Max's Mom here...
Max's Mom here...

Today I can happily announce that life is a lot more comfortable in our household!
("Hey Mom...This is my chair now, right?!")
("I've had my bath! Now can I play tug?")
("I like you Mom...thanks for helping me!")
The past ten days have been a rather rollercoaster ride for me as I have played the role of full time nursing attendant to our dear little TOFFEE.
For those of you who don't know, TOFFEE had to endure emergency surgery for an abscess in one of his anal glands. He and I have been back and forth to the Vet, a number of times for pain medication, injections and added antibiotics.
For those of you who don't know, TOFFEE had to endure emergency surgery for an abscess in one of his anal glands. He and I have been back and forth to the Vet, a number of times for pain medication, injections and added antibiotics.
As I have conveyed, on many occasions: when my animals hurt, I hurt with them. I am so grateful to be in the fortunate position to have them by my side for most of my day. In this situation, I am able to monitor them carefully and cater for all their needs.
TOFFEE has spent the last week and a half either on my lap, next to my feet or on the chair beside my bed. He has perked up significantly in the past 2 days and today I was able to bath him and wash all the sand out of his fur. This has been necessitated by one of his little idiosyncracies...He has a habit of retreating into the garden - to his personal hole - to dig profusely when his discomfort levels have been intolerably high. The 'hole' is his personal space, in which he can shove his head and forget all his worries.
Anyway, after today's bathing and pampering session, he strutted his new look to all the other dogs. This is a sure sign that he's feeling much, much better! (even though it makes them insanely irritated!) An added bonus to all this is that his real Mom - Robyn - will be back from university on Wednesday for a mid-term break of 10 days. He absolutely adores her and he's sure to get extra pampering from her.

Thank you to much to all our blogging friends for your concern, good wishes and cheerfulness during his time of recovery. We love you guys - your humour, your sensitivity and the empathy which you so freely display.
So it seems that our TOFFEE is finally nearing wholeness! His shaven and rather red backside is however a gentle reminder that he needs to be treated with care. And YES...he's milking the attention! But who cares? Afterall he is a lapdog!
With love
I will sleep much better knowing he's doing soooooo well!
PLUS, the purple pansies SOOO help too!
What a charmer. No wonder he has everyone in the house running around after him! It's horrible when an animals in pain - you feel so helpless. At least toddlers can tell you where it hurts.
We are so glad you're feeling much, much better, Toffee! You look so handsome after your spa session!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
That whole bottom explosion saga was pretty scary. I am glad to hear that you are sorting things out. You look spiffy.
Great news to hear, Toffee. Annoying the other dogs in a household is a great art!
Oh Toffee... you poor sweetie. So glad to hear you are getting better. I bet Max is happy too!
Toffee, we will still keep our paws crossed, so that you will get complete better! Oh ya, make sure you keep milking the attention! :)
Sam & June
Its so GREAT to hear that Toffee
is feeling better.
(its a candy name in Dutch ;)
Max be careful with Toffee,
you will I now that .....
hugs love
Kareltje =^.^=
So glad that Toffee is better. You're right, when our guys hurt we hurt too. It's wonderful you can be with them most of the time....My time is flexible too...I'm so grateful for that.
I so glad that Toffee is feeling better. He is very cute.
Sally Ann
Toffee you look so lovely after your bath. Great to hear that you are feeling so much better!
Take care
Toffee, I am so glad you are feeling better. You deserve lots of attention after going through that.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
We're glad to hear that Toffee is feeling better.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
So glad to hear it! He has obviously been in very good hands and I can not possibly imagine more pampering! Poor bald bum deserves it though.
Moose + Dana
Hey Toffee!
So glad to hear you are back to your usual chipper self!! Those anal glands, I tell ya - nothin' but trouble! ALways making the hoomans squeeze my behind! My momma says I have a real talent for being stinky, so what's one anal gland more or less, right?
Stinky Snorts-
Brutus the Frenchie
YEA!!!!!! This is such WONDERFUL news!!! We're SO happy Toffee is doing so much better!!! Continued goodness to him!
And we LOVE the pansy picture. That's Mom's favorite flower!
This is exactly the news that we needed and wanted to read as we catch up on our friends. No doggie (or kittie or any other animal of any sort) deserves to hurt. No humines deserve to worry and fret and feel even a little bit inadequate about making things all better. We hate it when we know someone is having trouble. Regardless of what kind of trouble or how significant it is. And we LOVE It when we learn that troubles are at bay. Everyone feels better. And that's good. That's the way it should be.
Enjoy each other. We sure enjoy you.
Jake and Fergi and family
So glad Toffee is doing so well now.
Hi Toffee, glad you're healing up nicely. When you get a little stronger where your heart can stand the shock, you might want to see what Lacie did to the sock monkey and thank your lucky stars she didn't try that particular surgery technique while you were tucked up on that sprinkly donut!
I am so happy to know Toffee is doing so well.
Sure it was important that you could be there keeping a close eye on him!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
So happy to hear that Toffee is feeling better!
Hi Toffee. I am SO glad to hear that you are feeling better. Lots of love
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