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Dear Readers and faithful friends,

After a number of years of wonderful blogging, this blog has effectively become dormant - except for occasional updates regarding my book, MAXDOG. I have left this blog as a legacy to my dog and a place of sanctuary where we can reflect upon his life. Take your time, peruse the pages spanning Max's 18 months in cyberspace. Feel refreshed and uplifted because his story is an amazing one of..."LIVING LIFE TO THE MAX!"
My activities have now moved on to my new blog entitled "LIVING LIFE TO THE MAX". Please join me there where you can read about my family and canine companions. I also invite you to visit MAXDOG's FANPAGE on FACEBOOK. You can follow the specific links by clicking below:

* MAXDOG, the book: click HERE

If you would like to follow me on a deeper, spiritual level, then I invite you to visit my more personal blog:

May God bless you and thank you for following me!


Monday, February 22, 2010


MAXDOG here...

We had a wonderful day yesterday!

The ‘circle of life’ here in our household, is more focused on the ‘circle of days’ at the moment, but that is no problem! Indeed this is a good thing and helps us to remember to be grateful for every day we have.

Today is my 16th Day of grace...isn’t that wonderful!?!

The best part of yesterday was the afternoon. Mom pulled up a few lounger chairs, threw cushions on them and invited the family to join her under the cool, shady trees in the garden. I got a lounger to myself...

KING TOFFEE was a bit miffed, because there were no laps available so he took to staring at the plants, the trees and the garden wall and pretended to be contemplating his kingdom.

He’s a great watchdog...!

TAMMY-GIRL did her usual thing by simply staying close to my side and looking beautiful...

She has a mind of her own, that girl!
I am never quite sure what is going on in her head. Perhaps she’s dreaming of lizards, or hadedah ibises?...it’s hard to say...!?!

But it was a magnificent afternoon!...
...A clear blue sky, sunshine everywhere and hardly any noise from the highway.
It appeared that the city had gone to sleep.
Only the birds were busy building houses and chatting. You could hear their pretty and unique calls across the neighbourhood.

I got to thinking about the ‘CIRCLE OF LIFE’...
When I looked around there are so many things happening. It testifies to the fact that everything is in transition and we are all merely part of that process...

I looked up and saw a pigeon pair in the branches of the tree above me...

To my side there was this fern which was sprouting new growth... right next to me... !

I thought...

Nothing stops...We are born...we live...! Others follow us..! Nothing is ever stagnant and that is the beauty of our world!

As you know, Mom follows a number of blogs. She loves the wildlife ones too. There is a beautiful post on one of the Game Lodge sites today, which I urge you to go and read. It tells an account of a special sighting on one of the game drives and echo’s my tale today of the
please go and visit it...


But our life here at home runs along similar circles...
We spend the morning, the afternoon and the entire day with mom.
Then in the evening we go on our walks...

We get the opportunity to amble in the sweet, long grass!

...and take in all the news of the neighbourhood's CIRCLE OF LIFE...!

Then it’s supper time and sometimes we have to wait...

After that, we get to rest in the presence of our loving home...

What more could I want than to simply be part of this amazing


Whilst outside, the world keeps going...turning...and offering the sunlight to others across the sea...

I am MAXDOG and I am so grateful to be part of this!

This post is dedicated to all those bloggers who are struggling with losses and personal pain.
Take courage, there is amazing beauty in the
Lots of loving licks
Nothing much has changed except the ever increasing lethargy of Maxdog. He is still eating well and when on his walk is quite active. There are times when I wonder if this is all a bad dream. Then there are other, short moments, when I think about miracles. I suppose this is the way when living with a dog with cancer.


Yas said...

Ahh Max!
Kongrats on your 16th day of grace!
Glad to know you are well and having great fine days! Here's to many many more!! Cheers!!

Maxx and Mommy

bea's blog said...

Hei Max and family,
what a beautiful post! .•♥•.
My mum remembers the dog before me, who was very much like you and who was in the same process as you. Now my dad is living with a fatal cancer in his belly as well, but I hope he will be better soon and can run with me again...
thinking of you in Germany far up north...
Gizmo and mum .•♥•. .•♥•.
from www.gizdog.blogspot.com

ocmist said...

Another blessing of another beautiful day together! Thank you, God for blessing my friends.

Thank you for reminding us of the Circle of Life... OC and her Mom

D.K. Wall said...

What a great post. We know those days of hoping that it will all just go away - but we formed so many great memories in those days as well because you just simply enjoy each other. Keep at it Max!

Dandy Duke said...

You are a wise dog, Max, and so very handsome! Congratulations on 16 days of grace! Keep it going!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Chester said...

Beautiful dog, Beautiful message - all together a beautiful post!

I will remember this as I go about my day.

Thank you for sharing Max's circle of life with us, and hope that you have many more lovely days together.

Chester and Mom ;0=)

Angus said...

There's a sweet gentle rhythm to the post today - sounds to me as if there's great dignity and serenity in the circle of life.

Dexter said...

Thank you for another lovely post. The circle of life brings good things and sad things, but it does continue no matter what and we wouldn't have it any other way.


Piappies World said...

Hi Max,

Thank you for today's post. We are happy that you are on your 16th day of grace and doing alright. We constantly pray for many many more days with you.

-Fudgie, Princess & the Piappies

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

... and every second can be the equivalent of a thousand years. Bask in that love, Max!

Tommy (and the rest of the Poupounette Gang)

kks said...

oh Maxdog....looks like you had a wonderful day! thanks for sharing the circle of life with us....

How Sam Sees It said...

That is how I felt about the two short months I got with Cisco. Every moment, every second, was a treasure to cherish and keep. I wouldn't have traded this moments for anything.


Heather and Kelly said...

What a beautiful post, Maxdog! Yes, it is an honor to be part of the circle of life. I'm glad to hear you are doing so well.

My Mind's Eye said...

Max's Mom...thank you for this truly inspirational post. Max to you sweet friend...you have taught us all about GRACE.....your feline friend
Madi and Mom

♥ Sallie said...

This blog post makes me so happy I want to cry.

KB said...

Those amazing days of grace... I've traveled them with a number of dogs, and they're a time filled with love, tinged with sadness, but mostly love.

The circle of life - I can feel the circle of life among my dogs, those who came first and those who are here now. Each helped shape the others. I still see mannerisms of my departed dogs in K and R because K and R emulated the older and wiser dogs a long time ago.

I feel the circle of life when I'm out in 'my' forest. I saw (via photos) a mountain lion eat most of a deer he had killed less than a half mile from my house. Then, I saw the ravens and coyotes finish the eating. Now, that deer is part of each those animals. The circle of life.

This was an inspirational post. MaxDog's journey is teaching all of us how to live with abandon and grace.

the magic sleigh said...

Wooos Max Dog! Woo certainly know how to put together a beawootiful post! Mum just knows when your Mum sits down to write it will be amazing! We are all truly blessed by this amazing community we have found online. Wishing woo the happiest of days!
-Kira The BeaWootiful

Joy said...

MAXdog... God is being gracious to all of us in so many ways. Lots of pets on the head to you.

Jerri said...

As an owner of five dogs (one of them named Max) I do feel your pain. One dog is 12 and one is 14 so I can see the writing on the wall. Bless you and thank you for loving the animals..........


Jacqueline said...

Max, I feel so lucky to have found you and your wonderful family; your blog is uplifting and inspirational in spite of life's hardships...You guys are all special, loving souls who bring light into my day...Wishing you all peace and love.

TwoSpecialWires said...

We hope today will be another really good day for you. We know that at least parts of it will be. There are perfect moments in every day ... we just have to open our eyes to see them. You've shown that with this lovely post.

Jake and Fergi

Anya said...

Hi Max
We came over to say Hi :-)
Lovely post today
and nice to see you !!!!

Hugs Love Kareltje =^.^=

Jake of Florida said...

Bautiful thoughts to bring some sense of tranquility into the sadness we are all feeling with so many departures.

It is a circle. We once saw a documentary about a single tree that in itself was part of the circle of life, with the various creatures -- flora and fauna -- who depended on it for the intertwined phases of their lives. An unforgettable lesson -- but some times are harder than others to accept it.

Wirey love,

Jake and Just Harry

Canine Crusader said...

Lovely post and beautiful pictures, Max! Thank you for lifting our spirits today! You certainly sound like you are doing well. Have a wonderful day and keep smiling! The Gang @ Dog Blog for Five Dogs

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi Max....let see snow....I must be honest with you...I (Madi) don't know. I'm quite the pampered kitty. My feet have never touched the ground much less snow but from what I can determine from Mom's boots when she comes in from the snow it is cold, wet and I really don't like the smell she brings in on her boots either. Max my advice to you is snow is probably not as much fun as your lush green grass and you lovely pool. Your feline friend,

houndstooth said...

Max, what a beautiful and insightful post! I'm glad you had a lovely day!


Moose said...

Yay you still have your long grass! Glad no one has cut it yet. Moose would love that too.
Toffee does look a bit irked in that pic and Tammy is breathtakingly beautiful as always!
That was a very nice post and offers some perspective with all that is happening now.
Moose + Momma

KT and Easton said...

While cherishing your borrowed time with Max, it is always good to remember the circle of life. I have experiences this too. It is sooo true. Beautifully articulated. Thank you and lot's of loves for Max and crew.

KT and Lady

Stella said...

Cheers, Max, for celebrating your 16th day! We will be with you too, celebrating each day gift you get, and celebrating our own. Dogs who are ill, dogs trying to handle a geriatric life that often robs them of hearing, vision, they all keep on and ask for more days.

Blessings, Maxdog, blessings All.

Jo and Stella

BRUTUS said...

Here's to many more days of celebration! Max, you and your family are so fortunate to be graced with the ability to see life for what it is. How ironic that times that most would think to be the saddest can actually be some of life's finest moments!!

Michelle & Brutus

Mrs. JP said...

Praise God for these 16 days of grace and we'll be thankful for each day He gives. Things do go on in this world. Although, sometimes in special times like these I think God gives us the gift of a pause or stillness in which to soak up those we love. What amazing love and grace.
Hey,,does anyone else think that King Toffee has a bit of a snarl on? He was definitely miffed :O)
Tammy is a beauty.

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

Great post Max! You are so right, humans and us dogs do tend to take things for granted sometimes. We should celebrate life every chace we get.

Sam & June

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

We've been pondering on this quite a bit as our house is so full of life now with the puppies and so many of our furiends have gone to the bridge. Enjoy each day as much as you can.

The Rocky Creek Gang

Unknown said...

Yet another beautiful post, filled with gratitude and inspiration...

Your pal,


~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

This is why I love living in the country because there is so much "life" there...Max, thank-you for sharing your life with us!

sprinkles said...

Thank you for the reminder of the circle of life. It can bring both great joy and great pain.

I'm so happy you've made it to Day 16. I just know all those prayers coming your way have kept you with us that much longer!

Valerie Cummings said...

We are right along with you counting! Congratulations to 16 days and lets live life everyday the best that we can surrounded by ones who love us the most! Hugs Joey and Kealani

Ms. ~K said...

Lovely, timely post!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Great pictures Max..We have a feeling Tammy is thinking of you and not lizards...
Benny & Lily

Asta said...

DAwling Max
You aways know the most bootiful way of looking at things and appweciating life..It's what I'm twying to leawn fwom you. I think that's why you awe so sewene and bootiful. We awe all so pwiviledged to have the loving comfowtable life wif puw hoomans. I love seeing you sowwounded by youw family and lounging in the long cool gwas..I know that it makes you feel good and that is a gift.. Thank you fow all youw gifts to us
smoochie kisses

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

With the circle of life we just take every day we can get. And we never give up hope for miracles. So glad to see Max having some good days and good times.

Woos, Phantom, Thunder,and Ciara

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Yes it is...

And all part of the plan...

Be who we must that's a part of the plan...

One day we all will understand...

Thanks fur sharing more of that Max wisdom!


Scout and Freyja said...

Max, you are so very wise. Yes, honey, the Circle of Life goes on and on and on. We are all a part of that continuum whether we choose to be or not.

I remember about three years ago when my darling Miss Savannah Leigh told me that it was time for her to leave. She was almost 15 years old but to me she would always be that silly puppy that grew into the most lovely dog with silky, curly hair. Because I loved her so much and because I knew I had brought her 'full circle' and could do not more I let her leave. It wasn't easy, Max, but I drew great comfort in knowing that I was with her all her life - all of it.

As your sun is setting it is waking others to start their busy day on the other side of this world of ours. As each of us completes our circle others will be born - not to take our place but to take their turn with the Circle of Life.

I ♥ you, Max, and I hold you ever so close to me in prayer...your momma, too.

Anonymous said...

Oh Max it sounds like you had a great day. To see all the wonders around you and take all that in.
I think that is wonderful. You're a great dog Max and don't forget it. Lots of love coming your way.

We Love You Max,
Jude,Poo,Babybella,Piper & Marley

Cassie said...

Maxdog.....we celebrate your 16 day of grace with you and your family.....you and your loving family are a source of real inspiration as you face this terrible disease head-on with grace and dignity and love. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Love, Cassie and mom Diane in Tx

Olive said...

Beautiful post....everyone looks very happy today :)

Hugs to all of you..


Tweedles -- that's me said...

Dear Max
Thank you for taking the time to explain to me about the cicle of life. Sometimes it is hard for a little pug to understand these things. But I hear you talk about the big picture of life. All your words are wise.
I want to see the sky that you see and understand more. Thank you for showing me the way.
I also want to thank Tammy and Toffee for being good friends to me in keeping me updated.
Here is love to you and your mama

the booker man said...

hi, mr. max!
mama and i are very glad that you had a nice and relaxing day in the sun.
we are happy to have found your blog. mama says that you always put things in the right perspective. :)
the booker man

Unknown said...

You were always a bit of a philosopher, Max, but sixteen days later you are truly a philosopher. I love your views about life. As for your mom's statement, we're all hoping it's a bad dream and we all want to think about miracles!

Lorenza said...

Thanks for reminding us the meaning of the Circle of Life!
Love you lots, Max!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Cocorue said...

oh Maxi & Caryl, TQ for this beautiful reminder. you have taught me so much in such a short while and you inspire me.

i look forward to seeing you daily and i don't need to count the days as i will still see you in my dreams......

much love,
coco & lilian

Anonymous said...

Dog, MR Toffee, Tammy and Ms. Caryl,
What a beautiful post today. We are so glad that you all had a close family time together and enjoyed each others company. We take whatever time God grants us on the planet and should make the most of it. What better way to do that than with the ones we love. We do, of course, hold you all in our thoughts and prayers; wishing Max many, many more days of Grace with his beloved family members.
We love you Max; very, very much.

Ruby Red Dog said...

That looks like a very relaxing day you had. I'm glad you are still enjoying life with your friends and family.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

That is a great post Max!