MAXDOG here...

Things are still rather hectic in our household at the moment. Our visitors are still with us, so please forgive me if this blogpost is a short one and if we are not posting as regularly as usual.
Hopefully our blogging will get back to normal soon
I have only two bits of random news to report today:
Firstly; SCHNAPPS, the little hamster is flourishing! She seems to have doubled in size since I last checked her out properly. She has become a rather "tasty-looking" morsel, but I know that she belongs to Miss R, so I'll keep to my role as her great protector and not bother her too much. My gentleness is proved in the photograph above, don't you think?
She discovered today that she will have to undergo surgery on her foot....mmmm....not so nice.
She has been trying to avoid this over the past year, but has now run out of options.
I can assure you that this isn't from all her shenanigans on that bridge the other day! It is an injury which has been plagueing her for quite a while.
Mom tells me that she will probably be having the surgery next week and will be on crutches for a week or two. I am hoping that this won't affect my blogging, but if it does, then you know why.
The good news is that the surgery might take her pain away and then she can really embrace this wonderful new year and get back to the things she has not been able to do for a while.
It seems however that I will be taking up my the role as her chair-side companion again while she recovers...not that I mind!
mmm...I wonder how she is going to fit my walks in with those crutches?
Perhaps I will have to seriously nag one of the other humans to take me on my outings.
I can't possibly be held captive all day, now can I?!!!
(Are there any takers???....Don't be shy...feel free to say you'll walk me!)
Other news is that it's been raining here in JOHANNESBURG today and the humans have put on jerseys(?).
(Yes, can you believe it?!?'s supposed to be summer time!)
(Yes, can you believe it?!?'s supposed to be summer time!)
In CAPE TOWN however, it is a completely different story. They experienced a sweltering 37 degrees centigrade today....perfect weather for the beach!
I so wish I was there!
So this is me signing off for today. Take care of yourselves, dear doggie-buddies.
Always remember...
Always remember...
We love you stacks!
Max, I know you're a good protector and all, but... um....erm.... in the picture of you and the hamster, your tongue is out, dude! Heeeeeee!
Anyway, I hope your mom does better after the surgery and that it takes the pain away. Pain is not fun. I sure would walk you, Max, only thing is I'm half a world away! :( Take care, buddy!
Max that first photo is just the most adorable ever. Mum says she will volunteer for the walking.. I so hope your mums operation goes well and that it will not be long before she is back to tip top condition. Enjoy the sunshine, we have lots of snow.. Hugs GJ x
I would love to come take you for a walk. Maybe we can get a virtual walking club going?
As far as your picture w/ the hamster, I don't know if you're being gentle or just tasting?
I know you big dogs can be gentle, my Jake is a 65 pound lab/border collie mix, and he plays ever so gently with our 4 pound kitten.
Take care of mom and keep us updated.
Merdie and I would be furry honoured to have woo walk along with US!
Paws khrossed fur your mom - I KNOW woo will help her 'heel' better even though woo are a retriever!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Hi Max - aw, that first photo had our humans 'oohing' and 'aaahing'! You are so cute no other pup stands a chance....he he!
We're sorry to hear that your mom has to undergo surgery but if it will get rid of her pain and there are no other options we suppose it has to be.... We hope it all goes well and she won't be having to struggle on crutches for too long.
We wanted to volunteer our humans to walk you as we wanted to come along too as we knew we'd all have so much fun but they gently explained to us about something called a big pond separating us and it taking too long for us all to get there....sigh!!
We'll have our paws crossed for your mom and we hope it won't hurt too much. Big schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
Hi Max
I could package myself up and mail
myself to you- to take you for a walkie!
I hope the moms foot gets better with the magic surgery
Max tell mom to sit in a wagon and pull her and her crutches. That little fur ball looks yummy. Hope mom is ok
Benny & Lily
Hi Max, I hope you don't eat the hampster! Areil once walked a hampster around our home in her mouth, but she didn't eat it! Maybe they are not tastey!
I hope you Mom's foot surgery goes well! You will have to go on shorter walks.
I think that hamster bears much closer inspection! Those little things can't be trusted!
Mom says that if you have airfare, she and I will be happy to come and keep you company as well as take you for walks. We have our paws crossed that your mom's surgery goes perfectly and that it helps her to feel much better!
That is a tasty looking morsel - we don't know how you control yourself.
Hope all goes well with your Mom's surgery. If we were there or you were here, we'd walk together.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
I think you will be an excellent hamster protector and couchside companion for your Mom.
Lots of Licks,
Our paws are crossed for your mom, Max! We would LOVE for you to come on walkies with us! It would be our pleasure!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You can always walk with the Herd. And we would like to taste - er, protect Schnapps. Oh, come on, the tongue is not part of the protection plan.
Best of your luck to your mom on her surgery. But the for the next couple of weeks, you can remind her to put her "best foot forward."
Hi Maxdog,
My mom said she would walk you so hop on a plane to Chicago and we'll pick you up in the big red machine. Although you better pack your snow boots and long underwear as it's a wee bit cold here!!
I also think you are trying to get a taste of that hamster...I see your tongue...I know what you were up to.
AARF Kasha the Dainty Great Dane
Hey, Max!
Tell Caryl she will recoop from surgery faster than fast! Part of her physical therapy can be walking you. Good idea?
We wish her the very best for a good surgery and fast recovery.
If you want to come here and walk in below zero temps, we'd just welcome you, Max. We are getting another few inches of snow tonight, so by the time you get here it will be up to your chin!
Dear Max,
Happy New Year! I'm so sorry I haven't had the chance to stop by and say hello for a while. I promise to be better at keeping in touch!
I hope all is well.
Warmest wishes,
Sue & the gang
Max, we have no doubt that you are a gentle soul and would never harm that hamster - no matter how tasty he looks:) You are very kind.
That is too bad about Mom's surgery but sometimes it is better to have the inconvenience of crutches and get rid of the pain for good. We hope her surgery goes well and that she heals quickly. Mom says if you can guarantee her those nice temps, she will gladly come walk you. We have extreme cold here now but we must say we do love it.
Take good care of your Mom.
Tail wags, Phantom and Thunder
Hi there Max!!
Happy New Year to you and mom!
Wow..i'm so amazed at how gentle you are facing that yummy..i mean cute little hamster..!
We will pray that all goes well for your mom and that she will heal and recover fast. She needs you to be strong for her and we know you are!
Perhaps you could take her for a nice slow healing walk once her surgery's done. Take Care!!
Maxx & Mommy
Paws crossed for your mom's surgery and quick recovery, I know that face of yours (and pack mates) will help!
Considering that your mom did all those adventurous antics the other day, I'm amazed that she was able to Do them!!! Bravo mom!!! And Max: you are an incredibly obedient doggie to have resisted biting into that hammie! Awwwww... we always knew you were such a good pup! So Mom, you will get through this and recover to perform all those fun things you showed us that you love to do!
Big Huggers and xo
Hi, Max!
I know you are very gentle with Schnapps!
I will have my paws crossed for your Mom!
You are right. Surgeries are not funny but they take the pain away!
I am sure you are going to take good care of her!
Kisses and hugs
We can pick you up at the airport in Portland, Oregon, then you can go for walks with us before you go back home and take care of your Mom. Oh, yeah, I guess that is a bit too far away, isn't it? Hmmmm. Well, I hope you find someone closer to home that you can walk with! Tell your Mom we are thinking of her and hope she has a speedy recovery.
Emma Rose
Maxi Maxi, i would definitely walk you if the ocean weren't so biiig between us. you're big enough to swim, better not as i would worry sick if you lost your way.
your mumster is one BRAVE hooman to attempt what she did with the pain......mumster says she will leave moi to go look after your mumster if your were closer ( but there again, she could be saying this as you're so faaaaaaar away bol....)
you take good care of her from now on till her surgery and forget the walkies for awhile and exercise in the pool daily, ok?
we will chat tonight in our dreams ok?
You are such a great protector! :)
I'm sorry to hear about your mom having to get surgery, but it sounds like it will really help her! And we know that she's going to have a smooth recovery with you right there to take care of her! :)
Hello! Speaking of walks, we have taken on a boarder now, Halle, my mom's 11 year old standard poodle, I must try to figure out how to walk all 4 dogs now (3 little poodles and 1 giant poodle)...
Good luck on your surgery, all will be well, we are sure. Much hugs!!!
You're showing a LOT more restraint than I could wiff that hamster, Max. I am a RAT Terrier after all. Mom says hamsters are not rats, but I say RAT stands fur Rodents Are Tasty. BOL!!!
It sounds like your moms foot surgery will be all fur the best. Not fun, but worth it in the end. We know you'll take good care of her.
Happy New Year Maxdog and the gang!
Sorry to hear that your mom needs to have a surgery. We wish her well and a speedy recovery. Please take good care of her.
Sam & June
Hi Max, we will be thinking of your mom - as you say it will be worth it to be pain free.
Now what we want to know is why are you not chasing that hammie?
Doesn't seem right somehow!
Martha & Bailey xxx
37 degrees. Do you know how jealous that makes all the folks in the North ? Horrified to hear about the foot surgery - you've got one of the best health care systems around.Are you in and out the same day?
Max, if we were only a little closer, we'd bring you on our walks with us!
We wish your Mom the very best with her surgery.
take care
Hi Max!! We would LOVE to come and walk with you! Take special care of your mommy and we hope the surgery will help her!!! Love you lots! Joey and Kealani
Good luck to your mom! We know you will take good care of her!
Ah Max, always the Gentledog! We would expect no less.
We hope that your Mums surgery goes well and that she recovers fast!!!!
Have a FANTASTIC New Year!!!
Wiggles, Tessa
Happy New Year buddy!!! Schnapps is a great name for the hammie.. you are such a gentle dog so I am sure you won't hurt little Schnapps.
Sorry to hear about your mom's surgery.. the only good thing out of it will be that she can't go anywhere with those clutches and will probably be spending a lot of time on the couch with you.
Sorry to hear about your mom's surgery. If you are away for a while, we understand. Take good care of your mom.
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