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Dear Readers and faithful friends,

After a number of years of wonderful blogging, this blog has effectively become dormant - except for occasional updates regarding my book, MAXDOG. I have left this blog as a legacy to my dog and a place of sanctuary where we can reflect upon his life. Take your time, peruse the pages spanning Max's 18 months in cyberspace. Feel refreshed and uplifted because his story is an amazing one of..."LIVING LIFE TO THE MAX!"
My activities have now moved on to my new blog entitled "LIVING LIFE TO THE MAX". Please join me there where you can read about my family and canine companions. I also invite you to visit MAXDOG's FANPAGE on FACEBOOK. You can follow the specific links by clicking below:

* MAXDOG, the book: click HERE

If you would like to follow me on a deeper, spiritual level, then I invite you to visit my more personal blog:

May God bless you and thank you for following me!


Monday, November 9, 2009


MAXDOG here...

Well, this weekend was sunny and hot and certainly "pool" weather!
Our little friend, "JEANNIE" came to visit us again.

This time she came to get some "big dog" guidance, as well as an introduction to our swimming pool and its delights. I, the MAXDOG took over the reigns (with a little help from the humans) to show her how it is done!...

"Hey JEANNIE, this is an important STEP and the first thing you must learn is.....


Look carefully; I am in deeper water and you are on the shallowest step!

You need to use this step to get out of the pool!"
Okay,....this is how you swim!!!

What has Mom got there?

Okay, I know...
TOFFEE is there on the other side of the pool. He has jumped onto the pink board and is waiting for me to "rescue" him....
It's a game we often play.
Here goes...

(Toffee is very accustomed to this game. He climbs on the board willingly and when Max reaches the edged paving of the pool, he hops off. It's a game they play often...with a little help from us. AND.....Yes, at times he has fallen into the water!!!

Toffee however knows how to swim and also knows to swim to the step and climb out safely.)

Well, we thought we'd try this trick with JEANNIE too.

Here she is discovering her "sea-legs"...

She's a little uncertain about this...understandably!

But with me, the MAXDOG, around, she's a little more confident...

Okay, maybe not....

(Sometimes MAX thinks he should remove the pink board from the water too.)

Well, I really enjoyed having JEANNIE around. Mom doesn't always allow me to swim - because my skin gets irritated. However occasionally, when the humans are around to dry me off, I get to have this special swimming treat.

JEANNIE also loved exploring our water feature...

...and the best part was the game at the end...

Well JEANNIE, I hope you enjoyed your swimming lesson...
I hope you come back soon!


Chelsea + Shiloh said...

So smiling, that was the best post... everyone looked like they enjoyed it.. perhaps our Shiloh would be more water friendly if she had max around to guide her... how cute toffee looked :)

Anya said...

Beautiful post :)
It looks so lovely there
and Max you are a good swimmer !!!
I did not now its summer in your place
here its cold at the moment :(
I am afraid for water :(
My mommy loves it to swim :)))))
hugs from me
Kareltje =^.^=

Dexter said...

Great day at the water park. Toffee is most dignified being pulled about on his surf board.


D.K. Wall said...

Nice of to show Jeannie the ropes - and to tow her around.

Barb said...

Hi Max, how kind of you to give Jeannie a swimming lesson. She really looks as though she is enjoying herself and will soon feel totally comfortable on the pink board. Well done. Toffee has obviously had lots of practice and looks like a real champ.

Lots of hugs and pats.

Heather and Kelly said...

Toffee is so lucky that he gets to have a ride on the pink board! You're very smart, Max.
Jeannie didn't seem to enjoy it as much. Oh well, her loss.

Deborah said...

That is so cool that MaxDog would do that, put around the pink floaty with his friends riding! That is a good trick to teach my dogs, but the pool cover is on and will be until next May! Hey, maybe I can teach them to pull a sled around!! Especially Smokes!
Thanks for the idea!

KB said...

What a cool game Max and Toffee have devised! Dogs are so smart, if just let it show through! I absolutely love the photos of Max pulling the board with a dog on it. It's also funny when he tried to remove the board from under Jeannie!

the magic sleigh said...

Wooos Maxdog! I am much impressed with how well woo pull them to shore. What a fun game woo have made of lifesaving work! Wooos to Jeanne for being brave! I wish I had someone to play in the pool with me!
-Kira The BeaWootiful

Ina in Alaska said...

That was so refreshing!! Now I am ready to jump on the pink board! Max, where are you?? xoxo

Sheryl said...

Oh Maxdog...you're such a stud...That's so nice of you to show Jeannie how to swim and more importantly how to get out if she fell in. I love the game you and Toffee play.

If I come down will you pull me on the pink board too? :)

Anna the GSD said...

Wow, you have your own giant creek?!?! How cool is that!! And you're the lifeguard? I'm very impressed!!!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! I am so jealous that you get to swim. You sure did had lots of FUN with your friends. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What great pikhs!

There are just no ends to your talents!


Martha said...

Oh Max, what great pics of you being such a good help to the other doggies.
We would love to be towed across the pool by you - you look so proficient.
Martha & Bailey xxxx

Elizabeth Bergesen said...

Great post, we love swimming lessons! We need to bring Luna over so you can give her a few tips!!!!

Elizabeth & Luna

Anonymous said...

Oh that was great!

brooke said...

How fun! Love the pictures of Toffee getting pulled on the board!
Darwin needs swimming lessons... she likes to wade, but not swim.

Asta said...

Jeannie is so lucky to have you as hew swimming coach and fwiend in the pool.
It looks altogethew wondewful and youw "wescoo" of toffee is pawfect! I bet he has a gweat time wif you pulling him..Have I mentioned that I think you awe pawfect?
smoochie kisses

Unknown said...

Ahhh, Jeannie is adorable! She looks alot like a Cocker Spaniel named Sammy that Mom grew up with -- except he had a docked tail. I might like the pool better if you'd pull me around on a board...but does it have to be pink???

Your pal,


Moose said...

OMD that is the cutest thing ever! MAX looks like a baywatch lifeguard or something! So handsome :-)

Emma said...

Wow, such lovely photos! Max, you have a wonderful place and sweet friends! You and Toffee have such a nice game going on. Too bad I cannot teleport myself and help you out with the game you and Toffee play!

You are a true gentleman and your little visitor had a wonderful time thanks to you :)

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Wow! We loves your swimming pool and water photos! Such pretty colors and everything!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Jeannie is very pretty - is she a cocker spaniel? Lovely color.

You have such a great pool there, we have never been in a pool, or a lake, or the ocean. Just dumb baths and we really hate those.

We are sure Jeannie will be back, it looks like she had a blast.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What a great teacher you are Max!!!


The Army of Four said...

Max, are you the life-guard?

Emma Rose said...

Great post! We would so love to come for a swimming lesson too!

Emma Rose

Two French Bulldogs said...

Max what a good supervisor and lifeguard you are to Toffee and jeannie. Did you knock Jeannie off her board? BOL
Benny & lily

Lorenza said...

Hi, Max!
You are a great teacher! I am sure Jeannie was happy there in the water with you!
I love the way you play with that pink thing... even when you have to take it out of the pool! Dog on it or not!
Kisses and hugs

Tweedles -- that's me said...

That looked like so much fun!
What lucky doggies to have a pool!
Max is such a beautiful swimmer and looks proud towing the little pink board around with riders on it!
I think everyone was having a GRAND TIME!

Hamish Westie said...

Hi Max
You could ALMOST persuade me that this swimming business could be rather enjoyable.
Bot on the other hand - it does seem that wet backs are unavoidable.....
I'll stay on dry land.
Cheers! H.

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Max,
I just found out that we both tied for the Awesome Blog Award!! It's such an honour.. It's great to win it, and it's even more special to share it with you! :)

LOL.. I LOVE the pic of you trying to remove the pink board with Jeannie still ON it.. Heehee.. With that said, you are a great teacher!!

ocmist said...

That looks like it might be fun and it was nice that you gave Toffee a ride and helped Jeannie learn about the water.

We've never been around a swimming pool before... at least not a big one deep enough to swim in! I've gone swimming in a lake once when I got to go on vacation, and I really liked it. No one had to put me into the water either! BG

Esther & Sheba said...

I know Sheba would love to join in on the fun, but I think her offspring have too much Azawakh blood in them to enjoy water like that! Good thing you're training your friends, Max!

Unknown said...

Hee! Hee! Max - do you think if I climbed on that board, you could tow me back to shore too?! :-)

Honey the Great Dane

Duke said...

That looks like fun being towed around in the water! You're so clever, Max!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Ben said...

PAWSOME...My peeps have gone nuts and think we should try the same lifeguard tricks.
I am sure to let you know if we ever master them.