OK, so Mom has been going mad on MY blog with all these beautiful pictures of
Now it's my turn to show you how I celebrated the change in season yesterday...
"You see, for a while now, mom has banned me from the pool. Temperatures here in South Africa can swelter during the summer months and when my fur is continuously wet, I become prone to all sorts of skin infections and hot spots! When these flare up, she has no option but to SHAVE me!! (Yes, you heard right....urggh!!!)
Well, to avoid this (despite the fact that I enjoy being shaved...yes that is true too), Mom bans me from the pool. I soooo love to swim too and I don't like being banned!"
" Anyway, yesterday was a really beautiful Spring Day and after all my staring at the pool, she decided to give me a break......YIPPEE!!!!"
" Yep, this feels good....just where a Golden should be!"
"Anyone care to join me? Kitties welcome too!"
Golden Bliss!!!
"Time to rub the grass in glee!!!"
"That was super cool and hopefully Mom will let me swim lots this summer!"
(So long as the hot spots keep away!)
Lots of licks
Cement ponds totally rock! I went for a swim myself yesterday in our neighbor's pond.
I am relieved you didn't have to get shaved though.
nothing better than a wet happy golden!!
Hi Max - you looked like you were in heaven in those photos! It's good to see a dog being where he should be!! Hmmm, we wonder if our humans would build us a pool? Probably now....sigh! We never get anything....he he he!!! ;) Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
Hi Max! I´m glad you had fun in the pool!
what a great time - we love to swim - so happy your mommy let you go in - hope your skin is okay
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
That looks like great fun, Max. Can we come for a pool party?
Tucker and Daisy
Hey Max!! that pool looks sooo kool and inviting!!
You look so handsome, swimming in the pool! I hope you get to swim a whole lot this summer with no hotspots on You.
Oh Max, you look GREAT in the pool and we LOVE your new header photo. You are so handsome!!!
And no, I never got the beer. >:-/
WHOO!!! You are a very handsome and happy swimmer. Hope you get to do it a lot more. NO hotspots!!
Ernie & Sasha
You look so happy and cooled off in the pool! Good for you!
Wow, does that look like a blast! I"ve never tried swimming, but you make it look totally cool.
Happy swimming!
Play bows,
Looks like you enjoyed that swim, heck you don't need anyone to join you....
Oh Yay!!! Pool time, that looks refreshing! Wish I had a blue pool to dive into right now!!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
ahhhh..that is looking so refreshing and cool. Shaved huh? We can't do that. We only have a little bit of hair.
Benny & Lily
Its like Rusty :). I had your blog to my sites in rusty blog(
Have a nice day
Hi Max
Well I'm no swimmer but totally understand about the need to cool down in hot weather, and I'm so glad you were allowed in the pool. We Westies know all about skin problems and how horrid that can be. I do hope those hot spot things stay away this summer.
Take care!
Cheers, H.
Wow, Max, you nearly have been convinced to dry some swimming!!
Take care
Those were terrific photos of you and your swim looked so cool and inviting!!! No wonder you have lots of friends....Everyone wants to join you!
Hi, Max!
That is the way to spend a hot day!
Glad you had fun swimming!
Kisses and hugs
pools kind of scare the crap out of me, but enjoy it!
How fun! that must have realy felt good.
We think Tommy should have a blog too. He is so sweet!
Star and Riley.
oh Max, the pool looks so inviting! I wish the Animal Doctor will build us doggies one of that!
We have the same issues during the summer. The dogs won't stay out of the water and inevitably react to something or get skin cooties. As hot as it is there I can only imagine how badly they want to swim...
What a fun swim and Grassy roll!!!
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