MAXDOG here...
Hello! Hello! Hello again!
Oh, how I have missed all my furry friends (and their humans) from across the world!
HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all!
We are back from our invigorating, rejuvenating and thrilling break! It has been truly awesome! Thank you for your patience while we have been away. We are rearing to go and looking forward to the year ahead. We also have lots of exciting news for you...
As you can see, the weather here in JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA is glorious! We have constant sunny skies and evening thunderstorms. It has been 'holiday time', so our home has been full of visitors and family. Most of our time has been spent around the pool, but we have also had some exciting adventures (which we will reveal in this post).
My dogpack is extremely well. I have recovered fully from my surgery and am back to my old "MAXDOG" self. We still get our regular daily walks. My girlfriend, TAMMY, is as beautiful as ever and TOFFEE is no different! He is still arrogant and seemingly 'King' of this household. TOMMY trudges on and is looking a bit battered in his old age. SCHNAPPS, The hamster is vibrant and active (He got a new ball for Christmas!) and our humans seem to be filled with the joys of summer and the promise of a brand new year!!!

Our skies too are exquisite!

Our flowers are all flourishing!

One of the wonderful things that happened that Mom's "son" - our old exchange student from Germany - came to visit us. When our humans collected him from
they were amazed at the new look of the airport - in preparation for the
this year.
This is the new International Arrivals Hall...

...and this is the Maxcot (I mean - MASCOT) for the tournament.
His name is:
Well, the pool at our house is an attractive venue to get away from our high temperatures. Our humans spend a lot of time there cooling off, while us dogs sleep on the cool patio tiles.

Some of our human friends are adrenalin junkies...

This particular adrenalin junkie,
"Mr R", invited all the humans for a day of adventure in the
Magaliesburg mountains near Johannesburg. There were 8 of them on that trip and all took part in the activities he offerred, but as you Bloggers will know, many folk don't like their pictures posted, so we are respecting that request.
Here is a picture though of Mom on top of the mountain...

The views were truly stunning from up there
(she tells me). The big news is that Mom decided that her age (
50years) was not going to hinder her participation at all!!! Yes, she embraced it all and she seems to have come back a totally different person!!!

This is the deep gorge where the
ABSEILING took place.
"Mr R" is a fully qualified instructor, so we were really privileged to have him in attendance. ...

That abseiling cliff is about a 12m drop!!! Eish, it was scary!!!

Here is a picture of Mom starting her attempt...

...and this is what she/they went down...

Mom says that it was totally thrilling!!! She can hardly believe that she would ever have comtemplated (let alone accomplished) this. EISH!!!

The view allowed a welcome reprieve from all the adrenalin as the humans went on to the next activity...

Yes, Mom went on the 'foofy-slide' too - about a 20m run...
Truly thrilling!!!
Now for the big stuff:
"Why?", you might ask...
Mom says: "Just because I could!!! I was celebrating half a century!!!"

Well, this was a life-changing moment - as mom confronted her "nemesis".
The lesson here is :
This is a pretty scary accomplishment - to jump off an 8-10m bridge, relying merely on your harness and the facilitator and totally vulnerable to your fate.
It is a simply amazing and quite awesome experience!!! - no matter how crazy others might think you are.

Well, as for the
MAXDOG, I think I will keep my feet firmly on the ground, thank you very much!
I'm too old for such things. But I am glad to see that mom is so inspired. It is going to be an exciting year!!!
(Dear friends, we have missed you all and will be getting around to catching up all your news too. I'm sure it will take a while, but we know you will understand. Thank you for being our friends. We are really looking forward to this year. We love you all)
Lots of licks
Happy New Year
or in Dutch we say
Gelukkig Nieuwjaar :-)
Kareltje =^.^=
Anya :-)
It looks fantastic at your place
AMAZING adventure shots today :-)
So friendly weathter...
Here is again many snow !!!!
Happy New Year dear Max, that would be LA Multi Ani - in Romanian.
You had a very beautiful holiday, indeed. No wonder, you do live in an extraordinary beautiful country. I also admire you Mom for her boldness. Definitely she has a very young and cheerful spirit. All the best for your family in 2010. We love your blog very much.
Happy New Year to you, Max, and all your family!
Those pictures are great. They make us long for summer, sunshine, warmth and flowers!
the bridge swing looks awesome!! good for you for overcoming your fears....a good year is ahead for you!
welcome back to blogland and send some warm weather our way...this morning it is -5 degrees below zero.....
hello hello hello,
welcome back and your mumster is one brave hooman.....good for her. glad you encouraged her too Maxi.
happy new year to you Max and the gang and lots of kisses for a wonderful, safe and healthy 2010
mumster liked the calendar and showed it to moi, thanks muuuuuuuuahz
Happy New Year - and what a great holiday you had!! We look forward to reading more of your adventures in 2010.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Max your home is beautiful! We're jealous. It is cold here. All I can say is Wow.
Good to see you recovered from your surgery. :P
It's good to see you back, Maxdog! Looks like your mom went on a pretty big adventure.....Wow. Love all the beautiful pictures.
We've missed you! Welcome back and Happy New Year! What a way to start it with that exciting adventure.
~Kane and his peoples
Welcome back, Max and family.
Your mom is a crazy lady for sure. My Momma went to rock climbing school too, but she fell off the mountain and was dangling by her rope and decided that she had learned enough. What a doofus.
Here's to a great new year full of healthy pals and happy experiences.
P.S. You are back just in time for Mango Minster 2010! Check out my bloggy.
Maxdog, Tammy, Toffee and Tommy and the rest of the gang!
Happy 2010!!! Ahhh, we settled into a peaceful tranquil reading of your post, filled with blue skies and flowers then suddenly...your Mom is a SUPERHERO!!! Scaling cliffs, leaping from bridges and flying across gorges with the greatest of ease! WOOHOO!!!!
My Mom is just a year older than your Mom but she hasn't done anything quite that daring in 15 years of more! (Although she did go skydiving when she was 21!)
Looks like you're all set for a year of high adventure! Go for it!
Your pal,
Petey (and Mom too!)
Welcome back! I've missed you. I'm so glad that Max and the pack are healthy and happy. And, that mom is going nutso doing high wire acts! Wow, I'm so impressed at how she celebrated her 50th birthday. It looks like she had a blast and came back in one piece. Happy Birthday!
BTW, I saw your comment on my last post - and it explains, I think, why I wondered if wild animals wander around S. Africa. We live right on the edge where humans and wildlife mingle so I thought that maybe you did too!
Happy New Year, Max. We missed you, but it looks like you had a great break. The pool pictures look great, it is snowing and cold here.
Tucker and Daisy
Oh Max, I have missed you, it is so good to have you back! So good to hear that you are fully recovered, too! Bravo to your mom fur doing such exciting things, she has a wonderful attitude!
We are living vicariously through your pictures of your beautiful surroundings and lovely weather. I've been dealing wiff giant squirrels and sub zero temperatures, BOL!
PS. That World Cup mascot is super cute!
Max - You'll need to watch out , the next thing they'll be doing is having you join the marines and jumping out of planes. Bonne Annee.
Hi, Max!
Happy new Year to you and all your family!
I can see they had a pawesome time doing extreme things! Your mom is os brave!
I am very happy to know you all are doing very well!
Kisses and hugs
Happy New Year Max and family, it is looking very beautiful in South Africa.
Sunshine and flowers......hard to believe when you see the snow we have here.
Martha & Bailey xx
Welcome back, Maxdog! We missed you! Mom, you are definately a braver woman than I am! I could not have done any of that - my stomach flip-flopped just looking at the pictures! We wish you a wonderful New Year!
Sam and Cisco
It's good to see you back at the keyboard!
Two dewclaws up to your mom for being so brave! We are drooling with envy over your greyt weather and exciting adventures!
Welcome back Maxdog and Happy New Year to you and your family!
Whoa! Your mom is a very brave lady! No way would our mom ever be tryin' that!
Thank you for the pretty flower pictures! They are so cheerful and colorful as we sit here and glance out our window at snow!
Happy New Year to all of you!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Welcome back Max. The vacation looked like so much fun. And what great pictures.
Happy New Year
Benny & Lily
You're back! Happy New Year to you and all the family! We've missed you so much!
Your Mom is one amazing lady - what a great way to celebrate to big 50! We were massively impressed here - even got the NSLM's dad to view a blog for once!
The photos were brillant!
It's minus 10 here tonight so looking at a little bit of sunshine was great!
take care
A happy new year to you too! Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos!
Elizabeth & Luna
Happy New Year to you and your very brave mom!
As usual, your photos are beautful. Wish we were there!
We're so glad you're back and we look forward to getting to know you better and better!
Happy New Year to all of you and it sounds like maybe Happy Birthday to your very brave Mom!!! Such exciting adventures she had there - our mom was quite impressed - she doesn't think she could ever do those things. And it was very nice to see all the beautiful skies, flowers and warm weather activities there as we are in a deep freeze and we have lots of snow. We really love our snow, but it is nice to remember the spring and summer fun too.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
My big honkin' kharabiner is from a furry furry good furiend of mom's that used to rokhk khlimb in his younger days...
Does THAT khount?
Welkhome Bakhk!
Woo've been missed!
Happy New Year to ALL of WOO!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Max, tell your mom, you go girl!!! And Max you are looking so good!!!! Youre a beautiful pup! HUgs JOey and Kealani
Oh wow! That all looks WILD! What great adventures! And those flowers made Mom feel all warm - for some reason, she seems to be cold these days.... I have no idea what that's all about!
Welcome back, Max et al!
Play bows,
Welcome back!
We missed you! It is good to hear everyone is healthy and happy.
What awsome photos you shared with us! Thank you!
Max- your mom is a brave woman and young at heart. She will always be that way! What a addrenilin run for her to face her fears! Good for her!
Welcome back! I'm so glad you had a nice vacation! I'm pretty sure I would never do what your Mom did. I am petrified of heights. I mean PETRIFIED!
So give your Mom lots of kisses because not everyone would do that!
Your weather looks beautiful. We are 17 degrees, ice/snow..cold!
Happy New Year and I'm glad you are all better and all your friends are well!
A very Happy New Year Max!!
We think your Mama is so very brave to have done all those things!!
Hi Max! Happy New Year! Why does yer Momma have a blue colander on her noggin? Is all that mountain climbing straining her brains? I hope she doesn't end up making brain salad ! There ain't no rope strong enuff for my HER to go swingin' in the breeze. Not that SHE would, she's skeered of heights and gets the heebie jeebies near the edges of cliffs n such.
Max-Mom!!!! You totally ROCK!!! What an adventurer you are! I'm sure we'll be seeing you as a teammember in one of those terrific adventure races soon! The flowers and scenery look spectacularly beautiful - enjoy and Happy New Year! We've missed you!
Hugs xo
Sammie and Ozzie
Welcome back and so glad that everyone is healthy.
But mostly - way to go Max Mom! What a great adventure. Our hu-dad - many, many moons ago, used to work as an instructor teaching people how to rappel, rock climb, etc. He smiled looking at your pictures.
Oh Maxdog, all I could do was shake my head when I looked at the pictures of your mom being so brave. I side with you, I will keep my feet on the ground...eek.
Glad you back and I would love to be pool side with you. It is currently
-2 up from -15 from when I went to work and their yet another snow storm approaching....eek to that too.
Have a great day.
Hi Maxdog,
We hope you had a great Christmas.
Well done to your mum, that's so the piccies. :-)
Happy New year!
Welcome back, Max and Mom! I am impressed with your fortitude and bravery, Mom. Would you do it again?
Your flowers and climate make my cold bones want to visit a warm place, but we are here, deep snow, sub-zero temps.
Happy New Year to the whole family,
Cheers, Stella and Mom
Welcome back! I love all your pics! :)
Wow! Your mom is so brave to do all of that!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!! Thanks for always sharing the great pics and info with us.
Hi Maxdog,
WOW your mom is a brave sole. There's not way my mommy would do that kind of stuff...she's like you and likes to keep her feet firmly planted on the ground.
Thanks for sharing the lovely the flowers especially since it's below zero temperatures here!
Kasha the Dainty Great Dane
I'm with you Max - FEET ON GROUND - at all times! Unless, of course I am running or jumping :)
Welcome back!
Emma Rose
PS Your Mom is REALLY brave!
Welcome back Max!
I´ve missed you!
Beautiful pictures!
Happy New Year to you and your family!
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