MAXDOG here...

Thank you for all your comments yesterday!....nice giraffe hey???
Anyway, I thought I'd show you something...
My gorgeous girlfriend - TAMMY - was caught in the act...!

Dear friends
Some of you will know that I am currently extremely caught up in my book project. For this reason, I will be keeping Max's blogposts short, sweet and mainly relying on pictures to tell his tales. Please know that I appreciate you all immensely and know you will understand my absence from this blog at times and my less frequent comments on your own blogs. Please bare with me. By way of consolation (as well as something new) I have set up another blog where I will be sharing my 'book' venture. If you are interested, you are invited to visit it -
- and perhaps to participate. With love and appreciation for all your support. C
Don't feel bad about not posting as much-Chester and I have been struggling to find time to keep up with our own and still visit everybody.
Take care, have fun Maxdog!
Best wishes on writing your book!!!
Chester and Mom ;0=)
Hi Max!! My crew is totally jealous of your giraffe, and agree that Tammy is gorgeous! :-)
What a lovely girl!
your girl Tammy is so gorgeous. keep your mumster company while she writes and do give us deliiiish tidbits when you can, ok?
As they say, 'a picture is worth..'
We know all about the busy making stuff around here. Nice to see Tammy being a goof.
Woof! Woof! Cutie Tammy. Great photos. Looking forward on reading your mom's book adventure. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Noyhing wrong with a few moments of bliss! We say let it all hang out, Tammy!!
Brutus the Frenchie
Tammy is very lovely and obviously not afraid to let her hair (fur) down. I can see why you like her so much Max.
Licks and slobbers,
Hi Maxx, I like your giraffe! There is nothing like a good stuffy! Your Mom's book sounds awesome. I'm going to check out the blog!
Tell Tammy hi for us!
Tammy is gorgeous!
Good luck and best wishes to your mom with her first book.
Sam & June
Don't worry, we aren't going anywhere!! xoxo
You both are such happy pups! :) Love the pictures!
Tammy is a beauty! And we actually prefer short, sweet, picture posts when looking at blogs, compared to long wordy posts, since my mom's time is limited too. (((hugs)))
Tammy you ARE so gorgeous!
We've been having a hard time making the rounds. Lots going on in mom's life right now, so less computer time for us. Funny how it works that way.
Play bows,
Love the pictures of your girl Tammy, she rolls pretty good.
We are not working towards writing a book and struggle to keep up so please don't worry.
We all understand. Nobody can possibly comment on every blog every day and still live their life!
love and kisses
Martha & bailey xxxx
Nice pics there Max and Tammy!
Things have been kinda hectic too over at our place. But no worries, we'll always keep in touch, short post or otherwise, we'll keep on visiting!!
Mom's rarely khwikhk enough to khatch ME doing that!
Good job!
PeeEssWoo: We understand the priorities and visits and khomments OH MY!
You are one of the warmest and most thoughtful people that I've run across so I could never possibly be unhappy with your posts or comments!
I love the photos. And, you've got gorgeous dogs to photograph!
Congrats on starting your book project. You're an inspiration.
Wooos Max, it is ok,we love woo no matter how often woo post, we just need to see woo are all ok. Nice to see your girlfriend, she's beawootiful!
-Kira the also BeaWootiful
Oh Max - you have a beautiful girl there, Tammy is so gorgeous!
We also LOVE your giraffe - we're not surprised you don't want any ownership issues over it!!
Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
Max, Tammy's photos are lovely!
Don't worry about short posts and commenting - it's impossible to keep up with everything all the time!
We really appreciate that you took the time out to nominate us on the Blog Awards - and thank you so much for sending us the comment as well. It really means a lot to us.
We're off now to visit your Mom's blog - we have been trying to put a book together with a long long time and know how much work it takes. We are looking forward to following your Mom on her journey.
take care and thanks again
We love pictures and short posts are nice too. Our Pal Jack is the master of short but entertaining posts!
Tammy is gorgeous! We wish your mom good luck with her writing!
You're right Max, she is a looker!
Pretty Tammy!
We are anxiously awaiting your Best Seller Mom!
Wiggles, Tessa
Max, your girlfriend is definitely beautiful - thanks for sharing her loveliness with us.
We know the feeling, Mom, we may have to cut back some too. We are going to check in on your other blog and keep tabs on your progress.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
My mommy writes books too. We get you. You have our family's full support and cooperation. :)
Oh Max your Tammy is quite the looker and I see she's not shy.
AARF Kasha the Dainty Great Dane
Hi, Max!
We understand your mom is busy with her book!
Tammy sure was having fun there!
Kisses and hugs
Woo, Tammy. Who needs modesty!
That's one pretty girlfriend!
That's one of Sadie's favorite positions! Tammy is certainly a pretty thing! Tell you Mom that we know how THAT goes. My Mom is working on a book when she gets the time, which doesn't seem to be often enough to get much done on it. If your Mom is actually going to FINISH, than she NEEDS to TAKE the time, and the pictures of your and your family are always so beautiful anyway! BG
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