Mom got me in the tub again and scrubbed and scrubbed!!!
You see, I don't need computers to tell me the news. I sniff it in the air!
I read Pee-Mail!
...and I watch and speak to all my feathered friends!
This little Cape sparrow told me that he is also getting his nest in order (using my fur - by the way!) because....he's getting extra company TOO!
This African hoopoe said that we all have to look our best (That's probably why Mom washed me!?) and be on our best behaviour. One can expect guests at any time and one must be prepared!!!
The red-billed woodhoopoe suggested that we get more dog bones so that after they are demolished, he can pick out the insides. He said we should just leave the bones when we are done and he will finish them off!
...and Tammy's favourite bird - the Hadeda Ibis - stayed a while to tell her that she won't be in our garden for a while, because she has heard that there are a number of dogs going to visit us and she's scared of being chased.
MAX! We are under way. Might take a day for you know who to finish all her shopping.
What could possibly go wrong?
It sounds like you are in for a very good time soon! It will be worth the bath for sure!
Hi Max, oooh looks like your going to have fuuuun!!!!! If you got another bath, something good sure is coming your way!!!
lotsa licks,
Umm, I thought I sshould intwodooce myself befowe I show up on youw doowstep.hehehehe
I'm a fweind of Mango's and I'm packing foowiously and so vewy excited about coming to see you and you magnificent countwy
see you soon
love and smoochie kisses
Hi Max and Tammy!
No need for a barf bag, pal, I'm an excellent flyer! Been jetting around the US since I was 10 months old (well, between NYC and South Carolina!). Looking forward to nibbling some biltong, boerewors and sosaties! Let's not tell the ladies what the the grilled mashonzhas are, shall we?
See you soon!
Your pal,
So lovely post
you make my Mommy smile Max :)
Kareltje =^.^=
Hi Max! Birdies are right, you must be prepared! We can't wait to see who is coming!
Rufus and Indie
How exciting, Max! :-D
PS. Mom is going crazy for that African Hoopoe bird!
We can't wait to hear what's up!
What a neat headdress that African hoopoe bird has!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We are sorry about the bath! Those bird pics were absolutely amazing! The african hoopoe (hope we got that right) is stunning.
We have heard from Mango and Petey that you are all having an adventure - we cant wait!!!!
Martha & Bailey xxxx
As long as woo (Lacie) know (Lacie) who (Lacie) doesn't hear about it we'll be okay!
Sounds like you are in for a ton o fun!!
Oh, NO! A BATH!?!?! Are you OK, Max!?!? You didn't get brushed, too.... did you? That is so horrible! (But you DO look VERY handsome!)
Your birdies are all very interesting. Does Tammy like the Hadeda Ibis? I have a favorite birdie (the Killdeer) and a not favorite birdie (the pigeon). I have no real reason for not liking pigeons other than that they used to torment my great-brother Booter when he lived in Korea and he told me about it and so I don't care for them. Killdeers are very cute, though. Do you have a favorite birdie?
Do you really get all those birds visiting your garden??
Got washed myself yesterday and none to happy about it, I can tell you!
Sounds like you are going to have a very busy few days!!
lots of woofs
Hi, Maxdog! Gosh, what is it with our Mummies that they feel the need to bath us regularly. You look all nice under the soap-suds. My hair does not foam like yours, though. So far Mummy has washed, dried and brushed me inside the house because of the cold weather.
I must agree with all your other friends here, one is never happy about getting washed but, Boy, oh, Boy, do we feel good about ourselves afterwards!
Enjoy your visitors. I am really enjoy having my Nan here!
Love your bath pictures and the incredible birds....nothing like that here in So. Cal!
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