MAXDOG here.....
MAXDOG here.....
Well, today we are celebrating NEW ZEALAND!

To say it was a walkover is an understatement.
Ok, let's get on with why our hearts are so happy today!
We have read, on many occasions, from blogger's posts, of your delight in receiving packages from furfriends. We have watched in awe and envy. Unfortunately we have such a bad postage system here in South Africa that we thought we would never be able to receive such a package from across the big ocean. Indeed, we are hesitant to even enter such competitions (or host them) because of the poor and expensive postage service.
Anyway, yesterday we discovered what it is REALLY like to receive a package from one of our special furfriends!
I can tell you, without restraint, that it's totally exciting!
It brings unimaginable pleasure!
It converts our 'cyber-friend' to someone totally REAL!
We are absolutely thrilled!

Ok Mom....what IS this???

It is addressed to MAXDOG, but is it REALLY for me?

Eish Mom....this is THRILLING!!! What is INSIDE???

Look at all the goodies: CHEWY TREATS, A SPECIAL TOY
and a note from HONEY!

OOOOOOO....YES....I remember...I won the Amateur Drooler in Honey's slobber competition!
Did I really get a prize Mom?

OK, I will contain my excitement and sit nice and still, so that I can share my bounty from Honey, with ALL my furry friends!
Aren't I lucky!

Mom said I could choose which one first....those chewy treats smelled really yummy!
(Yep, I probably would!)

By way of thanks, I will even let that KIWI sit on my forehead....for HONEY!
...and I will let Mom tie bows in my ears....for HONEY!

OK, Formalities's time to TUG!!!!!!
Me in my spot...with MY new TOY!!!

TOFFEE really enjoying his treat!

Well, I would NOT let my new TUG toy out of my sight. When the excitement started to die down, I settled in between the chairs in the TV room.

By way of thanks, I will even let that KIWI sit on my forehead....for HONEY!

OK, Formalities's time to TUG!!!!!!

(HONEY says that this is one the the top-selling dog toys in Auckland! It is the rubber udder attachment for milking cows on dairy farms!)
I just love it!!!
Mom played "Fetch" with me too last night
(She got one of her accomplices to give the other doggies some of MY treats while we played!)

TOFFEE really enjoying his treat!

Well, I would NOT let my new TUG toy out of my sight. When the excitement started to die down, I settled in between the chairs in the TV room.
for going to all the trouble to send the parcel all the way to me in
You have put the REALITY back into ALL my cyber-friends and I am very grateful!
Lots and lots of licks to ALL of my friends in cyber-space
that little bird it the cutest thing i have ever seen! looks like maxdog and toffee are enjoying their loot!
That Honey is a great shopper, huh? You got to keep your moo toy? Mine got confiscated due to Pee-Wee causing a fuss and now I can only play with it under supervision. Sigh.
Those tendon things are most yummers. I haven't tried the candy bar yet. Now you have a photo of the most beautiful Honey to put over your bed. I hope Tammy isn't the jealous type.
Oh Max u r one lucky dog.. how cool is that ... in days when personal mail is a thing of the past, and random actos of kindness few and far between... Honey and Hsin-Yi are a rare dynamo.. great post you gave me 'smile of the day' :)
Im going to hunt down one of those cow udder contraptions they look pure canine bliss
Hi Max
What a great parcel from Honey all the way from New Zealand to South Africa!!!
This dog blogging world is amazing isn't it!
Enjoy your treats and your toy and congratulations on being a winner.
Martha & Bailey xxxx
Dear Honey dog - what a great pal to send you all that cool loot! LOVE the moocow pull toy and never heard of it til now, but it sure sounds udderly pawtastic! And the treats must be yumzers too - everybuddy's enjoying them - you are kind to share Max. And bootifully trained to host a spot on your head for a Kiwi birdie. How cute they are! Here's to New Zealand day over there! And to Honey too! Good slobber job Max!
xo Hugs
Hey there Max!! Kongrats on your awards and goodies!! That red ribbon sure looks nice on you and dats mighty generous of you to be sharing your treats with Toffee! Enjoy your day!
We need one of those udders. Well, we may need six of them. Because one of us will always be after the others udder and then the other will go after the other udder and . . . Never mind.
Woooos Max! What a great gift to have arrived in the mail. I know even here in the states the mail is not always reliable and I never received one of my presents, sniff, sniff.... anyway, cool toys and great post thanking Honey, I am sure she is smiling at woo now!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Aww, that is really cute!
Great pictures. I guess you wouldn't want to interrupt Toffee when he's got a treat. I tried to answer your question about the word 'Cavalier' on the comment section of the blog ( if you can't access it let me know). I promise to do some more digging.Nothing like a good challenge!
Yippee for Maxdog! I am so glad you won these prizes and that your mail people decided to send them on to you!
I know you will have a good time chomping away today and ? how much longer.
WOW!! prizes?? new treats?? they are the best!! You are so lucky!!!
Have a great day playing and eating..yummm
Tail Wags from..
Olive :)
How exciting!!! You REALLY love that new toy, don't you!?! Ha wooooo!
I love that little kiwi bird!
Hi Max - what an exciting day you've had. Parcels in the post are the BEST. Wow, what a lot of great loot you got - that moocow toy looks like great fun, you sure do have a look of bliss on your face whilst you're chewing it! And those treats - oooh, we're almost drooling on the keyboard. Honey is so generous - but you're a winner so deserve to enjoy your spoils! Great post - it put a huge smile on our schnuazer faces! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
That is sooooo khool woo got those neat things from Honey!
She is a furry special khanine!
I'm glad woo enjoyed them!
Tank woo fur sharing them too!
PeeEssWoo: Honey's humans are furry nice too!
You got some really neat presents! That tug toy is very unique and looks like a lot of fun. I wonder if we can find one of those here since there are so many dairy farmers here.
Awesome pressies Max!!!
How cute is that little bird, I don't think my dogs would ever let a bird sit on there face! I love your blog! All the way in So. Africa,,,
OH Max - I'm so pleased you got my parcel!! Whew! I guess we were lucky with the postal service!
What an awesome post! Thank you for the lovely mention - I wonder if you have any other Kiwi doggie friends...they would be feeling very proud after your great post! (ps. my human says she didn't know about the NZ cricker team - she is going to forward your post onto Paul at work coz he is mad about cricket!)
Am so happy you like the prizes, especially the moo cow toy - I haven't met a dog yet who doesn't like it!! :-) I hope you might be able to play tug with it with one of the other doggies in your pack...I LOVE playing tug with it coz it is really stretchy but still strong and it doesn't hurt my teeth, like some of the other harder tug toys.
Congrats again, Max - your slobber entry was awesome! :-)
Honey the Great Dane
Yay, what great pressies! Congrats, Max!
Max congratulations on your package!!!!! I can not believe you got a picture with a kiwi bird on your head!!!! Awesome!!!! Hugs Joey and Kealani
Honey is a sweetie to have sent you such an awesome package with prizes and treats! And, best of all, if she restored, reinforced, WHATEVER the REALITY back into all your cyberfriends, it was gift to everyone! Thank you, Honey!!!
We love you, Max and family,
Jake and Fergi (and family) xxoo
Hi Max!
That Kiwi Bird is amazing!
You got very nice presents from Honey!
I can see you are enjoying them!
Kisses and hugs
I'm so glad you wewe able to expewience the excitement of a package addwessed to you full of wondewful things just fow you..that toy looks weally fun,,I've heawd about it fwom othew fwiends, and it was sweet of you to shawe wif Toffee..(I hope he's all bettew since we left)
You look so adowable wif the kiwi on youw head and the bows and wif youw soft lipses awound that toy
smoochie kisses
ASTA and congwatulations to the winning team
We came over from Kareltje's blog. We are enjoying your photos! You look so happy playing with your TUG toy!
That package went a long way to get to you Max! That's a pretty cool toy too, no wonder you look so happy.
What a great great day you had sweet Max!!!!!
You look sooooooooooo happy and we're happy too watching your smiley face!!!!!!!!
Bloggie friends are soooooooooooooooo important for many people and dogs joint by one great big passion....our sweet friends!!!!!! is beautiful have friends alll around the world right???
ANd now you got pressies from one of them!!!!!!
We're drooling watching all those yummy treats for you and your tug toy is SUPER!!!!!!!!!
we love your pics're such an handsome boy!!!!!
And we can't believe you put on your head that amazing Kiwi bird!!!!
You're the best and WE LOVE YOU AND YOUR FAMILY A LOT!!!!!
Have a wonderful day....
we miss youuuuuuuuu!!!!!
Tons of love and kisses!!!!
Hi Max
I never have seen such a funny BIRD
Many hugs from me to you Max
Kareltje =^.^=
you are one lucky guy Max!!! We love to see your special photos as we are soooo around the world from you.
WOWZA! That Honey sure knows how to shop, doesn't she? Of course, you, and friend, deserve each and every bit of your PAWresents☺
I went straight for the tendons too, Max! Most yummers indeed! Honey has shared so much with me and my momma and loads of other people. She is pawesome! Momma put the pinup photo of her on the fridge at eye level so I can see it!
We have a cow udder tug just like yours and we love it! Mitch is forever trying to get me to play and if I don't want to mom steps in! It's a fun toy!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Great photos! Congratulations on your award!
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