MAXDOG here...
Yesterday morning before the sun rose and when the birds were just starting to chirp, TAMMY & I realised that something was up! We just knew it! It was 'WALKIES TIME'! We got our humans up and dressed and then we dashed to the car. We are always ready for the action of the day and they are always soooo SLOW!!!
The drive took us to a special lake, called ZOO LAKE (because it is next to the zoo) and as we drove around looking for parking, I realised this was where our walk would be!
and that we would be walking to help raise funds for Cancer.
Mom put on our special Bandannas so that we would know that we should have to be on our best behaviour.
where we went to meet some special people who are interested in our blog (and us!!!). They were one of the sponsors for this special walk and do a lot of good for doggies in
Meet Tarryn and Stewart (above) - part of the team - and who will soon be the proud people to provide a 'forever home' to their new rescue doggie, also called 'Max'. They are such friendly people and gave us lots of hugs.
Then it was time to meet another new buddy...

Sheesh!, but he's big - at first I though he was a horse!!!.
(Hey Honey, Shiloh & Chelsea - I didn't realise you guys were soooo huge!!!)
In my 10 years of life, I have never actually met a Great Dane, so I decided that it was best to be friends!!! He walked the whole way with us and I had to dodge his slobber! But he's a cute kid and only 3 yrs old. He and his Great Dane mates have invited us to be 'Or-Daned' by their club on the 22nd November 2009. We most certainly will be posting about that after the event...!
We passed some ducks! (Don't blame me if I drooled)
It was a hot sunny day, but they had provided well for us doggies!...

What fun!!!
dog leads, dog bowls, vouchers, bandannas AND WATER AGAIN!!!
(The humans got their own pressies too!)
(Don't you think the little Yorkie is cute with her pink bow!?!...AND the 'SHAVED' Siberian Husky too! By the way, shaving is the best thing for furry doggies here in SA - to keep them cool from the heat...and Yes, I have been shaved at times too!)
(psst...I stole a ball from Royal Canin's watering hole, but it didn't last long!)
Thanks for joining me on our fun walk-
Thanks for joining me on our fun walk-
Have a wonderful day and get walking!!!
Lots of licks
Hi there Max - Obi here (not Oli) -it was great to meet you and your very gorgeous girlfriend yesterday. It was my first ever walk, and initially I was a little distracted by all the dogs and people. But you and Tammy made me feel so comfortable and showed me what to do, and how to behave. I can't wait for the next walk - I will bring Saxy my sister Great Dane too!
Hi Max
What a great day you had - you not only had a beautiful walk and got to meet lots of nice dogs and humans, but you also helped raise money for very good cause. And you and Tammy look ultra-spiffy in those bandannas!
Cheers, H.
Hello dear MAx,
I can see you had a nice day, too. Admirable initiative "walk for raising funds". Good job!
Beautiful new friends you've made. I've never seen a Great Dane black and white.
Nice event.
See you around blogging.
What a lovely day all had. It was nice of you to help raise money for such a good cause. I hope you got some rest after. You met some really big doggies.
licks and sniffs Sasha
Hello Max!
We are Huskee and Hershey and we found out that you are our 'competition' in the Awesome Blog Award!! We just wanted to come and say 'hi' and to tell you that your blog is great! We'll definitely be back... :)
Btw, we love the pic of you drooling at the ducks.. Who can blame you right? Our mom gives us some duckie treats and they are yumylicious!!
Huskee and Hershey
I love the way you synchronized your fluffy tails for the start of the walk. And your bandananas are totally stylin.
Good thing there were lots of water stops. It sure looks hot there.
P.S. Thanks for wishing momma Happy Birthday. She says it doesn't matter that nobody remembered around here, but I think it does just a little.
Excellent job. Getting a walkie and raising money for a good cause at the same time. Superb.
What a fun day you guys had and for such a great cause! Obi is sure a big doggie!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Max and Tammy. What a wonderful thing you did, to walk for charity. I am sure you love any kind of walk but this must have been special because you knew you would be helping others. I just LOVE your bandanas, you both looked so smart. Keep up the good work and see you soon!! Lots of pats and hugs
Wow! Walkies? To help raise money? With new pals? What could be better?! Looks like big fun and a beautiful day. Glad you had fun!
Whoa - looks like you had a very fun day. A huge dog pack walk! And fun presents. And the ducks... You're a lucky dog Max, and you had Tammy with you the whole way!
Max, it looks like you had a great day! Your Great Dane pal looks very cool - and handsome, I might add. Our mom has a thing for Danes.
Way to help raise money for cancer!!! It's great when you can combine something so fun with something so worthwhile!
Tail wags,
PS: I did blog about our Senior Care appointments on Saturday.
Oh that last picture! What a sweet face! KISSES!!! and thank you for taking us on your special walk. Loved the entire outfit on the man carrying the dog! and the baby duckies!! xoxoxo
Hi there Max,
We just found your blog and we think its great! So good of you to take the walkies for charity. Looked like a funfilled day for you there.
Hope it's ok to be friends with you and follow each other's adventures.
We invite you to visit our world soon.
- Princess, Fudgie, Scrappy, Bullet, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar
OH what an awesome cause to walk for!!! Love all the pics!!
You certainly set a good example for all the other doggies by walking for a good cause. You were so well behaved too, I can see from the pictures. Keep up the good work Max and Tammy. Love Pam
Hi Max! It looks like you had a great time, and what a wonderful cause! You guys are pawsome!!! Give your mom lots of extra kisses today!
Hi MaxDog & Tammy,
Fantastic! Walkies for a Good cause! Cannot get over how absolutly gorgeous you both look when walking in a brace or together! BEAUTIFUL!!!
Again, thank you so much for the beautiful pictures!
Hugs, Tessa
Hi Max, what a great post. You had a lovely walk and all for a good cause.
Can we just say how lovely you both looked in your bandanas.
Thank you for sharing the pics of your day.
Martha & bailey xxx
ps we will let you away with looking adorable in those pics!!!!
Woof! MAX What a wonderful day you had. You sure did enjoyed your walk. LOVE the bandanas. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
What a great way to have fun AND raise money for such a wonderful cause!!! It looks like you all really enjoyed yourselves.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Hi Max
You had a wonderful time :)
Its always fun there on your place
Fantastic pictures all and so many
hugs for all
Kareltje =^.^=
Good job Max! It looks like you had a fantastic time on your walk and helped some people too.
What a pawesome khause
Tank woo fur sharing!
It was great fun to see all those pups!
Especially one of ME!
Merdie gets khlipped furry khlose sometimes!
Mom got a giggle out of woo liking her akhcent! Good thing she didn't use her GOOD voice - who knows what khould have happened!
PeeEssWoo: Unkhle Paul has been discharged and will be staying here fur awhile!
That looked like just the most fantastic day!!!! Wish I could have been there! And you met a Dane - how cool! Yup, we are a bit on the big side but you soon get used to it - hee! hee! (although people I have not met for a while are always asking if I've grown!) I think you were very skilled to dodge the drool - most of my friends always end up slobbered when they are with me! :-)
Honey the Great Dane
ps. can't wait to hear about your "Or-Dane-ing"!!
Wow, what a fun day--and it was for a good cause too!
That is a wonderful thing to do Max. Hope you had a fun time.
Benny & Lily
Hi, Max!
Glad you had a pawesome time walking for a good cause!
Sure it was great to meet all those doggie friends!
Kisses and hugs
Fantastic event! Looked like oh so much fun. Water, pressies, and other pals! Loved that Obi said 'hi' again after the event!!!!!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Hi there Max! Dat's a great thing you did! I'm so inspired!! Now i have to get mommy to make me one of those cool bandanas!
hey Maxi,
mumster wants to check this with your mumsy: " hiya, just read your comment on dwluna's blog about Cape Point.
i remember seeing the dolphins when i was in CTown at a place high up that i had to climb and it was also where the Pacific merged with the Indian Ocean - is that Cape Point??????? i loved that and can't remember the name
TQ you Max & Coco for allowing me to interrupt"
with that interruption, moi can't remember what i'd wanted to say to my Maxi......bol....
chikisses till our next gossip
Flippin brilliant post... love to organise that here... Loved the yorkie, when I looked at it I thought it was a Sydney Silky...
Your so right on the shaving, we do it here for heat and ticks. I wish my neighbour would, he has a malamute and a keeshoud who are always hot...
What a great day! What a great walk! What an exceptionally great cause! AND, please thank Tarryn and Stewart for rescuing and adopting Max. You know how important and special that is to us!
Jake and Fergi
What a brilliant day and a great cause to get out and walk for.
The spider TOTALLY qualifies for Halloween Scaryness.
Life is Better on 3 Legs Than 4,
What a great cause to walk for and a great way to get exercise- on what looked like a great day- with great big hearts!
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