Hey guys. Yesterday we watched, in horror,
Hey guys. Yesterday we watched, in horror,
...while TOFFEE had his bath!
He's such a little squirt!:- He gets all excited, just because he has this
'ALONE TIME' with Mom
I must say - Toffee's actions are not unlike that of a Cat! Indeed don't you think that he looks similar to a kitty in a puddle?! Well, we just studied this spectacle. We looked on.... Our jaws were on the floor. What a farce!
He become all whipped up in self-worth!
"Oh... doesn't he look totally pathetic!
We think he looked like some late human ancestor.
Then it was off to the dressing table,
" 'blow-dry' him.", Mom said.
Sunlight is, apparently no good enough for the little squirt!...
Just pampering, praise and pathetic-ness!
Then it was off to the dressing table,
" 'blow-dry' him.", Mom said.
Sunlight is, apparently no good enough for the little squirt!...
Just pampering, praise and pathetic-ness!
I got all edgy at that stage. I think anyone would!
His madam, Robyn, reinforced all this big-headedness.
oh Toffee, you are so cute! i can see the goldens are a bit jealous! they think they deserve ALL the attention!
have a great week!
I'm glad nobody tries to pull that kind of crap with me! Salon only, thank you very much.
We are trying to get all baths outlawed!
we dont know about you guys - but we prefer the sunlight to dry
glad you guys didnt get bathes
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
I got mine in the lake the other day, so much for baths!
Peeess: Why are you big Goldies so jelus of that little twerp?
Max - you're still our main man!!
lots of woofs
- he does look kinda cute though!!
Toffeeeeeeee.....sure you're very very beautiful...but POOR YOU!!!!
We hate have a bath.....we escaped all around the garden when mommy try to wash us!!!!!
You look soooooooooooooo good!!!
we're proud of you!!!!!!!
MAx......if you need tons of cuddles...come on boy!!!!
We're here for youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!
You and Tammy look soooooooooooooo cute and ......Jealous.....???!!!!
don't worried....we're here for youuuuuuuuuuu sweet goldie friends!!!!!
we want to say to Robin that Goldens needed TONS OF CUDDLES!!!!!!!!!
Soooooooooooooooo...please sweet girl...can you give extra special cuddles to our special friends?????
HAve a wonderful monday dear friends!!!
Hi KING Toffee : ) Wow I am sooo happy to have made so many friends all on one blog! Those goldens are sooo jealous, thats how us big dogs get - we want ALL the attention.
Toffee is a real cutie!! You bothlooked sad just laying there on the floor. Maybe deep down you wanted some pampering too?? We got a bath too. Must be the season. Mom usually does it but this time she took us to a spa kind of place.
Ernie & Sasha
Hi new friends
Wet or are all adorable
Benny & Lily
Oh NO! Toffee, are you OK?!?!?
Max - that's so SCARY! You didn't have to have a (gasp!) bath, too, did you!?! The minute your mom starts thinking about it, run over here! You can hide under the dining room table with me, OK? I'll make room for you! I hope it was just Toffee. I mean - no offense to him, but ohhh, how I hope you guys don't suffer the same fate!!!
hey MaxMax
be nice to Toffee, he cant help looking like a drowned rat!
dont forget all the love and wallpapers we give you too!
its not all DoffToff...
you get lots of love too!!
ill give you a wallpaper this weekend MaxWax!
lotsa biscuits...
There are dogs that need all that attention to boost their self-esteem. And there are dogs that don't. I think we know which category we belong to, eh?
Cheers! H.
Strut your stuff Toffee!
Easy for us to say, as we don't have any little squirts in our house! teeheehee!
Hugs and Rubs to all!
YUK! We'll pass on the baths but we'll take the towel drying! We like that part!
You do look pretty handsome, Toffee!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Sorry there MaxDog,
You big moose guys are just jelous that you're not lap size!
Toffee you go boy!
woo woo, Tessa
Oh poor Toffee...we feel bad for her.
Sam & June
Well Max, I gotta say, I really do enjoy my baff time. But there is NO way I would like the blow dryer!!! Nope! I'm not that high maintenance, BOL!
Sorry you had to watch all that and get gloated at the end, BOL!
This entry made me laugh out loud!
Hi, Max!
Toffee is like me. Loves baths! But I don't get that after bath treatment!
Kisses and hugs
sorry to hear bout your you feel great after that dont cha?!
Hello again...meow.
Toffee looked like a drowned rat in that first picture, friend Max. Almost appetising, a-l-m-o-s-t.
One bath and suddenly he thinks he can sit on my...o-u-r, chair? What a presumptuous pedigree poodle he is. At least we know he's not porky!
Wow, I can't believe I got away with that...Max, you're slipping boy...or are you just used to my usual rubbish now?
It falls to me to keep you on your toes...purr.
Kitty litter! Kitty litter! Use the CAT BOX Mr Madd!!...ON THE SIDE BAR OF THE BLOG'S OPENING PAGE!
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