MAXMOM here...
Yesterday was such an exciting day! It was our 300th post!
As you know, we dedicated the post to all the NEW bloggers on the block.
During the day I was watching RILEY's blog with keen interest, since I know what it is like to put up that first blogpost and then wait to see if anyone notices. Well people did notice and Riley received his big surprise!
Do you know, that of this morning, RILEY, has 30 followers and 44 wonderful comments on his very first blogpost?!! Our blogging community never fails to rise to the occasion!!! That is fantastic news! I am so delighted and so thankful that our community all went there to welcome this new blogger to the world of blogging. So I say:
In this household there is also good news:

Our household is rather subdued at the moment with MAXDOG not feeling quite himself. The dogs are usually around my feet all day, so I try and lighten things up every now and then and take a stroll into the garden, to absorb our wonderful SOUTH AFRICAN sunshine. It usually does the trick to perk up the pack...
TAMMY-GIRL uses the time to assess the state of the lizard population...

generally goes straight to our neighbour's high wall to arouse the "all-too-willing-but-inaccessible canine soul" on the other side.
(These two are NOT fans of one another and it becomes an embarrassing and unneighbourly barking affair!)
KING TOFFEE has convinced me!...
There is only ONE TOFFEE!!!...

is not really in much of a state of mind to socialise at the moment. He is generally very sleepy, lethargic and a bit irritable. He's not too keen on his food either, but enjoys these leasurely sniffs in the garden...

I am sure that he has no pain though, so Im deeply thankful for this his...
He's also taken to avoiding the paparazzi...

At around 5pm MAXDOG generally perks up, acting as though nothing is wrong and campaigning for his walk. Supper follows the evening stroll and then its relax time for our household.
I enjoy sitting on the floor with him...

While MAXDOG sleeps, the atmosphere in the world around us - in our streets and shopping centres - is brimming with the excitement, anticipation and euphoria about the forthcoming national and international spectacle:
aren't little dogs funny! looks very cute after the bath and trim!
love you Maxdog, hang in there buddy...but it is ok too if you are tired....
King Toffee is looking very handsome post-bath!
We are keeping our buddy, MaxDog in our thoughts and in our hearts. Give him a big cuddle for us.
Woofs, Purrs and Hugs,
The Poupounette Gang
King Toffee is looking regal indeed! Sorry Max is not himself but glad that he has you by his side and will still perk up for a walk. That brings me a smile! I don't think I commented on yesterday's post but congrats on 300! It was a very nice new blogger inspiration and I enjoyed meeting Riley. He does look a bit like a baby Max!
Good morning all,
King Toffee you are almost too handsome for words!!! What a cute hair cut too. We enjoyed reading about your pack's activities for the day and as always enjoy your beautiful picture. Max dear...you have an amazing soul..rest sweet handsome boy.
Madi and Mom
Toffee looks so handsome after his hair cut! We're glad that Max is taking it easy at the moment. I'm glad Toffee got such a warm welcome, too!
Hello Max and his mom! I LUVED reading about Mr. King Toffee and he looks Most Handsome after his personal spa treatment. Maybe he would like to join my Brudder Ripley's pirate gang. I bet the two of 'em together could takes over the world!
I am glad you let us know about Riley. He looks like he's gonna be fun to have around!
And I'm sorry Max isn't feeling so hot today. But I'm Most Glad to hear that a good walkie lifts his spirits.
Wiggles & Wags,
Hi Max and family!
Kool pictures! Glad to know you are taking it easy but mostly glad to see you up and happy!!
Toffee's a natural with the camera!!
Thanks for sharing the pictures with us and have a great weekend. Rest and relax!!
Maxx and family
King Toffee looks wonderful with a bath and a trim...I enjoyed meeting Riley, he reminded me of a baby Max...Glad you guys are getting walks together and enjoying your time together as much as possible, but sorry to hear Max is not himself...Love and prayers.
Wooos Max Dog and King Toffee!, of course. So sorry about the bath and grooming. Bummer what we have to put up with in the name of beaWuty! Nice to see green grass, I am waiting fur ours, spring is almost here. Enjoy your days....
~puppy kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Looks like a fun and relaxing day in South Africa!
this pack is the best pack of world
King Toffee truly looks like a King today. His fur is shiny and glowing!
Hang in there MaxDog. Stay close to mom and snooze as much as you want. You have people all over the world thinking of you. You have the sweetest eyes...
Hi Max.
Riley is such a lucky GR to have so many posts on his first blogging day!
Toffee looks like a King today. What beautiful fur!
Dear Max, enjoy your life with mom. Don't forget, we all love you.
The King has a King-sized personality that comes through! I believe he is trying to make the neighbor canine comply with his edicts! The Pack picture is priceless! With 4 dogs myself, we roam from room to room in a big pack and I have learned to walk in small steps so as to avoid tripping over the small dogs who insist on walking practically underfoot!
Maxdog, we love you buddy!
Toby, Ginger, Jeter & Halle xoxo
Sweet dreams Maxie Boy.
king toffee, you look especially regal after your grooming. :D
mama says thanks for the world cup info!
sleep tight, mr. max! mama, asa, and i send lotsa love and nuzzles.
the booker man
Thanks fur all the pupdates!
Merdie is napping fur Max right now; I'll take a shift later!
We were furry happy to visit Riley - Auntie Di enjoyed seeing that blog as well!
All these GR blogs Mom sends her has her ready fur another Golden Smooch someday!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Hey Max et al! Sorry we've been missing lately - it's all mom's fault! Ha roo rooo roo-yeah, OK, maybe ours, too. Vet appointments and all that. Anyway, congrats on post #300!
We just LOVED the pic of all four of you walking along the pool walk together! What a great shot!
Celebrate every day, friends!
Play bows,
Oh King Toffee looks great after his trim - you did a very good job!
And we are sorry that Max isn't feeling too great lately. We are sending him lots of purrs and prayers to feel better. We are glad that he is still doing ok, even if he is not doing great - ok is still a good thing.
King Toffee looks great! Love how your pack follows you around! Hugs to Max! Joey and Kealani
Hey Max dog & Friends;
Max your courage in fighting your illness is a beacon of hope for all us Golden's.
Rest as much as you want, stay close to your Mom, she knows what's best, and just keep remembering people all over the world love you and are praying for you.
Live each day to the fullest with all your family and furry friends. We are all extending our paw to help you.
Hamish & Sophie
You did a great job on Toffee! Love the garden photos - Max peeking from behind the foliage and the pack following you - clear devotion! And yes - have hugged and made lovies and belly rubbies with Sam a lot this morning - thanks for the reminder, although there are always morning cuddles. Glad to hear that Max is comfortable and also that he is "up" for his afternoon walkie - made us smile. Huge pats and hugs to all your pups from us -
Sammie and family
Wow, King Toffee can turn on the charm. He's such a love and you did a really good job on his trim!
Aww, MAX you just rest and feel the love around you buddy.
Love, your friends (canine and peeps) in the holler
Thinking of you. All of you. As always.
With love
Jake and Fergi xxoo
What an adorable pack you have. Much love to everyone.
Shannon and the Gang
How cute, the Toffee touch up. He looks so cute. As for Riley, he's lucky he found you, and through you, the rest of us. Sending our love to Max and the family as always.
Dearest Max and Caryl and pack,
Mom and I visit every day to check on Max. I'm sorry we haven't always taken time to comment every day. We are thinking of you and always sending our love. Congrats on your 300th post, my friends! The "King" looks pretty spiffy, but I'm glad I don't have to get haircuts. BOL!
Much love,
Cloud and his mom
Max, You're beautiful even when you're resting!!!
Sending big hugs to all,
I'm getting a postcard (w/ Lance's autograph) to Robyn!
King Toffee looks gorgeous.. I have just got back today from the pet hotel and was so hoping Max would be still enjoying his life.. I can see from the pictures that Max is tired, but also that he is still very much with you.. Hang in there Max. We all love you.. I will go today and say a belated hello to our new friend.. With love GJ xx
Be sure to check his 'in and out' with water. One of the first things that begins to shut down is water intake or kidney function.
Hi Max,
Happy Bath time to King Toffee! Maxdog Mom did a good job snip snipping a trim too.
We did go to Riley's and we are happy you referred us for he is such a cutie and he seems like a very sweet pup indeed.
We want to share with you that when Mommy went to the opening of a trade show she and their company is participating in, she met a golden just like you. His name is Prince and he really reminds her of you. She saw you in the gentleness of his eyes, his sweetness and funny moves.
Be ok there and have more happy and precious day ahead. We luv you!
-Fudgie, Princess & the Piappies
Another sweet post. Great to see that bond between good folks and good dogs. That's what love is all about.
Max take the rest you need :-)
And don't forget WE LOVE YOU !!!
Hugs Kareltje =^.^=
Toffee looks so sweet after his bath!
It is lovely to see Max still being able to get up and about a little. We're thinking of him all the time ....
lots of love
Clive and the NSLM
Ah Max, we are so relieved that you are not in pain. We keep you in our thoughts and prayers each day.
Toffee looks very nice with a bath and a trim.
What a beautiful yard and a very inviting pool!
Hugs, Tessa
King Toffee looks adorable after his bath and being clipped!
I visited Riley yesterday as promised and am now following him too!
I will most definitely hug and kiss my little ones today, as I do every day. I got mad at Shiver earlier and yelled at him. He just ignored me and wagged his tail at me but I still feel kind of guilty about it.
I'm glad Max still goes for his walks. I hope the sunshine helps.
King Toffee looks quite regal after his bath and trim. We love seeing the pack all together headed in. Sweet Max, our paws are all crossed for you - we are in awe of your determination.
Woos, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
oh we just know king toffee intimidates his opponent across the gates wiff all his beastlyness
please to give max extra kisses from all of ush here
pibble sugars and wee wags
the houston pittie pack
Toffee is too cute and looks so soft after her bath!
Please give Max a big hug from us! We are going off to visit your new friend!
I'm sending my deaw Maxdof all my soothing smoochie kisses
nevew fowget i love you
Congratulations on your 300th post! Thank you for sharing Riley's link, we went to say hi. Toffee, you look incredibly soft :)
Snuggles Dear Max. You have earned the right to be grouchy, to be sleepy, and to be cuddled.
Nice hair cuts King Toffee! You look very stylish.
Sleep well Max, save your strength for the important moments, I'm sure your mom will keep a watch for you!
We love you guys parading around the pool..BOL
Benny & Lily
King Toffee looks fantastic! We are continuing to purr and pray for sweet Max (and all of you)!
There are so many things to dream about. So many happy memories in Max's heart.
After that little walk outside in the yard, and then the pack follows each other into the house.
I think it is a nice memorie that Max is thinking about as he lays sleeping.
Toffee, I love your new hair do, and I don't blame you a bit for doing the barky at the fence.
After all it is your fence.
You have been on my mind all day.
Is your heart beating to the rhythm? I bet it is.
Love that photo of the pack following you inside!
Toffee looks pretty cool with his new haircut!
Wow soccer fever is almost here.. our dad is a huge fan and will no doubt be glued to the TV when it starts..
Heehee.. the pic of Max hiding from tha paparazzi is very nice!! Too bad the 'paparazzi' found him..
Hi Maxdog, I've been following your blog for a few days now, but I must say, you're such a brave dog. I really hope you all can make the most of these days... and I'll be following your posts very closely.
A dog lover
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