"MAXDOG" is now available on Amazon.com!!
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Dear Readers and faithful friends,

After a number of years of wonderful blogging, this blog has effectively become dormant - except for occasional updates regarding my book, MAXDOG. I have left this blog as a legacy to my dog and a place of sanctuary where we can reflect upon his life. Take your time, peruse the pages spanning Max's 18 months in cyberspace. Feel refreshed and uplifted because his story is an amazing one of..."LIVING LIFE TO THE MAX!"
My activities have now moved on to my new blog entitled "LIVING LIFE TO THE MAX". Please join me there where you can read about my family and canine companions. I also invite you to visit MAXDOG's FANPAGE on FACEBOOK. You can follow the specific links by clicking below:

* MAXDOG, the book: click HERE

If you would like to follow me on a deeper, spiritual level, then I invite you to visit my more personal blog:

May God bless you and thank you for following me!


Monday, December 21, 2009


MAXDOG here...

We have decided to take a short break from blogging for the next week or two. It is a hectic time in our household at the moment with Christmas festivities and friends.

We should be back during the second week of January.

In lieu of our absence we are putting up some of the photographs from the past year which have become the firm memories of our year.

We hope you will enjoy them and not forget us during our absence.

Dear furry-friends, please accept our warmest wishes for this Christmas and New Year season.
You have all become really special to us in so many, many ways!!!
We will be thinking of you all during this time.

So here are some of our most favourite photographs, from postings during the year, with their captions below.

(Spot the MAXDOG...in Stuffie-land)

(Max with his Christmas stocking...waiting for Christmas.)

(Max and Tammy...sitting on the patio...waiting for supper and their walk)

(Remembering the time when the whole of bloggie land's hand was on us... in thoughts and prayer - as Max faced his surgery to remove his Mast cell tumour.)

(Sharing some of our friends with you.)

(Mom was 'under the table' playing silly photographer...Max wasn't impressed!)

(Max looking out from the study door - the evening we got the news about his tumour)

(Max supervising the "Christmas Cake Test")

(Max "rescuing" Toffee in the pool...and Toffee playing surf-board dude)

(King Toffee!)

(Tammy - Max's favourite girlfriend)


(The Maxpack...going for a walk together)

(Max ... in"chill-out" mode)

Max in "Traditional pose"

(Max sniffing "his" beautiful garden)

("I WILL fit into Toffee's bed!!!)

(Okay Mom...I'll be your Christmas tree!)

We hope you enjoyed our collection of favourite pictures.

Wishing all our readers a happy, wonderful, peaceful, fun-filled, uplifting, healthy, pain-free, joyous and beautiful Christmas.
We will see you all in:

Lots of licks


Dexter said...

We will ponder all those lovely photos whenever we get lonely for you. Hope your holiday season is full of joy and good thoughts.


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

So many wonderful photos! Thanks for taking the time to post them.

We haven't known you long, Max, but are glad to be your friends and look forward to following your adventures in 2010! In the meantime, have a wonderful Christmas and we wish you a 2010 in good health and filled with treats, cuddles and playtime!

The Poupounette Gang

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What a wonderful walk down Memory Lane 2009, Max. Just when we thought we had found our favorite, there popped up another and another and another. We have truly enjoyed meeting you this year and look forward to making more memories together in the years to come.

Happy Holidays to you and all of your family.

Woos, Phantom and Thunder

Clive said...

Max, we have just thoroughly enjoyed looking through that great collection of photos! The NSLM is home sick from school still, sitting here beside his Mom and me and he was full of smiles looking at all those great photos of you. Well done to your Mom on a great post!

We wish you and all your family a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for a great 2010.

Clive, Murray and all the gang in Dublin

ps-we posted a parcel to you this morning - we sent it registered post - hoping it will get to you - we know you mentioned your post can go astray! Paws crossed it does! We kept it small just in case it never gets to you - let us know if you do receive it!

pps-it was meant to go days ago but we're always behind on things!!

Cocorue said...

we will miss you and will wait for you to be back soon. it has been a good 5 months blogging for us and we love your pics down memory lane

have a very MerryChristmas and a blessed 2010 with health and happiness surrounding you and your family


Princess Patches said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Max and family! We won't forget you!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Kane said...

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to Max, Tammy and all the rest of the family!!! We'll be waiting for you to get back to bloggie land.


Deborah said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Thank you for sharing all the great photo's.
Enjoy your time off!

Andrea said...

Merry Christmas and GOD BLESS!

Unknown said...

Wonderful photos, Max! We'll miss you but we too will be caught up in the holidays (and traveling to South Carolina) in the next week. Can't wait to hear all about your new adventures in 2010!

Merry Christmas!

Your pal,


KB said...

I'll be thinking of you and your family of people and dogs. Have a wonderful holiday!

I love your photo collection. It made me smile, time and time again. I especially love the one with Max pulling Toffee out of the pool on the floating board. Wow!

houndstooth said...


Those are wonderful photos! We could never forget you! It'll be great when you get back to the keyboard.


Angel Tucker, Daisy and Leo said...

Great photos, Max, we really enjoyed them. We so enjoyed meeting you this year and look forward to much more friendship. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family.

Tucker and Daisy

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Have a peaceful time and enjoy each other. We will see you when you get back. We wish your family a joyous Christmas and mom is holding you in her heart, Caryl.
See you in 2010 and don't forget at least a bite of black eyed peas on New Years Day.
Sunny, Scooter Shamus&Jamie

Hamish Westie said...

Hi Max,

So pleased to see that a fine Highland piper has made it all the way across the equator! What a splendid photo that is. But not half so splendid as the photos of your good self, Max, and the rest of your pack. Thanks for showing them all again - well worth a second look. My favourite is you with the Christmas stocking,. So patient and so hopeful. I do hope all your Christmas dreams come true!

And thank you for all the nice things you said on my blog about my 'achievements'. I am indeed proud to be an honorary South African (and so looking forward to the World Cup next year).
Cheers, H.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Those are all such wonderful pictures! We hope you have wonderful time off - Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and we will see you again in 2010!

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!

Sam & June & Mom

Asta said...

Deawest Max,Tammy, Toffee and tommy and youw wondewful pawents
I couldn't find youw pee mail to send you my chwissmuss cawd..sadly , I didn't have any weal ones to mail this yeaw, but i want you to know how much i love you and that ouw fwiendship means so much to me..I wish you the most wondewful Chwissmuss and a New Yeaw of good healtha dn love and tweats!
smoochie kisses,ASTa and Mommi

Martha said...

Hi Max
We wish you the very best Xmas and look forward to catching up with you in 2010.
Your pics are adorable - just like you.
Best Wishes
Martha, Bailey & Family xxx

Ms. ~K said...

Thanks for sharing all the great photos...
We will "sit", "stay" and wait for your return in 2010!
Happy Holidays,
Kit, Zack, Sassy and Buddy

Draco and his Mom said...

We enjoyed all the pictures so much...I can see why they are favorites. Have a very Merry Christmas and a fun New Years Celebration and we will see you back here in 2010.

Duke said...

Enjoy your short break and have a very merry Christmas! See you all next year!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

Hi, Max and Family!
All those pictures are beautiful!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
I wish the best today and always!
I will see you next year!
Kisses and hugs

Kasha The Dainty Great Dane said...

Hi Maxdog & Family,

Thanks for sharing those lovely pictures. I just love the one of you in the little bed (adorable). Well, enjoy the holidays and have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year...hope to see you in 2010!

AARF Kasha the Dainty Great Dane

Emma Rose said...

Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Max!

We loved the pictures :)

Emma Rose

BRUTUS said...

Great post, Max!! Wishing you the happiest holidays ever, and a wonderful new year!!

Brutus the Frenchie
(Pee ess - love the photo of you in the stuffies - I have one just like it!!)

Two French Bulldogs said...

What a happy post! We love the pictures. We sure do know you are in the Christmas spirit
Your friends
Benny & Lily

D.K. Wall said...

Have a terrific holiday break and we look forward to your return in a few weeks.

How Sam Sees It said...

Enjoy your time off! We will see you in 2010!

Sam and Cisco

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Happy HOWLiday!

Loved the pikhs!


Tweedles -- that's me said...

We will be right here waiting for you to come back. Thank you for sharing the memory pictures and thank you for being a part of our life.
Happy holidays
see you in Jan 2010


KK said...

Love the pics! Merry Christmas and Happy new year!

Yas said...

Hi Max!

Happy holiday to you and family and have a wonderful new year!!
Look forward to hearing from you again!

Maxx & Mommy

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Thank you for sharing your wonderful pictures - we'll see you next year.

Merry Christmas,
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Augie and Ti's mom said...

Love the photos! Merry Christmas from Augie and Ti!

Anya said...

Merry Christmas
and a Happy & Healthy 2010
for you Max
and your whole family :-)
Enjoy your Holidays...

Kareltje =^.^=
Anya :-)

Joe Stains said...

Happy Holidays!! Thanks for giving us these great pics to hold us over til you get back.

Mochi and Bali said...

Awesome pics! My favorite one is the one with Max and all the stuffies! :)

Happy holidays!!!


ocmist said...

Thanks for the memories... We are so glad that you are going to take some time to enjoy life and your family at this time of year! We've been so busy and are behind... as usual, but will do a little some catchup tonight!

Have a Very Merry Christmas and a truly God Blessed New Year! Linda, OC and the Country Corgi Crew

Lexi said...

I hope you have a very Merry Christmas.

Emma said...

Merry Christmas, Max,Tammy, Toffee and Tommy! And your beloved family, too!

Bailey said...

I love that banner picture of you in the pool!!

Did Santa come see you yet?

Every 30 minutes today, the TV weather man breaks into the TV shows to give a radar update on where Santa is, and when we saw the first one (at around 9:30 AM here, because we slept a little late today) - he said Santa was currently delivering presents in Australia - so I figure he must have made it to South Africa by now.

He won't come here for at least 6 more hours. I can hardly wait!

I have been a very good boy!

Happy Holidays!

Thor and Jack said...

Pawsome pictures! =)
Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!

TwoSpecialWires said...

Max. Your photos are lpvely, as always And we enjoyed them.

We hope you are enjoying your holiday season. Together. With family and friends. And we are glad to be able to call you some of our friends.

Merry Christmas. Have a happy and safe new year's celebration.

Jake and Fergi xxoo

Scout and Freyja said...

Merry Christmas to a darling pooch who has brought us smiles and happiness throughout this past year. Your gentle ways and upbeat attitude have been a source joy!

Anonymous said...

From my family to yours,
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We WISH you a Merry CHRISTMAS,
and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

(And Mom & Dad)

The Animal Doctor said...

Merry Christmas to you and your pack, Max. Very thoughtful of you to post those adorable pictures, but we will still miss you!

Piappies World said...

Happy Christmas Maxpack --- Max, Tammy, Toffee, Tommy, Mom & the whole family!

Such a pawsome group shot. We also love each and every fave photo you have especially you as a Xmas tree. We sure hope we can better friends in the coming year.

Enjoy the rest of the holidays!

-Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Scrappy, Bullet & Mommy

The Army of Four said...

Hi Max and everypuppy! We've missed you so much! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!
Mom got so busy then went on her trip then she got really sick then we had our blizzard.... and it's been hard to get her to let us on the computer!!! We're getting caught up slowly but surely! WE loved seeing all of your Christmas things and learning your traditions!!!

Rachel said...

Can't wait to see you again in 2010!

Joy said...

Love all the pics...see you next year!

Chester said...

As you can see, the holidays have me runnin' behind too. Enjoy the break!
Bein' that I'm a fairly new friend I LOVED seein' the Maxdog highlights from 2009!

Wishin' you a blessed 2010!
Chester ;0=)

ScrapsofMe said...

My Heart is ravisht with delight,
when thee I think upon;
All Grief and Sorrow takes the flight,
and speedily is gone;
The bright resemblance of thy Face,
so fills this, Heart of mine;
That Force nor Fate can me displease,
for Old long syne.

James Watson's 1711 version...



JD and Max said...

Hi Max and pack! We loved this photo round-up of the year - you have such a pawsome blog! We'll miss you over Christmas but we hope you have had as much fun as we've had! Can't wait to catch up with you in 2010! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

Anya said...

Have a very happy New Year
and a wonderful and happy 2010 :-)


Kasha said...

Great pics! Enjoy the break and have a Happy New year!
Kasha and Africa

Teddy Westlife said...

Max, I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas and I wish you all a very happy new year for 2010!

Cloud the Wonder Dog said...

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas, Max! Happy New Year to you and your family!!!


PS. I like how the last photo is of me (kinda, BOL!)

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

May it be the start to a pawsome new year.
Love ya lots!

Byron said...

Hi Max,
My name is Byron. I popped in to have a look at your beautiful blog.
I look forward to learning more about you when you get back from your break.

Hamish Westie said...

Hi Max and family
Just a quick one to say Happy New Year. Looking forward to getting to know you even better in 2010, my friends.
Cheers, Hamish.

Thor and Jack said...

A very Happy New Year to you and your family!


Anonymous said...

Our Dearest MaxDog and his entire Family,

We hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas and that you will all have a Fantastic New Year!
We hope that your New Year will be everything that you want it to be and more!

We feel privileged to have gotten to know all of you, we hope to strengthen our relationship in the New Year!

Hugs, Tessa and Blu

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Thank you for sharing those lovely photos! We especially love the doggy nose/mouth.... and Max in stuffie land!