"MAXDOG" is now available on Amazon.com!!
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Caryl Moll's author page on Amazon, click HERE

Dear Readers and faithful friends,

After a number of years of wonderful blogging, this blog has effectively become dormant - except for occasional updates regarding my book, MAXDOG. I have left this blog as a legacy to my dog and a place of sanctuary where we can reflect upon his life. Take your time, peruse the pages spanning Max's 18 months in cyberspace. Feel refreshed and uplifted because his story is an amazing one of..."LIVING LIFE TO THE MAX!"
My activities have now moved on to my new blog entitled "LIVING LIFE TO THE MAX". Please join me there where you can read about my family and canine companions. I also invite you to visit MAXDOG's FANPAGE on FACEBOOK. You can follow the specific links by clicking below:

* MAXDOG, the book: click HERE

If you would like to follow me on a deeper, spiritual level, then I invite you to visit my more personal blog:

May God bless you and thank you for following me!


Monday, March 29, 2010


MAXMOM and MAX here...
Dearest, dearest special Fur- Friends!!!

I am TOTALLY overwhelmed this evening!

It's late at night here in JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA, but I cannot go to sleep yet...
I just have to say THANK YOU!!!

This evening I received the most incredible gift I have ever received in my life!!! When my husband got home from work, he handed me a large Fed-Ex package.
When I saw Kathleen Coy’s name on the package, I must admit that my heart skipped a couple of beats!

In the past 18months of blogging I have come to admire Kathleen’s work – especially her amazing picture of Cloud her wonderdog. She has a unique ability of capturing the real soul of animals in her paintings.
In fact, I had said to my husband a couple of months ago that if he ever wanted to REALLY treat me, it would be with a painted portrait of my special MAXDOG! But this portrait couldn't be painted by anyone else except a special artist who I think the world of. If he had any such notion then he would have to to contact Kathleen Coy because that would be my ultimate gift!

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that such a gift would actually come my way.

I have no words to express my deepest, most sincere thanks to all my cyber-buddies involved in the undercover "MAX PROJECT" for this incredible gift!!! I know that there have been a number of people involved in this project and my special thanks goes to each and every one of you!!!

I am deeply touched and humbled by your gesture!!!

There are no words that would adequately express my thanks and appreciation!

Please allow me to take a moment to tell you a little story...

Many of you will recall that my mother passed away in November last year.

When she was alive, she lived in a little retirement village not far from me. One day I had an idea and approached the Matron of the village. After discussion I received permission to put up a notice board in my mom’s little village.

My idea at that stage was to extend Max's 'blog' to this noticeboard so that the old folks could also read about his life and come to know what ‘blogs’ were about. Many of the villagers had previously kept pets during their lives but unfortunately couldn’t bring them with when they moved into the village. My hope was that Max's “notice board blog” would somehow touch them in a small way - like their pets did and bring them some joy in their golden years!

Well, this particular photograph (which Kathleen has used for the painting) has special meaning to me! I called it
“Max conveying his love”.

When I first put it up on the Village’s notice board, I also asked them (like in the blogpost) to
 "Look deep into his eyes to experience and to understand how much he loves you!" .

This photograph did indeed hit the hearts of some of the villagers who also fell in love with MAXDOG.

In my opinion, this particular photo tells it all...about my dog's amazing ability to touch me to the core of my soul. I had hoped that it would touch and uplift others too and obviously it has.

My mother too...couldn't stop talking about this photograph...so it has extra special meaning for me.

But now, through your gift and Kathleen’s talent this photograph has been BROUGHT TO LIFE!

She is so incredibly talented and has captured MAXDOG’s eyes absolutely!!!
If I look at his eyes in the painting - they are totally real - telling me how much he loves me!!!
It means that his image (which you have contributed to capturing) will stay with me forever!!!

As you know, I take many photos of MAXDOG! I have endeavoured to capture his life-like expressions. Despite my attempts, I have always felt that the photos don't tell the full story. The painting however is different.

...it is ALIVE !!!

I don't know how to thank all my cyber-friends for this incredible gift!

The only way I know is to simply write from my heart.

I have never been in this unique situation where I am unable to reach out and give a vitally important HUG to some really special people! Ironically at this moment, where I want to really give everyone a HUG, I can't!

Please consider yourselves hugged...and hugged!...and hugged!...and hugged!

I am so, so grateful!!!
Thank you so, so much! It is the greatest gift I have ever received!

With lots of love
Here are some of the photos...

The beautiful card, designed by Ami and Simona...
The arrival of the parcel...
Taking it all in...
...and lastly...a VERY special
from MAXDOG too!!!
With deepest and utmost appreciation...!
Caryl the MAXMOM
Paco Milo Maya           http://pacoemilo.blogspot.com/
Tommy and The Khats     http://thepoupounette.blogspot.com/
Valerie Boo Bears         http://mybubear.blogspot.com/
Maggie and Mitch     http://northfordmaggie.blogspot.com/
Wilf and Digby    http://wilfanddigby.blogspot.com/
Kathleen Coy and Cloud the Wonderdog     http://cloudthewonderdog.blogspot.com/
Lotsaluv and lotsalicks


Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

That is such a great gift,
Max, you look pawesome in it!

Toby's Raiser

Mack and Mia said...

How beawooootiful Maxdog! It does you justice!

Keep smiling!

Wags and Woofs,
Mack and Mia

houndstooth said...

What a wonderful gift! That's a wonderful likeness of Max!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Working on this project was such a gift to all of us. We are so very happy that the portrait has made it safely to you and we just LOVE all the photos, most especially the ones of MAXDOG with what has become known as the "Maxterpiece". Kathleen did an amazing job, and Khyra's Mom, Phyll, should be made head of the United Nations!

Woofs, Purrs and Hugs from your friends in France,
Tommy, Tama-Chan, Sei-Chan, Yuu-Chan, Bibi-Chan and #1 (Virginia)

Sheila and Bob said...

All we can say is WOW, what a wonderful thoughtful gift.
It is just gorgeous.

Hamish & Sophie's Mom & Dad,
Sheila & Bob

Moose said...

Kat did an amazing job and that was very touching to know the significance of that photo! I have always liked it because MAX is one of those doggies that can truly smile and you can see it in this photo!
Hugs! Moose + Momma

Ina in Alaska said...

Sitting at my desk in my office crying like a little baby. So many dog angels in the world sending love to Max. I know Toffee is the King but Max Rules!!

What a gorgeous portrait of your sweet Max. Kat is an amazing artist! WOW! Sending many hugs to you and your family to enjoy this beautiful portait all of your lives. xoxoxo

brooke said...

What an amazing gift!
It truly captures Max's spirit!

kissa-bull said...

aww im crying happy tears
that was so increadibly beutiful
happy sniffles
the pittie packs mom

Duke said...

The Max painting looks so beautiful in your home, Caryl! Kat did an incredible job!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Words don't seem enough to try and khapture how much this endeavour has touched so many -

We've been thrilled by the response of all who pawticipated!

Thanks for sharing your Max your world your YOU with US -

(Sorry - too much emotion to properly say more right now)

We were glad to khoordinate what we khould but we had sooooo many helpers around The World -

And I think fur all the lessons you've shared from Max, he's taught us many more through what we termed 'The Max Project'

Khyra and Phyll

Clive said...

We are so happy tonight to see the wonderful painting Kat did of Max. It has been so exciting to be part of this wonderful project and we feel very honoured to have been part of it all! Kat's painting of Max is truly incredible and Phyll was wonderful co-ordinating and organising it all.

Max really does seem 'to speak to you' from the painting.

With love from us all
Clive, Murray and Fiona

Mrs. JP said...

I'm crying happy tears. I love that you got that painting. What an incredible gift. Isn't your heart full? Mine is.

Smushie Ranch said...

It's beautiful! No one deserves it more than you and Max.

Shannon and the Gang

D.K. Wall said...

All we can say is thank you so much for sharing Max with all of us. When we received the notice today that you had received the package, we were incredibly elated. The world of dog bloggers is absolutely amazing.

the magic sleigh said...

Wooooos! Words mean nothing sometimes... woo have touched us all, It was a gift of true love!
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful

Two French Bulldogs said...

What a great gift.
Benny & Lily

sprinkles said...

OMD, this is an amazing gift!!!!!

I wish I could have been a part of it but I had no clue this was in the works.

Kathleen is an excellent artist! I don't know if anyone knew what that picture meant to you before but I bet it means even more now!

Ms. ~K said...

Seeing you and Max together w/ the portrait makes my heart soar like an eagle!
Hugs to all,

Emma Rose said...

My Duchess is crying her eyes out. We are so blessed to have been a part of this wonderful tribute to our friend Max in his Days of Grace. Kat did such an amazing work of art. Enjoy!

Emma Rose and The Duchess

Sally Ann and Andy said...

What a fantastic painting. Max, that photo will mean more to Mommy than you know. Mommy has a photo of my sister, and one of her next to her photo.
Sally Ann

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I'm sitting here reading your post and listening to the song "Somewhere Over the Rainbow/What a Wonderful World" by Israel Kamakawiwo'Ole (Thank-you Bumpass Hounds!) and the part of the song that says "what a wonderful world" have never been more true than it has been for you to receive this wonderful and beautiful gift from so many!!
As always, thank-you for letting me have a peek into yours and Maxdog's life--It truly is a wonderful world!

Jacqueline said...

What a lovely heartwarming gift=just gorgeous and priceless!...You and Max inspire so many, Caryl; the love you give away is being reflected back to you...Blessings.

las794 said...

What a beautiful painting! The artist really brought Maxdog to life. :)

Anonymous said...

What a Lovely and Wonderful gift you received. I definitly can see the Love in Max's eyes.

That picture is great. She is a great artist.

Tell Max, we the Stamps kitties are sending a lot of Love his way or should I say purrs.

Dexter said...

I am so glad you like it. It was a pleasure to participate.


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We too were so excited to hear that Max had arrived at your home today. It was an honor for us to be a very small part of this wonderful project. MaxDog has touched so many of us so deeply. We are especially thrilled that it arrived for him to be able to see and enjoy too. He has the most love-filled face and now he is immortalized in this painting. We are so happy for your joy.

Hugs, Phantom, Thunder, Ciara and Mom Kathie

Scout and Freyja said...

That portrait is REMARKABLE. You are so, so fortunate to have had Max captured so well.

Been thinking of you all weekend.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

We loves that gift! It is so beautiful!

The Life of Riley said...

What a wonderful gift your furfriends have given you! The painting of MaxDog brought tears to my mum's eyes.

My Sons Mum said...

That is so lovely x

dw said...

What a wonderfully special gift! You and Max have certainly touched many people, both online and in real life!

Valerie Cummings said...

Caryl, I am so moved by Max and didnt hesitate to donate what I could to this beautiful picture! And it was so hard to keep it a secret!!!!! We love you from the bottom of our hearts!!! forever!!!!So glad to see Max!!!!! We LOVE you! Hugs Valerie Joey and Kealani

Kathleen Coy said...

Caryl, when I looked all through your blog to find the perfect photo of Max to paint from, this one stood out like no other. My heart KNEW it was the one! And to find out the very same photo has such meaning to you, is priceless. Things happen for a reason, this I know!

Much love to you and Max,

Chester said...

What a magnificent gift and a prime example of what a different "breed" dog lovers are and what wonderful things they can do when they unite.

Kathleen's work is superb and she has truly captured the heart of Max!

God bless all who were involved in coordinating this and you also Caryl, for sharing your wonderful Maxdog with us.

Chester's Mom
Pennsylvania USA

Unknown said...

Dear Maxmom, that is indeed the most beautiful gift you could ever receive. How sweet of all those who contributed to it.

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

That is such a wonderful gift! Max looks gorgeous in the painting (not that he isn't already, but you know what I mean *grins*) Big kudos to everyone who contributed!


the booker man said...

what a beautiful, heart-felt gift. the painting is priceless...it is max to a "t".
maxdog, you have some very, very special friends who love you very, very much!! :)
the booker man's mama

Golden Samantha said...

So glad that our local computer and phone network got us back online just now for us to see your blog! The painting is just gorgeous - so very Maxdog from an incredibly gifted painter - oh, how we love Max so very much - your post is beautiful and we can't thank YOU enough for the story behind the picture that the painting was based on.
Huge Big Hugs and Love xoxoxoxo

Asta said...

Caryl and Max
You can't imagine how happy it makes us to see that you got the Painting and we can see you posing wif it..It makes ouw heawt sing that you love it as much as the love that came wif it. Kat did a most gowgeous painting and Max's bootiful soul shines thwough his eyes fuwwevew in the painting.

We loved being a little pawt of this pwoject.

love you so vewy much
smoochie kisses and thank you fow all you've give us


Cindy said...

You, Max and the generous blogging world really touched my heart too with that incredible gift.

pibble said...

What a beautiful and incredible gift. I've got tears in my eyes as I read this post. It's amazing how the internet and blogs have brought people a world apart so close together! Max looks so, so beautiful!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

As your heart is bursting at the seams, my heart is also.
I along with many others are honored to be a part of your joy.
Kat's paint brush did more than paint- the portait breathes.
It has soul that we can see- and that you can feel,,,, forever.
I truely can see his heart beat.
I see the twinkle in his eye.
I love you

KT and Easton said...

What a stunning portrait of MaxDog. It really captures his spirit. Truly priceless.

Laser loves to Max from us.

KT and Lady

BRUTUS said...

How incredibly special in so many ways. Not only is it a phenomenal painting, but there will always be SO much meaning behind it. What a wonderful gesture from so many caring friends!! A "gift" in the most ultimate sense of the word!!

Michelle & Brutus

TwoSpecialWires said...

Caryl and Max. Seeing the photos of the two of you with the stunning portrait of Max (Kat's work is wonderful ... and we totally understand your joy) brought a wonderful sense of completion to a project that has been very special in the making. It has represented so much more than one gift for one family. In our minds it is a symbol of the huge community of love that this blogging group is all about. We are so glad you are pleased. That pleases us, and we're confident we speak for everyone else who must feel the same way.

Fondly, with love,
Jake and Fergi, Sally and Nina

JacksDad said...

You have made my week! Thank you for everything both of you do!!!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

What a beautiful thing to happen ~ we felt teary as we read this ~ we can feel the love.

WFT Nobby said...

Caryl, what can I say. That is such a warm and beautiful painting of Max. You will treasure it always. And big congratulations to 'The MAx Project' too.

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

What a beautiful gesture of kindness.

The Rocky Creek Scotties

Piappies World said...

Hi Caryl,

That's an amazing work of art. It's true that a painting does tell a beautiful story. Such a thoughtful gesture and she sure is a very talented artist. We love Max' photo with you and the painting too. Max really has gentle eyes and it is so great to have been captured in the painting.

We wish more happy days with Max. You are always in our prayers.

-Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar & the Piappies

Clare Mansell said...

Wow, what an amazing gift!

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi Max and Mom....we are nearly speechless after seeing this beautiful picture. When I first saw it the eyes were mesmerizing.
Kathleen is is an amazing artist.
You all must be just beside yourselves with joy over this gift.
To all who contributed your hearts are as big as this world.
Madi and Mom

Anonymous said...

Hey Ms. Caryl,
What a GReat gift from such nice people and from such a gifted artist as Ms. Kathleen. Max Dog will be with you forever through this spectacular portrait. You and the gang are in our prayers today, as you are every day. We love y'all.

KB said...


I'm crying right now. When I saw an early version of the painting via the internet, I said exactly what you did. His eyes - they're truly Max's eyes and they radiate love. What an amazing painting.

You are a very special person, and Max is a very special dog. That's why your cyberfriends wanted to do this.

Huge hugs to you and Max from KB and the Labraduo!

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

Wow! That's so pawsome! That is such a thoughtful and wonderful gift from your friends!
Paws up to all the Max project participants!

Sam & June

Angus said...

Goodness -- that picture really is a great likeness.

Anonymous said...

Oh Maxmom, this made my mom all choked up and leaky. What a Most Beautiful and Thoughtful gift in honor of a Most Amazing dog. We know you'll treasure it for a lifetime.

We haven't been blogging long and me and Mom just can't get over how kind and giving furry bloggers are.

Wiggles & Wags,

Anonymous said...

What an incredible story, and such a precious gift.

Although I had dogs for 35 years, I now have cats. And now as a cat Mom and cat blogger, I know how incredible it is to a part of the wonderful enigma that is the Blogosphere. It's a community of like-minded and like-hearted individuals coming together to share all the emotions that encompass living with and loving our cats and dogs.

Big hugs to you, Max, the very talented and thoughtful artist who painted this lovely piece and all of the participants in this special project.

Mom Barb

Hannah and Lucy said...

What a beautiful picture of Max - the artist has caught his personality as well as his features beautifully. It is something to treasure for eternity.

Amy & the house of cats said...

What an awesomely amazing gift! And what a beautiful picture of Max - she did a great job of capturing him!

Raymond and Busby said...

That is an amazing portrait & a wonderful gift. Max, you have friends all over the world. We send you our love from California. xoxo, Raymond and Busby

Noll's Nip said...

How wonderful. I am so happy for you.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

The tears flow as I read this.. To see you so happy at receiving your special package is all the thanks I need for my part.. What a wonderful thing that happened wth the response to the Max project.. So many friends so much love. Amazing.. Thank you for your beautiful blog. For friendship.For Max and your lovely family . Hugs GJ and Carol x

Droopy, Smiley, and Kayah said...

Wow Max! That is a beautiful painting of you!! MaxMomma is truly lucky to receive such an pawesome gift!

Lots of slobber,
Droopy and Callie

JD and Max said...

Hi Max and Maxmom! It's great to see the painting got there safely. It was a pleasure to participate in a project that was so full of love - Khyra was amazing in making this become a reality and we're just pleased we were able to be a part of it. Big schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max

Olive said...

Awww Max, that is so beautiful... You are so very loved all over the world and that paiting really captures the love everyone has for you.. Cloud and Kathleen are just amazing for doing that..what a wonderful community we have here in the blogger world..

Licks to you!!


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

We have shivers...maybe that was your hug comin' through the puter???

That painting is alive...she did an amazing job...

Max is a wonderful teacher and life guide...and old soul...and with those eyes, I'm sure he always has been....

We feel blessed to know you!

Bloggieland is an amazing place!

Kisses and so much love,

Scruffy, Lacie, Stanny and Mumsie

Anonymous said...

You're welcome a million times! i love how it came out and was thrilled to be a part of a little joy in your world. (well, joy other than max and your pack of course!)

enjoy and thanks for the story!
wild dingo
ps. not making my blog rounds too much lately, very busy right now. but whenever i do get over here (and i do often read your posts), nothing makes me smile more than that header of max swimming! just love it.

Joy said...

WOW! That is beautiful! So happy for you and what a giving person the artist is. Wonderful. Hugs to all the doggies at your house!

Unknown said...

I can't believe we pulled this off. We did it! We gotcha you and Max! Woof woof! Momma's blowing her nose, I'm tap dancing on the desktop, we are sooooo glad that this came through the way it did. I was looking back at our initial wishful thinking email exchange about Nutrical... so much has happened since then. Enjoy!
Twinkie and her family

Anonymous said...

Max and MaxMom what a beatutiful portrait!

So very happy for you!

Hugs, Tessa

Anonymous said...

Hey Max. We were just making our daily stop at your place. Our day is not complete unless we stop by to visit.

Lots of Love,
Jude,Poo,Babybella,Piper & Marley

Jans Funny Farm said...

What a beautiful gift from some of your blogging friends. It is definitely something to treasure.

Unknown said...

Ohhhh - that is really the most wonderful, beautiful, heartfelt gift! What a lovely gesture from your friends - something to treasure always!

Honey the Great Dane

Ben said...

That is most excellent.
A picture is worth more than a 1000 words.

Sierra Rose said...

Yay!!!!!!!!!! We are very happy you have received this most beautiful gift. And, so glad to be part of a big event, as we cherish Max and the warmth you bring to this amazing world. Lovely photos with the painting and card!

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

Pip said...

That is an amazing, stunning, breath-taking painting. Your friends reflect your love and caring.
It is very touching.

Mochi and Bali said...

Wow! That is such a beautiful gift from your friends! :)


ocmist said...

That is such a Fantastic picture. She is really talented and has done a magnificent job of capturing Max for you! You truly are blessed with some wonderful friends! The CCC

Dean Grey said...

What an amazing gift and a wonderful act of kindness from everyone!


Taffy said...

Kathleen is a wonderful artist and human being! Because I had a painting done at Christmas for my husband I totally get the "alive" of what you are saying. I love this painting and the story behind it makes it even more special. Even tho I don't comment much I have been following along and keeping you in my prayers. Thanks for sharing your boy with the world.
Twix and Mom

Cocorue said...

oops, just lost my post!

THAT is such a PRECIOUS gift and we told Kathleen so and now we're off to Kyra's for forgetting us, naughty, naughty...

Maxi, your beautiful spirit shines through and this is such a thoughtful gift for your mumster to enjoy forever


Josie said...

MaxMom and Max,

After all Josie and I went through this was the icing on the cake. I just burst into tears when I read this post. But it was all good. All the love that goes around this blog is just incredible. I thought of all of you every day when I was away. And now while I am trying to catch up on everything that I missed, it's storied like this that inspire me to get that camera out and start taking pictures again and start typing away. Kathleen's paintings have always caught my eye, every since I became a fan of Cloud the Wonder Dog. And I do agree, she captured your precious MaxDog's eye's in that painting in a way no artist could and it's probably because of the communication between the bloggers in this blog community and all the love everyone feels for Max and you. What a beautiful gift! I only wish I wasn't so wrapped up in my Hospice work that I could have contributed on some way, but maybe the next time (you hear that bloggers!!! don't forget me and Josie next time!!) We love you MaxMom and MaxDog. Woof Much Love, Josie and Josie's Mom