We decided to do something a bit different today. It's a small survey...if you don't mind?...
We know that it is supposed to be 'Wordless Wednesday' today but this is obviously not a wordless post. Our focus however is a photograph so we thought perhaps that might count.
Mom took this picture the other day and has been debating if she should allow me to put it up on my blog or not. You see, we are aware that humour is relative and varies from culture to culture. We are also sensitive to the fact that humour differs around our world. What we might think is funny here in South Africa, may be seen as offensive in another country. In South Africa however this photograph would be regarded as hilarious!
Well, we are genuinely and respectfully interested to hear what your reaction is....?
This is a vehicle we saw on the highway the other day
Please let us know what your response is...it will be very interesting to see the spectrum of what readers see as funny or not.
Hi Max
DEFINITELY funny! I'm Scottish and I think so, and Gail is English and she thinks so too! We do like that fact that 'Dogs with Blogs' is an area of the internet where folk are generally nice to each other and supportive, and not rude or offensive, but that photo in our view falls easily with in the category of humorous!
Cheers, H.
Here in Virginia, we would think it was funny too--And it would probably make its way to TV and be shown on one of the late night talk shows! But perhaps like South Africa,there may be some who wouldn't see the humor!
THANKS for the grin to start my day! :-))
We laughed out loud!
The French love double entendres and would be falling over themselves chortling with glee. This falls into the acceptable saucy wit category!
It is certainly most entertaining here in Master Chew Sits. I think Master's construction pals will really enjoy it.
P.S. Know what you mean about sometimes wondering what is OK. For me, it's whether to include photos with my lipstick (which kind of shows often). Just part of being me.
We just loved that pic - mum is off to email to her computer at work to share with friends!
Martha & bailey xxx
Its FUNNY :-)
We in Dutch like it also !!!!!
Fantastic shot from your Mom, Max.
Its a funny country there where you live Max ^__^
Thanks for the smiles !!!
My mom started laughing out loud as soon as she read it! So, I'd say definitely funny!
BOL! BOL! Funny for sure!! The only thing I'm wondering is do the guys riding in the back of that truck think it's funny? I mean, they've had to have noticed, right??
Brutus the Frenchie
Yup. Definitely funny here in Ontario Canada as well.
Mom is still giggling
Lots a Licks and happy tail wags from
Thanks for posting it :)
Got a great chuckle out of that. Will have to show the girls at work.
Tucker and Daisy's mom.
Ha ha! Definitely funny and clever. So many people get offended by the slightest things these days--I say, LIGHTEN UP!
I read it once, then I read it again and Laughed out loud...I thought, did I just read what it said...very funny here in New England!!
Wooos! No worries here about being offended,we thought it was funny too!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
How fun to have an international audience to get feedback from! Californians would find it funny--at least I did!
Minniesnowdans would love it, especially the truck drivin' guys and girls.
Laughing in Anchorage Alaska!!!
BOL!!!! Love the pic, very funny!!!
lotsa licks,
LOL very funny! I may have to share it with some friends!
hiya Maxi,
i see your mumster has the funny bone too........i'm LMAOROF
and those workers must be in top form too if it's all over town bol.....
definitely funny to us but we can't speak for the humourless hoomans.
mumster must like this alot as she is sending it to dadster and her friends on the other computer since i'm hogging this one.
Mom would have taken that pikhture too!
PeeEssWoo: Life is too short not to laugh!
It sure is funny!
Khyra is right, life is too short not to laugh!
Sam & June
HEEEE-larious in Virginia U.S.A.
Well, not only is that funny here (Chicago) but it is fall out of your chair hilarious! I might have to email my boyfriend to visit just to see that one (he isn't really a blog follower but he loves funny pictures!)
What a funny pic!!!
Here in Italy we think it's very very hilarious!!!!
Great posrt dear Max!!!!!
You and your mommy are the best!!!
WE LOVE YOU A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tons of love and kisses
WAY funny here in Texas!!! My Mama is also going to share it with friends!!
This translates quite well into South Florida humor IMO! If I were driving behind that a photo of it would surely be on my facebook wall within minutes! You folks in SA have the funniest signs ever. Some Americans can get their panties in a bunch over things like this which makes for much less interesting signs. The only way to combat this is to immerse these people in actual humor so they will learn to giggle with the rest of us!
most definitely BOL hilarious!
wags, wiggles & slobbers
Our Mom would have been posting that picture too!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Brillant one, Max!
Me and the NSLM's Mom and Dad are laughing out loud!
lots of woofs
Woof! Woof! LOL! on the tag line ... Definitely!!! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Oh my goodness! For real? That was SO funny. Like rolling on the floor laughing funny and calling all the peeps to look at it too! I even let the cat take a peek and he may have started to cracked a smile- a big deal for him.
I enjoy your blog and started on of my own recently. Feel free to stop by anytime you want. I have always wanted a friend from South Africa. Fun!
Oh My...momma said we wouldn't understand those words since we have been "fixed."
Benny & Lily
Ha roooo - that is what we would say!!! Very funny, and what makes it even funnier is the two guys sitting in the back:)
Tail wags, Phantom and Thunder
For sure funny! No offense taken when the intentions are good. Why not laugh as often as possible as long as we're not offensive. It's healing. Thanks.
We thought it was migty funny, and if we saw it going down the road- we would have laughed!
BOL! It's freakingly funny! whooops..pardon my language..
Cheers & Cheese,
I don't know who would find it offensive, but I find it totally funny!! I erect.. oops.. I meant elect that you should put it up!!
Hmmm do you think the 2 guys sitting at the back knows about the words? Muahaha....
BOL! That's funny! :)
Living in the Southern US - a notably conservative part of the US - there would inevitably be someone who loudly says that's offensive. But the vast majority of people here would find it very funny and laugh - like our hu-dad did.
Hilarious!! My dad would have taken a picture if he was driving behind them, BOL!
Hi Max, I think it is very funny. The world needs to laugh more, it is so therapeutic. Lots of pats and hugs to you and all your family. Love Barb
He, he, he, funny indeed. A very good marketing idea. People will remember the slogan and will call for their service first. Definitely.
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