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Dear Readers and faithful friends,

After a number of years of wonderful blogging, this blog has effectively become dormant - except for occasional updates regarding my book, MAXDOG. I have left this blog as a legacy to my dog and a place of sanctuary where we can reflect upon his life. Take your time, peruse the pages spanning Max's 18 months in cyberspace. Feel refreshed and uplifted because his story is an amazing one of..."LIVING LIFE TO THE MAX!"
My activities have now moved on to my new blog entitled "LIVING LIFE TO THE MAX". Please join me there where you can read about my family and canine companions. I also invite you to visit MAXDOG's FANPAGE on FACEBOOK. You can follow the specific links by clicking below:

* MAXDOG, the book: click HERE

If you would like to follow me on a deeper, spiritual level, then I invite you to visit my more personal blog:

May God bless you and thank you for following me!


Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Dear Friends
I can't say enough "Thank you's" for the tidal wave of love, support, encouragement, prayers, warm wishes, uplifting comments which are so openly displayed by you, my dear friends, in this cyber-world, towards my entire family and our beloved MAXDOG. In the small hours of the night, when I battle to sleep, I read your comments and find serenity. Thank you too to PETEY for updating the friends yesterday. Your guys are really special!
I am totally overwhelmed by your love!

As you can see...Max is home! Sore yes, but Im trying my best to be with him and help him through this healing process.

The 'stent' (white cotton wool area) will be removed on Friday and his stitches will come out in two weeks time. Thankfully he doesn't have to wear a collar as he seems comfortable not to lick.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the amazing, professional, and wonderful staff, nurses and Veterinary specialists at


Thank you particularly to Dr Miller, Dr Naude and Dr Steenkamp.
I can't tell you how grateful we are that you have given life back to Max. Please accept our sincere thanks!!!

I will try and keep all our cyber-friends posted in the days to come. Please would you allow me to 'blog when and where I can' as I am grieving at the moment and have funeral arrangements to make for my precious mother.

With lots and lots of love and thanks from both me and...



Snowball said...

That wound looks painful. You are such a brave boy! I hope everything will be alright from now on. Get well soon, Max.



Dexter said...

Sheesh, MAX, I thought your stuffings were coming out for a minute there. You will get better super fast with all the loving that is coming your way at home.


Rufus and Indie said...

I can't tell you how happy I am to hear Max is OK!
My condolences to you! A mother is everything to us! I never have the right words to say in these moments!
Lots and lots of kisses,

Rufus and Indie

Anya said...

Hi Max
It looks sooooooo painful :(
I hope you are feeling a little better today.....
We purrrrr for a healthy recovery
and that you quickly can jump around at you place.
hugs love
Kareltje =^.^=
Mommy Anya :)

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Glad you are home MAX. Sending you quick recovery. My family and I send our condolences to your mom's loss. Take care. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

kks said...

so relieved the surgery went well! and so glad he is back home to heal.....
hang in there during this difficult time, my thoughts are with you...
love to all...

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

That looks so sore, at least you know that it will get better day by day.. Please take all the time you need, Your friends will be here to listen, to comment when needed, and to give support.. Take care with love GJ and his mum Carol x

the magic sleigh said...

Wooos To Max Dog! I am glad woo are home. And tell your Mom not to worry about blogging, we will always be here for her when she is ready for us!
Our condolences once again, you are all in our hearts, prayers and puppy kisses!
-Kira The BeaWootiful

Deborah said...

I lost my Dad last year and it is very hard, please take time to grieve for your Mom. MAXDOG will be OK, it will take time, but with all this love pouring in, he has to feel better! I think everyday you will see an improvement. Your Vet sounds awesome. You are lucky to have such a good team to help you out.
I will continue to keep MAXDOG and your whole family in my prayers.
You and MAXDOG need a rest. You've been through so much.
Hugs from your friends. Deborah and my crew!

Piappies World said...

Weeeeee Yipee Max!

We are really happy to hear about your wonderful news. And you're home! We continue to pray for your quick recovery.

We also pray for your Mom's precious Mommy. Our mommy lost her dad years ago and she still feels the loss. The one thing she hangs on to is that her daddy watches over her and the family 24/7, where ever. We are here for you whenever you need anything. Our sincere condolences once again.

- Fudgie, Princess with the Piappies & Mommy

Domi said...

Welcome home Maxdog!!! Get well soon, your mom needs you. Lots of cyber hugs and kisses to you both.

~Domi's Girl

Hero said...

I'm so glad to see that you're home and already on the road to recovery! Even though you're still feeling a bit unwell make sure to give your mom extra love as she is hurting as well. My mom and I think of you and your family often and you are still in our daily prayers.

D.K. Wall said...

Glad that Max is home and appears to be doing well. Can't wait to hear of good test results.

Take care of your family now Max. Mom could use a few extra hugs.

KB said...

MaxDog will flourish with your loving care, I have no doubt. I'm sure that it hurts but having you stroke him probably makes all the difference in the world to me.

Please, just blog when *you* feel like it and don't feel any obligation to all of us. You're going through a very tough time. We understand and are sending messages of strength across the oceans.

Thor and Jack said...

Hi Max! I am so glad you´re home! We´re thinking of you and your family and wishing you quickly recovery!
Love you!

Moose said...

Owie Max! You poor brave boy. I am so glad you are home and glad you are on the mend. Hope you are up and tugging on stuffie and such soon. I appreciate the update too as I know your mom has a lot on her plate right now. It is espescially good that you are ok and home so you can help her through it all.

TwoSpecialWires said...

Atta boy Max! You are such a trooper. Coming through your surgery has to provide your moma with a little bit of comfort now, when she needs it most. We'll keep our paws crossed for good lab results (this is bringing back memories for Moma - her wire before us went through the same thing) and keep all those prayers and healing thoughts coming over the sea and across the hemisphere. Welcome home. You are surrounded by love. From all across the globe. (And when we say you we mean you in the plural.) Take care of yourselves.

Jake and Fergi and family

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Poor Max, that looks like a very tough spot to have that large a wound. But we know from what Phantom had done that the area of removal has to be large to ensure the best margins. We are so happy to hear the good news about Max and we wish him and you well during this difficult time.

Hugs, the OP Pack

Unknown said...

Max, you look quite the conquering hero! And an excellent job of mastering the "poor me, Mum, could you get me another biscuit, cough cough" look. Almost had me reaching for the treat jar myself. Now that you're home, gather the T troops - Tammy, Toffee and Tommy (it's a wonder your name didn't end up as "Tax") and tell them to be extra sweet with Mum. Loads of cuddles and kisses, just sit by her and let her pet you endlessly. It's exactly what she needs right now. We'll take care of you, you take care of her, okay?

Lots of love,

Your pal Petey

Clive said...

Dear Max and Max's Mom

We are so glad to see you over the operation Max and back home now. We will keep these photos though from our not-so-little man. You look very sore and he was so happy for you yesterday that we don't want him to get worried today - he takes everything to heart so much.

We know you will continue to get better and we will tell him how well you are recovering. He has lot of pictures of you printed out anyway to look at. We laminated one for him to keep with him so when he is talking about you - he can show the picture of you to whoever he is talking to!

Our thoughts and prayers are with your Mom - tell her to take all the time she needs. We will all still be here whenever she can get to blog. My Mom (Murray's grandma) died while I was expecting Murray and I know how hard it is to lose your mother. 11 years later and I still miss her every day.

Make sure you all look after yourselves ....

Murray's Mom and Clive

Andrea said...

My furry brothers, sister, and I, as well as my human family are continuing to pray for you, Max! Hang in there!
Woofs and Wags,

Nadine, Chewy and Lilibell said...

Hi Max, we are so very glad to hear that you are home and doing well! We are sending our puppy kisses your way to make sure that you recover really fast! Also, make sure to give your Mom plenty of lovings while she goes through this difficult time.

Waggles and Chi kisses, Chewy & Lilibell

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Welkhome home Handsome Max!

I hope your pawesome mom leaves the laptop nearby fur woo!

PeeEssWoo: Mom says woo and your furamily are still FURRY much in our thoughts!

Draco and his Mom said...

Yay Max...so glad you are home and getting better. You will have a story now about your scar :)

Jan Mader said...

So glad you're home, Max. Now your mama can comfort you while you comfort her. Even though your not your usual peppy self, somehow I know the peace your mama gets just from siting beside you and stroking your soft fur.

Our prayers are with you all...

Ina in Alaska said...

Sending many wishes for peace, comfort and healing... xoxoxo

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

Caryl & Max,

We are so happy to see that Max is home.
Maxdog, get well soon.
Caryl, don't worry about posting. We'll hear from you when we hear from you. Again, sorry about your mom.

YD & the girls

Cocorue said...

oh Maxi, it's sooooo good to see you at home with your mumster.

you'll need alot of TLC while you're healing and it's comforting you're healing TOGETHER.

rest well dear friend and keep an eye on your mumster too and don't allow her to blog until she's ready and you're well enough.

chikisses to you, mumster and dadster too

Anonymous said...

Im so happy Max is home. OMG that is a huge area. I pray he heals up fast. You have so much going on, now that Max is home all is good. Hugs to you all!

Stella said...

Hey Max!

Its good to see you home and snuggled with your dear Mom. You look great and we want you to tell your Mom to write when she can and not to worry about blogging. We are sure you will be well. She needs to take care of herself too!


Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! Yay Max... Here's a tip: play it up for all it's worth! Get all that lovin', full-service attention you can get. Make that sad face work for ya buddy. She'll be bringing you tri-tip, pulled pork, fresh baked bread in no time!

Get better soon buddy. I need to learn so much from you.
wild dingo

Sheryl said...

You have so much going on right now, remember to take a deep breath and taking one step at a time.

Blog when you can - don't let it stress you out rather use it as a stress reliever when you need it.

I wish I could help you my dear cyber friend, but since I can't be there physically I will keep you in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

OMD we are so HAPPY that you are HOME my sweet MaxDog!!!!!

Welcome home buddy!!!

Our healing thoughts and prayers are still with you MaxDog!

Caryl, our prayers for strength are with you as well.

Peace, Tessa and Tessa's Mom Blu

The Army of Four said...

Welcome home, Max!!!! Please try VERY hard to do what your mom tells you to; I don't say that very often, but when it comes to recovery, it's really important!!! Once you're back up and running, THEN you can start getting into mischief, OK?
Sending prayers for you and your mom!
Tail wags,

Mochi and Bali said...

I'm so glad you're home! Please take care of yourself and your mom.

We are thinking of you and your mom during this very difficult time.

Mochi & Mommy

dw said...

I'm so glad to hear that Max is home and starting the recovery process. And I'm glad you have that worry off your plate, especially at this difficult time. We know Max will be recovering and that you'll update when you can. In the meantime, take care of yourself, and Max, you listen to your mom and be a good pup, and rest, and heal and be a comfort to your mom.

Ruby and Penny said...

We are happy to hear that Max is home and healing.
We are so sorry to hear of your mother's passing.
Hugs to you all.
Love Ruby & Penny

Amy & the house of cats said...

I am so glad to see that Max is home and healing but it is so sad that your mother passed. I have been through it and I know it is difficult - we are sending out both healing purrs and prayers for Max but also some for you too - we know that healing from a surgery is a lot like healing from a loss like this. And all at one time it just must be a bit overwhelming - but know we are all out here sending you lots of good thoughts.

Valerie Cummings said...

OMD Max Thank goodness you are home and give your mom cuddles and she will give you cuddles and we will continue to pray and send warm thoughts your way! We really love you and we honestly think about you every day!!! Heal fast but take it easy!!!! Love you, Joey and Kealani

Golden Samantha said...

Oh so glad to see that you are home and not having to have a cone, at least. We love you so much, Maxdog and know all the loving and huggers are doing you good! You rest up and get better, sweet friend. We think about you lots and lots.
Hugs and Lovvies xo

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh Max..poor baby. We are so happy to see our tour guide at home resting. Mom will take care of you. We will say our prayers tonight for you
Benny & Lily

Dandy Duke said...

We are thrilled to see you home, Max and we're sending you lots of healing vibes!
Both you and your mom are in our thoughts constantly.

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Thank you for updating us on Max.
We know he will get better each day.
Our hearts are with you as you deal with your moms death.
Our heart breaks for you.
We will be here - right here - waiting for you,
Take all the time in the world.
We send our thoughts to you every minutes

Coco Bean - The Princess said...

me and my sisters are sending you healing thoughts and sunshine from our Chihuaua house to brighten your day. We wish you the best Max!

Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,

Coco The Princess, Lady Godiva & Truffle

Dog By Nature said...

We're so happy to see Max home! Sending much love your way....
M, S & Kona

Audrey the Photographer Dog said...

Yay! Glad to hear Max is home!!! And so lucky to not have to wear a cone! Love to you both!

Yas said...

Hi Max and mom!
Welcome home Max!! Soo happy to see you again! Stay strong and know that we're all behind you all the way!
Luv to you and mom!

Maxx & Mommy

Ms. ~K said...

I'm sending comforting hugs to you and Max!!!
Kit in Georgia

Asta said...

Dawling Max

I'm so welieved you'we home!!!
I know you must be vewy tiwed and a bit sowe,but I know you will be bettew each day and at this sad time fow youw deawMom you awe such a comfowt.
Pleez west and heal sweet boy.
We love you vewy vewy much
smoochie healing kisses,ASTA

Lorenza said...

Hi, Max!
I am so happy to see you at home!
I hope you have a super duper fast recovery!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Ben said...

Brave Max and Brave Peeps-
it is pawsome that you are on the mend. There is no place like home.

Ben said...

Brave Max and Brave Peeps-
it is pawsome that you are on the mend. There is no place like home.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

We do hope that Max recovers quickly and that all goes well. We send our purrs and prayers.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Yay Max!

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

That is so great that Max's surgery went well! Hope he has a speedy recovery now and everything will be back to normal real soon...we'll be thinking good thoughts till then!


Hamish Westie said...

Wow Max, that does look a whopping great big wound. I do hope it doesn't hurt too too much (or at least you have access to effective painkillers). A dram of two of a fine single malt always works wonders I find....
Cheers! H.

ocmist said...

We are so glad that you are home and healing! We visited Mango and saw that we needed to get over here and find out what's been going on! We can't believe how fast all of this came about since our last visit! We are adding our prayers for your quick and complete healing and for your Mom's hurting heart. I know that my Mom had a really hard time when Nana moved to Heaven. Mom just keeps telling herself that she has another treasure in Heaven to look forward to... All our Love and prayers from Corgi Country!

Unknown said...

Oh Max - so happy to see that you're home!! But - eeeuuugghh - that wound looks really huge and scary! I'm glad that it's not bothering you, though, so you don't have to wear the dreaded cone collar.

Here's to a speedy recovery!

Honey the Great Dane