MAXDOG here...
MAXDOG here...
Hello there to all my furry-buddies across the world!
Thank you so much for all your good wishes, prayers and comments which you have left on my blog. Thank you too for all the emails we have been receiving behind the scenes. Every single one of them is treasured and pasted in Maxmom's heart.
Thank you!
Now, I have something special for you:...
This is the only picture I have of my puppies all together...
I want to dedicate this post to my entire Golden family,
but especially to my human grandmother and grandfather:...
who helped to 'breed' me into this world.
You see, I received an email from POLLYANNA.
Pollyanna belongs to Zena and Alan and is kinda my 'wife' .
Here is the email:
Hi Max, my boy.
I thought it was time that l put paws to computer. This is your wife, POLLYANNA here. I’m doing well. It was my birthday last week, I was 12 years old.
Unfortunately a few of our kids have passed on over the last few months. Our very special girl INDIANNA who did so very well in the breed ring passed away after a very short illness in March this year. She was top golden bitch for 2 years running. (I too did this in my younger years). INDIANNA, was loved doing her Paws for People therapy work with Children and the old people.
Two off our Boys have gone over the rainbow bridge and both their mum's have now got new kids from our mum's breed.
To MAX: (a note from your mum Sherry):
l am still going strong now in my 13th year. I did attend 2 or 3 shows last year and did well in the Veterans class. I don't do many field trials now - it is bit of a long day for us old ones
I think it is time that l put my collar and lead on and paid you a visit. Mum tells us all about you, MAX!
Hang in there my boy Max we all know you can.
Love to our boy Max from all the Ruffitwood Golden's
This email kinda made me nostalgic again, so I thought I'd show everyone some pictures of the "old times".
This next picture features my mother, SHERRY and my girlfriend POLLYANNA...
(From left to right: MAXDOG, POLLYANNA, ?, SHERRY (my mom) and my TAMMY-GIRL)
Here we are again...
(L to R) Pollyanna(my wife), Sherry(my mom),Maxdog and Tammy-Girl)
Yes, we all met together one day to go on the famous
702 Walk the Talk
in 2003
Maxmom and the finish line...
In my earlier days I was a show dog but Maxmom was really terrified of the ring, so Granny Zena took me into the ring. These are some old pictures of my first show...
Granny Zena: Thank you for taking me showing. I'm sorry that I didn't want to stand properly in the ring that day. I was still so young - only a few months old - but I had a lot of fun sniffing all the other doggies. That judge sure was scary...
Hey, but I eventually came THIRD!!!(Don't tell a soul that there were only three of us in the ring! BOL!)
I also want to thank Donovan for all the fun we had together!
Donovan and Zena became my handlers during the shows.
Donovan and Zena became my handlers during the shows.
(Maxmom was far too nervous of the ring! BOL!)...
(L to R: Donovan and MAXDOG, Granny Zena and SHERRY?)
Granny Zena...did you know that I also did some therapy work for Paws for People?
It seems that my daughter (Indiana) and I had common interests...
Maxdog demonstrating "Leave it!".
(I was only 18 months old)...
But I also want to thank Granny Zena for placing me with my forever family.
Maxmom has loved me from when I was a tiny puppy...
We have been a perfect match!...
My family helped me overcome my initial fear of water...
Thank you also, Granny Zena for all the fun I had with your goldens at the

You were so proud of me when I got into the newspapers...
Thank you too, Granny Zena, for organising my special girl friend...
We became wonderful friends when she was still a puppy.
...and now she is still by my side while I fight my illness...
Thank you also for allowing me to sire such beautiful puppies with
I am so pleased that they have lived happy lives and found wonderful forever homes!
Please tell my puppy, INDIANNA's mommy - Shirley - that I am very sorry for her loss.
When I eventually get to the Rainbow Bridge, I will most definitely look out for her.
She and I will run together in the happy-hunting-grounds.
And finally...
To my special human Grandfather, ALAN...
I loved you from the day you delivered me!
You are a special man and I will never forget how you played with me every time I saw you!
Sending lotsaluv and lotsalicks to
and huge slobbers and licks right back to you max...
we look up in the sky and we do think of you!
This is so sweet - we love to see the stories of our furiends lives.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
A beautiful story! I just love the pictures of you and Maxdog on the sofa together cuddling!
Maxdog, I love this post! Thank you for sharing your wonderful story with us :) Your mother and wife looked really beautiful! And you were so cute as a puppy too!!
Have a nice thursday :)
Maxdog, you were the most beautiful puppy of them all.... Such wonderful pictures of you life!
Love you Maxdog!
Oh Max, you've been handsome all your life!!! Always such a love. Thank you for a look at your family. I know that you made lovely babes too. Have a barkfull day.
Much love from the holler in Tennessee!
oh Maxdog, what a wonderful story! Mom just got back from her vaycashion, and was so happy to see that you are still doing well and sharing your life with your family. Keep it up!
wags, wiggles & slobbers
Hey Max!
You must be almost up to 100 days of grace, aren't you??? Aren't we keeping track anymore? I think we should.
Thanks for the look at your wonderful family. Wow, lots of peoples, dogs, puppies, and all mostly happy stories. You know my heart is with you Max, and I keep your Maxterpiece on my homepage so that I can keep you in my heart!
Your pal, Stella
How lucky you are, Max, to have such a large and gorgeous family! Don't know if you should consider Pollyanna to be your wife--Tammy deserves that honor! Instead, we'll just say you're Pollyanna's Baby Daddy! Wish I knew more about my parents and litter mates, but sadly, I'm a puppy mill pup from Kansas. My siblings were probably numbered rather than named. But I have a grand life now!!!
Your pal,
So sorry we didn't get to yesterday's beautiful and insightful post yesterday - your blunt honesty (ironically) brings Max to us... live! And leads, very naturally, to today's amazing post of Max's puppy legacy. What wonderful stories and pictures - you WERE such a show stud, Max! Great photos of doggehs and hoomans - great memories beautifully told and shown! Thanks Max! You are such the teacher.
Big Hugs xoxoxo
What a lovely post! You are lucky to know so many of your family, I wish I knew more about my own (only have a photo of my mom & dad, no idea where my 5 littermates have gone). *sigh*
Isn't it something how our blogs have kind of become digital scrapbooks? Mom started printing out each of our posts, but she'd so far behind now... It'd be nice to have something to put your hands on in case the whole internet goes *poof* someday!
Brutus the Frenchie
Wooos Max! What a wonderful life story. Thank woo fur sharing your life with all of us. Thanks also fur the nice comments woo have left on my blog. I try to look at blogging as my online diary, someday we will look back and smile. God bless woo!
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Hi Max!
Thank you for sharing your family with us. My Neeli keeps in touch with her mom, dad and cousins too! You are such a beautiful doggie - may you share more time with your family.
Nadine, Apples & Neeli
Max Mom thank you for all the effort and love you put into Max's blog today's blog is truly a gift and we thank you,
Hugs and gentle pets to all the puppies, Max touched millions of hearts.
Madi and Mom
Max, what a wonderful post about your puppy years. Sadly, our momma doesn't have photos like yours to show to us of our PAWrents because we are rescues and she doesn't know much of our history. Momma says that time began for us the day she laid eyes on us and brought us home with her.
Darling Max, we hope that you are dreaming sweet dreams...
What wonderful memories...You and Max have spread love and happiness to so many.
Thank you for sharing with us!
Max! Your mom is beautiful and looks SO much like you! Very, very pretty.
Is she going to come see you? That would be lovely....and you must get Maxmom to take pictures if she does.
You've led an incredible life, Max...such a good, sweet dog. And you've blessed Maxmom's heart forever with your presence. Be strong, Max.
Heather and Ellie
What a beautiful post, thanks you so much for sharing Max's family with us.
We love you Max, keep fighting.
Hamish & Sophie &
Mom & Dad Sheila & Bob
Woof! Woof! What a great post. You sure do have lots of precious photos - full of wonderful memories. LOVE your wife's name Pollyanna. Do you know it means "blindly optimistic person." Continuing to send my Golden Healing Thoughts. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Greetings, Max!
Thank you for sharing with us your beautiful golden family. It is amazing to note how much lives --- both hooman and furry --- you have touched all these years. You and Maxdog mom is truly made for each other. Having the Boss, Tammy and King Toffee surely adds to your blessings.
We are so honored to somehow live each day with you as well. You are like the sunshine that inspires and bring happiness to everyone you touch.
-Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & the Piappies
I must say, I feel very much honored fur you to let us in on such a nostalgic time in your life and letting us meet your family. It's obvious good looks run in da family. You are such a most beautiful doggie Max. And your mum is one heck of an awesome woman.
Awww...what a very much great and golden family you have, Maxdog! My mom and me are in a Rally Obedience class right now and we're talking about maybe one day competing and, well, between you and me - I'm a little worried that my mom is gonna go all "stage fright" on me like your mom. Can you send Donovan or Granny Zena over here to Collie-rado?
I very much enjoyed this postie! You have had such fun in your life!
Wiggles & Wags,
So many GReat Goldens!
Thanks fur sharing!
It was so lovely to see all the old photos and read about your 'family'. Murray thoroughly enjoyed sitting here and looking through all the photos with Clive.
take care
Murray's Mom
Fun post! It was nice to see Max strut his stuff. And to see all he has achieved in his life.
We thanks Granny Zena and the rest too!
Max, you have a lovely family, both biological and adopted. Surrounded by furriends and family. Thanks fur sharing!
sniffies all about,
I loved looking at all the pictures of you through your life, what fun!
How beautiful your whole family is Max (though we think you are the very MOST handsome of all)
Such cute pictures of you as a baby. Time flies it seems.
We have you right here in our heart Max. And your Mom too.
Sunny&Scooter(&Jamie too)
Awe what a beautiful story of your beautiful life, Dear Max. Mommys eyes got so watery!!!!! We love you! Hugs, Joey and Kealani
Such a winderful, beautiful and nostalgic post, Maxdog! You definitely brought a tear to my eyes. We love you, Max. Keep on going on!
oh thank you sooo much darling maxdog for sharing your most precious photos wiff ush. we can tell where your good looks come from and my what bewootiful puppies you made. not surprising coming froma most bewootiful pair. this most was just cuteness overload.
lots of sweet pibble sugars to you dearest max
the pittie pack
Thank you for sharing those memories and thoughts on your beautiful family!
I love the snuggle picture on the couch with your Mom!
Koda & Kate
Thank you Max for showing us your special pictures.. Beautiful post.. Hugs GJ xx
Hi Max,
Your puppies look so cute, but then so were you! Thank you for sharing your photos with us, and telling us about your Golden Family. I'm sorry three of your puppies have crossed the Rainbow Bridge - however it's nice to know that they will be there to greet you and play with you when your time comes.
Also don't forget Max, that if you look far enough back (about 140 years to Scotland) all us Goldies are have the same ancestors ... so you are also part of an even wider family. Max this means that somehow you and I are realated - which is a thought I really like because you are my hero.
Have a good day Max,
Love Riley.
A beautiful post crammed full of joy, and that is what life is all about. You, Max, and your wonderful MaxMom, know how to find joy in everything.
You have a lovely family! You've truly been blessed, Max!
You come fwom such a bootiful and special family..both hooman and fuww alike.
You cewtainly siwed some gowgeous kids wif youw Pollyanna and I hope you will see them all again someday, if not hewe then in heave...but pleez not just yet
I love youand youw pawfect MaxMom
smoochie kisses
Max, your extended family is as beautiful as your close one. We loved meeting all of them and seeing all the wonderful times you had together. Isn't it wonderful to celebrate your life while you are still with us:)
Hugs and Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Such a sweet tribute to Max's life as a young puppy...The photo of Max in your arms, Caryl, is just so precious; I could feel the love between you two just from that picture!...Bittersweet memories at this difficult time; blessings of love and comfort to you and Max.
Very nice story. I love seeing pictures of when he was a puppy.
Have a good nites sleep Max with no pain we pray.
We Love You Max,
Jude,Poo,Babybella,Piper & Marley
What awsome photos and tribute.
Thank you for sharing it with all of us.
Dear MAXMOM, I am just now feeling up to visiting my friends in the Global Pack from our sudden and unexpected loss of Jake on Tuesday. Although Jake had Cushings Disease he was well controlled and there was no warning that he would collapse and die as suddenly as he did... We are all doing better now and my friend Elizabeth and her hubby Rob are taking it one day at a time. I just wanted to say thank you for your kind words at this sad time.
And of course, hugs to Max, Tammy, King Toffee and Tommy xoxoxo
Hi Maxdog,
Wot a wonderful walk down Memory Lane ~ thank yoo for sharing it. We guess this is quite a reflective time for yoo ~ but it's good to remember all the good times. Yoo have a lovely family and yoo clearly all adore each other. The pic of yoo with maxmom smooching togevver is our absolute favourite.
Stay well dear friend, for as long as yoo can. Purrs.
What a GReat remembrance from such a GReat dog. Thank your for allowing us all to share it along with you.
Oh, what a beautiful post! Thank you so much for sharing these memories and pictures of your family, Max! What a wonderful life, to be surrounded by so much love!!!
We love you so much!
Kathleen and Cloud
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