Well yes, about the past weekend...
I must admit, the humans in this household were so distracted with all the sport on television that I might as well not have existed! Look, I accept that we are a simple household and we are just house dogs, but this TV is getting a bit much! The good thing, though, is that we have our humans with us all the time and that I really enjoy!
You might ask, “Did you get your walk?” Yes, we did get walks, in fact quite a few of them, so we aren’t really complaining, but our humans looked very ‘phased’ and so we took walks from anyone who was offering. In the end, I think we got about 4 walks from Toffee’s mom and her boyfriend. I like him – he’s a good influence and sneaks me treats every now and then.
But as far as Mom was concerned all she was concerned about was that stupid box with the pictures...(and occasionally blogging.) But Mom says the television was excellent (?). Apparently the British Lions (didn’t know they had lions there) won the rugby and “Fed...sumthing” won Wimbledon. She was also talking about the Tour de France.
Now touring sounds good, but I don’t think I could ride a bicycle. I was thinking perhaps of asking Sue’s group if she would take me kayaking along all those rivers in France. Mmmmm.....dream on Max!!!
Well here are a few pictures of us lounging around the sitting room.
Do you guys think I am over-reacting about the television?
Have a barkful day!
Love mmmMAXxxx
Lots of television here as well this weekend but thankfully the little man's mom will take him and me out - his dad can't be moved away at all sometimes from the sport!!
We were all very happy that the Lions won - finally!! and a great result too!!
We were split on our support for the tennis and then there was golf on as well, and then Hurling matches (Irish sport - very fast, a bit like hockey!) - how much sport can you watch in one weekend!
Looks like you were all very comfortable though!
lots of woofs
Don't worry too much, Max. The sport isn't this exciting every weekend. Maybe you can ask your mom for a tennis ball and you can chase it around the room when the tennis is on next time. At least you got your walks and a cuddle from the family. Lots of love from your mom's friend Pam.XXX
Max, you are the sweetest thing, I love reading your blog!!!I don't know what's worse, the tv or hogging up the puter!!!! Oh and the hornbill things...I would have a blast chasing those!!!
Yes, its true, Max, not every weekend will be as packed with sportsters as this one was!
At least you didn't have to listen to rockets sploding, firecrackers popping, and fireworks going up. Enough to scare a dog to death!
Hi Max
You know there's one sport on telly that I'm really anti! That's the Tour de France. When Gail watches this event she gets all inspired to go out on lots of bicycle rides herself, and she resolutely resists all my efforts to buy a basket so that I cam come along too. So selfish! Rugby and tennis are much safer viewing!
Cheers, H.
Hi, Max!
I had the same kind of weekend here!
My mom spent almost all day in front of the tv!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Arr mommee likes da teevee, too. We just mayks sure dat we duz lots of inturrupting. Lotz of whining, lotz of dropping da tennis ballz on hur lap, stuff like dat.
Gus and Waldo
Hello Doggies!
We read all your posts- from the very first to the most recent. Oh its too bad that we're in July already! We can't have enough of your interesting country and the different types of dogs that can be seen there. Wow! We can't wait for your next post, so we would like to link you guys.
We are very happy to find a new friends from such a beautiful country. Thank you very much for visiting our blog!
lovelots, Moymoy and the gang
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