MAXDOG here...

Thank you all again for your 'get well' wishes! They have worked enormously and I am on the road to recovery. Mom is delighted with my progress, but more of that later...
It would be remiss of me if I, as your TOUR GUIDE, didn't give you the latest news from JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA..
This was the headline on yesterday's local daily newspaper...

Well our main water source - THE VAAL DAM - was 106% full 2 days ago, so the authorities decided to open 9 sluice gates to the dam. This is equivalent to releasing water which would fill 72 000 average swimming pools, EVERY HOUR!!
That is an unbelievable amount of water, I am sure you will agree, so I thought you might be interested in this snippet of news!
Let's move on to the news of me...THE MAXDOG...
Yesterday morning I woke mom up with a muzzle nudge! She responded with a wide grin - probably because I haven't done this for over a week. There was also a spring in her step when I later gobbled down my food. She says that these are the signs that I am on the mend...
Yesterday morning I woke mom up with a muzzle nudge! She responded with a wide grin - probably because I haven't done this for over a week. There was also a spring in her step when I later gobbled down my food. She says that these are the signs that I am on the mend...

Well last night I decided that I'd had enough of being holed up, so I gently went to tell the "Boss that it was time for a walk!!!". I think he got the wrong idea...

But I persisted in trying to get the message across...

He didn't seem to hear me, so I went to tell mom.
She was playing with my giraffe, so I made sure that I got it back and manoeuvred
her into the house again...towards our leads...

TAMMY was with me when they finally got the message!
We were very excited about our walk...

I'm looking much better, don't you think?
TAMMY doesn't look too bad herself!...

Since we have had so much RAIN, the grass has taken off. Some folk just haven't managed to keep up with the mowing of their lawns.
(Something like me not managing to comment on all your blogs...sob!)
We don't mind the long grass at all!...
This is the part of our walk where we are allowed to go
We finally got home. I was panting a lot, but I think it was from happiness!...

So THANK YOU again to all my buddies for helping me get better. I'm still on my medication and still have a while before it is finished and I have to go back to Dr Ernie for a check, but for the moment, I am well!
Hope you are also frisky!
...and have a happy weekend!
HAMISH: Thank you for coining the term..."Distinguished"!!!
STELLA: Thank you for suggesting that we should age backwards!!! (It means I have 10 more years left...yay!)
ANNA: You may, with absolute pleasure, grow Zebra stripes with Tammy!
ANGUS: Toffee is just fine!!!
KB: Thanks for admiring my poses...they are not quite like yours, but thanks anyway!
COCO: Thanks for caring for're still my 'sideline' dearest one!
TESSA: Thanks to your humans for all their great suggestions for mom's foot!
SUGAR: I really love your "WOOF!"s!!
KIM: There is no way that I want to become a zebra...that's girl stuff!!!
JAKE & FERGIE: Thanks for just "being YOU!"...and good luck for MM
HOUNDSTOOTH & THE OP PACK: Glad you like my garden...I'm growing it for mom!
TWINKYTINYDOG: Thanks for the suggestion of 'Nutrical'...we're still trying to establish if it's available here...but maybe I won't need it afterall!
BENNY & LILY: Thanks for being patient about my tour-guide duties!
TWEEDLES: You may, with pleasure play with Tammy in the mud...just take a photo!
DEBORAH: Hope Ariel got her walk!
BRUTUS: Get better soon, buddy! It's not fun having the sickies!
LORENZA: Hope your momma's meds are actually making her better too!
HUSKEY & HERSHEY: Thank you for the compliment about my silky ears...of course your mom may rub them...hope the dirr...r..eeeee...a... solidifies!
MANGO: Good luck with your Minster!!! (I'm watching all the fun from the sidelines this year!)
EVERYONE ELSE: You have been truly FANTASTIC with all your well wishes...I love you all. Sorry mom hasn't been getting to comment on all your blogs, but we try our best.

He didn't seem to hear me, so I went to tell mom.
She was playing with my giraffe, so I made sure that I got it back and manoeuvred
her into the house again...towards our leads...

TAMMY was with me when they finally got the message!
We were very excited about our walk...

I'm looking much better, don't you think?
TAMMY doesn't look too bad herself!...

(Something like me not managing to comment on all your blogs...sob!)
We don't mind the long grass at all!...


So THANK YOU again to all my buddies for helping me get better. I'm still on my medication and still have a while before it is finished and I have to go back to Dr Ernie for a check, but for the moment, I am well!
Hope you are also frisky!
...and have a happy weekend!
HAMISH: Thank you for coining the term..."Distinguished"!!!
STELLA: Thank you for suggesting that we should age backwards!!! (It means I have 10 more years left...yay!)
ANNA: You may, with absolute pleasure, grow Zebra stripes with Tammy!
ANGUS: Toffee is just fine!!!
KB: Thanks for admiring my poses...they are not quite like yours, but thanks anyway!
COCO: Thanks for caring for're still my 'sideline' dearest one!
TESSA: Thanks to your humans for all their great suggestions for mom's foot!
SUGAR: I really love your "WOOF!"s!!
KIM: There is no way that I want to become a zebra...that's girl stuff!!!
JAKE & FERGIE: Thanks for just "being YOU!"...and good luck for MM
HOUNDSTOOTH & THE OP PACK: Glad you like my garden...I'm growing it for mom!
TWINKYTINYDOG: Thanks for the suggestion of 'Nutrical'...we're still trying to establish if it's available here...but maybe I won't need it afterall!
BENNY & LILY: Thanks for being patient about my tour-guide duties!
TWEEDLES: You may, with pleasure play with Tammy in the mud...just take a photo!
DEBORAH: Hope Ariel got her walk!
BRUTUS: Get better soon, buddy! It's not fun having the sickies!
LORENZA: Hope your momma's meds are actually making her better too!
HUSKEY & HERSHEY: Thank you for the compliment about my silky ears...of course your mom may rub them...hope the dirr...r..eeeee...a... solidifies!
MANGO: Good luck with your Minster!!! (I'm watching all the fun from the sidelines this year!)
EVERYONE ELSE: You have been truly FANTASTIC with all your well wishes...I love you all. Sorry mom hasn't been getting to comment on all your blogs, but we try our best.
Great to hear you're feeling a bit perkier Max. But take care now and don't overdo it old chap!
As for all that rain - well you might as well be in Scotland. Except that we have snow here, again, this morning..
Cheers, H.
Hi Max, so nice to see you looking so well in your pics and hearing how much better you are feeling.
That was an awful lot of rain!!! Are you sure it is Africa you are living in - beginning to look like Scotland!
We loved all the pics but particularly liked the giraffe ones!
Very cute.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
hey Maxi,
you do look better in the pics and we're so happy that you are out and about.
so HE does listen when we speak with HIM and we want you like new, so we will continue to nag HIM till you are off your meds
have a great weekend as mine will be better now
That is such excellent news, Max. Keep it up!
By the way, we love the picture of you and Tammy with perfectly synchronised tails!
We are so glad you are feeling better, Max. That's such good news. Looks like you walk was such fun.
Tucker and Daisy
Max, I'm so glad to see the spring back in your step! Your mom needs you to take her places for inspiration. Mom says she does her best story thinking while we go on walks!
Good luck in the contest!
We are glad to here that you are feeling much better, Maxdog! You take care of yourself and don't overdo it!
So happy you are up at about Max! And that is quite a lot of grass!! WOW!! Hope there is nothing scary hiding in the grass!!! EEK!!! xoxo
Glad to hear you're better, Max! And that grass looks fantastically fun for running through. I don't get that many off leash chances, nor that beautiful of grass.
I voted for you, I sure hope you make it! You have a great blog.
Ellie (and Mom)
We're so happy you're feeling so much better.
Have a great weekend
Clive and the NSLM
Wooos We are so happy woo are feeling better... nice walkie!
We went and voted fur woo already! Lots of love
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Hey MAx. I was pretty busy lately so I'm just catching up the news. So sorry to see your sad eyes on the last post. But I kissed you, hope you felt it. I'm happy to hear you get better, hopefully you'll never be sick again. Ever.
The weather is so crazy. You have plenty of rain, we have too much cold here. Both people and dogs die here because of cold temperatures. I do hope it will be better for all of us.
Kisses and good luck with the contest!
Yeah Max! glad to see youre feeling better!
Good luck with that contest!
How nice to see Max is bakhk!
Woo look sooooo much better!
PeeEssWoo: Best of lukhk with the khontest!
Oh Maxdog, so glad that you are better now. We just went and voted for you! Good luck!
Now on to that dam, wow, lots and lots and lots of water!!! We love water but that's too much!
Happy weekend! Our best regards to every doggy and human in your household.
Sam & June
Hooray for feeling better, Max!
Just continue to do what your body tells you, like nap, Max, Nap!
I am glad you took my backward aging to heart, I think its the best thing for you and Hamish who tend to THINK a lot about your age.
Great to know everything is on the mend. Walks and drinks are a sure sign that things are on the up. Max is it wise to be walking around J'burg at night?
Dear Max, thank you for taking the time to acknowledge all of us. I think I speak for all, we don't need that. We just care. We're all too happy to see you pestering your humans for a walk :) As for your blog contest, I'm headed there right now. If we can vote more than once though, make sure you remind us and we shall!
PS, yes, I'm back. I'm annoying this way. I wanted to inform you that I too would like to enter this contest. My goal is to someday, within the next two months, organize an International Animal Blogging Event to bring all out blogs together. I've been inspired by One World One Heart, an event that is more targeted mostly towards creative people. I know it's a huge undertaking, but I think we'd all love it. I hope you don't mind the "competition". Thank you for making me aware of this. And btw, I can still vote for you.
Max that is so great that you are feeling so much better - you look so much happier in these pictures then in your last few. We are so happy you are getting back to your normal self!!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Hi, Max!
Hurray! I am so happy to see you are doing soooo well!
I can see you and Tammy enjoyed a lot your walkie!
On the contest... Done! Good luck!
Kisses and hugs
Quick note:
Glad you are feeling better!
No such thing as picture overload.
I try to get away with the ear rub too- Moose won't have it.
Wow that's a lot of water!
I voted!
Dear Max
I'm so glad to read that you are feeling better. You are such a wonderful dog and tour guide. Of course, I voted for you... from Alsace/France.
Maxdog, The news that you are acting like you feel better is FANTASTIC!!!! I've been worrying about you - a sad Maxdog casts a pall over the entire blogosphere. I hope that you keep mending.
Here's a trick for getting across the walk message. Our dogs have perfected it over many generations. They march around the house carrying our walking shoes! The message is clear!
Max! So glad that you are feeling better!!! Keep it going!!! Hugs Joey and Kealani
So good to hear you are feeling better - eating, enjoying ear scritchies, playing with Mr. Giraffe, and going for a walk with a nice perky tail - sure signs of a happy and healthy boy!!!
Of course we will vote for you - off we go.
Happy Friday, Phantom and Thunder
Hey Max,
We are most sorry that you haven't been feeling well. We have been very much behind on the bloggies.
We are very happy that you are doing better and we hope you get to go on more walkies.
Hoover BPD
We are so very happy that you are back to your young self!
about voting - don't worry about it!
Hugs, Tessa
Max of course we are being patient even though we are sitting here waiting for the next tour. BOL We are on our way to the voting booths
Benny & Lily
MaX! It was good to see you out on a great walkie....that's some tall grass! I'd dissapear. Better to stalk the elusive squirrley!
Good luck to you too, Twinks!(and everyone else who decides to enter the competition)
Of course I'll also vote for you my very personal opinionfor, its not about competition at all...its about the blogs! The more the merrier I say!
Lotsalicks and good luck
I am getting ready to put my jammies on , but I wanted to say that I am happy you feels better today Max. So very happy. I love to hear about your tail wag and happy eyes and play with girafies and goes for walkies and wakes mom up with big kisses. Yes, I am all better now- so I can sleep tonight.
I will thank my lucky stars tonight that you felt better.
Hi there Max!
Glad to know you're doing well!!
Another thing i'm thankful for today!
Enjoy your weekend buddy!!
We're soo sorry havent't read about your problems!!!
Mommy had a car accident so she haven't had helping us reading your blog!!!
We're soooooo sad!!!
But we're soooooooooo happy reading you're feeling better!!!
And we can see you look in a perfect look!!!
You and Tammy are such a wonderful match!!!!
you're having tons of rain there!!!
Pleaseeeeeee....take care of you ok?????
And we'll vote for you of course!!!
You and your blog are fantastic and you deserve to win!!!!!!
We'll keep you in our hearts and prayers!!!!
WE LOVE YOU TONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAve a wonderful weekend with all your special family!!!!
Hi Maxdog,
I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better. You look like you have that spring back in your step...I'm so happy you are better.
AARF Kasha the Dainty Great Dane
We're so glad to hear that you're feeling better, Max! Good food and walkies are the best!
We voted!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Max, I am so happy to see your happy, smiling face! Glad you're feeling better!
We are SO RELIEVED to see that you are doing so much better! Glad you were able to enjoy a good walk, too!
WE got a LOT of rain for a while there on our Road Trip! I've never seen so much rain! BG
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