To all my wonderful, furry friends, I would like to say a really big THANK YOU for involving yourselves in our ongoing HAMSTER dilemma!
This particular picture, my Mom calls 'PERFECTLY PLACED'. It symbolises her idea that we are all 'perfectly placed', no matter how small our role in this life. Well, she feels that us doggies are also 'perfectly placed' as well as our humans in their roles in this doggie community.
The picture is therefor dedicated to you all!...with a thank you for being 'perfectly placed' for us!
On a lighter note, however, life is not fun without humour and if we can't laugh at ourselves, then it's pointless. So I thought I'd share with you some of the outrageous comments which were sent to us via email (they are scared to comment on the blog!) about what to do with Hamster:
"Put him in our food bowl!"
"Get a cat!"
Despite these comments, one has to admit that they are funny - and why not?
We, however, will guard our Hamster well...that is, afterall, the role which we have chosen.
(This is a picture of our Hamster in happier times!)
I have sniffed out a 'taboo' question, which seems to be lingering in the writings of our fellow bloggers. It is one which also bothers me. So forgive me if I ask it so blatantly....
Does anyone have the answer to this pressing question?
We have the whole barkful weekend to ponder this problem...
Lots of licks
Ohhhhh dear dear dear friends!!!!!!
We can feel your pain and love for sweet Hamster...
We hope Hamster go on feeling well for a long time yet....
But if it isn't possible and you would see him not feeling very well...
Mmmmmmmmmmmm....yes....We think that if we were you we'll give him a sweet dream without too much suffering!!!
It's a very very hard decision to take...we know....but We think that there isn't anything much more terrible than see our sweet friends feeling lots of pain and living with it!!!!!!
We think it will be a great great love sign for him!!!!
But....I don't know!!!
It's a very difficult decision!!!
We're near you...
and our hearts are close at yours!!
We love you!!!!!!
Hi Max
We didn't comment on the Hamster situation, as our Mommy has never had one, but wanted to let you know we feel for you guys on this tough decision.
Love, Tucker and Daisy
I would imagine the vet can euthanize a hamster, which may be the most humane thing to do at this point...Very tough decision!
Sending you positive energy to help you through this difficult time,
The vet definitly should be able to euthanize the poor little guy. It would be completely painless for him.
Our family wishes you nothing but the best and hopes your little hamster buddy can continue to live happily for awhile. Our hearts are with you. Eclipse sends puppy kisses your way!!
We echo what everyone else has said - we hope that Hamster continues to live a happy life for a long time. I would consult a vet; he will treat Hamster humanely and with the dignity all of God's creatures deserve.
It is a tough decision; life is precious. You are in our thoughts and prayers!
Karen and the Ao4
A vet should be able to help Hamster if things go bad. Hamsters can be humanely euthanized in the same way that other larger pets are. Thank you for the flower, and as Hero and I said before, you're in our thoughts and prayers.
ohhh Max I'm sooo sorry to hear about hamster!!! I don't know how I missed your last post!!! Sending you lots of licks and hugs!!!
Hey Max,
I gotta say that Hamster reminds me of chipmunks. I really want to catch me a chipmunk.
My humans say that they love all creatures be they feathered, furry or scaley even cats! They would take Hamster to a vet. They are crazy enough to put a pacemaker in me so I don't doubt they would help out a small furry dude too.
Hoover BPD
I have my paws crossed for Hamster!
And for you all too!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
We hope things are going ok for Hamster. We've had two of the little furry friends in our life, Hercules, and Zeus, both mighty little fellows. Each had a life span just under 3 years, and each passed quietly on his own. It's never easy though, that's for sure.
Whatever decision you make, it will be the right one.
Definitely take Hamster to a vet that specializes is small creatures. When I was a teenager, I had a hamster called Hercules who fell out of his cage one night and landed on his head. I was so upset that my mum and dad drove to the veterinary hospital with him and paid for him to stay there several days. He had some brain damage that left him partially paralyzed - he would list to one side when he ran in his wheel - but he lived for quite a while longer. He finally died from a tumor that developed in his head/face. I loved that little guy. He was such a character.
Aw Max, we are thinking about your family and poor Hamster.
Sending lots of love and hugs,
Meoow...helloo...I'm Madd, the tabby cat...
Hmmm...what to do about the Hamster, well I would be willing to solve that problem for you if you want?
Too bad that I'm all the way in Cape Town. My primary human food friend found your blog, I think he's looking to get another yellow dog like Max.
As long as it stays off my bed it will be ok. I quite like dogs, so I decided to pay Max's site a visit.
As for the hamster, either leave him alone or ensure a quick painless exit - assuming you won't let me help in that task - then maybe one of those vet humans?
Bye bye...purr.
Hey there, Madd
So your human is wanting to get another yellow dog? What did you do to the first? Judging from your comment about Hammie, I hope the purchase of a new pooch is not exactly for your own personal, stately pleasure!? But I presume that that is the way you will interpret it anyway.
Mom says: Greetings from JHB!!!...and thanks for visiting our blog! We would love to have you visiting regularly and perhaps blogging? The more South Africans the better...then we can spread the word about our beautiful country.
Lots of licks
Yes my human wants another yellow pooch. My friend (Georgie) was a beautiful yellow dog similar to Max, but he died of old age. He was protective of me, and so maybe my human subordinate wishes to please me by getting another? I think he'd rather run with the new dog because he has become something of a barrel since Georgie died as he no longer has a running companion. So, his reasons may not be entirely for my benefit.
He bfed me some biltong the other day - oooh - that stuff is irresistible. Does your Mom - Mom?? Don't you mean human sla.. - I mean food friend? - feed you biltong?
So I can't assist with the Hammy problem? Too bad. Well I'll have to make do with my Wiskas tonight then.
Bye bye.
EISH!?...You get biltong?...EISH!
We are fed mainly on Eukaneuba Dog food. Mom is extremely vigilant...mmm..perhaps..maybe...
with OUR food. She is nervous about turning us into beer barrels too. So, Madd bud, change the tastebuds to ensure longevity!(at least that's what mom says!)
mmmm...biltong...mmm...sounds good. Is there any manner a doggie could procure such stuff beyond the vigilant eyes of his Mom? Maxdog dreams on...
Lots of Drool and drool bubbles
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