It's Friday!
...and it's BISCUIT TIME!
...For all of you!

Mom and I have been pondering as to the greater meaning of 'BISCUIT TIME' and we came up with the idea that its not just about giving biscuits to us doggies in this household, but to extend our BISCUIT TIME...
We really do want YOU to know how special you are to us, so we thought of having an all-round moment in the form of this post to simply acknowledge you.
* To all our furry friends on our BLOG LIST -(even though you may not be specifically listed below); thank you for the enjoyment we get from reading your blogs and for sharing your lives with us. You provide immense excitement in our household by showing us your world and your ways!
* TO 'THOR': We give you Biscuits for giving us our first bloggie award! ...for being one of our first fur-friends and for bringing us amazing pictures of your walks.
* TO 'STELLA' and 'ALI-Z': For being the first doggie to REALLY encourage us and introduce us to the doggie world and helping us network. For always being so sweet and patient.
Ali-Z: You have given us real insight into the world of kitties. You are a great educator and have opened our eyes to your status amongst furry friends.
* TO 'PACO,MILO & MAYA': for extending your friendship into emails behind the scenes. Thank you for your gentle, encouraging natures and for bringing us stories and pictures of your wonderful countryside in Italy.
*TO 'HAMISH': For intelligent pondering, interesting conversation, prestine countryside and for reminding us that 'Old dogs still count'!
*TO 'THE ARMY OF FOUR': For your military precision in bringing us really exquisite pictures of your neighbourhood. For being so diligent in sharing your blog with all four of your favourite ones and for sharing your beautiful garden, flowers and skies.
*TO 'MUSOLE'-the great soldier and lion dog- at RAFFINGORA in desolate ZIMBABWE. Thank you for inspiring us with your resolve to survive and for also reminding us that we have a responsibility to encourage others and to help them along the way. (We wait excitedly for more stories of the lion cubs!)
*TO 'MADD' : For one of the greatest bantering sessions ever! - even if it was with a CAT! For being my first South African commentator. For joining me in flying the South African flag and for helping me with my ommissions with the Tour Guiding stuff. We look forward to your blog too!!!
*TO 'LORENZA': For always being there. You have been one of the most consistent commentators and we truly appreciate it! We are inspired by your designer dresses and your sweet nature.
*TO 'MANGO': For giving us the greatest laughs ever! For allowing us to dissolve into side-splitting mirth and then to gently remind us of your goodlooking wrinkledness. We appreciate your intrinsic ability to deal with the irritations in life...(and Dexter - thank you for showing us how to deal with the complex and massive Mango!) ...Giant Biscuits for you, big guy!
*TO 'CLIVE' and "THE LITTLE MAN": For showing us another wonderful and fascinating world and allowing us to see it through your eyes. For sharing your excursions and for the love and care you show as an assistance dog to your dear, dear Little Man! Big biscuits to Mom too for her unrivaled energy and love!xxx
*To 'HOOVER', the battery powered one: For showing us that life is fragile but still possible - abundantly so - even if you need battery assistance!
*To 'DOMI': For giving us a reality check! Despite the fact that you are gravely ill, you can still give to others in your therapy work as well as have fun! You are truly amazing and we admire you immensely. Hang in there,bud..we love you!
*TO 'HONEY': An amazing dog and dog Mom! You and your blog are an inspiration and remind us that we have so much to learn! You are in the forefront of blogging - pioneering and perservering - a truly aspiring vision!
*TO 'TESSA': For being a constant reminder that Mom needs to wash our own Toffee and keep him beautiful! You are the 'sweetness' aspect of our blogging contact!
*TO 'SUE' at 'RANDOM RAMBLINGS': For so many interesting and varying posts. For your outspokenness - which is often needed. For showing us that there is a wonderful 'other' world (out there)of modern goldens who pioneer our breed and our activities. Thank you!
*TO 'CLOUD THE WONDER DOG': For your honesty of expression, your sense of humour and reminder of the funny side of little things. For being the inspiration to your Mom's beautiful paintings and for simply lighting up our lives. Thank you!
*TO 'MILEY': For living through the impossible - eating rocks...and surviving! You are a dog who always seems to be in constant trouble, but still keeps showing the Golden spirit. We love you, Miley.
*TO THE "TWO SPECIAL WIRES': For reminding us that its good to look outdoors to the beautiful world outside...the lizards, the hail and all the natural things the world has to offer us. Its good to know that rescued dogs can have such an amazing life of potential and happiness. Congratulations!
*TO "HERO": We admire your resolve in adapting to a change in your environment and for your willingness to rescue those animals who come to your doorstep. We give you lots and lots of biscuits for being willing to share your house with others. You have shown your true colours in the acceptance of Tagpi. Thank you for sharing your world!
*TO MY FAMILY: Thank you for putting up with my blogging and eventually joining in in all the fun. Thank you, especially, to "The Boss" for paying for all of this!!! As you guys know, South Africa has the most expensive internet connection in the world, so a big thank you for letting me fulfill me creativity.
Thanks for those nice words. I am so happy I met you. You are a wonderful little guy.
Aw, thank you so much fur the biscuit and sweet words, Max! We love you and always look forward to reading your blog and seeing your handsome face!
What a very nice post! Have a lovely weekend.
Martha & Bailey xxx
Hi Maxdog! It's us, the Doogie Beags! We wanted to stop by and thank you for all your sweet comments while we were having our "issues"....and as promised, now they're fixed, here we are visiting you! It's lovely to finally meet you, we're going to add you to our links if that's ok and we'll be sure to visit again once we've caught up with all our old buddies :o)
Slobbers xx
What a great post to all of your friends!!
Elizabeth & Luna
Thanks for the biscuits and for your kind words! Tagpi and I always enjoy getting a biscuit after our meals. We're glad to have found a friend in you and the rest of your family!
And biscuites for you too, Maxdog! Thank you for sharing your wonderful blog with all of us!
Hi Max
Well it is very nice indeed to find someone who understands the need for intelligent communication.
And the also the need for biscuit!
Thanks and Cheers, Hamish.
My goodness, it took us so long to read about alla' your friends that it was time for another cookie for us! YUM!
Awwwwwwwwwwwww Max!!!
What a sweet post!!!
Thanks for all your lovely words for us and for all your wonderful bloggie friends!!!!
You and yoour mommy are sooooooooooooooo sweet!!!
We're soooooooooooooo happy and lucky to met you!!!!
And very very honored to have your friendship!!!
You're wonderful dear friends andnow we have you in our life we couldn't live without you!!!!!
Thanks for sharing your life with us through your wonderful blog!!!
Eachtime we saw your face all around us became much more beautiful and happy!!!!
HAve a wonderful weekend!!!!!!!!!
Sweet kisses and licks!!!!
Hey there MaxDog,
Thank you so much for acknowledge me today. That was very sweet.
I know that I always look shiny white but I try real hard to get dirty, really I do, honest, ok I don't try that hard, but I could!
Hugs to you Bud! Tessa
Hey Max,
How very touching. I know we all get something from reading about other doggies lives on their bloggies. But the way you so eloquently put it into words made my battery powered heart skip a beat!
Much love to you my man!
Hoover BPD
Hey Max,
Best biscuits I ever had! Thanks for all the kind words for me and even Ali Zophia!
Now let me thank you for showing us around South Africa, for introducing me to RAFFINGORA which blows us all away!
Lets have the Boss keep paying the bills and we can keep on having fun for a long time!
What a nice way to honor your friends, Max. We are honored to be your friends.
Tucker and Daisy
Can I have a biscuit too? Yum !
Yummy, biscuits from SA!!!
Max! You are SO SWEET! Thank you for the biscuits - and mostly for your wonderful friendship!!!
Sorry we got behind on reading - the vet appointments this past week got us a bit behind! We were really happy to hear that your Robyn is studying to be a vet!!! That is REALLY wonderful!
Tail wags from all of us,
Thanks for your kind words and biscuits, Max! We´re so happy to be friends with you and your wonderful family!
Thor and family
Mmmmm, biscuits .....
what a great bloggie post - we think your bloggie is awesome too
so cyber biscuits right back atcha
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
Purr...greetings fellow furry one...
I am most grateful for the offerings and accept the gesture.
Thank you and by all means, keep it up :)
Aww, thanks Max! I'm way behind on my blog reading and just saw this. You are a very sweet friend for thinking of me.
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