Firstly I would like say a special "Thank you!" to those folk who have already voted for me for the
You guys are great and I really appeciate your support!
Thank you too to COCORUE and TESSA THE MALTESE for your encouragement and extra publicity. I am very grateful! I am behind in the poll at the moment, so if you haven't yet voted, please would you consider voting for me. I would really appreciate it!!! You can vote here.
Remember, you need to be a DOGS WITH BLOGS member in order to qualify to vote.
Okay, now for today's catch up...
It's almost sunset here in Johannesburg and we have had a rainy day. When Mom saw the weather this morning, she popped off to one of the shopping centres to buy this book (which she has been wanting for a while). I have been lying down next to her for most of the day while she has sprinted through this FANTASTIC story!
So I thought I'd grab the book out from under her and show you all!

A film has also recently been produced
(due for release in February 2010) called
and tells this amazing story. We brought Kevin Richardson to your attention some time ago, when we posted his video-link on this blog. If you haven't seen it yet, you can see it here.
Okay, so that's my recommendation for the day. It's getting late and the storm clouds are building, so I am going to pester mom for our walk!!!

Have a pawsome day!
Lots of licks
Hi Max!
Great photos, as usual. WIll have to pick up that book, too.
Oh, and by the way, the Yankees are a BASEBALL team, not football! And this is the World Series that they're playing right now, though it's kind of funny when they're referred to as "world" champions when the only other country participating is Canada (and with just two teams!)
So grab some peanuts and a hot dog and a cold beer and become an honorary New York Yankees fan!
Your pal,
Hi Max - Hope you enjoyed your walk! By the time Mom gets home these days the stormclouds have gathered so we lose out on our run. Plus the Circus has come to Alberton and parked on the field where we run off leash, so me and Saxy are sulking at the moment! But I am sure a biscuit treat will make us forget about sulking. Lots of slobber - Obi!
I love the storm cloud photo. Wow!
And, I'm going to get that book. It sounds fascinating. I've read about that guy somewhere else but I can't remember where...
Hope that the walk was great and that you made it home before the storm!
I thought that is why I couldn't vote..I can't join either because that blog has to be ALL about dogs and I have a variety of pets!!!
Anyways, I just saw the lion whisperer on TV. He looks interesting! Stay out of the rain! Have fun~
Love the pics, book looks interesting!
I have a dear friend who is the snake handler at Dubbo Zoo.. I just sent him the link to your recommendation... Ill have to wait till it gets to the library...thanks for showing us Max sigh
Hi Max my doggie pal
Fantastic shots today Wow!!
Really beautiful all :)
Have a wonderful day
hugs love
Kareltje =^.^=
groeten from Anya :)
Great photos Max. You know how to work the camera. Jake (boarder/collie mix) wanted to ask you to stop by tomorrow. His mom finally gave him a day to post his thoughts.
Hi Max, great pics as always. Loved the sunset at the start.
You already have a very awesome blog - both competitors - and are winners already!!!!
Martha & Bailey xxx
ps what do you mean 'strange' accent!!!!
Hope you have a pawsome day, too.
Sitka's mom
Loved the storm pic, Max, and will look for the book. Maybe Amazon will have it.
Hi Max!
Great pictures! That book looks interesting! Thanks for sharing.
Your blog sure is pawsome! Hope your win!
Tank woo fur the suggestion!
We enjoyed the previous post about him too!
I hope woo got your walk befur the weather hit!
As fur baseball, pay no mind to the Yankees fans -
Woo want to be a Philadelphia Phillies' Phan!
That looks like an awesome book and Mama is putting it on her Wishlist for Christmas this year!!
Looks like a big storm was brewin' out there, hope your walk was not a wet one!!
That looks like a wonderful book, maybe I will get it for Mom for Christmas.
Love your pictures! Have a safe walk and hope the clouds don't part till you get back home.
Chester ;0=)
Hi Max - we're having trouble voting. Our staff - um we mean - our human is obviously a bit dim, but she can't see how to register, even though we're listed as a 'dog with blog' we're getting the message that we're not authorised to talk on the forums, to vote, or anything really. Any ideas? As we really want to vote for you....
That book looks very interesting - we have a feeling someone close to us will be getting it in her Christmas stocking....shhhh, don't spoil the surprise, he he!
Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
Wooos Max! We are having the same problem as JD and Max, not being allowed to vote either, bummer, Mom is trying to figure out what is going on there...
I hope you got your walkie in before the rain!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
It looks like an interesting read. We'll have to get Mom to check it out.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Great post, Max! And thanks for the book recommendation!
I love the photos - especially those clouds rolling in! They're so pouffy and beautiful!
I hope you enjoyed your walk!
Oh, we love your photos!!! The book shot of you is awesome and your sky shots are fabulous. Be sure to have Mom let us know what she thinks of the book - Mom loves to read and even more so when it comes with a good recommendation.
woos, the OP Pack
Pee Ess, heading over to the Bone Zone now:-)
Hi Max
Thanks for the book recommendation. There's nothing like curling uo on the sofa for a good read now that the nights are drawing in here in the Northern Hemisphere.
Hope you enjoyed your walk and didn't get caught in a storm.
Cheers! H.
Thanks for the book recommendation. Our hu-dad is always looking for books to read.
Hi Max! Fantastic pics as usual!! Thanks for recommending the book, mommy will definitely check it out, she loves reading!
Lots of luck on the contest and have a grrreeeat day!!
Thank you for the book review. Momma is always looking for good books about animals even if they are not doggies such as myself.
That storm cloud is cool... but scary!! That book looks like an interesting book! Lovely photos!
Oh Max, that sunset photo has our Mum ooohing and aaahing like mad....and the dramatic clouds are beautiful too :D
We'll go and visit the Kevin Richardson link, looks interesting!
And we just voted for you so you're even stevens with Huskee & Hershey now, we love those guys too but know you better....besides, you can't beat a nice close competition!
Have a great weekend friends!
Slobbers xx
Those sure are neat pictures. Dogs with Blogs is cool
Benny & Lily
How come I am not a member of the club? I am a dog.
Now what?
I feel left out!
I will have to blow you a kiss instead.
I want that book and I want to go swim with that lion!
Hey Max! We've been awol for so long but guess what??? Our vote just put you in the lead! Go Max!!! We are hoping slacker mom with her 5bazillion excuses gets it together....
We do love your pictures sooo much. Mom says we need some followers...kinda pushy isn't she??? If you want to, but no pressure! lol
ps we need to get that book for mom
Hey Max-
Sorry we haven't been by more lately - mom's been busy and has only had time to briefly visit a few of our furiends! Good luck in the DWB contest - you've certainly got our vote!!
Brutus the Frenchie
Hi Max,
Guess what! I've just gone to check out the polls and you are leading!! I must say that the results are so close! :)
The storm clouds look scary! Hershey and I both HATE thunders.. (I think our mom hates it more though because when there's thunder, I either stick to her like a shadow or hide in the toilet whereas Hershey will whine/ yelp/ bark at the thunder.. so silly huh?)
Hope you had a nice walkie.. I don't think we'll get our walks today cos it is thundering!! (running for cover)...
Hi, Max!
Thanks for telling us about that book! Sure is very interesting!
All your pictures are pawesome!
Kisses and hugs
Mom is going to put this book on her Christmas list! It looks like a VERY good read! Thank you, Max!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Thanks for the recommendation - shhhh maybe I can get it for my Mom for Xmas. She LOVES Lions. Thanks also for the beautiful photos. You live in a beautiful part of the world.
Hi Max,
Glad you liked the book and thanks for the good review. Your kg of fillet is in the mail.
Kevin's a really nice guy and I really enjoyed writing the book with him.
Love your work.
Tony Park
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