"MAXDOG" is now available on Amazon.com!!
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Dear Readers and faithful friends,

After a number of years of wonderful blogging, this blog has effectively become dormant - except for occasional updates regarding my book, MAXDOG. I have left this blog as a legacy to my dog and a place of sanctuary where we can reflect upon his life. Take your time, peruse the pages spanning Max's 18 months in cyberspace. Feel refreshed and uplifted because his story is an amazing one of..."LIVING LIFE TO THE MAX!"
My activities have now moved on to my new blog entitled "LIVING LIFE TO THE MAX". Please join me there where you can read about my family and canine companions. I also invite you to visit MAXDOG's FANPAGE on FACEBOOK. You can follow the specific links by clicking below:

* MAXDOG, the book: click HERE

If you would like to follow me on a deeper, spiritual level, then I invite you to visit my more personal blog:

May God bless you and thank you for following me!


Friday, February 12, 2010


TAMMY & TOFFEE here...
NSLM by putting on the
For those who don't know us... we are...
As you know, we are taking over MAXDOG's blog whilst he is resting. It's a daunting job with us having to adapt to Mom's "Flashy beast". Geesh, we didn't quite realise all the work Max had to do. But we think it can be quite fun with all the focus and attention on us. We hope you guys don't mind. On the days that Max perks up, he might come back and do a post or two, but we will take it a it comes. Be assured that we will do our utmost to bring out the best in this blog and to add a little of our own personal flavour
...for all your wonderful messages, comments, prayers and uplifting thoughts.
Here is our our
Our boy continues to be very sleepy. He's quite comfortable and still eating all his food
(Okay we admit... We do hang around and try to pinch his food since he's so slow!)
Mom has taken the advice of some of our bloggie-friends and is now adding "MILK THISTLE" to his diet. We'll see how that goes.
The evenings however are the most disconcerting. Mom gives him his pain tablet after he's finished his supper(The tablet apparently has an element of chemo' in it) Soon after that Max gets really sleep and falls into a deep, deep sleep. His breathing becomes very shallow and is interspersed with sudden rapid breaths. It's then that Mom gets worried, because she is not sure how Max really is. Mom then spends a lot of time gently brushing him - which he loves!. In contrast however, when she eventually decides to get up, Max wakes and gets up too. He shakes himself off and all seems back to normal. Mom is very confused by this behaviour.
Anyway...he's doing quite fine, given the circumstances. We take each day as a new beginning.
On to...
TOFFEE DOG decided that he wanted to try and impress the
cap that CLIVE and MURRAY sent to Mom. Clive and Murray's mom are going to be sponsoring the training of a Service Dog Puppy in honour of MAXDOG. This is such an awesome gesture and we wanted to try and say another BIG THANK YOU to them again!
What do you guys think?...
Here are some pictures of the recent happenings in our household...
MAX & TAMMY getting ready for their evening walk...

TOFFEE studying the Max's garden...

TAMMY checking out all the birds..
She is a great chaser of Hadedah Ibises who try and gobble up the snails in our garden. TAMMY loves the outdoors and will spend hours just looking up at the trees...

MAXDOG...spending a lot of time sleeping...

In the evening there is an incredible aroma of the 'MOON FLOWER' outside Mom and "the Boss"s bedroom window. The fragrance is magnificent...!

The bees are always the first to arrive at the blooms. When the blooms emerge, they are snow white and gradually transform to the pink colour you see. The minute they open their petals, the bees are there...en masse...!

Here is a picture of us at supper time. By this stage, Max has had his walk and he has cheered up significantly...(until Mom gives him his meds)

Hope you enjoyed our post today.
We want to wish you all a
With lotsalicks



Dandy Duke said...

You are both doing a great job of keeping Max's blog going while he catches some zzzzzzzzzzz's, Tammy and Toffee!
The moon flowers are just beautiful! Our mom wishes she could smell them!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Angus said...

The boy certainly knows that he's at the centre of a loving home. I hope you're managing to get some sleep through all of this or at least combine your sleep cycles!

Anya said...

We love it that you are both on max's blog :-)
Very sweet from you ....
I want to ask you TAMMY & TOFFEE
give Max a BIG BIG hug from us
and say to him that we LOVE him :-)

((hugs)) Kareltje & mommy Anya

ocmist said...

We are so glad that you, Tammy, and Toffee have decided to continue with Max's blog and keep us up to date on Max, your lives and your country!

Mom just shakes her head when she sees pictures of all of your looking like glowing white angel dogs. She says that WE would NEVER stay so shiny and WHITE because we have to much fun playing in the mud since it is rainy season around here!

It's good to see Max up and around with the rest of you today! Big hugs for you, Max, and scratches and snuggles for you and Toffee, too, Tammy! The Corgi Country Crew

Jacqueline said...

Great job again Toffee and Tammy!...Mom should be commended for her strength and determination to get all of you, especially Max, through this difficult time with joy and love in each moment=that is such a blessing for your family.

River said...

We are proud of you for helping Max! Maybe the meds are helping him have some good awake times with short sleepy times. The brushing sounds nice. We are thinking of you.

love & wags,

monica said...

hi there Max and family. I have been by for sometime "finding" you through Mango, Honey, Darwing and others. And now a little comment. Love your pictures - can almost feel the softness of all 3 dogs all the way up here in DK. Wonderful. All the best for Max. I have a friend with a dog looking quite a lot like Max - he is a golden retriever, male, name Goofy, 13 years old. And he is feeling the age creep up on him, and my friend doesn't think he will last throughout 2010... You are so right - we must treasure our wonderful pets while we still have them..
Monica and Bundy the Bullmastiff

houndstooth said...

Toffee, you look great in that hat! You two are doing a wonderful job of running the blog!


Scout and Freyja said...

Hi everyone. Just stopping by to bark a lil' hello and to see how eFURyone is doing! Momma also wanted you to know that we voted for you in your contest but they don't show who is a head or nothing. Did we miss something?

Sending much love to all of you today. Our momma is making dog cookies for a Valentine's Day Bake Sale to benefit our dog park. Bet we'll get some☺

Hamish Westie said...

Hi Tammy and Toffee
Thanks for the update and for holding the fort while the world waits to see how things go for dear Max. I wish I could smell those Moon Flowers!
Cheers, H.

the magic sleigh said...

Woooos! Great job Tammy and Toffee once again! I loved your Brugmansia flowers... Mum has several variety's too, but they are not in blossom due to the cold here, it is her favorite flower!
Our best wishes for Max!
Puppy kisses
-Kira The BeaWootiful

KB said...

I think of you, Max and your family every day. I give my dogs extra hugs in your honor.

I'm happy that Max seems perky during the day. We experienced the same sleeping thing with our dog S when he was quite sick. In fact, I'll admit that I'd even check if he was alive on occasion. But, it didn't seem to hurt him - it just a very deep sleep for a very tired dog.

And, I love the Irish Guide Dog hat! My family is from Ireland (I'm from the first generation born in the US).

Hugs to everyone.

Ina in Alaska said...

What adorable little (and big) pups!! Thanks Tammy & Toffee!! Keeping Max in our prayers...xoxo

Golden Samantha said...

Dear Tammy and Toffee,
We know you must be working very hard to keep Max's blog in beautiful shape! Those Moon Flowers look just lovely! You have some amazing creatures and growing things in that gorgeous garden! Glad to hear that Max is getting a lot of rest, but then gets up and around too. We think of Max so, so much - almost all the time - we love you all!
xoxoxoxoxoxo Big Hugs from us all here,
Sammie, Ozzie, Momma and Dad
And PS: happy to vote! Done!

Anna the GSD said...

You guys are doing such a wonderful job!! I bet Mr. Max can rest easier knowing what good work you're doing!

The snow is falling here, so I'll be making a special snow dog for Mr. Max today! Happy Valentine's day and giant kisses!

McGillicutty said...

Thanks for the update, Tammy and Toffee. Know that we are sayin' lots of prayers for your brother. I sure would like to meet your bro!

Wow- I love the hat-well, it's Irish and all, and what a great cause...service dog!

Hey-give Max a paw bump from the Gilliemeister.

Irish love, McGillicutty

Mrs. JP said...

Tammy and Toffee are adorable. The moon flowers are beautiful. Max is a sweetheart. I think it's a good idea to brush him as he sleeps since that's what relaxes him.
Prayers and love to you all.

brooke said...

Tammy and Toffee! Glad you two are keeping us updated on Max! Take care of your brother, and your mom!

Moose said...

So glad to hear the update since it mostly sounds good. I am not sure what to make of the breathing either but know that deeeeep sleep can have that effect alone. Nice to see him perked up by walks and to know that he is still eating enough to fuel this activity. He is lucky to be surrounded by so much love and beauty there in SA too!
Thanks Tammy & Toffee!

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

Hey Tammy and Toffee,

It's nice to see that woo two are blogging. Please take good care of Maxdog.

Sam & June


Hi Tammy and Toffee,

We really enjoyed your blog today. It's always nice when you guys show up. Please give Max our best and Happy Valentine's Day to all of you and your mommy.

Riley and Star.

Valerie Cummings said...

Thanks for keeping us updated on Max because we want you to know he is in our thoughts everyday all the time!!! We are glad to know he is still ok and is eating and walking!!! Yay! Thanks to Tammy and Toffee too! We went and voted for you our fav blog!!!! Hugs Joey and Kealani

Piappies World said...

Hello Tammy and Toffee,

You are doing great with blogging. We are so happy that you all liked the photo collage we did for Max.

The flower shots are good, too.

As for Max, we continue our prayers and we are happy that he doing good with finishing meals. Weeeeeee

-Fudgie, Princess & the Piappies

Hi! I'm Sierra-Dog! said...

HI Toffee and Tammy. We were happy to get an update on Max and to see that you have started blogging! Isn't it fun?!!!
We LOVED your pictures of the Moon Flowers. How pretty!
We will continue to keep Maxdog in our thoughts and prayers. Give him a big sloppy kiss from me,

Sierra-dog and the peeps.

Sam said...

It's nice of you to take over your big bro's blog when he's not feeling well. Thanks for the update.

D.K. Wall said...

Love that last picture. Keep resting easy Max.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Tammy and Toffee! We think you are doing an excellent job of keeping the blog updates going while Max is resting. We think it is more important for him to rest right now, but if he feels like blogging we would be very happy to hear it. But we appreciate you keeping us updated on him and what is going on with all of you!

We can understand why your mom gets nervous at night - that medicine sounds like it makes Max extremely sleepy.

Sending lots of purrs and prayers for Max, and good thoughts for you all!

Emma Rose said...

Kisses for Tammy and Toffee.
Prayers for MAx.

Emma Rose

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Another very good post, Tammy and Toffee. The flowers are all so lovely!

Clive said...

Toffee - you certainly impressed the NSLM! He loved the photo of you in the cap! Thank you, Toffee!

Tell Max thank you for the comment about the NSLM's big yellow fish - indeed his batteries had run out! The NSLM was really consoled by what you said Max, a huge thank you.

When you get the chance pop over to our blog and have a look at the four puppies there! We can't decide which one to choose for your Mom - and the NSLM has spent hours trying to decide this afternoon - so we are going to let you and your Mom decide Max.

Just let us know when you decide ...

Hope you have a good weekend Max - and we enjoyed hearing from Tammy and Toffee today.

love from the two of us
Clive and the NSLM

Thor and Jack said...

Hi Tammy and Toffee,
Thanks for the update. We´re keeping Max in our thoughts and prayers.

lots of love,

Sierra Rose said...

We are so glad Max has all of you caring for him! It is just the sweetest. You are in our hearts.

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

Anonymous said...

Tammy and Toffee you are both doing a wonderful job filling in for Max.

We always enjoy learning new things too.

Please give Max a hug for us and let him know he is always in our thoughts and prayers.

Hugs, Tessa

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Thanks fur bringing bakhk a smile to Mom's face -

It has been a challenging day - to say the least -

But THIS post so helped!

Please know ALL of woo are sooooooooo much in our thoughts!


Draco and his Mom said...

Hi Tammy and Toffee, it is good you two are taking over some of Max's duties. We do love to come and look at your part of the world and know that Max might not be totally up as tour guide these days. Loved the pictures, especially the moon flowers, we grow them in Colorado and they take so long to flower and then bloom only in the night BUT they smell soooooo good.

sprinkles said...

I'm sure Max appreciates you helping him keep the blog up while he's ailing!

I will most definitely vote for your blog!

Please thank your Mom for her kind comments on my blog. I will take the firefly into consideration! Hadn't thought of that before.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

I think you two are doing a realy good job and I am sure Max is proud to let you help him out.. Glad that Max is holding his own.. I love to see the lovely pictures of him every day.. The flowers are lovely. I never saw any like that before.. Hugs GJ xx

Unknown said...

Tammy and Toffee, sitting on a tree, giving us some greeeeeeat news! What more could we ask for? Sleeping, eating, comfortable...well, it's ok to tell us he takes nice poops too. Those are important :) What a dude, your brother is.
I voted for your blog. I'm in the same contest. If you have time, Tammy and Toffee, maybe you can vote for my blog, if you like it enough. My code is: 7f1rN
Happy Valentine's weekend to the whole pack and family.
A happy Twinkie

Deborah said...

Dear Tammy and Toffee, I bet you a dog treat that Max loves your help. You did a nice job too! lol
I hope your whole family has a nice Valentines Day!

Ms. ~K said...

As always, the pictures of Max make my heart sing!
Hugs to you all,

Cocorue said...

helloooooo you two,

Maxi will be so relieved that he can sleep longer!!!

don' forget to keep an eye on your mumster too and give me a call on my cell if she's Not looking after herself, TQ

a question for Toffee: did you hint on Riley's Valentine's post that you MAY consider being moi's Valentine??? of course, that is if Star's not aware .......BOL, you little flirt *wink wink*

a great Valentine weekend to ALL of you
pee ess: do allow your mumster & the BOSS some OUR time, will ya???

KT and Easton said...

Had never seen that pet site before. It looks pretty good. Am glad to vote for your blog in honor of Max and to his two awesome helpers and pack-mates. Besides, we REALLY do love your blog.


Two French Bulldogs said...

Good job Tammy and Toffee. So snooping around Max's dish..BOL..glad to hear he is comfy and eating
Benny & Lily

Anonymous said...

Hey MTT&C,
Tammy and Toffee are doing a GReat job with the blog posting, Mas is surely very proud of their efforts. We know that you cherish each and every day with Max Dog. Don't forget to get an imprint of his paw and a lock od his hair before he makes the journey. We are holding him and y'all in our prayers and in our hearts and we wish you maby more peaceful good days together.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Tammy and Toffee.
I know Max is proud of your job!
Your are doing it pawesome!
Glad to know Max had a good day.
Take care
Kisses and hugs

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Mommy & I heard about Max and have come over to offer our prayers form hism welolbeing. Mommy will say a rosary for him and keep him in our nighly prayers.

Mona and Mommy, Sarah

The Army of Four said...

Woo. I love that picture of Max getting ear rubbie-dubbies!

Cat Naps in Italy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cat Naps in Italy said...

I found your blog throuh Asta's and was just reading a bit. When I read that Max get sleeply after pain meds, it struck that is the same things that happens to many humans (our human included) when they take pain meds, they get sleeply. I was just thinking that this may be a normal reaction from the medication. What does the vet think?
Opus and Ollie