MAXDOG here...

A couple of days ago, we received this award from one of our bloggie-buddies:
THE ARMY OF FOUR said the rules are:
- put the award on your blog
- shout out to The Purple Hatter award-maker!
- share a photo of how you've shared sum luvins
- give the award to 5 more bloggie buddies
---xXx---'s our SHARING SOME LOVE contribution:...
As you all know, my girlfriend, TAMMY and I are inseperable (although I also have a secret cyber-fancy for COCORUE!). Well last night mom grabbed the flashy beast and said:
"Go on, you some loving!"
So we did...

Anyway, if any of our blogging friends would like to receive this award - as an acknowledgement of our love for you - please do so!!! I really don't like naming certain buddies because you are ALL important to me. So, feel free to help yourself and...
Lots of licks
None of that going on around here thank you very much. Imagine snuggling with the labradork. EEESH.
Now if I had a hot gal like Tammy, then, hehehe.
I liked that talking husky dog. I can almost say that too but never when momma has the camera.
You two are absolutely adorable together.
Blessings, andrea
Awwwww! That was great, Max! And Tammy! You two are SO sweet together - the perfect couple! You deserve this award a million times over!!!
We don't say "I love you" like that, but Stormy can say "no" and "Barbara Walters". She shared that story back at this link:
Mom thought that photo of you with your head resting on Tammy's paw was awfully sweet until she got to that last shot, then she let out a big "Ooooohhhhhh!" Me? Well Mica and I don't snuggle, but we both like to curl up in the warm spot when Mom gets out of bed!
Your pal,
Adorable pictures of two bestest friends.. Thanks for the huggies!! xoxoxo PS We loved the birthday song!
Love the second last pic... gorgeous, but how does Toffee feel about you guys getting an award?
Hi Max! You and Tammy are so special together, very cute!
Thank you for sharing your award! I'm like you, I just can't pick 5 I have to give it everyone! I'll be posting it! Thanks again and have a great day!
PS The husky video is unbelievable. I wonder if my Smokes can talk like that and if he is just holding out on me!
Absolutely precious photos! What beautiful and loving dogs!
Wooos! Nice to have a live in girl friend,right Max? You two look so cute in those pictures! Too bad I have to live with the psychotic border collie... sigh...
I can talk too, but Mom has no idea what I am saying...she says she does not speak Husky!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
you two do look so adorable together and cyber fancy huh, you randy hunk.....
shy about posting my pics huh???? you still don't know moi yet....but that's fine as i don't want to take you away from Tammy bol......i wonder what my buddy Chester thinks about this cyber flirting, must run this by him hmmmmm
chikisses as i'm smothering the bed bugs now
oooh you have not met's the link,
go say "hello" and i will get him to visit you too....just have the feeling you two will be great pals
Hi Max!
Congrats on your award!
We LOVE your pics!
Rufus and Indie
Now those pictures are what I like to see. How sweet to cuddle together. Max is pretty special isn't he. I can't believe animal cruelty happens as much In Africa. I kind of thought the US would be the worst. We tend to take a lot for granted and treat everything like it is disposable. Someone brought up that when it is easy to treat an innocent animal like that then they usually go on to harm people and such. Do you have a lot of crime in South Africa? Killing bulls is pretty crazy. I think the tragedy will be when we stop feeling shocked about these stories. Hope you are having a good week thus far.
You two are so cute together. I need to find myself a girlfriend. Sometimes I snuggle with Tagpi, but it's not the same as snuggling up with a pretty girl... although Tagpi can be a bit girly sometimes.
Congrats on a great award. You are both adorable!!
Well done woo two!
My mom has THAT smile on her face now!
Tank woo fur showing us some South Afrikhan love!
Awwww. Sweet lovey dogs. Moma had a golden once. She knows just how cuddly you can be. With your people. And with each other. Believe it or not, we cuddle and snuggle like that, too. But only at night. In and around pillows and soft covers. Still, it feels so good. And it makes our family smile.
Jake and Fergi xxoo
These are wonderful photos of you two!!!
Congratulations on your great Award.
Martha & Bailey xxx
Max, you are so lucky to have such a beautiful, loving and COOPERATIVE girlfriend! Please tell me where I can find one. Johannesburg perhaps?
Cheers, H.
Oh how very adorable!!! I don't wonder she's your girlfriend, tho Coco's pretty cute too hehehee! I can't imagine that there's any gal out there who wouldn't want to be given a great big golden hug by you!
xo Hugs from me,
Hi Maxdog,
i have a dog named Shakira, and she is a half husky, I tried to teach her to say "i love you" but she's too pampered, but once she said "miaou", it was hilarious, i couldn't stop laughing for maybe ten minutes.
loved mishka,
Hiya Max! It's so nice to meetchya!
75,000 cookies. That's a lot of dough, dawg! I hope you got at least one for all your patience 'cuz I'm sure that took a long time.
Mom became instantly attracted to your handsomeness and to Tammy's beauty. You see, she useta have a boy named Buck that looked very much like you, light in color and everythin'.
I will push that follower button and try to stop back as often as possible. I appreciate you stopping by and now I can say I have a friend in South Africa! WOW!
We must let Coco have her dreams, musn't we?
Chester ;0=)
Awwwww. . . those pictures are so precious!
congrats on your award - it is pawsome - and those pics are adorable and awesome
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
Very lovely photos, Max and Tammy! You are a sweet and charming couple.
Ah, I see we have another round of awards starting! The DWB folk sure are keeping the purplehatter busy these days!
Anyways, Congrats! Those are some great photos of you & your love Taffy!
Brutus the Frenchie
Wow cool...congratulations on your award
Benny & Lily
We can only say one thing - awwwwww.
You do a good thing to love each other so and to get along so well. I am bad sometimes and do not get along well with my sister.
Hey there Max!! loving you two look! Kongrats on your award my friend!!
You and Tammy awe the pawfect couple to show off that snuggle lovin.
I sometimes do that wif my baby bwuvvew Duffy, but only aftew we've had a , ummm sowt of ,,,semi-tewwiew fight, hehe
smoochie kisses
Wow Max, you and Tammy are very good at lovey looks!!!
Congrats on your award!!
oh my goodness...max and his girlfriend are the cutest things ever! they look like golden versions of my sweet guppies (my two flat coat mixes)! we'll be back to check on max's adventures!
slurps, wiggles, and whinnies!
sue and the gang at dream valley ranch...
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