Hello every furry body!
TAMMY here...

THANK YOU, are my bestest buddy-dog!

Well firstly, they are my favourite!
Secondly, today they are TOFFEE's favourite too.
Yes, our really nice Vet has prescribed Valium for TOFFEE today. His butt is driving him nuts at the moment, so Doctor decided to try and calm him down. He thought TOFFEE would enjoy seeing my purple and pink butterflies too!
It's so nice having another doggie in the household whose ...
"Lift doesn't quite go to the top floor!"
(Even if it is temporary!)
Just so that you know...Mom also loves doggies whose lifts don't go to the top floor!

"...Love those purple butterflies!!!"
"This medication is coooooooool!!!"
But I also wanted to tell you about..
I was reading all your comments from yesterday's post and noticed that you all liked my Max's 'TRADITIONAL POSE'. Yes, he does have a bit of 'extra' skin.
I like that too!
I like ALL of him!

Well, this morning, I was staring at my big boy and watching his 'TRADITIONAL POSE' carefully.

Yep, it is quite cute!
I thought I'd try to copy him...

What do you think?
Maybe you guys would like to think about also putting up some pictures of traditional poses.
Do any of you do it like my Max?
Finally, I thought I'd round off my post by putting up a pic' of another of Mom's strange T-shirts.
So while Max is practicing his 'TRADITIONAL POSE',
I thought I'd wish you all a wonderful, purple butterfly weekend!
Lots of licks
Hi, Tammy,
I'm just stopping by to say hello!!
Glad to meet you all. You are all so adorable!And I love your country too!!!
Please feel free to come by my blog anytime you can:-)
Kisses and hugs from other part of the world,
hi Tammy,
THAT can't be a real butterfly right??????
like you imitating Max....such a relaxed pose ha.
chikisses and have a nice weekend
pee ess: this week passed soooo quickly
Tammy, don't try too hard. That is kind of a guy face and I like yours better all sweet and refined.
Poor little Toffee. I hope his bottom stops bothering him soon. My Grandpa Angus the Airedale had valium for when there were thunderstorms. It made him kind of dorked out and Momma could swear he woke up with a hangover.
What is Mango talking about - "a guy face"??!! I make that face all the time!! :-) And I will post photos soon to show you - hah!
Poor Toffee - really hope his bum feels better soon! I use to have a lot of bum trouble when I was younger and in the end, the vet took my anal glands out!
Honey the Great Dane
And I thought woo were going to write your mom got the valium to rekhover from US being there!
Furry nice post!
That is one of my favourite waiting on Mom pawsitions!
Happy Purple Butterfly Weekend!
PeeEssWoo: Make sure woo go visit Nessa! She's a beaWOOty like the two of woo!
We want some of that medication! That was a stunning butterfly - we bet it was real too!
We would never see a butterfly like that in Scotland.
Have a great weekend
Martha & Bailey xxx
Loopy medicine - very cool. Hope all gets better soon.
We love the poses, but the t-shirt is awesome!
Please tell Toffee that we hope his bottom heals up. Also, where is Tommy? Did he move away to heaven?
Poor Toffee. We hope he is feeling better soon. Daisy is good at Max's pose, but Tucker usually doesn't try that one. Have a good weekend.
Tucker and Daisy
Happy Weekend to all!
Toffee we can be sure will have one!
Hi Max, my Brittany brother Benny went to the Bridge earlier this year, but he used to do that same pose. Seeing your picture is a sweet reminder.
Hi Tammy and Max! Hope Toffee's feeling better! By the way, pawsome pose, have a great weekend!
WOW! Your bloggy is packed with good stuff today☺ Let's see: good deal on the butt medication. Hope it helps. Next, our momma LOVES those poses and the mushy faces. Makes you want to kiss them lots. Lastly, the t-shirt says it all. Now our momma is gonna get up from her machine, go outside in the sun and clean our her car☺
Hello Max,
I am Axel, I live in Philadelphia. My mom is South African, she grew up in Joburg! She likes your blog. Which suburb do you live in? are you in Joburg too? Mom's mom and brother still live there and she visits quite often (and leaves me here). Visit my blog:
Ax and Mom Daniella
We're backkkkk!!!
We missed you a lot!!!!
You have done tons of wonderful things during our absence!!!
You had lots of visitors...Ohhhhhhhhhhhh....we're sooooooooooo jealous of them!!!
We would love were with them!!!!
But mommy have promised us that she'll bring us to know you very very soon ok???!!!
And poor Toffee..but what's happened to him????
The pink butterfly is wonderful and sure is a sweet thoughts from Tammy for Him!!!'re soooooo cute and gentle...Sure Max is very very very lucky to have you near him!!!
You're a wonderful match!!!
And WE LOVE YOUR boyfriend traditional pose!!!!
Me,Milo and Maya are great performer of that pose!!!
We'll post some for you soon!!
And Tammy...we think that your pose is very similar to the one of Max...Soooooooooooooooooo cute and sweet!!!!
You guys are fantastic and we love you sooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!
Take care of you and give extra special cuddles to Toffee...
Can't wait to hear from you again!!!
WE LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU And have you in our life is wonderful!!!!
Tons of love and kisses!!!
Your new header is GREAT!!!!!!!!!!
You look sooooooooooo gorgeous!!!
A perfect swimmer!!!
We would love swim with you!!!!
HAve a wonderful weekend!!!
You almost got the post right Tammy!
Love the butterfly. We hope Toffee will get well soon.
We hope Toffee feels well soon.
Your poses are cute!
Have a great weekend.
Holly & Zac...XX
Thank you, Tammy! We will keep an eye out for purple butterflies! We will try to watch Sam for a "traditional pose" and post it this weekend!
Ut out Max..Tammy's post is pretty good with a lot of nice pictures. You are a good friend Max for sharing
Benny & lily
I've missed so many of your posts! I feel horrible. I hope the medication helps Toffee. I like to lie in a traditional pose too. I think you did a pretty good job at lying down like Max, Tammy. Next time my hoomans catch me lying down that way they'll try to snap a picture.
Hi Tammy
What a great post and full of wonderful photos!
We hope poor Toffee feels a lot better soon.
Have a lovely weekend
Clive and gang
Hi Tammy!
It's so nice to see you again!
I love youw Max and think his pose is faboolous..I noticed it aweady when I was thewe visiting.I think you awe doing a gweat job and befowe long you will have his pose down pawfectly.
I love youw puwple buttewfly.I'm so glad it is thewe to cheew Tooffee on.Poowlittle chap,I guess my smoochie kisses wewen't powewful enuff.Nevewtheless.I'm sending mowe and combined wif his medcin I hope it will do the twick
Have a wondewful weekend
smoochie kisses
Hi, Tammy!
Sounds like Toffee is going to have a very relaxed weekend! I hope he gets better soon!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Tammy,
Your pose is very feminine. Happy that Toffee is so very happy happy goofy happy, we haope he feels better soon.
Hugs, Tessa
Oh, Tammy! You look VERY cute doing Max's pose! I think you have it down perfectly!
It was really kind of you to post a pretty butterfly for Toffee. I hope the valium gives him some relief and that he heals up!
Tammy, please let Toffee know that we're hoping his medicine and all the healing vibes and smoochies being sent his way will help him to feel better really soon. I remember the pink butterflies. My whole world was pink when I had my surgery a few months ago. Can't say that I liked it all that much.
It looks like you're practicing the MAXDOG pose, and are getting it down. Yours looks a bit more refined and feminine, just as it should be. It's probly not polite to put your face on the floor. Resting it on your paws seems much more ladylike.
We hope your weekend is a really nice one. Enjoy that wonderful family of yours. OK?
Fergi (and Jake) ooxx
Did I read that correctly? Did you say toffee's butt is driving his nuts? Well of course it does...oh.. wait a minute...I see...oh poor confused Madd kitty eyes've been messing with my mind today you know. First, squatters / tasty looking roadkill and now toffee and nuts...I love toffee and nuts too, but not pecan nuts, unless they're in a pie :)
I would have thought animal mobility was an axiom even in the canine world. After all, toffee's rear hopefully drives every part of him, so I sure hope he feels better soon! That all sounds most uncomfortable.
Feel better soon Toffee!
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