Written by Max's Mom, with thanks, for the
In our household, Christmas 2008 was a large and lavish affair. Boxing Day was similar although somewhat laid back. There were remnants of Christmas wrapping littering the house whilst the base of the Christmas tree looked quite bare. Nevertheless our household remained vibrant and conversations continued from the previous day. Guests and animals alike sponged up the relaxed vibe and happy companionship.
The flat coffee table in our TV room was strewn with remaining Christmas delicacies; offered to anyone who cared to challenge the remaining spaces in their stomachs. Nuts, sweets and biltong were all openly displayed. But by the evening of that Boxing Day, nobody could fit in another morsel. Even my beautiful gift of Geldhof chocolates - the most delicious, delectable and elaborate chocolates imaginable - lay half eaten.Well, when it came to retiring that night, we locked up the house, roped in our four dogs and strolled wearily to our respective bedrooms.
Unfortunately the dogs didn't quite feel the same way. They woke up at first light - as the dawn was breaking - to wake up the birds. "The Boss", all bleary-eyed and unsteady, dutifully mobilized himself and opened up the doors to let the pooches out. They ran off into the garden to make their errands and read the news. Dreariness quickly got the better of "The Boss" and he was soon back in bed, snoring. Unfortunately for us though, he'd left the doors wide open.
Whilst the household was still in dreamland, the pooches decided to have their own Christmas party! Generally speaking, our pack is very disciplined about not stealing food, but that morning the Christmas pies were obviously too tempting! Between the four of them they cleaned up!!!...
"When you accept this award, you must blog
about the food you have stolen when your humans were not watching. If you have
never stolen any food, you must have been a really good pup! You can accept this
yummy tray of cookies as your reward! Next add the logo of this award to your
blog (optional), then nominate at least 5 other furry blogs and let them know by
leaving a message on their blogs."
Wow, sounds like a feast was had :) I steal what I can...when I see an opportunity, I take it!
Thanks Max for coming to my blog..I am a newbie to this old blog thing.
Lick to you and a Million Tail Wags!
Olive :)
Wrooo wrooo Max, We were licking our lips while reading this story...
Glad the chocolate didn't hurt you!
Hugs and Rubs
That is a story!
Thanks for sharing it!
Kisses and hugs
We have read a lot of posts from the Ooops I Ate it Award - you certainly have a very impressive story to tell!
That was stealing food on a grand scale and although it made us smile we expect you were not feeling so good at the time!!!
Have a great weekend.
Martha & Bailey xxxx
What a great post Christmas feast!
You can hardly blame them when such lovely treats were left out!
lots of woofs
So you had a big party and then went to bed like total lazy things and left the heavy lifting to the doggies to clean up?
Hey, does your girlfriend live with you? Lacie is planning a slumber party. Girls only.
Hi Max! Dats a great Christmas tail..i mean tale! Thanks for sharing it!
Wow Max, you guys cleaned up. Literally, BOL!
What a great story dear Max and Mommy!!!!
WE loved read your adventures....
Sooooooooooooo...you had your personal Christmas pawty!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mmmmmmmmmmmm...we're drooling on keyboard thinking of that and all your yummy food!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for sharing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You're the best and we love you a lot!!!!!!!!
HAve a wonderful weekend!!!!!!
Mommy said that she hopes to speak with your mommy on faCEbook again very very soon!!!!!!!
Swet kisses and licks!!!!!
Thank you for a great story Max...we do love your Santa hat
Benny & Lily
So much food .... so little time!
Hey Guys
Just wanted to add something to my post...
When we realised what the dogs had got up to,we were extremely worried !!! - knowing how dangerous chocolates can be for dogs!!! Thankfully none of them were vomiting...it simply worked its way through their obviously 'not delicate' systems. Oh boy, were we worried!!!
Lots of licks
Way to score, you guys! Ha roooo!
Play bows,
PS: Our great sisters stole some chocolate, so Mom understands how scary that is! :/
MAx, I must confess that I too have stolen chocolates in my time. Delicious they were too. Surely the fact that I later woke up in the middle of the night with a very uncomfortable tummy was just a coincidence, right?
Cheers, H.
PS I have this theory that whisky works wonders as an antidote to the toxins in chocolate. It surprises me that this has not yet been accepted as a cure by the veterinary establishment,
Hahaha....your tale of Christmas over-indulgence has us drooling like...well, Beagles!
Fuuny story :D
Slobbers xx
Tee Hee...well it WAS Christmas after all!!!!
Naughty naughty MAX!
Chocolate is bad for dogs as far as I know...I quite agree with you on stealing the biltong though! Good job! Save me some next time.
If your stools were very loose and rumbly then why would you sit on them? I won't go near a loose or unstable stool, it can be a hazard you know! Rumbling stool? Goodness me, was Toffee perhaps hiding beneath it and that was what you were hearing? Your human sla...I mean 'MOMMY', must let you lie on the bed rather :) Especially at Christmas!
Now I'm confused...how do Christmas and stools go together?
From the ever Madd and in this case, confused, cat.
congrats on the award - and whats a little chewing between family and friends
Thanx again for all the support for Woodrow - hopefully the power of the paw will prevail - We are going to try and catch up on our bloggies today - but please be patient
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
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