Greetings from SOUTH AFRICA!

Hope your weekend is going well and that you are all having lots of fun!
Our little Russian dwarf hamster, SCHNAPPS, is settling down well.
(we don't yet know its boy/girl status yet)
The girls and Mom were checking "it" out on the bed this morning.
The girls and Mom were checking "it" out on the bed this morning.
(Mom thinks this little creature is the cutest thing imaginable!!! )
Mom invited me up onto the bed to say hello.
Well, little SCHNAPPS took one horrified look at me and took off!
Relative to his 12 grams, he reckons I'm BIG!!!
I have never seen any creature that lightning fast!!!
(Mom and the girls were faster however and SCHNAPPS was soon safe in their hands!)
I would NEVER hurt him though!!!...I just wanted to introduce myself!
Lots of licks
Aww, what a cutie. Welcome to the world little one. You joined the right family and they will look after you so well.
Oops! You must have given the little chap quite a start, but I know you wouldn't hurt him.
Aww, Schnapps is soo cute! I am sure he and Max will be best buds in no time!
Schnaaps! Who thought of that adorable name!? He is so cute! I hope my kids never read your blog in the future. They will be mad I am not as cool of a mom as you. One pet is enough for me! A hamster is pretty cute though.
Kasha and Africa
He's cute but a little too petite for me to be playing with...I'm afraid i might squash him!
Those are absolutely DARLING pictures of cute little Schnapps. We know you wouldn't hurt him, Max. But how could he know that, yet? What an image in our minds... you and Schnapps all curled up together. Maybe someday!
Sending our love to one very special family,
Jake and Fergi xxoo
Hi Schnapps - you are indeed adorable! We think we'd be a bit jealous if you were around with us as we would no longer be the cutest creatures in the house, he he he! We're glad you were safely caught though - and you're such a good doggie Max, we are seriously impressed! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
Be careful and don't step on him/her. Riley steps on me all the time and it HURRRTS!!
He/she is really cute!
Oh how cute! I know you'd never hurt the little guy, but I guess he doesn't know that.....yet! :)
Max, those are great pictures of Schnapps, they make mom want to get a new hamster. And as for making the Milk Tart, mom loves cooking and hasn't been able to since moving back with mom and dad. It is always just so hectic and noisy, and everyone is just so picky with what they do and don't like to eat so she has given up cooking for now, at least when they are around. Mom was very happy that they were away and she was able to cook in peace with just us dogs and cats around. And we LOVE being your friend!!
Hi, Max!
Schnapps is adorable!
Well, yes, I guess he/she could think you are a little bit big compared to him/her!
I know he is happy living with you all!
Kisses and hugs
Hi, Max. Nice to meet you. Africa is a long way from California so it's taken us a long time to sniff you out, but with Mango's help, here we are!
We saw just how great of a host you are from Mango's visit... I can't believe you had so many friends come over at one time! You must really have a BIG place to romp in!
Your new hampster neighbor is pretty cute, but looks a lot like the critters we catch and munch around Corgi Country... still, if your people have it as a pet, I guess you will learn to get along. We did with Mom's rats.
Well, time to get back to the care of my 3 wk old grandpups. We will love finding out more about your country, and will backtrack a bit and nose around to learn more now.
OC, Matriarch of the Corgi Country Crew
Schnapps is so TINY! And so adorable, as per my mom. You are a mighty good boy to just want to say hello. I think I'd be OK -- until he ran. Then I'd want to CHASE!
Tail wags,
You have a new little brother (or sister!) Max. He sure is cute!
What a cutie Schnapps is! Maybe he won't be so afraid of you when he gets to know you better, Max!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hello MaxDog,
I think that Schnapps is just adorable!
Of course you would never hurt Schnapps, but Schnapps was probably afraid you might sneeze and he/she would go flying!
Hugs, Tessa
Schnapps, you are the cutest hamster in the world - I can't believe how tiny you are. No wonder Max scared you but don't worry, he is also the gentlest dog in the world!! I hope you become great mates soon.
Lots of love to you and all your new furry friends.
Schnapps is cute and very LITTLE. Please just give him time. In time, he will come to love you.
I'm bakhk...
Khwite the khutie...
Oh Max!! My human thinks Schnapps is the cutes thing imaginable too (my ears are still ringing from her squealing at the pictures) - their hamster before was a Syrian hamster so not so tiny or so fast! But the same kind of cute face and tiny paws and whiskers! Oooh!
Honey the Great Dane
ps. I saw your comment on Mango's blog about your prize - I hope it arrives soon as I sent them all the same time! Maybe it takes longer to reach SA? And I really hope Customs doesn't take your presents! That would be so awful! My human gave the cow Udder Tug toy a really good wash because she was worried about that. And the dog treats are all sealed. Anyway, paws crossed!!
Ooooh Max, what are you trying to do to me? That newblood hammie looks positively delic...I mean...delightful!
It sounds like you nearly taste tested him...but that would be a rather expensive morsel for such a big pooch as you. What did he cost...about 60 or 65 rand? That's more expensive than prawns or even lobster of the same weight! It may be worth it though...he's so cute I could just eat him...mwahaha.
Maybe wait until he's grown a bit, that way you get the most bang for your your buck, or in this case, crunch. Don't wait too long, or he could end up like the last hammie.
Have a great week and don't do anything I wouldn't do ;)
Meow...hello there any reason he/she/it/starter is named after an alcoholic beverage? On second thought, it may suit him well. Sometimes such drinks make a good accompanyment (excuse spelling if its wrong) for tasty treats...
Your new hamster friend is too cute - we tend to scare little animal away too - maybe he will warm up to you in ime
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
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