This time Mom and Robyn took him.
There are two beautiful 'rescue' kitties who live with our Vet. They were there again today. Well, they are ALWAYS there and practically run the place.
The ginger kitty's name is MONTY and he insists on checking out all the patients. He is a real FATCAT and a bit of an embarrassment to the vet, because they can't get him slimmed down. MONTY has been there for a number of years now and they no longer worry him about his large size. They just let him be who he is...A FATCAT!
MONTY is quite a character though - he VERY friendly!
He strutts his stuff whenever he can - much to the delight of all the humans...

TOFFEE tells me that he felt very nervous around MONTY today!

Our humans couldn't resist petting MONTY!
TOFFEE's actual consultation went off well. Our Vet is the nicest Vet around and we trust him totally!. He examined TOFFEE thoroughly and declared that he probably has another infection brewing. TOFFEE has been given some more anti-biotics and anti-inflammatories.
He got an injection too.
Thank you DOCTOR for always helping our animal family!
We appreciate you a lot!
Mom tells me TOFFEE was very well behaved this time. His shivering was minimal and he didn't try and slide off the Vet's examination table....GOOD boy!
Anyway, when they came out of the consulting rooms, there was MONTY sniffing out the human's cars! Can you believe it?
(He checks out everything!).
mmm...I agree...that is one fat kitty! hehe!

MONTY tried to get closer to Mom too. We think he'd realised that she hadn't petted him personally, so was going to make sure that she did!!!

(Although...who can resist a kitty like this?)
Thanks for visiting my sight! I have everything straightened out now! Isn't it nice to have a good vet you can trust! I love my vet, with nine pets, we seem to be in there a lot and his staff is great too! I hope your pup is feeling better soon! Have a nice weekend!
We will keep our paws crossed you are feeling better. For kitty cats, we have to admit, they are pretty cute.
Happy Saturday
Benny & Lily
That cat is as fat as Tanner LOL. MOm thinks that cats know when someone is allergic, she is too, and the cats always target her!
We sure hope the meds help Toffee! We're so glad you have such a good vet to help you take care of him! (And the rest of you!)
I would have been a bit .... active around that kitty! (Zim would have wanted to make friends with him!)
Please feel better, Toffee!!!
We hope you feel better soon Toffee! That really is an awful big kitty!!
Oh Toffee we do hope you get all better - Bailey has the most awful troubles with her anal glands!!!
We seem to be visiting the vet almost weekly at the moment!
We loved meeting Monty - how we wish our vet had a Fat cat! Our vet is obsessed with weight expecially if your a little basset who has recently been spayed!
We have to keep two paws off the scales now just to keep him happy!
Monty was certainly very handsome and very sure of himself - we liked that.
Extra treats for Toffee for being so very brave we think.
love you lots
Martha & Bailey xxxx
Hi Max - oh, poor Toffee! We hope he gets better really soon and doesn't get another infection, poor thing! Hey, we liked Monty! He's very confident isn't he - we like that! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
I am so sorry your puny again. Please rest up, and I am sure in no time you will be feeling better.
Sally Ann
My Sweet Toffee
I had been wowwying about you, and now I wealize I must have had a pwe monition. Pleez take cawe of youwself and take youw meds and get well my sweet. I hate to think of you not feeling well.
Max thank you fow that wepowt on Toffee and The fat cat, hehehe
Daddi is vewy allewgic to kitties too, but Mommi would not have been able to wesist his chawms..just washed hew hands weally well aftew befowe she touched Daddi, hehe
smoochie kisses
Oh hard to resist that fat cat!!! Keeping our paws crossed for Toffee!!! Hugs Joey and Kealani
That is a very large kitty cat.
We are glad that Toffee is ok and hope the medication works for him.
Have a great weekend.
Holly & Zac...XX
We hope that Toffee stays well! He is a real cute boy!
That Monty is a really persistent kitty! It must have been difficult for your mom!
I am happy to hear Toffee is okay :)
We have also a very good vet he is always very nice and is doing his job good :))))
The orange cat is a fat one hahaha....
Kareltje is also to fat he is on diet :(
Have a relaxing sunday all
Kareltje =^.^=
Anya :)
I'm sure Toffee appreciates the TLKh he's receiving -
As fur Monty:
I'm sure I khould help with an exercise programme!
Sorry to hear Toffee is having problems in such a delicate area!
We hope the new meds work fast!
Max, I am glad you are taking care of everyone.
Oh dear it was a busy day for vets! I am sorry Toffee is still having troubles but glad it sounds like he will be ok. Poor guy!
Moose + Dana
p.s. that is one fat cat! I am deathly allergic so have to leave the petting to others too. He looked very sweet though!
Toffee looked a wee bit wary in that shot with his tiny paw raised... but gee the cats twice the size of the little fellow.. Toff looks like our girl Lucy (shes the same at the vet)
For such a big cat hes pretty confident and mobile round the vets office. Funny though our vet has a marmalade cat who owns the place.. Ill see if i can get a pick this week when Shilo is there.
Hi little Toffee
Sorry to hear about "that issue".
My little glands need attemtion all the time so that problems do not develop. I hopes you get betters soon!
Our kitties like to check stuff out everywhere too.
Hello MaxDog,
We are so very sorry to hear that Toffee's infection has returned. But it sounds like your Vet has the problem solved.
Those kitties looked bigger than Toffee! No wonder he was afraid of them.
We always enjoy your blog MaxDog.
Hugs, Tessa
Hi Max!
Wow! dat is one chubby kitty kat! Sorry to hear about Toffee and hope he will recover fast! It's very kind and konsiderate of your mommy and woo and your Vet to be helping them!
Thanks for sharing your day with us!
Hi, Max!
I hope the meds help Toffee! Paws crossed!
Yes, Monty is a fatcat!
There is a cat too at my Vet's office and he is like Monty. He thinks the bags of kibble are a very comfy bed!
Kisses and hugs
You were very kind to share your blog space to tell us about Toffee. We're sad to hear he is still battling his bottom problems. We hope this round of an tie bye awticks helps his get all better. His eyes tell the story. You can almost read 'em like a book. Just like you can read Monty's entire (very big) body language. No mistaking what he wants, that big cat.
Have a good rest of your weekend.
Tell Toffee to take it easy, okay?
Jake and Fergi xxoo
Hey Max! What a nice note you left for my Mom and me on my birthday blog! Thank you furry much for all the nice things you said. My Mom says maybe we did give you just a little boost, but you now have lots and lots of fans that you got on your own!
Keep up the great work, Max and Caryl!
Stella and her Mom
Good to hear Toffee is doing well. What a relief it is to have a good vet. Toffee and Digby clearly have the same approach to the vets table : shivering, and trying to disappear htrough the surface.
Ouch! I hope that injection wasn't in his tender bottom. Good thing he has an army of great nurses looking after him. He needs to find other entertainments from "working on infections."
That cat... I am speechless. I think it is almost as big as me.
Wow! Monty is one big kitty! It's a good thing he is so friendly!
Our paws are crossed for you, Toffee!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh my God, that really is a fat cat - he's almost like a cartoon!!
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