
We have heard the exciting news that Mango and his Clan will be paying a visit to our beautiful country in the next couple of days.
We would like to officially welcome you all. We truly hope you will enjoy your stay and encourage lots tourism to SOUTH AFRICA.
We thought that, by way of preparation, we should desensitise you and familiarise you with some typical South African scenery.
In addition to this, be sure that you consult your Morse code handbook. We have 11 Official languages. "Dog" is not one of them!!!

For those who perhaps don't speak English or any one of the other 10 official languages, you may read your message in Morse code:
.-- . .-- . .-.. -.-. --- -- . -.-- --- ..- - --- --- ..- .-. .-- --- -. -.. . .-. ..-. ..- .-.. -.-. --- ..- -. - .-. -.--
(If you still can't read it, you may translate it, by copying, pasting and converting it via the following link:)
Lots of licks
Max! Those signs are really confusing the Mango. Do you think Dennis writes them? Teka Way sure sounds like Dennis speak to me.
How ever do you manage?
Oh Max...
(Lacie lowers her lashes and bats them furiously....)
OH MY....
You are even more handsome in person!!!!!
(Lacie begins to perspire...she carefully unfolds a tiny lacie hankie and dabs her forehead....)
OH this trip is going to be the best yet!!!! Thank you for inviting us in spite of Mango...
And, my pet...don't believe everything he says about me...
(Lacie looks horrified at what just popped outta her mouth...)
I mean...of course that I am sooooo looking forward to adventures with you....(she coughs...)I mean with all the dogs and zebras and thingies....
Perhaps I should go powder my nose...this humidity....(before she digs herself in any further...)
So glad to meet you Max, dear!!!!
And her two stoopid brothers....
Max. We hear there is magic in Africa, if not South Africa. Please work your magic on Lacie. (Mango can take care of himself. Probably so can the rest of your visitors.)
Enjoy your company. We'll enjoy it vicariously.
Jake and Fergi xxoo (a little confused by the signs... sometimes we take things too literally...this interpretative stuff will be good for us)
They did let her through khustoms...
South Afrikha will nevfur be the same again!
PeeEssWoo: I wonder if Gussie knows what his sisfur Teka is up to?
Love the post, love the signs, and LOVE ALL THE!
Funny pics!
You can read "norse" code like Mango? :)
Rufus and Indie
I want to go there even more now (so long as no train travel is involved....)
Cheers! H.
We are so excited to see your adventures! Mom says she is happy to have found y'all!! Is it ok to link to you?
(Love the pics)
Thanks for the invite, Max, it would be loads of fun to come visit you.
The signs were the best, you could take pictures of them all, and make a book that would sell lotsa copies!
Have lots of fun with the Mango Tour!
Ha roo roo roo! It's almost like my sister Ammy helped write some of those signs! :)
Play bows,
Those signs are just brillant!
OMG, those signs are just wonderful! Mango and his clan are going to be so thankful for the heads-up, Max!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
First, we are so confused. We thought that Dog was spoken everywhere. After all, we have spoken to German Shepherds and Belgian Tervurens and Scottish Terriers and English Bulldogs and . . . Well, you get the idea.
As for the signs, our human said the pothole sign was a given.
Those are some great signs!
I just love coming to visit your site. I just never know what I get to see , or read or hear! It is like a little field trip with a tour guide and many friends. I love coming here!
Hi Max! Those signs are excellent!
Hi, Max!
I wish you could read the signs we have here! And we have only one language!
I am sure you all are going to have a pawesome time! (Lacie included)
Kisses and hugs
I simply cannot wait, I think we should be arriving VERY soon!!
You've reminded us to get a dog sitter for the dark cold days of January and get on down to the Cape.
My girl said to let you know that she loves those photos. She also hopes to someday be able to travel to Africa. It sounds like a really long CAR RIDE so maybe I'll come too.
Wonderful signs - our Mom had to figure out how far 9600 klics is in miles - 576. Quite a ride with potholes all the way.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
You have some crazy signs down there! The last one that combines the handicap symbol and the gator - can only imagine the scenario that made it necessary!! Oh, and I might be a little out of line here, but you'd think someone living in safari-land coudl get it right -I hate to tell you but that's not a baboon, it's a gazelle.. BOL!!
Good luck with Mango & his possee - think you might have to create a whole new group of signs to warn of things once he shows up!!
Brutus the Frenchie
hello max its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow those ar sum crazy sines!!! perhaps i shud open my own sine bizness i never thawt of that manyoofaktchooring line before evidently it duznt reekwire mutch preparayshun or even nolledj of wot the sines ar abowt so it wood be perfekt for me!!! hav fun with yore visitters ok bye
I can see why RH is a little concerned about the sign-speak over theres. I'd be a bit wary too. (The wheelchair headed for the croc has me specially concerned)..But I know you will be the ultimate tour guide and everyone is going the have the best time, pith helmets and all!
Hugs xo
Thank you fow that vewy special and wawm welcome!
I twnslate the nowse1
Thank dog that you havesuch leaw signs..I will not use a wheelchaiw awound cwocodiles , that's fow shoowe, hehe
smoochie kisses
I just saw that you have Teka Way
I got a little confoose, cause Teka is a fwiend of mine (Gus Dagger's
and I keep heawing of take aways fwom fwiends who live in othew places..hewe in NYC we have call, they's so much easiew, hehehe
I would love to meet Tommy
I have a boyfwiend,Stanley of Goobewstan, but he hasn't been awound fow a lon g time and can't come on adventoowes , so having tommy show me the sights would be lovely. I will be vewy gentle wif him. He seems like a vewy sweet boy
smoochie kisses
ROFL great signs, they sure keep people from doing whatever ROFL. Thanks for entertaining us, Max!
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