MAXDOG here...
Hello there to all my furry friends!We would like to start of by apologising for being so slack in visiting all your blogs. Hopefully things will settle down at this side of the pond and we will get back on track soon.
We are following a lot of your blogs, but haven't had enough time to comment.
Mom is also finally writing her last!
Please be patient with us?

Well our visitors have finally left us and we are a little sad. The house seems sooooo empty and quiet without them here!
Mom has been flitting around cleaning up the house and getting things organised again.
She says that she feels like 'Old Mother Hubbard!"
(Whatever that means!)
It was really lovely to spend some wonderful time together with our friends!
Us dogs have had extra attention and extra "sneaked" treats. Unfortunately our walks have been rationed but it has been fun to be with our friends!
Mom and her gang took them off to the airport yesterday afternoon.
Look what she did to TAMMY!!!....
My Poor Girlfriend!!!Anyway, Mom came back with some pictures which I can share with you.
These are photos taken at the airport of some really "professional" organisations in our midst...
And these people (below)had simply abandoned their offices....
Very professional indeed! (Hah!)
Well, thank goodness, our visitors weren't flying with those airlines and that they got off to a very safe and reliable start!
As Mom and the gang were coming home, there were a few thunderstorms brewing.
Mom got some super shots. Here are some...

(Check out the geese above!)

The black cloud at the top of the picture was the underside of a huge, dark band of cloud ...signalling:
Thankfully they all got home safely and we were able to get our supper on time! (Whew!)
Now that the visitors have gone, perhaps our household will return to normal?!?
Take care, be warm and have a truly pawsome weekend.
Lots of licks
Thank you for all your concern regarding my foot surgery. I have decided to postpone the procedure for the moment. It has been worrying me, so I've decided to abide by my motto:
I want to try some other strategies first before subjecting myself to the scalpel!
Thank you again for your encouragement!
Love the contrast with the Air Malawi and Air Zimbabwe signs. The latter says it all.
Hi Max,
Glad to hear that you guys now have mommy all to yourself and things are back to normal.
The pictures she took on the way home from the a.p. are beautiful!
I think you are wise to wait on the surgery for now until you are absolutely sure.
Take care,
Riley and Star.
Max, you are such a handsome fellow and I must say I think Tammy looks very pretty with that kiss on her forhead.
It does feel lonely when company goes home doesn't it but i am glad to hear you will be getting more walks in your lovely weather. Too bad the company couldn't take that mean ol' bird with them eh!
Licks and slobbers,
Ouch - good luck with your foot issues. I'm sure you will have two golden nurses looking after you, whatever you decide. Love all the pictures!
Sam and Cisco
Hi Max
I'm back in circulation again - sorry it's been a while. Those storm cloud photos are amazing. You may have heard we've been having dramatic weather in Scotland too. It was -13C when I went out for my (very brief) walk this morning.
Gail and I are very curious to know what book your Mom is writing. Can we order a copy yet?
Cheers! H.
Best of luck with the foot - our Mom's podiatrist suggested that she have some plantar facilitis surgery about 20 years ago - and she's learned to live with it.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Those signs cracked Mom up! She said it sounds typical!
We're sorry your company is gone, but at least things will get back to normal for you!
Your mom takes great pictures!
Love the photo of Tammy with the lipstick kiss!!!
Things have been hectic here too... so we haven't been commenting as much either!
I wish that I could put off my surgery. Not an option... But I'm happy that you've made a decision that leaves you feeling comfortable.
hi Max! Those are great pictures your mom took of the thunderstorm coming in! We wish we could only have thunderstorms here - it would mean it was much warmer out!
We hope you are able to get back to your normal routine - guests are fun but then getting back to normal takes a while!
Have a wonderful weekend!
It must seem very quiet, but lovely for you to have Mom to yourself! Love that picture of you on the bed!
Thanks for sharing some airport pics - uh oh. It must be stressful flying these days though. And those sky photos are superb - with the city skyline! Wow! Thanks for sharing!
Hugs xo
As a former sufferer of foot pain (plantar faciitis), I highly recommend acupuncture as it cured mine completely.
Loved the usual. The signs were terrific!
I had company for a month too. As much as I love having them, it's always nice to get back to normal.
I'm writing to you from my blog for creative people(not Animal Talk). I wish you (and anyone else who likes to write) would come write with us!
Visitors are nice but having the house back to normal is also nice.
Tammy girl looks cute with the lipstick mark. :)
Sam & June
Max, is mom writing a book about YOU? If so, I can't wait to read it someday!
That last picture could be on a greeting card, it's beautiful.
It always great to have company, but it's also great to get things back in order and get back to routine.
Good luck with the book. I have had some ideas brewing for a while but haven't sat down to do anything about them.
Have a great weekend.
No worries, Max - we've been busy here too. So much going on to clean up after the holidays and get the new year going the right way! We too will be glad to be back to our "normal" (whatever that is) routine!!
Brutus the Frenchie
I'm so glad that you had such a wondewful time wif youw visitows. Tammy's fowehead looks like mine does often's's how Hoomans show love sometimes.
Gweat news about youw Mom's book!!! and that she isn't having suwgewy wight now..i hope she gets welief fwom hew pain though
smoochie kisses
Hey Max, tell your mom she takes super CLOUD pictures, will ya! And we loved the gemsbok and baby lions too! And we're glad she is listening to her intuition re her foot... it's usually right!
What pawesome sky pikhs (says Mom)
What great pikhs of the two of woo (says ME)
I just LOVE that last picture! And the clouds and skyline - ooooh, how beautiful! Thanks for sharing, Max!
I love your pictures on your could have a book :)
Hapy New Year!!
Licks from me ..
OLive :)
Glad to know you can postpone the surgery until you are ready.
We LOVE the "kiss" on Tammy's head. Quite precious!
Emma Rose
Hi, Max!
It took me a week to understand my family who came for Christmas was no longer here! Hmmm...
I love love love the skyline pictures! Beautiful!
I hope your mom finds a good treatment to make her foot get better!
Kisses and hugs
Those photos of you on the bed are real nice! Your mom sounds so busy! "Old Mother Hubbard" .... Ha! Ha!
It's always strange when you've had a houseful and then everyone leaves. Enjoy your walks and the slower pace of life!
What beautiful sky shots! We hope you got your walkies in before the storms started!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We want to send ALL of you kisses!!!! That was such a cute picture of Tammy! Take care Hugs Joey and Kealani
Hi Max,
Happy New Year! Sorry I have not been visiting for ages - we have been doing the big "moving overseas" thing and settling into Australia - my humans are still really busy so not much time to help me visit my blog friends! :-) Anyway, it was great to catch up on your news and hey - what kind of book is your Mom writing? My human is really interested! Also, we're sorry to hear about her foot - but we think it's good not to rush into these things!
Honey the Great Dane
ps. LOVED the picture of "kissy-Tammy"!! :-)
Your mom writes books? So does my mom. I think it's way cool because we all get to lie by, around, on her all the time. She works from home. She asked me to tell your mom: Great call on the surgery! Good luck figuring out the best thing to do, and that technology is only improving. My mom knows a lot about bad body parts, she's suffering from chronic back pain.
No worries about the comments :) Seriously. We're supposed to be having fun, not stressing.
Mom knows exactly what your Mom meant about being Old Mother Hubbard - she had lots to do and very empty cupboards after all our holiday company left. It was lots of fun but the quiet is nice sometimes too.
What a cute kiss on Tammy's sweet head:) And what gorgeous sky shots! We thank you for taking the time to visit our blog - we fully understand how difficult it can be to keep up.
Happy New Year!
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Hmmm, I wonder if the Air Zimbabwe employees got too stressed out by passengers and called it quits?
That's very exciting that your Mom has finished her book. What is it about? My Mom has been working on a book off and on for over 20 years now and it's far from finished!
Your pal,
P.S. If our European and North American friends keep getting hit with snow, you may have more visitors this summer!
Mom is smart to listen to her "inner voice" telling her to wait on the foot surgery. My mother has had nothing but trouble with her leg since knee replacement surgery last March. You are all looking well. Every time you mention a rain storm brewing, I think of those rain spiders. EEK!!!!
Hi Max - aw, it must seem so quiet now. We loved the photo of Tammy with the 'smacker' mark on her forehead, he he he! We're glad you had a fun Christmas with lots of loved ones around - it's the very best way to spend the holidays isn't it? We're glad to hear your Mom is trying other routes for her foot - it's always good to have that option. Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
The lipstick kiss is adorable! You two are the prettiest/handsomest doggies!
Hi Max.....loved those signs, they made mommie giggle! Hope your mom can do ok without having to have that foot surgery.
We've been kind of "out of action" for a while, I kept telling mommie she needed to read your blog...cause you always bring smiles!
Hi Max, your Mom takes really good pictures, we really like looking at them. It is sad when company goes home, but it is very nice to get back to normal with walks and other routines. See you around in blogland
Hi Max - you sure are looking good. You have nothing to worry about about a long silence - listen who is speaking here!
Nice to catch up with you again. Must say, you and Tammy are looking great.
I look forward to following you on your adventures through life.
Hugs and kisses to your Mummy as well.
Keep well
I'll be patient--take care. I'll keep checking back. Everybody needs a break from time to time. Thanks for the lovely photos of the dogs---such soft coats they have.
Always happy to see a post from you!
Sweet photo of Tammy!!!
I agree about postponing surgery until you're certain...that's what my Dr. keeps telling me about my neck bone spurs-I'll know when it's time! Take Care,
You know. We could keep some data on exactly how long it take a household to resume normalcy (whatever that is.) We're betting it will be at LEAST a month around here. And probably much longer. But now that that is agreed upon by everyone in this home, we are happy to let it evolve the way it will.
We've not forgotten you, and hope you'll remember us when time allows.
Life really is very good.
Jake and Fergi xxoo
We are looking forward to hearing more about your lovely country and all your grand adventures.
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