MAXDOG here....
After a wonderful Sunday snooze yesterday, I checked what it looked like!
This time, Mom was not going to get away with it!!!...

Our humans can very seldom resist our demands and this time the
WHOLE PACK went along.
TOFFEE, TAMMY, MAXDOG and even TOMMY (our old boy!)


"Group Sniff!"

"New growth on the fir tree!"

"Lichen on the bark of another tree.
(This is good news because this stuff only grows where there is a lot of oxygen!")

"A rose on somebody's rose bush."

"The sunset on the highest palm tree in the neighbourhood."

"An African Hoepoe...on the pavement.
(This guy is very shy, so he flew off very fast when he saw us coming!)

THE MAXDOG: showing my interest in the other pooches in the neighbourhood!
(the other dogs are behind their gates!)"
Well, it was a really wonderful walk...just what we all needed after a 'couch potatoe' sunday!

Now I will grab my ball and wait for a willing participant!
Have a wonderful day!
Lots of licks
ps. If you missed my SCORPION POST below, please take a look!
Is your house some sort of blonde dogs only zone?
Nice to see you all on walkies... even Tommy!
so cute! the whole pack on their leads...
have a great week Maxdog...
Trying to write but laughing at Mangos comment.. have you met our third dog Max? she toos a blonde... I smile at the palm.. Ive a yard full and they drive me nuts.. all they do is drop fronds everywhere..
We had plans of walking our three at the rainforest tomorrow but now theres torrential rain that seems to have set in... looks like you had perfect weather for a dogs day out
Hi max
Its so lovely by you at home :)
So many doggie friends you have.
I am alone :(
But I am happy I have my Mommy :))
Kareltje =^.^=
I love the rose
its a BEAUTY :)
And that palmtree is amazing
just like that little funny bird :)
groetjes Anya
Always a great day when there is a walk. We are glad you all had such a great time. We are going to start bugging Mommy for ours.
Tucker and Daisy
Wooos Max! I hope you all had a great walkie, I too laughed at Mango's comment, Mom is a blonde here, but the only one.....!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Pee Ess woo, Mom says, cool birdie!
Super, wonderful walkie! We is furry happy dat you is gettin' spring when we is gettin' fall. As soon as our colors get all PURRty we will show you some remarkable, heavenly displays of pink and yellow and gold and purple!
Then, we can show you lots of snow fur a furry long and long time☺
What a great walk you all had! Thanks for the pictures. Looking at them I feel like I went on the walk with you.
That is great, even Tommy got to go!
Super pawsome photos, Max. Mom says to tell you that the rose is exquisite, whatever that means, BOL! And she loves lichen, too.
It looks like you had a great walk! Do you have any tips on how to get my mom motivated to take me on ours, or to get her to go to the dog park?
Oh oh oh...we will play ball with you!
Sam & June
What a pack! You guys had a nice walk and we love the picture of Max pointing out the neighbours.
An array of beautiful photographs...
Great job Done.
those dogs are really cute... :)
Your mom did a GREAT job getting photos! That rose looks good enough to eat! (And I probably would try to....)
That's so cool that the whole pack got to go for walkies!!! Isn't that the BEST?!!? We love that!
Beautiful post, Max - and that birdie is so cool!
Play bows,
You are a handsome pack of dogs! We loved your pictures. The rose was lovely and we also like the great big palm tree.
We have never head of a hoepoe!
We would be happy to come over and play ball with you.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
I'm glad woo got such a khool walk!
I've had one so far today BUT I do believe this is khause to khonvince Mom it is time fur our sekhond one!
Tank woo fur sharing!
What a handsome family you have there. Glad you got to go for that walk together.
Thewe awe few things bettew than going fow a walk on a bootiful day wif the whole family! I will happily come and play ball wif you if you want, hehe
smoochie kisses
Nice photo'! You were the topic of dinner last night and the scorpian walk! That sure was interesting. That rose is beautiful and Max is handsome too..all the dogs are cute!!
Very pretty family you have, very nice blog, very beautiful country. Well, South Africa is the paradise for every animal lover.
Nice to meet you.
Hugs from Europe, Romania, Transylvania
I come play ball with you.
Sally Ann
Group walks. We love group walks!
Hi Max! Wow! walking with the pack!! now dat's wickedly wonderful!!
Wow very cool. The pack together on an adventure. Great photos
Benny & Lily
Hi, Max!
Sure it was a nice walkie! Glad Tommy was there with you all too!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Max! I enjoyed so much watching you all walking together.
Can I come and play ball with you???
YO, Max!!!!
Oh, we had such a nice walk along with you guys!!! (Wasn't Mango's comment typical about you guys all being him to notice....frankly, I'm not speakin' to him since he's dating that Pumpkin girlie....why her and not me?)
Um...the scorpion walk was a little creepy...see, we terriers pounce on anything that moves...I had to totally contain myself to keep from attacking one of those creatures...but they were pretty...gotta admit...
Loved ur mom's comment to the Special Wire's Wheelie Boy....
Your photos and stories warm our hearts.
We love you
thank you for being there
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