...and Hello to all my furry friends!
MAXDOG here...

Tammy and I went sniffing in the garden. It really is beautiful outside...although the weaver bird is having some domestic problems! The poor bird built a whole lot of nests (just above where Tammy & I are standing), just to have them ALL stripped by his fussy wife!....WOMEN!!!

(Now guys, don't shriek...look at him carefully and rather allow me to tell you about him!)
He's called a SCORPION spider...and REALLY...quite beautiful!
But what is he REALLY?
Is he a scorpion, or a spider???
Actually, he is a SPIDER!...who pretends to be a scorpion!
He holds his front legs in such a way that it looks like the pinchers of a scorpion.
I find this really facinating! Why does he do that? Can't he just be who he is meant to be?
It's kinda similar to us dogs. Some of us are involved in all sorts of activities, but are we allowed to just be dogs? You know, parents of human childen sometimes say...
Is this the case too with some of us dogs?
Anyway, while Mom gets on with her cleaning stuff, I will just have a snooze and ponder that thought!
With all my training over the years,
have I been allowed to simply be a dog?
Lots of licks

But what is he REALLY?
Is he a scorpion, or a spider???
Actually, he is a SPIDER!...who pretends to be a scorpion!
He holds his front legs in such a way that it looks like the pinchers of a scorpion.
I find this really facinating! Why does he do that? Can't he just be who he is meant to be?
It's kinda similar to us dogs. Some of us are involved in all sorts of activities, but are we allowed to just be dogs? You know, parents of human childen sometimes say...
Is this the case too with some of us dogs?

With all my training over the years,
have I been allowed to simply be a dog?
Lots of licks
EEEEE! That spider freaked me out!
Sure, there is lots of time to just be a dog and it is important. In fact my momma and master strive to learn from us to enjoy the many pleasures the world has to offer.
We have total fun just being dogs! So much smarter than humans, since we make humans feed us and clean up after us and . . . grins.
You made mom scream looking at that spider, that is one of the only things she is afraid of! Rumer is nice enough to try and kill the spiders in the house for mom. How big is the scorpion spider? Mom is not so scared of bigger spiders since that aren't as good at being sneaky.
Hi Max
Our Mom is glad that spider wasn't under her washer. We think that you can be a well trained dog and still just a dog. You do a good job at it.
Tucker and Daisy
Hey there guys
Kali & Rumer wanted to know:
That spider is small...about 4-5cm
Max, with all of your training - that's what dogs do to be dogs. Dogs love to be trained and to have jobs and to help their humans. When we come to visit with you we see a furry happy dog who is furry much loved. So, Max, we think you are a dog that is getting to be a dog in the best way possible.
So, "it's a dog's life." Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Moma says it probly depends on how old the person is who's saying it. Does it mean "it's a cushy life?" Or "things are ruff"? Consider: things are going to the dogs, I'm dog tired, and dog eat dog. Seems to us that those things oughta be maybe avoided.
This is too much thinking. Guess we'll just go "be a dog." That's encouraged around here. And we love it.
(Can't even begin to comment on that spider...ewww!)
Drowsy Jake and Already Sleeping Fergi xxoo
You can be trained and be a dog too, Max...that's what you are and what you should be. I've got a feeling you live a pretty balanced life! Your mom takes good care of you and wonderful photos too!
You need to talk to Tango. Even though I show him, he's a horse first. That's why he's always dirty!
As for the spider...Y I K E S ! !
That is s pretty scary looking spider.
Sally Ann
My mom and dad are afraid of spiders and scream like sissy girls whenever they find one. They aren't used to bugs since they grew up in Iceland where there are so few. In the Azores we have a lot of spiders and centipedes, which always has them on edge. That spider of yours looks particularly scary.
I think training is fun mostly because I consider it to be bonding time with my hoomans. Nothing is better than having the undivided attention of your hoomans.
Woowee! Scorpion spider! Beautiful, but eeeeeeek!
Yes, be a dog...relax, chill, sniff around, play!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Hmm. Mom says I act like a cat a lot of the time... and fortunately she finds me MUCH cuter than that s-p-i-d-e-r. That gave Mom the heebie jeebies! Ha roo roo roo - way to go! ;)
Some of the birds here use our Sibe-fluff to line their nests - pretty cool, don't you think?
Play bows,
Khanines are soooo furry khlever fur choosing the lives we have!
As fur the spider, Mom and I enjoyed seeing it furry much!
We aren't spooked or freaked by such things so BRING 'EM ON!
Yikes! We have some scary bugs down here in South Carolina but that spider - yeeeeeee! We did see the resident alligator the other day while out for a walk - he's now about 7' long so I hope he keeps hiding so the Parks people won't move him. For some reason, Mom finds your scorpion spider scarier than our gator!
Ah, life in the wild kingdom!
Your pal,
P.S. Be sure to check out the golden retriever girl on my post today!
Hi Max, you are a gorgeous chap :) Greetings to South Africa. Hugs, Catherine
Max, that's a very interesting spider. I'm glad you got to spend some time just doing Dog Stuff. We all need that! :-)
I'm glad you and Tammy wewe able to have a lovely stwool on such a pwetty day.
Despite my silly pawties and viwtooal dwessing and stuff, believe me, I get to be a doggie 100% of the time..Mommi and Daddi wouldn't have it any othew way.I love my walkies and sniffing and wunnigna dn chasing my ball and playing bitey face wif my fwiends and little 1/2 bwuvvew, and of couwse those aftewnoon snoozettes when I too pondew the meaning of life, hehe
I hope that spidew doesn't hust anyone. mommi would have fainted dead away. she's useless awound cweepy cwawlies
smoochie kisses
Hi Max - eeek, we'e glad that was just a photo! But how fascinating, nature is just amazing! And that was a very deep thought at the end of your post - phew! - we'd need a snooze too if we contemplated a thought like that! We're just little puppies - it's a bit too much for us, he he he! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
Hey there Maxdog,
Some training is good for us doggies. Just like the humans, they need to learn things to keep their minds sharp, the same goes to us doggies.
Sam & June
Eeek.... our human doesn't like spiders...they are so creepy. Yours looks like one that would make her yell eeek aswell..hehe
You look very relaxed on that last photo, you look in really deep thought, maybe planning your day?. :-)
Holly & Zac...XX
Hi Max
Great spider - terrified the not-so-little man but his Mom loved him!
I enjoy both my working life and my 'just dog hours' but if I had to chose what I would prefer to do - without question - its working!
The trainers in the Guide Dog centre were only commenting to Mom at the weekend about how much I get from what I do and how content working makes me.
Thanks for the comments on our post today - unfortunately the not-so-little man is terribly 'black and white' about things - one of his autistic traits and his emotions are either always very high or very low. He doesn't do 'neutral' at all which is why I am so beneficial to him - I help calm him, reassure him and generally make him happier when he's upset and suffering from an overdose of emotion.
Take care
Wooos! That spider was cool! Are they fun to chase? I like to get things like that around the yard, but Moms get mad at that stuff, I think she gets worried I will get hurt.
I like your idea, dogs should be dogs, we are all here to do just a couple of things, eat , sleep and walkies!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Hi Max..yikes be careful of that ugly spider. Moms are always doing all kinds of stuff. We snore when she ignores us
Benny & Lily
What interesting things you have to ponder today Max!
Hi, Max!
Poor bird!
That spider is very interesting!
I am happy being just a dog!
Kisses and hugs
Scary spider! My mom would have freaked, but I would have attacked!
Enjoy being a dog! It's the best way to be!
Hi Max, dats a beautiful spider! Mommy and me really enjoy looking at it. Me luv luv luv being a dog, as long as i still have my loving family and furfriends with me!
Hi Max
A spider yummieeeee
I love spiders :))))
My Mommy not she is afraid for spiders ;(
Kareltje =^.^=
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