You think I look unimpressed?...well you are right!
I didn't realise that meant US!!!!!!
Yes, for 4 whole hours she washed, scrubbed, brushed and trimmed us all. I was last in the queue and on second thoughts, I should have hidden! But you see, I had to keep a dogs-eye on proceedings. I don't think any of us really enjoyed the bath, but the sunshine...
...well that is another story!
The weather is glorious here at the moment. I see where Mom gets the idea that it is Spring! I know that our fur seems to be shedding everywhere. Mom's brushes and vacuum cleaner are indeed working overtime.
But I think that now that OUR bath and grooming session is over, I think MOM needs a turn!
The more I look at her, the more I drool!!!
yeah...Tammy baby!!!!
Well, now that they are clean it seems that they are hogging the chairs!
I think I'll have to rope the pack in to go and have a mud bath!
Have a barkful day!
Tons of licks
Hi Max
Happy spring. We are sure you look stunning after you bath too. Enjoy your sunshine.
Tucker and Daisy
I should do a little spring cleaning here, even thought it is more like fall!
You all look just wonderful. All foofy. I bet you smell good too.
You all look just beautiful! Did you do Mom, too? How did she turn out?
You all DO look mighty wonderful... but I happen to think baths and brushing and everything is horrible! Just horrible! All that "holding still"!?!? It's so horrible!
I better go hide under the dining room table in case my mom gets any ideas....
Shhhh...don't let mom see this post, otherwise she'll want to clean us too.
You do look very nice after all your baths.
Sam & June
Hi Max!!! You all look super clean and shiny! Mom needs to give me a tub time SOON! Still dusty from camping....
Glad you are having some great weather. It's a bit hot here in Cali., but mom figured out she could hose me down to keep me cool...and find some shaded parkie walks.
See you again soon!!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Hi Max
You had me worried there, spring cleaning etc. But then I remembered that you are a southern hemisphere dog, and we northerners don't have to worry about all that stuff for another 6 months!
But you do all look very smart, I have to say.
Cheers, H.
Oh wow, you guys clean up real good there, Max!
You'd better not give yourselves a mud baff for at least a couple o' days... humor the mama!
Hi Max
You all look fantastic after your 'spring' clean!
We drove past our local garden centre earlier today and saw all the new plants on display - for autumn!!
We don't want summer to end here!
Take care
What a lovely pack!
Hi, Max!
The spring cleaning included you all!
I love baths but I don't have them as often as I'd like!
Kisses and hugs
Wow! Can your mom please come to the USA to clean Africa? You guys look fantastic. I don't think Africa has ever been that clean.
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