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Dear Readers and faithful friends,

After a number of years of wonderful blogging, this blog has effectively become dormant - except for occasional updates regarding my book, MAXDOG. I have left this blog as a legacy to my dog and a place of sanctuary where we can reflect upon his life. Take your time, peruse the pages spanning Max's 18 months in cyberspace. Feel refreshed and uplifted because his story is an amazing one of..."LIVING LIFE TO THE MAX!"
My activities have now moved on to my new blog entitled "LIVING LIFE TO THE MAX". Please join me there where you can read about my family and canine companions. I also invite you to visit MAXDOG's FANPAGE on FACEBOOK. You can follow the specific links by clicking below:

* MAXDOG, the book: click HERE

If you would like to follow me on a deeper, spiritual level, then I invite you to visit my more personal blog:

May God bless you and thank you for following me!


Wednesday, November 18, 2009


MAXDOG here...

Hey all my furry buddies!

Firstly this picture below is specially dedicated to the

"Hey Murray...my little therapy doggie is helping me too!"

Yesterday when I got home from the Vet, Mom told me that all my buddies in cyberspace were saying that I was a STUFFIE who was falling apart!

Well, I am NOT! Definitely NOT!

(Any Stuffie-surgeons out there - don't get any ideas!)

I am a Golden Retriever...who bounces back in hard times!

When I heard what you were all saying, I decided to scratch that stent off and get myself a decent bandage! My Vet obliged me.

I want to suggest to Doggie-Mommies out there that when us doggies have operations and want to scratch, then perhaps they can consider 'bandaging!"

My mom had seen somewhere how the lovely doggie-buddies from "Tellington Touch" would wrap 'aggressive' dogs up to calm them down. Now remember, I am NOT an aggresive dog!!!

I simply didn't want to have my friends think I am a stuffie!

This bandage (under Vet's approval and bandaged by the nurse) worked wonders! She did it in a half figure 8 around my front leg and over the surgery site. I had a wonderful night's sleep! I am comfortable and content! The bandage makes me feel secure and keeps my wound site intact....

Woof! It works really well!!!

Anyway, here I am - back with my pack - and yes, I have them all waiting on me and catering for my every need! (I gave some of your suggestions to my Mom and she also allowed me on the bed for a short while...pssst...thanks guys!) Mom even bought me a KONG!

Are there any doggies out there who can give me some tips on how to get those tempting treats out of there??? Suggestions will be much appreciated!

The KONG keeps me busy for hours and I become totally unaware of my surgery site!

...and as for my gorgeous girlfriend, Tammy...

She's by my side again...looking upon me with absolute adoration!

The MAXDOG and his Mom are very comfortable today!
Lots of licks to all my cyber-buddies


Andrea said...

A tip for mom during max's recovery. Pup peanut butter in his kong and then freeze it. He will love it and it will take longer to get it out.

(Sitka's Mom)

PS: Sitka has endured 3 knee surgeries.

Golden Samantha said...

This is all, again, terrific news and your bandage situation sounds just perfect! It must be a good wrap, as I tend to bite off any "bandages" that mom or dad wrap around me!!! It sounds like a professional job! And the kong treats? Andrea's suggestion, above, is my all-time fave recipe too. Takes forever to get out and the taste is so good and rewarding! Keep up the great recovery, pal! You doin' terrific!
Hugs xo

Chester said...

Happy does not even close to describin' how I feel at how well you are doin' with your surgery!! Extreme tail-waggin' is goin' on for sure!!!

As to the Kong-looks exactly how I would tackle mine so just keep workin' on it and you'll get to the prize inside.
Best wishes for a good report from the vet!
((((HUGS)))-it's hard to keep a good dawg down!
Chester ;0=)

Ina in Alaska said...

We are smiling in Anchorage Alaska at the lovely picture of your entire Pack, Max!! Enjoy your Kong!!! Healing wishes and hugs to all of you (including the commenters--don't want to leave anyone out!) from across the world... xoxoxo

the magic sleigh said...

Wooos Max Dog! I am so happy you are home and feeling better. That kong thingy, no tricks, just treats, Mom does the frozen PB thing too, but I like frozen cheez-wiz, do you have that is South Africa?
Wooos again to your recovery, and give Mom extra puppy kisses, she needs them!

-Kira The BeaWootiful

Martha said...

So lovely to see you looking so well Max.
We knew you were never a stuffie - that is just that silly Petey!!!
You are made of tough stuff - not cotton wool!!!
You show em Max.
Loved your pics!
love and kisses
Martha & bailey xxx

Sheryl said...

So glad you both are feeling better. I haven't figured out how to get the treat out of my kong very easy yet either. All I know is when they put peanut butter in it it's a lot easier, problem is, then I have accidents so they haven't done that for a long time.

Get some rest...


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Very happy to see that you are feeling better n you had a good sleep with your bandages. Well, I LOVE the Kong too especially stuffed with my favorite PB treat ... it sure keeps me busy for a while. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Cloud the Wonder Dog said...

Oh Max, it's so good to see you smiling in that group picture - it does our heart good! I'm so glad the surgery went well and you seem comfortable. Kongs are great! I'm not very good at getting the treats out...I like to pick it up and drop it and they fall out sometimes.
We love you Max! We are sending gentle hugs to you, and lots of love to you and your mom. :-)

Cloud and his mom

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Mom, Merdie, and I are SMILING!

Here's to woo and your furry khapable nursing/rekhovery staff!

Woo are SOOOOOO putty in their paws!

Khyra and Merdie

TwoSpecialWires said...

Max. We are so glad to read that you (and you moma) are comfortable and it was VERY NICE to read a Mood Lift post. We've been thinking so much about you, hoping each day, each hour is a bit better. Your moma is wise and wonderful to help you heal with more ease. And we're sure you are doing the best to help her.

Enjoy that kong. Your dreamy eyes looked like you were in heaven working on it.

Love, and with ongoing thoughts of love and support,
Jake and Fergi and family

Amy & the house of cats said...

Max that is such great news! And we are glad they decided to change to a bandage and that you are more comfortable now. That stent looked itchy to us!

We are glad that you are back with the pack and getting the special treatment you deserve!

We are still sending purrs and prayers for a quick recovery!

Unknown said...


I secretly knew you weren't a stuffie, but figured you could use a belly laugh or two. And you certainly looked like you were having a good chuckle in that photo with the gang. That photo made me bust out with a big grin, too!

Now, whatever you do, don't let your Mom put stuff in your Kong and then freeze it. It will take you hours and hours to get the goodies out. That's why I prefer my treats directly from the kitty litter box...

Your pal,


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh, how we love good news - we are so happy you are doing well, Max. We have cheerios with peanut butter in our kongs and then Mom freezes them - they last a lot longer that way. You can slso do yougurt and freeze it.

You are so lucky you don't have to wear a shirt like Phantom did.

Keep healing well.

Woos, the OP Pack

Asta said...


You lift ouw heawts seeing you looking so fit and sowwounded by all youw loving pack. I know youw bootiful Giwlfwiend Tammy must have been wowwied sick and is now happy as can be to see you on the mend. I love youw bandage, it does look secoowe and sowt of like a big hug enveloping you.

I like my kong's empty and bouncing down the hall, but my BFF Lacie and family get Peamut buttew fwozen in thewe and love it love it!!!
I'm suwe Muwway has a big smile looking at you wight now.
I knew all along you wewen't a stuffie!
Smoochie heling kisses continoo to flow youw way

Jake of Florida said...

Our Mom lets us have our Kong's with unfrozen peanut butter, which gets kind of gooey around the edges and lets us lick and lick to get it all out.

We're so pleased to have a mood lift -- we did roar with laughter at Petey's concept -- but knew it was just to get you chuckling!! No conspiracies out there!!

Wirey love,

Jake and Just Harry

Clive said...

Max!! We're so happy to see you looking so well! Murray just loves the first photo and the mention and your therapy dog!

He was so excited to see you back and enjoying your kong also!

Keep getting better and better and we're thinking of your Mom too!

take special care
Clive & Murray

Valerie Cummings said...

Hi Max!!! You look great!!! So glad you have Tammy there for support too!!! Keep it up and we are still sending warm hugs your way! Thinking of you lots!!!! Hugs Joey and Kealani

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

A very lovely post today.. How great to see you much more alert and happy. The pictures are gorgeous and Show just how much improvement.. you are so enjoying your Kong.. Hope you get the treats.. Hugs GJ x

Homer said...

You are one toughie dog Max! Glad to see you enjoying so much attention from your pack!


Dexter said...

I like your big band aid. Much better than a cone.

I am waiting for Tammy's nurse uniform. hehehe.


Joy said...

Glad to see that Max is doing okay. What a beautiful, soft, velvety coat he has. I can just imagine how wonderful he is to pet.

D.K. Wall said...

Excellent to see you recovering so quickly.

Natasha's solution to the Kong puzzle is to let some other pup shake it until a treat falls out and then steal the treat. But I guess you have to be a certain feared pup to pull that one off.

Dandy Duke said...

You look GREAT, Max!
We love our kongs stuffed with peanut butter and cookies - both of them in there together! yummmmmmmmmmm

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Sierra Rose said...

Yea Max! So glad to hear all this. Love that you have your best friends right beside you. Just do the lickey lickey with the kong....I LOVE them...frozen peanut butter...mmmmm...mom may have to try frozen sour cream sometime....doesn't sound as tasty does it? Heal on my friend!

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Boy are we glad to see you looking "chipper". We think about you and your pack(specially your Mom) every day. Please tell her that she should only blog if she feels like it. (comment from the post down from here-read them but saved my comment for the last) Petey's post was a belly laugh for all of us. Much needed. But no stuffy surgeons coming for you!!! We promise.
God Bless you and your pack. Mom gives your mom a big ((((HUG)))

brooke said...

Max you're looking great so soon after surgery! That's a total mood lifter! Hope you keep healing quickly!

Nellie, Yuchie, Calvert and Bailey said...

So happy to hear that you're on the mend and back with your pack.

With regards to the Kong, we just bark and bark when we can't get out the treat and mommy gives in.. hehehe... however, she's gotten smart and now puts peanut butter inside and freezes it! Hours of entertaiment.

Hey, we didn't know you have two Maltese pups with you.... we have one that visits us often and blogs on our site on Saturday's...

Hope you get the goodies out of that Kong.

Nellie & Calvert

Hamish Westie said...

Hi Max
Great to hear that you're now more comfortable and back with the pack. And still looking handsome as ever (not that I'm jealous or anything..)
Cheers, H.
PS Do go any give your Mom an extra friendly nuzzle on my behalf - I expect she could use one just at the moment.

BRUTUS said...

Hey Max!!
SOOOOO happy to see you bouncing back to fast. Great news from the surgeon. See, we told ya' it would all me OK - a mast cell is no match for Max!!

Brutus the Frenchie

Moose said...

Most excellent Max! You did sort of look like a stuffie coming apart before ;-) Kongs fix everything! Moose says the best way to get treats out of a Kong is to send it to him! I have not been able to stuff a kong that he can't destuff!
I use a carrot to plug up the hole(you can sort of see in the post below) and still he can clean it out in a few minutes! http://dewdana.blogspot.com/2008/11/happy-turkey-day.html
Keep up the healing good boy! It is so nice to see your wagging self again!

The Army of Four said...

You're looking so good, Max!!!
And you got a Kong!?!? Aren't they great?! We don't even have treats in ours - we just like them plain! I think they're VERY fun!
I hope your recovery continues to go well!

Stella said...

Hey, Max!! Amazing recovery, but we all know you are an amazing pup!

It looks great to see you with your pack and looking very happy. I hope the rest of your recovery is fast and EZ!

Hugs for you and your dear Mom!


Anonymous said...

OH so good to see you doing sooo well. My girls love their kongs with peanut butter around the inside edge and a milkbone cookie sticking out :)

Hugs to all of you!!!

Deborah said...

Hi MAX, I am so glad your feeling better! Now you can go cuddle with your Mom to make sure she is fine.
Tell you Mom, thank you for the nice comments she left on my blog!
Keep healing MAX, your doing a great job!

Chelsea + Shiloh said...

Way to go big guy... I really need to get a kong for the girls... looks like your having a ball with it... glad your back on board and as perky as every...x

Joe Stains said...

That bandaging is kind of like my thundershirt that wraps up tight around me to keep me safe during scary storms. We are so glad to see you doing better. I am no good with those kongs, they are so frustrating!!

Anonymous said...

Kongs are pawesome! there are lots of ideas for them. stuff them with real meat/cold cuts...top the big hole with peanutbutter or cream cheese.

stuff them with smaller dried treats, top w/peantut butter or cream cheese then freeze! then give after frozen for a long lick popsicle.

the frozen ones keep them busy a long time!
glad you're doing well max!
wild dingo

doyle and mollie said...

oh max so good to see you wide eyed and bushy tailed, hope your momma is feeling a bit better too so furry hard fro her after losing her momma and worrying about you!

KB said...

Of course gorgeous Tammy is looking at you with adoring eyes - you're adorable! I'm so glad that you're doing better.

This is from my dogs: As for those kongs, it depends on the kind of treats in them. If it's hard treats like milk bones, you need to toss it around so that the bones break and fall out. If you have frozen canned food or other soft food in there, you just have patiently work on it. One of us figured out that we could let the kong sit for an hour to defrost and then get all the food out really easily. However, we rarely have the patience for that technique!

Take good care of your family Max. They need your loving heart with them right now.

Farley's Mom said...

Max, we are so happy you are home, comfortable and spreading sunshine to all of us!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Max..glad to hear you are back with the pack. We told mom only stuffies need surgery since she acts like a surgeon! Yippee Max, more bed time and you will be fine
Benny & Lily

Yas said...

Hi there Max!
Glad to see you well again!!! Sure must be fun having your pack tending to you, feels like being at a dog spa huh?
Have a great day and dont strain too much! Hooowwll..!


Anonymous said...

Hey Max! We sure are happy that you are feeling better!

Whoever said you were a stuffie is a cat lover! To take a pot shot like that when you were down is a low blow! He was just too scared to say it when your feeling good!

We love you Max!

Hugs, Tessa

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Oh my...your Kong treating reminds me of MY well-abandoned Kong! I think I need to dig it up again and ask Mom to fill it up for me to play with...heh! It's great to hear that you're healing well and are comfortable with not scratching!


The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We are SOOOOO HAPPPY you are feeling better Max!! Plus you are a take charge kind of dude who knows what he wants (bandages NOT cone of shame!).

We are so happy to call you friend!!!

Hoover said...

Hey Max, My Man! Your are lookin good! Very handsome as usual and quite regal. It is so good to see you back with the gang!

Now here is my advice on the Kong. It is all about tongue. You gotta use your tongue until it hurts.

I love you man!

Hoover BPD

Thor and Jack said...

Hey Max, I´m so happy to hear that you and your mom are feeling better! You´re looking great!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi Max
I love seeing you with you pack.
I love seeing you getting better.
I love seeing you try to get the goodies out of the pack.
I love all the pictures.
I love you.
Now can I ask you to do a favor for me? Will you go hug your mom for us? We would really like to if we could. And we would hug you too

Ms. ~K said...

Max, I am soooo happy to see you improving???
Can you see me smiling?
It's hard to keep a good dog down, huh?
Hugs and Rubs to you and the entire pack!

Mom, A big hug to you as well. You've had more than your share of stress lately!!!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Max!
The bandage its a very good idea.
I hope yours is not one of those sticky ones. When I had my 2nd surgery, my mom put me one bandage every day for 2 weeks and the hair of my butt disappeared... until this day!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Sally Ann and Andy said...

I'm so glad your doing well. Have they gotten the biospy results back? Maybe your Mommy could get you some t-shirts to wear so that your bo-bo can't be seen or if you are inclined to lick.
Sally Ann


Oh, what wonderful news and you Max, you look great!

You and your pack are the cutest!

Our best to your mommy.

Luv ya,
Riely and Star.

Miss ViVi Gold said...

Hi, I just happened upon your blog after visiting Kimba and Elizabeth and Luna. It is wonderful. I hope that your sweet Maxdog heals swiftly and from the looks of it, he probably is! I love his eyes. I see all the love in them.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

You are looking good! We hope that the incision is healing!

Ziggy Stardust said...

Max, I am so glad that you are home and doing well. You are being so good about your boo-boo area, you are a good example to other doggies.Rest and keep getting better and better.

licks and sniffs, Sasha

Mochi and Bali said...

Hi Max! You look great! I love that picture of you and your pack!

I like to bounce my Kong around to shake up the treat, then lick it a bit, then bounce it around until they fall out. :)


ocmist said...

Mmmm... never heard of a "Kong" before but if it involves food like PB or cheeze-whiz, I must find out more. You are looking good, my friend and we loved the picture of your pack! You and your Mom will be in our prayers for a while yet! The Corgi Country Crew

Anya said...

we are late SORRY Max :-)
We are happy to read your are at home and you are feeling better!!
You are looking fantastic :-)
I hope your fur will fast growing on that place ;)
Its so good to see you ......
Kareltje =^.^=

Rachel said...

So glad to hear you're on the mend. I really loved the family group shot too!

Anna the GSD said...

I'm soooooo glad everything is turning out so well! You just have to heal up and be good as new! I'm doing my happy, wiggly butt dance for you!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh dear Max!!!! Um, Scruffy sez if you need any squeakers, he's swallowed a ton of them and well um recycled them, so let him know...(my advice...EWWWWWWWWWWW)

Yes, a good bandage works in an amazing fashion...when Mumsie works at the hospital (she's a nurse) she's always amazed at people who have tummy surgery, how much more comfortable they are when she puts a "binder" on them...it's a tight elastic wrap that gives support to the muscles...and makes them calmer...

So you have your pack waitin' on ya mouth and paw??? How is my sweet Toffee doin'...he's such a stud muffin!!!

We put peanut butter, cheerios, yogurt etc. in our kongs...you can freeze chicken broth in them too, but we can't figure out how to keep it from runnin' out the hole till it freezes??


Kisses, dear Max!!!!

Flirty barks to Toffee!!!


Augie and Ti's mom said...

Oh my! Life has interfered with my blogland visits of late, so I'm just reading this now. Poor Max! I'm glad the surgery went well and that he is recovering ok. Augie and Ti send healing vibes and good wishes!

Unknown said...

Hi Max - it's great to hear that you're recovery is going well...that bandage sounds like a great idea!!

It's good to see you looking so much like your old self.

And I can't believe that you haven't had a Kong till now! Although I have to admit, I'm probably not the person to ask for advice on de-stuffing coz I'm really lazy and once I get the easy pieces out, I tend to just leave it with disgusting food bits & peanut butter stuck to the insides for days until my humans find it and then try to wash it out!! For this reason, they don't give me Kongs anymore...too much hard work for both of us! Ha! HA!

Honey the Great Dane
ps. am so sorry to hear that you will miss your Or-Danation - what a shame! Oh well, maybe they could postpone it to the next meeting?

JD and Max said...

Hi Max - big (and gentle so as not to hurt the stitches!) schnauzer snuggles from us to you!

We were reading your blog whilst we were away but sadly whilst Egypt we couldn't manage to leave comments on some of the blogs and yours was one of them.

We're so glad you're getting better and we were so sorry to hear about your family bereavement. This last post was a joy to read after all you have had to deal with recently. Max looks very much like his old self, it's great to see!

Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.