Hey everyone! MAX, your Tourguide here...
It's a beautiful new, sunny day here in SOUTH AFRICA!
Then I checked on Toffee and he's coming along nicely. He says that I must say a big
to ASTA for the flowers. He was truly impressed and is now smitten!!! Oh boy!
Then Tammy and I did our early morning check on the animals...
Our GIRAFFES are now scared of coming out from behind the trees!
This is seriously bad for tourism!
What on earth have my guests been up to?
The CROCODILE is laying on the sand bank...totally stuffed!
...and our resident LION looks calm!?!
Has he also fallen for some of the girls' charms?!?

...our HIPPOS have now deserted their pod and are sleeping off the day!!
BUT, the WARTHOGS (in the background) are still balking at being accused of cheating at pool!
(Indeed they asked me to evict our guests...as they noticed a
culinary, 'bacon' glow in Petey's eye!)
Well there is only one thing to do....
so Tammy and I trekked back to our house and decided that the best thing would be to....
The CROCODILE is laying on the sand bank...totally stuffed!
Im not sure what they fed him, or indeed WHAT he has eaten, but he's going to take weeks to recover.

Has he also fallen for some of the girls' charms?!?

...our HIPPOS have now deserted their pod and are sleeping off the day!!
BUT, the WARTHOGS (in the background) are still balking at being accused of cheating at pool!
(Indeed they asked me to evict our guests...as they noticed a
culinary, 'bacon' glow in Petey's eye!)
Well there is only one thing to do....
so Tammy and I trekked back to our house and decided that the best thing would be to....
For a more detailed account of this amazing SOUTH AFRICAN ADVENTURE,
be sure to visit the following blogs:
May I please take the opportunity of thanking all my 'virtual' guests on this African expedition.
It is wonderful working with you guys. You are inspiring, creative and have certainly kept me on my toes. Thank you for the role you are playing in showcasing our country. Our country needs investment badly and what better way than to offer to you -
Our hospitality
Our variety of cultures
Out beautiful scenery
Our facinating animals
Our awesome beaches
Our incredible climate and sunshine
I am passionate (if you haven't noticed) about my country and would be delighted it this passion was contageous!
With love
For a more detailed account of this amazing SOUTH AFRICAN ADVENTURE,
be sure to visit the following blogs:
May I please take the opportunity of thanking all my 'virtual' guests on this African expedition.
It is wonderful working with you guys. You are inspiring, creative and have certainly kept me on my toes. Thank you for the role you are playing in showcasing our country. Our country needs investment badly and what better way than to offer to you -
Our hospitality
Our variety of cultures
Out beautiful scenery
Our facinating animals
Our awesome beaches
Our incredible climate and sunshine
I am passionate (if you haven't noticed) about my country and would be delighted it this passion was contageous!
With love
Max Dog!
I am beginning to like it here. Looks like the beasts of South Africa really know how to meditate hugely. That is my most favorite activity next to dancing.
Hi Max - you do indeed live in a beautiful country. Today in England it is cold and dreary and we can't even see the sky, just a grey drabness - sigh! Your tour has cleared up the whole household! Schnuauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
Max you certainly have an exciting place to live. We don't have any cool animals like you do.. Thanks for the tour...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
We are enjoying following the African adventure made even more special by the stunning photograps.
You are indeed living in the most wonderful country.
Enjoy your Sunday.
Martha & Bailey xxx
I peeked out of the flap fwom my tent and saw the most glowious Afwikan sunwise today, but then went back to bed. I hope Mw.Giwaffe isn't too twaumatised..I thought I was pwetty polite to him yestewday.
ALl the othew aminals seem calm and content. Evewything is so gowgeous hewe. Mommi says she wishes she could affowd to come wif Daddi and see youw glowious countwy.
I think I heaw some soft piano moosic(is that youw Mom?) I had no idea that Honey had such a bootiful voice. Looks like we'we going to have anothew pawfect day. Now if we could just locate Joey.
I'm so vewy happy that Toffee is feeling bettew..
special smoochie kisses to all of you
Where is Tommy in all your adventures?
And where is Joe? Isn't anyone looking for him?
This is quite shocking to me!
What wonderful animals! It's a good thing everything checked clear after your party!
Looks like your tour has been a roaring success!
Poor Toffee, though. That can't have been very comfortable for him. Thank goodness your mum is so tuned in to you guys.
You do live in a beautiful place and thank you for sharing it. I am glad that you are able to rest today. I think you will need it.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
Hey Max & gang! Thanks for sharing your beautiful country with us all. You look handsome in that photo. You got some nice curls there...
Saggy Gold Dancer
Great tour Max! and brilliant photos. We had some sun in Scotland today but it rains most of the time and the only wild animals I see nearby are rabbits and squirrels. Mind you, at least I feel safe chasing them, some of your animals do look a bit big and fierce!
Max..you really make us want to visit. What an absolutely amazing place you have!
You are a beautiful dog ...we left you an award a few days ago on our blog..stop by when you can, I know you are very busy :)
Licks and Tail Wags--
Olive :)
Hey Guys
In answer to some questions:
"Where is Tommy?"...Well, Tommy is an old dog you see! He's well respected, but rather deaf and slightly short sighted. He generally avoids the hectic action, but relies on all the other dogs to show him the way. Most of the time he's simply sleeping in the corner or close up next to Max, Tammy or Toffee. He generally keeps to his own (but is quite content).
Now, as to the whereabouts of our errant overseas visitor -Joey-well that is is another question. I know Im the tour guide here, but I seem to have lost one of my guests....ooops! Experience has taught me that when guests go 'walk-about', it's better to just grant them their independence. Joey's passport says that he is no longer a puppy, so, I think I can rationalise it that way?
But Im still worried though, since the recent newspaper reports of some blow-torch, falling missile that has started a bush-fire somewhere...
The Saga continues...
Lots of licks and happy dreams
Hi Max
Its beautiful in your country
I enjoyed your tour :)
I wish I was there ..... LOL
Kareltje =^.^=
Hi Max
Old boy, it strikes me that never was a Sunday snooze so well deserved!
Cheers! H.
We can see why you are so passionate about your country. It is beautiful and remarkable. Living in the US we, too, are passionate about our country. Doesn't it feel good to feel so good about where you live☺
Oh what an adorable picture of you with the little giraffe!
HI, Max!
I can see the effects of our friends on your friends there!
I just can imagine what happened last night there!
Thanks to you and your Mom for showing us your wonderful country!
Kisses and hugs
Hi everybody
Thank you for sharing everything with us. It is beautiful there. I love your giraffe stuffie/baby.
We are still looking outside...we don't see any animals walking by that look like that
Benny & Lily
I am enjoying your tour so much. You are doing a wonderful job as a guide and as an ambassador for your country.
I can't wait to see what's next! Thank you so much...
Hi Max! Each time we visit your blog, it feels like we're on safari, soooo kooool!!! Dat's a might kool stuff toy or is it a pillow you've got there? Great job as a guide buddy!!
It has been khwite the fun trip!
And yes, my mom agrees! Your khountry has certainly overkhome many issues - yet so many of them parallel our own 'here' -
We've been furry proud to be part of this!
PeeEssWoo: Mom says woo have great wine too!
This is such an interesting bogspot. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful photos.
riley and Star.
you do a wonderful job showing your beautiful country!
PS: I like your new header picture!
PPS: Mom had the flu over the weekend - but wanted me to let your mom know she'll email her about the pix very soon!
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