MAXDOG here...

I, the MAXDOG want to play TOUR GUIDE today and I have a bumper post of some wonderful photos for you all.
As you know, SOUTH AFRICA is the host country for the FIFA SOCCER WORLD cup this year and our country is alive with preparations of different kinds. Around the country, stadiums are being built and roads are being dramatically upgraded. Our "GAUTRAIN" (Rapid train transport system) is well on its way to completion...

Yesterday, our humans went to THE UNIVERSITY OF PRETORIA to watch their annual RAG PROCESSION. Every year, the students spend hours of their time building beautiful floats made out of small paper flowers. When these are complete, they parade their creations through the streets of the city in order to raise money for various charitable causes.
I, the MAXDOG, present pictures of this incredible rag procession for your viewing pleasure...
Obviously the theme this year was FIFA WORLD CUP 2010...
Next...a float of the 'AFRICAN WAY!'...
Some Scottish pipers gave the procession an international flavour.
I wonder if this was for your personal enjoyment, HAMISH?!
Each residence at the university produced a float for the procession. Students from each residence marched behind their floats with money tins - obviously to "rob" the spectators of their cash...all for a good cause though!...
Obviously, the FIFA WORLD CUP 2010 is about SOCCER!!!

I wonder if this was for your personal enjoyment, HAMISH?!

Below...the back of the same float. Check out the spectators and also the goalie!...
...means that we also contribute to science and technology. This university is well credited in terms of world standards. Space technology is high our the agenda too.
The front of the float...
The back of the float...
No SOUTH AFRICAN experience is complete without a "braai" (barbeque) and a trip to the bush (camping). You will need an umbrella and lots of sunblock when you visit our country...

Above: ..The BIG YELLOW sunglasses (Specially for the NSLM...Murray!)are also symbolic of the spectators at the WORLD CUP.
The front of the float...

Below: Our wild-life is also on offer! Check out the LION and RHINO on the L.H.S. and the Buffalo on the R.H.S of the back of this float.

The float below has a few features which are somewhat hidden:
The VUVEZELA (South African trumpet...the green trumpet on the right)...
Our famous "TAXI"s and Madiba himself:
in "INVICTUS" mode

A typical rural homestead...

The float below has a few features which are somewhat hidden:
The VUVEZELA (South African trumpet...the green trumpet on the right)...
"OUMA" RUSKS (in the warthog's hand) are also produced in our country.
The word: "LADUMA" ..(Which means GOAL!)will be heard echoing through the stadiums.
Behind this float, in the background is the
University of Pretoria's main administration block._
"BLACK LABEL BEER" ( A student favourite!)
"OUMA RUSKS" in the background...

in "INVICTUS" mode

Some ingenious person has designed (in real life) a WATER PUMP for a township or rural setting. It is propelled by a childrens' playground and "round-about" and therefore does not need electricity....It is an EXCELLENT invention in a time where we have to be environmentally friendly!
We love the float with the yellow sunglasses! It's fabulous! They all are! You're a great tour guide, Max!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You're a great tour-guide Max!! What a terrific parade--I wish it was warm enough here for one! Enjoy your Sunday!
I popped by from Kim's blog. Great floats. We're British born so my dh is a soccer fanatic, and he is so looking forward to the world cup. Me, well I am just ticked off my soap opera won't be on while the world cup is on!!!
Our doggie Molly, say's hi to Max.
Gill in Canada
You are a fantastic tour guide Max, the parade was beautiful and the floats are incredible.
Thanks for taking us to see it.
Licks and slobbers,
Wow, I simply cannot decide which one. I think we have to appreciate the effort people put in building the floats. There are all very impressive. Nice tour. Pretty pictures.Lovely work.
Thanks for sharing the floats and parade Max! Reminds me of a paper version of the Rose Bowl parade in Pasadena, CA! You and your mom are wonderful tour guides!
Cassie in TX
My personal favorite was the one that had a BBQ going on but they are all extremely COOL and very creative. I'm sure much hard work was put into this and I hope they fared well with donations for good causes. Thanks for takin' me and Mom to the parade Maxdog!
Woofs and slobbers,
Chester ;0=)
Those floats are awesome! Thanks for sharing!
HI Maxdog,
You are such a good tour guide. Thanks for sharing the pictures of the floats for all to see and it was nice that it was all for local charities to raise money.
AARF Kasha the Dainty Great Dane
I love your parade!! Vivacious Ladies was my favorite float :)
I can guarantee you that my father and brother will watch every single match, even if they have to wake up at 2AM. They're crazy about football (aka soccer)!
Max thank you for sharing the pictures and the story. Tour guide, we never knew about these events. Very interesting for introducing us to the festivities.
Benny & Lily
Hi Max
Well OBVIOUSLY the Scottish pipers were my favourites! Does that mean that Scotland qualified for the competition after all?
Oh. Gail is saying "dream on"....
Cheers, H.
Too diffikhult to decide - especially since my brains are still skhrambled from judging the Khat Dog Group at Mango Minster 2010!
Thank woo fur sharing!
We hope woo are still feeling better!
PeeEssWoo: Mom thought of woo on Friday night when she chose the bottle of The Wolftrap fur her AGJ selekhtion! She says it was khwite yummy!
Hi Max - what an amazing post! Wow, this is why we love the blogging world so much, we experience so many wonderful things, we felt like we were there in pupson - fantastic!
We're afraid we can't decide which float we like the best, they're all so amazing and must have taken so much time and effort to put together.
We're SO pleased to hear you're feeling better Max - we sat down and had a great catch-up on your blog tonight. You are so photogenic, we really savoured each shot.
Big schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
All the floats are awesome! You're a great tour guide Max! It's sounds like things are going to be exciting around your place!!
I love the post today.. what lovey floats.. I especialy love the one with glasses.. Just lovely.. Hugs GJ x
You are such a wonderful tour guide!
You have so much happening in your part of the world! What a busy life you have!
Hi Max
We loved the BIG YELLOW SUNGLASSES! Thank you so much for thinking of us!
You know, had Ireland got through - we would definitely have been over to you. Any good excuse and we're on a plane!
If only Thierry Henry's hand hadn't got in the way!!
take care
ps- great to see you're back so well again!
These floats are amazing, Max! I couldn't possibly tell you which I liked best, but I'm impressed by the quality of these students' artistic ability! You are the greatest tour guide - the South African Chamber of Commerce (or whatever they are called there) should give you a medal!!!
Big Hugs xo
OMD MaxDog we are so VERY HAPPY to see you being Tour Guide again!
Hugs, Tessa
Hi, Max!
All the floats are beautiful!
I can choose just one!
Thanks for the tour!
Kisses and hugs
Tough to single out a float. Thank you for the tour! I live right next to the Rosebowl and we have the NY's day Rosebowl float parade, very similar to yours.
Those floats are so cool! I can't decide...I love them all! :)
Hi Maxx,
Thanks for taking us with you to the parade. You're a great tour guide. There is a similar parade here in the Philippines done every year in our state university though students create lanterns instead. We enjoyed watching the floats, they're all so colorful and well made!
We also look forward to the World Cup and having it there in South Africa will give us a chance to see more of your great sights.
-Fudgie, Princess & the Piappies
We love the float with the football and the beer!! It's the best combination ever according to our dad. Our dad is a huge football junkie and would LOVE to be in S. Africa to watch the matches, but the costs of it will be astronomical :(
So much hard work went into all of the floats that we give our 13 votes to each and every entry. Thanks Max for sharing this South African "Rose Bowl Parade" with us. That is truly a Bumper post.
Impressive floats - can't imagine how many hours it took to glue all that paper together! Thanks for sharing such a colorful event! We are wondering - in that sign at the end of your post, what does "ayoba" mean??
Brutus the Frenchie
What an exciting event to have in your town. We don't see such events here...
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