Hey there all my furry friends!
Im really enjoying playing with my new ball at the moment.
BUT that's not why I am posting!
Unfortunately I wasn't involved, so she didn't want to put it up on MY blog.
However, I feel that you might be interested in it, so I'd like to direct you to:
Lots of licks
Have a nice weekend Max & Mom :)
We had visiting your Mom's blog,
it was very interesting :))
And very grateful work !!!
groetjes Anya :)
((HUGS)) Kareltje =^.^=
Hi Max
We are still loving your new Header pic - way cool!
We popped over to your mom's blog and loved the flowers and the very inspirational idea!
Have a great weekend.
Martha & Bailey xxxx
Hi Max
We are still loving your new Header pic - way cool!
We popped over to your mom's blog and loved the flowers and the very inspirational idea!
Have a great weekend.
Martha & Bailey xxxx
That Martha repeated herself repeated herself.
Your mom does some pretty cool stuff I must say.
We are still on track for the week of the 13th. Very hard work ya know to make all these plans.
Hey Max! Any chance you might want to post some photos of your sweet girlfriend soon? Momma says she needs more pictures of her (I cannot imagine for, but I would certainly like some to add to my collection of hot gals).
Hi Max! I just popped over and saw the beautiful photos...the flowers are amazing!
Just curious. Could you ask your mom to find out if any of my books have made it to South Africa?
They are in libraries and schools all over the US and when I saw the photos, I just wondered if any of them made it your direction. Most of my books are written for kids between kindergarten and third grade if that helps! Thanks in advance...Jan
My mommy thinks it's great that your mommy took out a little time out to write a really neat blog just for her and that mommies need to do something for themselves once in awhile.
Blah, blah, blah! I say, just give her a bottle of CALGON! That ought to take her away for a while. But then, it all about us, right?
Don't tell your mommy what I said or she might delete this... Riley mommie said she's gonna delete you!
Riley and Star.
Hi Max - hey, you have a great Mom! Well, we're pretty sure you already know that (he he!) but we just wanted to say that we're glad you directed us to her blog as the photos of the ladies receiving their flowers made us feel all happy and waggy!! So thank you - and big licks to your mom! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
Hi Max, your Mom is great, that is some great work she's doing.
Hi Max! You look so cute with your toy!
So many beautiful flowers!
Rufus and Indie
Hi Max! You look so cute with your toy!
So many beautiful flowers!
Rufus and Indie
Hi Max! I read your mom's post this morning over my mom's shoulder! That is SO special! What a wonderful thing to be involved in!!!
PS: Is Tammy reading this? I just wanted to let you know how sweet your comment was on my blog posting! :) And I think you're VERY handsome!
THAT was a pawesome thing your mom did!
Tank woo fur sharing it with us and fur sharing her with those that she helped cheer!
This was such a wonderful story of sharring love. Thank you for telling us. I see that you and all your little housemates are adorably beautiful
Wow Max thats great! Thanks for sharing those pictures. Lots and lots of pretty flowers. Mom sure had a big job to do
Benny & Lily
Hi, Max!
Tell your mom thanks for sharing that wonderful experience!
I hope you are having a great weekend!
Kisses and hugs
What an awesome idea!!!
hey Max your mumster is pawsomely kind to bring some happiness to those ladies so they know people like your mumster does care....
have a restful sunday
Great pics, Max, thanks for sharing!!! Your mom has a great blog!!!
lotsa licks,
hope you had a wonderful weekend - you look very handosme posing with yuor ball
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
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