MAXDOG here...
(and it's time for some Friday Fun!)
Firstly, some pictures from our beautiful country!...

We would like say a really big 'THANK YOU' to SHILOH & CHELSEA ,from
Danes down under, for their awesome award!
They are relatively new friends of ours, but have a really wonderful website! Please visit them.

Now, on to today's post!
(Kasha, Africa's mom was talking about her own relationship with her pooch in her blogpost today (Please visit her!) and she has inspired our blogpost today!)
Most of you will know that I am getting on in years,
but I am still extremely fit and ready for action!
I have to say, however, that my devotion is TOTALLY to my Mom!
She is my companion and I have served her all my life!!!
As a young dog, I was trained extensively and over the years, Mom has kept up with the refreshing of my commands.
But now, in my older years, Mom is starting to loose it and she gets me to do all sorts of ridiculous things!
But you know what?
...I will do ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING for her!!!
...I will do ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING for her!!!

I will lie on the floor next to her (and the other pooches) and snuggle up very close so that she can pat me and soak up my canine adoration.
I will climb on tables, at her request, whilst she hides underneath to get that funny photo!
(Oh dear.....sigh!)

I adore Mom soooo much, I will climb up on old wood stumps and sit patiently (and pose) whilst she spends time with the flashy beast!
(Check out TAMMY's bored body language!)

I will show off my "STAY!" command,
while she puts distance between us and gets her 'landscape' shot
(Can you really see me in the distance?)

I will stop my play session, (to stare stupidly at a stick),for her to get a close-up picture of me!

I think this is how Mom 'TRAINS' me nowadays!
I am now a BLOG DOG!
.... for Mom
...and I am loving it!!!

Have a pawsome weekend,
all my furry friends!
Lots of licks
Aw,'re a brilliant doggie model! I think you're so lucky to have a human who will do trainings and fun things with you - so many doggies just don't have that (even if they have lots of expensive toys and treats and beds and clothes) and it's very day coz all us doggies really want is for our humans to spend time doing things with us!
Honey the Great Dane
I love the super Max on the table photos. You look totally smoochable. Yeah, we will do just about anything for our moms, huh?
Hi Max
We agree you are looking totally adorable in your pics but of course we refuse to do any training whatsoever!
Some call us stubborn - we prefer 'independent thinkers' ourselves.
We just love the pics of the zebras and lions - you make our pics look so 'tame' somehow!!!
Have a great weekend.
Martha & Bailey xxx
Hi Max!
Sweet post! I´ll do anything for mommy too! Great pictures! You and your mom are very special! Glad I found you!
Have a pawsome weekend too my friends!
Max, you are a good boy. The picture of all of you on the floor just radiates love.
Tucker and Daisy
P.S. Our mom loves the picture of the zebra foal.
Wild animals
my Mommy loves it :))))
Max you are such a sweet boy today
I love all you action shots !!!!
Kareltje =^.^=
TOO Cute! The Blog dogs! I tell my dogs they are famous!! Isn't if fun!! Have a nice weekend!
I'm guilty of that as well!
We would have enjoyed watching the table photoshoot!
Tank woo fur sharing THOSE khytty khats!
I wonder how Butterskhotch is doing without me?
I do lots of things for my Mom too. Mostly helping her with hearing the door bell, or the phone ring. I hate the flashy beast so I am not so good as you are about STAY, Max! Be we both love each other a whole lot!
I like you bush pictures, too.
Lovely lovely post. I hope you got my email. I really love the picture of Max on that tree stump. He seems to be the leader of the pack is that true? I love, love your sweet family.
I love my Mommy more than measure. My Mommy says that often, but I just know that means she loves me a lot. I love her so much.
Sally Ann
what a sweet sweet post Max....
We can see how much you loves your mommy and how much she loves you!!!
You're such a wonderful family and you're lucky to have found eachother!!!
We love all your pics...
the ones on the table are sooooooooo funny and cute and you look sooooooooo smoochable!!!!!
We'll do anything for our mommy too....
Mommies are soooooooooo special,aren't they???
And we love the pics with you waiting her command on the old wood stumps...and Tammy looking at t you.....Sooooooooooo sweet...
But have a wonderful and big pool???!!!!
We swim in a little puddle....waawaawwaaaaa.....Pleaseeeeeeee.....can we come and swimming with you into that GREAT pool????!!!!!
But we loved loved love the pic with you all close to're the best gift in her life...we're sure of that!!!!!
WE LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU tons and tons sweet friends!!!!
HAve a wonderful weekend and thanks for sharing with us your life!!!!
We're honored to be your friends!!!
MaxDog in South Africa. We love the relationship you have with your mom. The love you both share is clear.
Your friends,
Jake and Fergi xxoo
Along with being a blog-dog you are a loving dog and a perfect dog and a sweet dog and an adventurous dog and a handsome dog and a loyal dog and an intelligent dog!
Woo, Max, are you one hard-working pup! I especially like that picture of your mom on the floor with all of you. I love it when my mom sits on the floor and snuggles with me. Woo!
Hiiiiiii ya MAX!!! You are an inspiration to my mommie!!! We just got back from a private training class for me, and we go to Puppy class....AND, mom works with me A LOT!!! She hopes I will be like YOU!!! Yeaaaaaaa. I am trying my darndest. Just got all that puppy energy I have to get out all the time. But, what a sweetie you are!!! Posting for the flashie beast, and sitting on the table and mom is so lucky to have you!!!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Wooos Max! I am and older retired obedience dog, so I totally understand how we feel about our Moms and the things they make us do for that flashy box... sigh, it is for the blog she says.... She seem to think no one will look at the blog unless there are pictures of me!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
You look like such a good boy, Max!! Maybe you can give me some pointers... I can be a good obedience dog when I feel like it, but mom says i have "separation anxiety". I just always want to be with her - what's wrong with that?? OK, maybe I go a little overboard when she tries to leave, but I just want her to know she's the only human for me!!
Brutus the Frenchie
Hi, Max!
You are a very good boy posing for your mom for all those pictures!
My mom wishes I could to that for her!
I love her, but I am a wild girl!
Kisses and hugs
Hi there Max!! Yikes..the kitties there are bigger than the ones i always see here...! You sure are a natural at posing for the camera! Happy Weekend to you and fam!
As you guys know we love when you share those wonderful pictures. You look awfully adorable doing anything for mom
Benny & Lily
Great photo shoot Max. You are a real star! Keep up the good work so we can all enjoy your beautiful pictures!
Emma Rose
Aww you're soooo sweet Max. Im sure your Mom is so proud of you. Thank you so much for visiting our blog and leaving a nice comment, sure cheers us up.
lovelots, Trudis
Isn't wonderful to be a blog dog though? I have so many more pictures of my Sam, and yes, his obedience has gotten better because of it! He has to stay in odd spots, wear odd things on his head, and pose just right for those photos! You are a great dog, Max!
Do you ever drool on Mom during the table shoot?
Max you remind me of those celebrity models (Like Mr Beckham) who 'work that camera' your like a professional super model... I think Chelsea has me better trained, she calls the shots prancing and a dancing and I have to hope I catch her with the camera... mmm maybe she should glimpse at this post...
Glad you liked the award... this is one of the best blogs Ive enjoyed in a long time!
Oh Max, what a great post! I do just about anything fur my mom, too! Aren't moms the BEST?!?!!
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