Tammy’s Mom is going into hospital today to have her ‘Wisdom’ teeth removed...
Does this mean that Tammy’s Mom will no longer be wise?
I am confused...
Does this mean that dogs too become "less wise" when their teeth get removed?
Well the good news is that I still have all my teeth! So does Tammy!
Tommy and Toffee however have had lots removed. Perhaps that means they are ‘Idiots’? It certainly makes sense and explains their idiotic behaviour towards the humans; their constant hopping to be picked up and barking when they get left outside. Not to mention their having to sleep in beds at night.
Well, I really must keep my teeth, I think! I must speak to mom to brush my teeth more often and to buy some of those lovely chews which you get at the Vet. She does, however, take me to the Vet regularly to check my teeth and occasionally have them cleaned.
But all this talk of TEETH makes me think though...what do CROCODILES do about their teeth? They must be very WISE, since they seem to have them all. I wonder if there are any CROCODILE dentists around.
Anyway, good luck to Tammy’s Mom today with the removal of her WISDOM. Please keep her in your thoughts and doggie prayers.
Good luck Tammy's Mom. The little man's mum had that done a long time ago and its not very nice!!
lots of woofs
Good luck to Tammy's mom.
Good for YOU☺ Keep all of your teeth but I am sorry to say that little dogs act like they do even if they do have teeth! It's just something they do.
I asked my Mom if she had Wisdom teeths and she said no, they were removed long ago.
So, THATs the reason she is a little goofy now and then. I learn so much on the dog blogs!
I still have all my teeth, but Gail has absolutely no wisdom teeth at all apparently. And sometimes I think she is quite unwise. (Like today, for example, when she went off for a swim in the River Dee, and left me at home!)
Cheers, H.
Good luck to Tammy's Mom. Our mom had her wisdom teeth removed years ago, and she still seems pretty bright, but we are with you and want to keep all of ours.
Tucker and Daisy
Good luck Tammy's Mom!!!!
I hope everything goes well for Tammy's mom! My mom has pretty much given up on her wisdom teeth coming out. Guess that makes me wiser than her since I have all my pearly whites. Hopefully it will stay that way.
That big croc looks scary!
Good luck Tammy's mom!
Rufus and Indie
Hi, Max!
I hope everything went well with Tammy's mom!
Kisses and hugs
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