helped us all. WE are the ones that have been blessed by you and we are very thankful!
We joined you when Mango came to visit, and once we met you for ourselves, there was no way that we would leave. I truly believe in miracles and have seen them happen in my life and in other's lives, and I know that these "days of Grace" are definitely a miracle that you have been given. Max will be here until it is time, the same as it is for all the rest of us. Until then, we enjoy life and share the blessings we see each day through our blogs. It truly is a wonderful, world-wide community! Prayers and thoughts heading your way and always! The Country Corgi Crew
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