TAMMY here...
We have a very full blogpost today...
We have a very full blogpost today...
(Hope it is not too much for you folk, but I have tried to make it interesting)

MAXDOG is having a mini-break, so he has given me a turn on his blog today.
I hope you don't mind!? MAXI is my bestest-boyfriend eva, so I firstly wanna put up a picture of him outa respect!

It's really wonderful in this cool spot. We watch the world go around and think about our blogposts and our bloggie-friends.
Look what the sky was like - early this morning! We all think it is so beautiful here at the moment.
I love hanging my paws over the edge of the steps...

Below is a funny bird which we have in our garden...
MAXDOG and I have to watch that we don't run it down when we have our evening 'catch me' play session around the pool.
Mom also likes to make us pose...

Below is a funny bird which we have in our garden...
MAXDOG and I have to watch that we don't run it down when we have our evening 'catch me' play session around the pool.

After our supper and our evening walk, our humans then have their own supper and sit down to watch some strange colours on the BOX. Us dogs usually just lie down on the floor beside them.
However, My MAXDOG was very cute last night...
He sidled up to the BOSS for his usual ear-rub...

...Then he lay down on the floor for further instruction.
Mom saw how alert he was, so she thought she would try - just this once - to see if he would oblige her with holding something in his mouth for her.
Something you might not face on the roads in Europe! The Arrive Alive Website was provided with a photo titled

(This is one trick that MAX has been unwilling to do - in all his 9 years of training!!!
Although he will do most things for Mom, he refuses to hold a 'basket in his mouth')
Anyway, last night, Mom realised that he was 'with her' - whatever that means - and she decided to ask him to try again......
AFTER 9 and a half years!!!!
It was a huge celebration...Mom made a lot of noise!
The next thing I really want to show you guys is our sunflower seedlings...
Some time ago THE ARMY OF FOUR were talking about Sunflowers in their blog,
so Mom decided to plant some for all our bloggie-friends (for Christmas!)
This is what they look like at the moment...
Hold thumbs that they grow well and we can show you their beautiful blooms at Christmas time...
I am going to call it ...
I found it on the internet and would like to acknowledge
We thought you guys would enjoy it:....
Something you might not face on the roads in Europe! The Arrive Alive Website was provided with a photo titled
“When do you know the precise moment to sh.t in your pants?”
Foreign visitors need not fear – this photo was taken in a nature reserve and not on the road between cities. Even though we need to be cautious at all times. – it is highly unlikely that you will have a similar experience such as the couple in this vehicle!
All I say is...
I am so glad you got your own day. Max is great, but kind of a blog hog, am I right? You are just lovely.
I will show momma that elephant photo to warn her just in case.
That was a great blog. We don't have to worry about elephants where I live!! I love how your dogs pose! That is great! You asked the other day if the coral are real. No they are not :(
But the fish are HAHAHA I crack my self up at times!!
My brother has a "live" salt water tank...It is so beautiful. I should take a photo of his. It is almost unbelievable, it is so beautiful!! Have a great day!
Oh Tammy you are hilarious! The biggest thing we can encounter on our roadways are moose and they are pretty scary!!! And dangerous!! So we are careful...
I am happy it is summertime for you and that is fun for us to watch your sunflowers progress. We are heading into winter here. Summer is my favorite time of year.
Thanks for the lovely post, you are super adorable and give MAXDOG and the Maltese Crew and your Bosses our best hugs!! xoxoxo
Hi Tammy
It's great fun to hear from you. We love Max, and it's great to know you better too. We love the way you guys pose together and spend so much time together. Great to have a friend, isn't it.
Tucker and Daisy
Hi Tammy,
We really enjoyed the insight into your life.
Piper, Carrleigh and Java
This is my first visit to your blog and I just love it. Tammy you're so funny and beautiful too. Both of you take great pictures.
I'll be back to check out some of your other adventures.
Hi Tammy, what a super post! Max is so lucky to have you as a grrrlfriend. Mom LOVES that bird sculpture by your pool! And HOORAY fur Max fur his trick!
Have a pawsome day!
Hey Tammy,
I'm glad you got to post. It shows us things from your point of view. So we saw a different side of ol' Max.
Love the picture of you with your paws over the step, very pretty.
Hoover BPD
Excellent substitution job. We think Max should give you a dedicated day every week to post.
Oh great pics, and congrats to Max for finally carrying something. Love the posing you both do!
Woooos Tammy! Nice to meet you! I think you did a swell job today covering the post for Maxx! I like the elephant picture too, I wonder if we have those in Florida, I have never seen one though....
Congrats to Maxx for learning his new trick, see you can teach an old dog new tricks, as Mom would say, I wonder who she is referring too?
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Hi Tammy
We really enjoyed your post today! The photos are all great too! We love sunflowers here as well - favourite flowers of the not-so-little man! We planted lots this summer but unfortunately it was a really bad summer with lots of rain and they didn't do well at all!
We look forward to seeing your sunflowers at Christmas!
Have a great weekend
ps - well done Max!!
Oh Tammy!
Woo are such a great teller and show-er too!
Max is such handsome one - woo are furry lukhky!
PeeEssWoo: Mom is smiling over the driving tip!
Hi Tammy,
You did a fantastic job of posting. We really did enjoy all of your great info.
Thanks so much for the pics, and you two really do make a beautiful pair!
Hugs, Tessa
Tammy, what a wonderful post and I love the pictures. I like the one with the car. Was that Mango?? You both look so nice in your pictures. Yahoo for Max holding Mommies purse!!
licks and sniffs, Sasha
What an interesting post! We can't wait to see your sunflowers at Christmas! That's something that we sure can't achieve!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Tammy! You did a GREAT job with your post! I love how kind you are to Max and how respectful you are! And LOOK! Look at him holding that tote bag! You must be really, really proud of him!!!
You two look so peaceful and lovely on the patio together! I like that "paw hanging over" technique of yours - it's VERY becoming!
Your skies are so beautiful, too - and OOOH, sunflowers!!! It will be so nice to watch them grow!
Hi Tammy......don't think we've met you, only your handsome BF!
We LOVED your blog today and weren't at all bored....
The sky was so beautiful, (our Mum could look at sky photos till the cows come home, just ask the AO4!)
And hey.....CONGRATULATIONS to Max for doing his 'hold' trick after so long....way to go Max!!
We really like your posing're such a good looking couple (our fave was when you're looking towards the bowl noise, we do that!)
The elephant pic is hilarious....and we can't wait to see how your sunflowers come along......we'll keep our paws crossed, how very cool to have sunflowers at Christmas time!
What a great blogpost....Max should let you do it more often!
So, it was nice to meet you Tammy :D
Slobbers xx
Y'all make a cute couple.
Sally Ann
That wasn't to much Max. we like reading your blog. Mom says we learn things from your part of the world. We like it. That bird has a long neck and a big nose. That elephant has a big nose to...maybe everyone in S.Africa has big noses. Anyway, we love your pictures
Benny & Lily
Tammy, you are so very cute! and purrty!
That is a great photo of you both looking towards the bowl!
That is a real interesting bird there!
Tammy! Nice to see you and yappy you are getting a chance to blog! We understand why you love Max, so. He is a stunningly handsome boy, a perfect match for beautiful you.
We're proud of Max and happy for your mom that he held the bag in his mouth! We're sure the celebration included lots of loving pats and words.
We DID enjoy your blogpost today! You are a sweetie.
Fergi and Jake ooxx
Hi, Tammy!
Glad you made this post today!
Congratulations to Max for that trick!
I'd be scared if an elephant comes to say hello in that way!
Kisses and hugs
You two are such a lovely couple! Pretty funny that Max finally decided to oblige... men! I got my moose to carry a basket (sort of) for halloween a few years ago. It was nothing impressive but you can read about it here if you like:
Hope your seedlings make it!
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