Today we would like to try to share with you an aspect of our walk,
which we experience
here in the summer-time in SOUTH AFRICA...
Setting off on our evening walk...

(Forgive my tongue hanging out...it's just the excitement!)
There is nothing nicer than a walk in the cool evening here in South Africa. The day is drawing to close and people are returning home from their busy days.
We set off, usually just before sunset, so that our humans can ease away the tensions of the day. One of the benefits of 'SUNNY SOUTH AFRICA' is the amazing light which we have. It brings out the colours of everything around us, highlighting the beauty of the foliage and the sky!
It also highlights our beautiful golden coats!...
The first part of our walk is usually walking 'away' from the sun. Sometimes I get a little freaked out by the long shadows in front of me, but it doesn't last long.
On our return however, the shadows are behind us as we walk 'towards' the sun...

At this time of the day, the sky is a stunning blue and if there are clouds around, the contrasts are highlighted.

across the world from us, and all their beautiful photography!

You live in such a beautiful place, Max. Love how nice you all look with the sun shining in you furs.
Tucker and Daisy
The light on Toffs gorgeous. am looking forward to this with summer coming. It stays light here till 7-8ish now so evening walks will be the order of the day.. sometimes in the heat we'd walk Lucy at night but I havnt tried that with the Danes...
Fancy the long shadows spooking Max.. my favourite 'chill' thing is to just grab a lead and enjoy seeing the walk through the dogs eyes...
beautiful pix
Wooos Max! Very pretty sun pictures, although for me right now I wish the sun would go away, it is supposed to be fall, but we are still having record highs in the 90s.. yuck! No sunbathing yet.....
-Kira The BeaWootiful
We always enjoy your post! Also, we did not know that you had two little Malt's. They are so cute!
Beautiful pictures of the sky.
Riley and Star.
We are falling in ♥ with South Africa, yes, we are! Thank you so furry mucho fur introducing us to you's lovely country!
BTW, you showed us sunny behinds, too, hehehe!
Toffee as photogenic as ever.
Thanks for including our pack in your walk and also thanks for introducing our mom to the Gang of 4!! xoxo
We are going to live thru your blog all winter, as it is Fall here and cold and grey skies today.
Thanks for sharing!!!
Totally awesome pics, love them all!
I love the golden highlights in your beaWOOtiful khoats!
Walks are soooo much fun - in fakht, as soon as I paw off this one, we'll be heading out fur our furst one of the day!
Tank woo fur sharing your thoughts and stuffs - it means a lot fur many reasons!
Beautiful pictures!! Love the walk home! Hugs JOey and Kealani
Hi Max!!!! Love the sun! We're waiting for our lovely SF Bay fog to lift...and see if we find sun underneath.
Looked like a fun walkie! See ya again soon pal!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Hi Max!
You all look so beautiful in the sunshine! Thank you for taking us along in your walkie! It´s always nice seeing more of your lovely country!
I wish I could walk with you
it rains here :((((((
Very cool pictures today ....
hugs to all
Kareltje =^.^=
Hello My Dear MaxDog & Family,
My Mommy and I so enjoy your blog, the pics are great and mostly the history and info on the life of South Africa.
Hugs Big Guy, Tessa
Hi, Max!
I can see you all enjoy your evening walkies!
The picture of your street and the skies are pawesome!
Kisses and hugs
Oh, MAX! What a beautiful post! (And thank you for thinking about us! You're soooo sweet!)
I love that picture of you and Tammy! Your coats are so beautiful - REALLY like spun gold!
And look at the colors in the pix of Toffee and Tommy! Everything is so color-saturated! Just BEAUTIFUL!
Blue skies, white, white, WHITE clouds - how lovely!!! And the sun lighting your way home! I LOVE that shot!!!
We love you guys, too!!! All four of us to all four of you -- and Mom to Mom, too! :)
Thanks for a lovely post - it made me smile!
what a lovely post! gave us something to hope for. thank you max, for sharing your sunshine and your clouds over there.
your doggy friends from the Philippines
What a very nice walk, I wish I was there with you.The pictures are so nice.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
Hey there Max!! Great pics, wish we were there to walk together!
Maxx & Mommy
It is so beautiful in So. Africa! This has been a very busy week for me! I tried to get out late today for some photos, but no luck!! Maybe this weekend!
For as much as your part of the world is surely different, it's amazing how some things look the same. Some of the sun/sky photos could have easliy been taken here (except the one with the palm tree in it!), and the photo of the street could be oe from right around our own corner!
Thanks for sharing! Oh, and if we ever visit there, we'll now know to keep our hands of your woolly capterpillars - don't want to get itchy!! Glad ours are harmless (although I have yet to find out if they are tasty)!!
Brutus the Frenchie
Oh why must the walk end? We enjoyed it so much. We love the colors that change when the sun casts its shadow. It seems to create a magical feeling.
Beautiful photos you shared.
Our days are getting shorter- the sun hides from us and it is getting cold.
Oh Max, you guys just waltzing your way into summer and here its getting furry, furry cold. In fact we may just have our first snowstorm tomorrow night!
Aren't we lucky to be able to enjoy our other side of the world's balmy weather when one of us is cold!
Hi Max
So glad that you too get to go on nice evening walks. That soft light makes your coat look extra lovely. Here in Aberdeen, the nights are closing in, and soon it will be dark when Gail returns from work. Bummer!
Cheers, H.
Your sky is just beautiful! We sure do love your blog! It's such a treat to visit!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
WE've got some serious catching up to do! And so many beautiful photographs to look at!
Jake and Fergs xxoo
Hello Max and your mates!
You all look lovely walking in the sunset with Mum. What a wonderful world we all live in.
Hope you are off for a walk again today?
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