HeLo everyone! I’m TAMMY. Me isS Max’s girLfriend.

PLeez foGgiveS me, me not so good with words...
”the Lift doesn’t go to the top floor”,
“not all the teacups are in the cupboard”
and some PEEplLS callS me dazed.
(Max says you will know what me means!)
But I beeS a gentLe girlLdog and I’m Max’s buddy-Luv so I thinkS I shud do him a big favour and teLLS yous what is gone on.
You see, Max asked me teLLS yous what is happeningS in this house (oh yes, me said that) ...since he’s not here.
You see, Max asked me teLLS yous what is happeningS in this house (oh yes, me said that) ...since he’s not here.
Him and Toffee beeS in big standoff positions in da bedroom. They areS both in the bedroom guarding Mom’s bed. Mom hadS some horrible injetshuns in her paws and she isS lying flat out on her bed. Max and Toffee areS having a battle as to who will giveS her the most licks and scoreS the most doggie points.
As for me, I’ve chasedS the rats and the purple butterflies and now dreamingS about...ummm nothing! But I thoughtS I’d let yous know whats happening, so yous wont worryS too much about Max and Mom.
Um..must go...forgotS what I wasS saying....
........ah.....a purple moth!
ByeS now,
Um..must go...forgotS what I wasS saying....
........ah.....a purple moth!
ByeS now,
Yeaooooo!! Glad we connected with Max. And, hi Tammie sweetie!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose and mom
We hope that your momma is feeling better really soon!
Get Well, Max's Mom!
Thanks for the update Tammie.
That Max is one lucky pooch! (hubba hubba)
Wet kisses to the momma.
Hoover BPD
Hi, Tammy!
You are beautiful!
I hope Mom gets better soon!
Kisses and hugs
Nice to meet you, Tammy! You are very pretty!
Get well soon, Max´s Mom!
xoxo, Thor
What a beauty you are, Tammy! Your eyes are gorgeous and you have your eye liner application down to a science!
Let Mama know we hope she feels better soon.
Jake and Fergi
You are such a pretty grrrl, Tammy! I hope your mom is feeling better wiff all those cuddles and kisses.
Hi Tammy
You are quite good with words - I am sure everybody understood all you were trying to say! And who cares about the lift not going to the top floor - tell people to use the stairs then! You are absolutely adorable!
I sure hope that your Mummy is much better now and back on her paws, oops, I meet feet!
Take care.
Paxton and Shirley
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